Calling out my favorite girl, Bree Olson

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Best thread, ever!




Did you really think you could go onto a board, fail at charming a pornstar, and than pretend to be an MMA all star and get a job as a body guard? You are a fucking loser.

Here, you go, pal. A nice citrusy pic just for you. Enjoy! It's fruity, so it should be right up your alley...
This is gettin' good! :popcorn:

Her real body guard could probably rip you in half like a piece of paper but good try:nanner:

Best thread, ever!


Good lord! It's like Keanu Reeves attempting Shakespeare.

Maye you should try out of the next season of Jersey Shore. I heard they are looking for talentless roid heads.

anyway enough with the spamming you low life perv internet nerds, serious thread is serious

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
You're channeling Artie Lange reading Shakespeare, but this is supposed to be a serious thread? Who the fuck are you kiddin', Scooter?

This thread is like a car wreck, I can't look away...

Did you really think you could go onto a board, fail at charming a pornstar, and than pretend to be an MMA all star and get a job as a body guard? You are a fucking loser.

His only chance is to pound an entire bottle of Hennessy, grab his lute and serenade Bree outside her hotel room....

Even then, that might not be enough....


Na I'm honestly not interested in hooking up with her no thanks already had pancakes this morning, however I am interested in landing a security job
TitsR, It is the breasts in your avatar that inspired Omar Khayyam or the Chauraspanchasika. They also inspired Romeo to song. They also make stiffy in my pants.

Hmm. Maybe I have a way of finding boob avys that really would "launch a thousand ships" so to speak ;):1orglaugh



Heavy drinker?
Lactose intolerant?
Irritable bowel syndrome?
Air swallowing?
Liver/Stomach/Spleen disorder?

speak for yourself pal, Im a young healthy stud my dick gets and stays hard as a rock.

Im educated, good blood lines, eat well, workout+cardio everyday of the week, good looking, the list goes on. Got the total package bro im not one of these 29 year old fat socially retarded perverts like most of the blokes around here I got news for ya pal
speak for yourself pal, Im a young healthy stud my dick gets and stays hard as a rock.

Im educated, good blood lines, eat well, workout+cardio everyday of the week, good looking, the list goes on. Got the total package bro im not one of these 29 year old fat socially retarded perverts like most of the blokes around here I got news for ya pal

Chill dawg. Chill......

I'm just wondering what the cause of that abdominal swelling might be. But bro, if I were you, I wouldn't worry about it. ;)

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
^^ Did they mess up your haircut, or did you want it to look like that?
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