BTS Is Hungry All The Time [BTS eating moments]

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • BTS Is Hungry All The Time [BTS eating moments]
    #BTS #BTSEatingMoments

Комментарии • 1,5 тыс.

  • @eming1342
    @eming1342 4 года назад +3567

    "Jungkook said it didn't hurt at all, I trusted him, But it hurts so bad" 😂😂😂Why do I find it so funny and adorable

    • @gunjan8770
      @gunjan8770 4 года назад +34

      Yup 😂😂

    • @shravaniprabhune7046
      @shravaniprabhune7046 4 года назад +35

      It doesn't hurt
      My 10 teeth are removed.
      Used to it

    • @VioletWolf22
      @VioletWolf22 4 года назад +47

      I agree with taehyung i got my bottom one removed and it hurt

    • @Melody_3x2
      @Melody_3x2 4 года назад +16

      I got all 4 out. It was alright. It hurt but it's not as bad as people say it is

    • @daniflores653
      @daniflores653 4 года назад +8

      Lmao 😂
      I got all 4 of mine out at 16 and they didn’t hurt for me tbh

  • @KitChenBoyGOGO
    @KitChenBoyGOGO 3 года назад +468

    00:00 Makgusu
    0:10 J-Hope’s toast & jam
    0:27 Steak
    0:47 V’s wisdom tooth porridge
    1:16 naengmyeon
    1:37 J-Hope & Kookie eating like a bird
    1:43 naengmyeon again
    2:04 deolsot bibimbap
    2:21 Snacks with J-Hope
    2:31 Maknae line’s eating styles
    2:49 Fish sausage time with J-Hope
    2:54 Jungkook’s fast snack
    2:59 Banana Seok
    3:13 Eat what you cook
    3:36 V’s snack time
    3:47 Hobi + V= alpha?
    4:00 Suga + J-Hope’s sandwich
    4:06 Hobi + clementine
    4:19 Hard beef grilling time
    4:38 Another snack time
    4:57 Ice cream with Jimin’s lips
    5:18 Prelude to Kookie’s rice bowl
    5:27 V’s cocktail tasting
    5:38 Kookie’s rice bowl
    5:55 Pizza eating photo shoot
    6:27 Suga’s meal in Korea/Paris?
    6:40 Korean corn dogs
    6:52 Backstage meal
    7:36 J-Hope’s fruit cream sandwich
    7:42 V eating energy rice
    7:57 Hobi + RM backstage meal
    8:09 Jimin’s spicy ramen of tears
    8:29 Suga + hotdog
    8:40 Jimin + Kookie’s PB/banana bread fail
    8:57 Noodles
    9:13 Jungkook’s heaven
    9:21 J-Hope + cold raw fish soup
    9:28 Jimin + Kookie’s PB/banana & milk Finale
    9:45 RM’s clumsy banana
    9:51 V’s elegant banana
    9:55 Jungkook’s hotdog
    10:02 V + Jin’s furtive glances of love

  • @saruli3179
    @saruli3179 3 года назад +810

    “When something is delicious. It’s zero calories.” - Jin

    • @Madhu-21
      @Madhu-21 3 года назад +11


    • @ritamanglona6672
      @ritamanglona6672 3 года назад +19

      That’s so true. We eat and forget the calories until after…lol

    • @nanditaray3148
      @nanditaray3148 3 года назад +5


    • @polyanna6068
      @polyanna6068 2 года назад +5

      Yes I remember when he said that and he is right .

    • @saruli3179
      @saruli3179 2 года назад

      @@polyanna6068 :). 1 year old comment.

  • @toni4916
    @toni4916 3 года назад +170

    Hobi has so much class and has such prestige. I love the way he carries himself. And yet, he's not super reserved. He shows his character and personality. I'm never questioning why he's my bias.💜

  • @iwanttoflyonjustinseagullw423
    @iwanttoflyonjustinseagullw423 4 года назад +618

    *The fact that just like me they are also hungry everytime but they are so perfect and I look like a potato is everything...😂😂*

    • @adetae9461
      @adetae9461 4 года назад +8

      Same 😹

    • @오정원-n3f
      @오정원-n3f 4 года назад +4

      WELCOME 🤗

    • @sudiksha8198
      @sudiksha8198 3 года назад +7

      Bruh your id and profilleee. just a crackhead

    • @rkive6091
      @rkive6091 3 года назад +2

      why I see you everywhere?😂😂

    • @NiZa-s2u
      @NiZa-s2u 3 года назад

      Your name.....lmao🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @Mei-f3n
    @Mei-f3n 3 года назад +516

    Jimin: It's not spicy. It's not spicy
    In his mind: Oh men holy shit !

  • @ijustwantanarmybomb782
    @ijustwantanarmybomb782 4 года назад +581

    Title : Bts are always hungry
    Me : They train a lot That's why they are always hungry 💜

    • @kellen8116
      @kellen8116 4 года назад +24

      yes . they train for 14-15 hours everyday . thats crazy

    • @staygold783
      @staygold783 4 года назад +15

      @@kellen8116 Really? Oh my G! I was trying to workout 30 mins a day and my body ache already haha. What about them!

    • @starlight9447
      @starlight9447 3 года назад

      @@staygold783 same and thats me soon😭

  • @SugaKookieMon
    @SugaKookieMon 3 года назад +25

    I love to watch people eat, especially JK, Jin, and V. JK enjoys it do much. V's pout is so adorable.

  • @erilife5429
    @erilife5429 4 года назад +429

    JK enjoying his food with closed eyes
    Ahh he's our kookie u know 💜🥺

    • @ABOFA-x3x
      @ABOFA-x3x 4 года назад +2

      احبك موت يا عمري انتو 💋⁦❤️⁩⁦❤️⁩💋💋🌈🌈🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

    • @ABOFA-x3x
      @ABOFA-x3x 4 года назад +1

      كلكم يا عمري انتو 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋⁦❤️⁩💋💋💋💋💋⁦❤️⁩💋⁦❤️⁩💋⁦❤️⁩💋⁦❤️⁩⁦❤️⁩💋⁦❤️⁩💋💋⁦❤️⁩⁦❤️⁩💋⁦❤️⁩💋⁦❤️⁩💋🌈

  • @Jewwie_18
    @Jewwie_18 4 года назад +29

    I'm always so happy when I see them eating well . It shows their taking care of themselves... And that's all armys want , for our guys to be healthy and happy .

  • @ijustwantanarmybomb782
    @ijustwantanarmybomb782 4 года назад +312

    Bts is hungry ...Jin eats the most food I admire him 😂

  • @p4csona
    @p4csona 3 года назад +87

    The fact that Hobi shares all his food with them, like with no hesitation🥺 So selfless and adorable

  • @ioverora_
    @ioverora_ Год назад +5

    if bts ever become mukbangers, they should be really good because of how many times this video made me drool

  • @TanzinaMehzabinFaria
    @TanzinaMehzabinFaria 3 года назад +6

    They eat fast foods and spicy foods all the time but still they are so fit and slim!!! Wow amazing!!! 😍😍😍😍

  • @dreavincent1703
    @dreavincent1703 3 года назад +92

    It’s so cute how they always share their snacks with the other members

  • @nandinipriyadarshinijana7032
    @nandinipriyadarshinijana7032 3 года назад +17

    It's amazing how BTS eat the same food together. It's actually very rare to share food like this until and unless you're a parent of a child.
    And seeing them eating feeds my mother soul so much 😭

  • @diyakiran6988
    @diyakiran6988 4 года назад +1591


  • @jeonjazz4792
    @jeonjazz4792 4 года назад +14

    Jin is always generous with food. Look at the last scene 😭❤️ so cute

  • @iamthejamthatjiminlost.7514
    @iamthejamthatjiminlost.7514 4 года назад +60

    The fact that every time j hope have snack or something at the studio he never forget to let's the members taste it i love hobi ❤❤

  • @ismaizurzati5616
    @ismaizurzati5616 3 года назад +10

    I love to see them eating especially Jungkook he really enjoying the food a lot when he starts frowning😩

  • @rosienapshere6963
    @rosienapshere6963 4 года назад +21

    They are working so hard! I feel so relieved when their cheeks are filled with tasty food😭

  • @cam.77
    @cam.77 3 года назад +346

    "The banana is eating a banana. He's so cruel" 😂

  • @anyonebuteclipse6867
    @anyonebuteclipse6867 4 года назад +115

    Jimin just be like -
    'Haha... definetly not spicy...'

  • @honeykookie1069
    @honeykookie1069 11 месяцев назад +1

    Godddd it’s 1 AM and watching them eating I am feeling damn hungry but I can’t go and say mumma cook me something 😂 she will kill me for sure😅😅😅

  • @lunabtxt
    @lunabtxt 4 года назад +14

    just watching them eat makes me feel content(?) like i feel happy knowing they're eating well and that they're healthy

  • @ashtonthewolfie2229
    @ashtonthewolfie2229 3 года назад +6

    If there’s one thing I’m sure about BTS is that they have a good relationship with food. They eat so damn good.

  • @destiny1600
    @destiny1600 4 года назад +287

    Name any person who can look cute while eating
    Me-Rm, Jin, Suga,J-hope, Jimin,Tae, Jungkook... 💗💗

  • @harryugotnojames7912
    @harryugotnojames7912 3 года назад +29

    V was looking damn cute and adorable when he was trying to eat porridge from his left side of mouth 😊😊

  • @Ana-qf6dg
    @Ana-qf6dg 3 года назад +13

    Jungkook is a secret Mexican, just look at his head turning at the perfect angle to eat a taco 1:39 , literally mind blowing. 😂 Us armies love our little bunny 🐰

  • @shradhamichael2804
    @shradhamichael2804 4 года назад +2

    Jin while eating : trying to be wwh 🙆🙆🙆🤦🤦🤦😂😌😌😌😌😌😌👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬♡

  • @ManishKumar-wc9us
    @ManishKumar-wc9us 4 года назад +178

    The way J-Hope closed his eyes and ate the pizza showed he enjoyed it with love 😂😂

  • @sasideepikaeluri5300
    @sasideepikaeluri5300 3 года назад +6

    I always watch BTS eating moments while having either breakfast, lunch or dinner
    And I feel like trying all the food items they eat!!😅😅😅

  • @unknown37810
    @unknown37810 4 года назад +24

    Seeing them eating, makes me full.. Idk why 😅🥺😂

  • @dimplsan
    @dimplsan 4 года назад +6

    The amount of dieting they all do I get so happy when they eat all they want 😍

  • @D_R.
    @D_R. 4 года назад +1011

    Who all saw J Hope's blue side and loved it.

    • @zptsana4092
      @zptsana4092 4 года назад +4

      I love it to

    • @ABOFA-x3x
      @ABOFA-x3x 4 года назад

      احبك موت يا عمري انتو 💋💋⁦❤️⁩⁦❤️⁩⁦❤️⁩⁦❤️⁩

    • @adreeja2004
      @adreeja2004 4 года назад

      Me....its awesome...💜💜

    • @오정원-n3f
      @오정원-n3f 4 года назад +1

      i love you 💚💚💚

    • @sovanthearet3650
      @sovanthearet3650 4 года назад


  • @Jess-gr8mj
    @Jess-gr8mj 3 года назад +19

    I love how easily they share their food😆😆😆 I wouldn't give up food that easily😂😂😂. I love their bond and love for each other.💜💜💜

  • @D_R.
    @D_R. 4 года назад +22

    Suga : eats calmly.
    Mean while others
    Chaotic even while eating.

  • @pjmfy
    @pjmfy 2 месяца назад +2

    I love them so much 😍💕

  • @jiyakhan6886
    @jiyakhan6886 3 года назад +27

    V's face when he tried different drinks 💜💜🤣🤣🤣
    He looked so cute tho

  • @cessiarmy2905
    @cessiarmy2905 4 года назад +7

    How can i be that happy watching them enjoying their food

  • @mishaljeon9424
    @mishaljeon9424 3 года назад +5

    i dont know why but it feels so good seeing them eat their favourite food happily

  • @yerxiong3314
    @yerxiong3314 3 года назад +15

    u already know.. you're never gonna be hungry when hanging out with them lmaooo..

  • @ameenajaleel3284
    @ameenajaleel3284 4 года назад +37

    Jin and jk are the most foodies of bts💜💜everyone looks so cute while eating😘😍not only eating they are always beautiful 😍😘💜because they are BTS 💜💜💜😍

  • @山内暁美-f5v
    @山内暁美-f5v 4 года назад +1


  • @Cklone566
    @Cklone566 4 года назад +9

    I mean it is good they are hungry and they eat well. I really love to see someone eating so well.
    I wish that kpop companies stop their trainees or idols from not eating what they want. Even if they eat , they are always busy and practice. They dance so much that they can easily burn the calories.

  • @mrwindy5028
    @mrwindy5028 3 года назад +4

    All members eating like someone gonna take their food lol

  • @saanvilat
    @saanvilat 4 года назад +6

    I really love seeing them eating so well. 🥺

  • @a.c.e_07
    @a.c.e_07 3 года назад +42

    Jimin: *watery and shaky eyes, breathing heavily, sweating, red lips, tongue clearly on fire*
    Also Jimin: It'S nOt SpIcY

  • @Getyourscooteroutofhere
    @Getyourscooteroutofhere 3 года назад +17

    0:07 That’s literally how I eat every time

  • @thalieusebe
    @thalieusebe 3 года назад +47

    bighit wanted world domination when they decided to give jk long hair.

  • @sadunavee9075
    @sadunavee9075 4 года назад +3

    When I saw these people eating, I also felt hungry. Bts is so cute. Like little kids. I also like to dine with bts. I hope so. 💜️💜️💜️💜️💜️💜️💜️Sarangee bts 💜️💜️💜️💜️💜️💜️💜️

  • @ashliedump8309
    @ashliedump8309 4 года назад +5

    They are still cute even eating specially 0:34 jimin such a boyfriend material and a sweetest soulmate on taetae

  • @jesinee
    @jesinee 4 года назад +27

    I didn't even eat my breakfast, but this made me full😌

    • @ABOFA-x3x
      @ABOFA-x3x 4 года назад +2

      احبك موت كلكم يا عمري انتو 💋💋💋💋💋⁦❤️⁩⁦❤️⁩⁦❤️⁩⁦❤️⁩⁦❤️⁩💋💋💋💋🌈🌈🌹🌹🌹

    • @jesinee
      @jesinee 4 года назад


  • @SanaKhaliq-gq9eo
    @SanaKhaliq-gq9eo Год назад

    Watching them eating properly makes me soo happy😭❤️

  • @arshiadhariwal4901
    @arshiadhariwal4901 4 года назад +9

    They are cute...even while eating...oh my god!!

  • @anmarie02
    @anmarie02 3 года назад +5

    hahahaha 1:00 Taehyung eating like that remind me myself when I pulled out my wisdom tooth 😂😂😂😂

  • @peerbasha34
    @peerbasha34 4 года назад +203

    I love Jungkook teeth and smile

    @HASHIBIRAINOSUKE-v2m 3 года назад

    Bro I watch this every time i eat i am madly in love with this vid

  • @kookie.9790
    @kookie.9790 4 года назад +341

    I love the way they eat they are so cute while eating

    • @ABOFA-x3x
      @ABOFA-x3x 4 года назад +1

      احبك موت كلكم يا عمري انتو 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌈🤩😍😘🥰💋❤️🌷

    • @animefangirl9006
      @animefangirl9006 3 года назад

      I agree💜💜💜💜💜

    • @polyanna6068
      @polyanna6068 2 года назад +1

      I was going to say the exact same thing .

  • @stfhvikkjhgf3093
    @stfhvikkjhgf3093 4 года назад +6

    bts: "love yourself" also bts: 6:06 "help yourself"

  • @tabassummustaryprova5784
    @tabassummustaryprova5784 2 года назад +3

    It's just so satisfying to see them eating like they’re enjoying every moment 💜🥺

  • @lamiyarampurawala6723
    @lamiyarampurawala6723 3 года назад +98


  • @lecreasharandall5448
    @lecreasharandall5448 4 года назад +5

    They make food that I would not think of eating look delicious. 💜🤎🖤

  • @ArunaKamble.
    @ArunaKamble. 3 года назад +2

    Idk why but its very relaxing to watch and see them eating especially Junk food 😋

  • @jayantasen5564
    @jayantasen5564 4 года назад +13

    Jungkook's cheeks while eating makes me soft yall 😍💜

  • @Hamdan28-x7e
    @Hamdan28-x7e 3 года назад +1

    these 7 grown ass babies are so cutee 😭💜especially while eating....and hobi,v,jin is cute 2x eating😭😙😙😙

  • @BaljitKaur-dl5bi
    @BaljitKaur-dl5bi 4 года назад +7

    I love these babies munching over food and enjoying the time of their life😊❤💜

  • @juliekim738
    @juliekim738 3 года назад +1

    I went to Ecolint and Cornell. I just started watching Taekook and Yoonmin, and now I'm watching BTS eating and sleeping. I love it!

  • @sugaaa777
    @sugaaa777 4 года назад +16

    7:47 V say rice give you energy as a Pakistani I eat rice almost every day so it means I have a lot of energy 😂😂😂

  • @theparkinglotinwhichparkji3830
    @theparkinglotinwhichparkji3830 3 года назад

    I watch BTS eating on a regular basis... literally daily.
    And I'm not even kidding

  • @shahadmerani4386
    @shahadmerani4386 4 года назад +5

    An updated video of BTS eating and I FVCKING LOVE IT SM OMG

  • @shama72
    @shama72 3 года назад +2

    The banana is eating a banana got me laughing on the floor...

  • @hooniemilkuu6095
    @hooniemilkuu6095 4 года назад +67

    Who else loves BTS??

  • @Nana_adjoa77btsproudarmys
    @Nana_adjoa77btsproudarmys 4 года назад +9

    JungKook eats so well gosh hahaha 💜

  • @contxoof1114
    @contxoof1114 4 года назад +62

    *Peoples watching this be like:*
    - Lying on bed
    - Watching in half screen
    - Reading comments

    • @jhopesstrawberry
      @jhopesstrawberry 4 года назад

      I mean if not in half screen then how will I read the comments 🤦‍♀️😶

    • @shruthika8
      @shruthika8 4 года назад +3

      Lol it’s exactly the same 😂😂😂
      On bed
      Watching in half screen
      Reading comments

    • @contxoof1114
      @contxoof1114 4 года назад +1

      @@jhopesstrawberry i know:-)

    • @Ayesha_-ro2xc
      @Ayesha_-ro2xc 4 года назад +1

      Am sitting on the bed and Reading comments💜

    • @contxoof1114
      @contxoof1114 4 года назад +1

      @@Ayesha_-ro2xc BTS IS MY INSPIRATION!! my MOM said that if I got 1K subscribers!!She will definitely buy me a professional Mic!!
      Begging you GUYS please help me to reach 1K!!

  • @Mysha1000
    @Mysha1000 3 года назад +3

    I'm also eating with. I'm an introvert. But I feel more comfortable to eat with BTS. More than my family.

  • @anamikatoppo1465
    @anamikatoppo1465 4 года назад +7

    i love the way how jungkook eat and her reactions😂🤣😁

  • @namjoonishot1497
    @namjoonishot1497 4 года назад

    Watching them eat truly makes me happy 😭I have no idea why

  • @Sneha-gs6pd
    @Sneha-gs6pd 4 года назад +21

    Seeing them eating makes me hungry 😅

  • @FatNebraskaMom
    @FatNebraskaMom 4 года назад +2

    No joke, after I saw it on some of these videos, I got a bottle of gochujang, and now I can't live without it. Cheesy eggs with gochujang. My morning happiness. Its insanely delicious.

  • @jiameiii8741
    @jiameiii8741 3 года назад +7

    Awww when JK didn’t wanted to eat the pizza during a photoshoot, and Jimin is like “it’s ok u can eat it!”

  • @ananyaal9757
    @ananyaal9757 3 года назад +1

    I watch this video when I am not hungry and then I am suddenly hungry 😋❤️

  • @nat_bts_army
    @nat_bts_army 3 года назад +5

    5:28 he’s just like my mom 👍

  • @elenaescocia2479
    @elenaescocia2479 Месяц назад

    I love cooking! I would love to have them round mine for dinner! They look like they love their food so would be the perfect guests! ❤

  • @sdgaming8885
    @sdgaming8885 3 года назад +11

    Suga is crying like a small kid when jhope eats his food🤣🤣🤣

  • @hina2206
    @hina2206 3 года назад +1

    I love bts eating!!!❤️

  • @shkupiforlive
    @shkupiforlive 3 года назад +3

    0:49 Me: do you want a kiss

  • @Samita_Aneja.555
    @Samita_Aneja.555 3 года назад +8

    Taeyung - rice gives us energy. We can work unless we eat
    Me - Aww so cute

  • @Ritikathename
    @Ritikathename 3 года назад +3

    I am feeling hungry while watching this 😂💜

  • @cupcake1385
    @cupcake1385 3 года назад +1

    I love how they aren’t a afraid to eat in from of the camera like other idols because when I watch other idols eat. I feel like they could add more their plate and eat ik they want to but their managers don’t let them I wish they could just enjoy eating and not eat for a camera. That’s one thing I love about bts even if there is a camera in their face they are still enjoying themselves without fear☺️☺️😢

  • @khanshenaz2178
    @khanshenaz2178 3 года назад +15

    Suga eats to live. Jk lives to eat 😂

  • @deri4589
    @deri4589 3 года назад +14

    Taehyunggie next to Hoseok looking so excited for the food maybe?
    He was just like: ah ah ah 😭
    and then: ahh..

  • @cherryblossom2204
    @cherryblossom2204 3 года назад +19

    When our Chimmy feeds Taetae that's the most cute moment 💕😘😘😘

  • @rubyrose49
    @rubyrose49 3 года назад +14

    One member opens a bag of food:
    The rest of BTS: Lemme have some

  • @Only_J.
    @Only_J. 4 года назад +123

    JK's eating moments is really cute. He's face is really cute like a baby😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  • @bunnyboopbubblesbcubed8380
    @bunnyboopbubblesbcubed8380 3 года назад +4

    JK’s angry eyebrows of appreciation 🤣💜

  • @hisamsam5988
    @hisamsam5988 4 года назад +6

    BTS always hungry all of time, mostly Jung kook , ji min and Jin always thinking about food °~°

  • @Balle7531
    @Balle7531 6 месяцев назад

    I love them together a lot I missed them it is very nice to see them while they are together I love them seven of them 💋❤

  • @smallot7a.r.m.y854
    @smallot7a.r.m.y854 3 года назад +19

    Bts makes everything they eat looks delicious ..

  • @velliu3653
    @velliu3653 3 года назад +2

    Idk i really love to see Hobi's eating attitude (?) Like he's so calmmm