Looking at this objectively, setting aside all the drama involving the development process, and questionable business practices by the Milker-In-Charge, what are we actually getting with Mify City 1.0b:
+ some very enjoyable new scenes and routes, Judy is a standout, Auntie's isn't too bad either, Linda's fine i guess
- it's still a beta version, and It shows
- it's still a 2018 game, and it shows
- coding's all over the place, don't expect a working incest patch anytime soon
- cut or redone content (Celia - needs a rework patch) , (Sidra - why they even bothered?)
- there's NO CLOSURE, and that's the biggest issue, the open endings are far from satisfying, all those creampies and pregnancy teasing, and in the end there's fuck all, oh wait a minute, there's an alleged DLC coming I wonder what's that all about

In conclusion, wait at least for a proper incest patch, or better yet for someone to restore old Celia's route. If you want to check the new scenes in the gallery, search for a 100% save file. I'll see you all in 3 years time when we'll be finally getting most likely botched endings we've all been hoping for since 2018
