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Для запуску цього вмісту необхідно мати придбану в Steam копію Grim Dawn.

Усі рецензії:
дуже схвальні (236) - 93% з 236 рецензій на цю гру є позитивними.
Дата виходу:
20 черв. 2019

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Завантажуваний вміст

Для запуску цього вмісту необхідно мати придбану в Steam копію Grim Dawn.

Придбати Grim Dawn - Steam Loyalist 2 DLC

Придбати Crate Entertainment Complete Collection КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Придбайте цей комплект, щоби заощадити 20% з усіх 8 продуктів!


Про цей вміст

Whether you're an old fan or just purchasing Grim Dawn, this fantasy-themed collection of vanity items allows you to bring out the classic fantasy hero within you. The items in this DLC can be applied to existing gear to transform the look while retaining the original stats.

The gear included does not provide any gameplay stats or bonuses of its own, other than impeccable style, and can be applied to other pieces of gear to change their appearance. Always wanted to vanquish your foes dressed as a royal knight or a mighty wizard? Well now you can!

The second Loyalist Item pack was introduced by the overwhelmingly positive demand from our players to have another option to support development at Crate Entertainment, and to look real good while doing it. Show off your support for Crate with a unique companion pet that will harmlessly follow you into any battle!

Loyalist Item Pack 2 items can be claimed in-game from the NPC "Lancel the Knight" who stands outside the gates of Devil's Crossing.

Note that for owners of the Ashes of Malmouth DLC, the items you receive from Lancel are added to your Illusionist collection rather than being applied directly to items.

  • sinister Black Knight's Full Set Of Armor
  • black Knight's Sword and Shield
  • sacred Silver Knight's Full Set Of Armor
  • silver Knight's Sword and Shield
  • Venerable Dragon General's Helm, Chestguard and two-handed Spear
  • Enigmatic White Wizard's Hat, Robe and Staff off-hand
  • Crate companion pet


Опис вмісту для дорослих

Розробники описують вміст так:

Цей завантажуваний вміст може бути непридатним для деяких вікових груп, або неприйнятним для перегляду на робочому місці, бо містить: Загальний вміст для дорослих.


Користувацькі рецензії на Grim Dawn - Steam Loyalist Items Pack 2

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