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That is true, but I'll also offer the corollary that you, as a dev, should be confident in exactly what you want to do, and how the story will play out, before you start, and don't let any loud complainers derail your vision. Like you know what, everyone has an opinion, and the negative people tend to have the loudest voices. I've seen quite a few devs either change their game in a way they don't really feel enthusiastic about, just because a handful of loud people try to browbeat the dev to change it, or they abandon the game altogether to try to chase a different idea that everybody likes.
Correct. I'm coming in this with the knowledge that my game will not be for everyone, but I hope that it will have enough fans to make it viable.
That is frankly impossible. Pick any game here, even the most succesfull, and you will hear plenty of complaints. People around here are free to offer conscructive criticism about whether a certain plot point or character action is confusing, or seems out of character, but ultimately everyone has their own preferences, and you can never please everybody, or probably even most people. The best you can hope for is a core of supporters that mostly like what you are doing, and just ignore those that want to complain. I think unless you make a game decision that is universally hated, a la My Sister My Roomate, it is best to stick to your guns no matter what fans tell you. You are the one making the story, not them. They are free to make their own cookie cutter, family of virgins story that they like and see how it does.
Yes, I have unfortunately see a few developers cave to the loudest opinions (or in a few cases, the highest paying opinions) dictate the progress of their game (product).
Me, for instance, I am not into female protagonist VNs. I've tried a handful of the most popular and they just don't do it for me, but lots of people like them, so devs should listen to those that enjoy those types of games. Also, if any of your characters so much as glance at another woman, or if they are not all innocent virgins (even the mothers, haha), you will get endless complaints, and threats to "stop playing" your game. Let them stop playing it.
Did you mean "so much as glance at another man," or did you mean it as "so much as glance at another woman, let alone another man?"

To keep this a bit more on topic, I was reminded of people who want to do away with the Happy scenes. The Happy scenes are part of what makes this game This Game. The thought that someone wants to eliminate them seem so strange to me.

I'll probably need a few people liking and playing the game to add to my motivation, but I don't need everyone to like it. In your case, my game begins with female protagonists, but as time goes, you will be able to see the experiences of male characters and direct their decisions. The fourth real character (not including the barista...yet) is male (unless you are playing the lesbian path--that character is essential enough that I couldn't just skip him. That character will be a woman on the Lesbian only branch) and I have a few things in mind for his adventures. One could easily focus on him.
Ultimately, the most sucessful devs, except for a few notable exceptions (DPC, Mr. Dots), get more and more fans by being a good sport, hanging around F95 from time to time chatting with the fans, which encourages some to go to your Patreon and subscribe, and mostly ignoring, or coming up with snappy comebacks, for the legion of trolls that like to populate these forums.
Yes, in general, that seems to be the best way. It exposes the developer (development team) to the trolls, but it also helps to build fan engagement. Of course, I've seen Mr. Dots as a developer who fell into the "loudest voices" trap regarding the proposed open relationship. As a matter of fact, that's one of the events that inspired me to begin making games.
I mean, you'll be fine as long as you don't really need to talk directly to the developer in this case, Selebus has basically retreated from F95, with the exception of the occasional pop in, so he wouldn't have to watch his game getting pirated.
I only had to play LiL for a few hours (which became many, many hours) to convince me to add Selebus to my support roster. I'm sorry he can't find the positive in it. Like I said, I hope I won't reach that state. I want to remain here and interact with non-patrons, non-subscribers as well.
It is, but on the downside for NOT getting away from F95, he has to watch his game get pirated if he comes here, which he did say was not doing good things for his mental and/or emotional health. It is better to retreat off of a site that is giving good criticism if that site is also causing such issues for the sake of one's well being. That comes first above good criticism. Besides, some of us who give good criticism are ones who will follow him to whatever other site he wishes to communicate on. I've been using his SubscribeStar if I needed to talk to him and his Discord if it is absolutely urgent that I do so. I do like the game a significant amount, but I am not a yes man, I WILL call out any issue with the game that needs fixed. That said, things like the complaints about the horror aspect or the need for sound I will not say because they will do nothing for the game except make it a shell of what it once was if lessened.
Yes, I know this is a very real possibility for me. I've contended with a lifetime of dysthymia and clinical depression. I will need to be very aware. Fortunately, I'm also collecting a circle of face-to-face friends who I can turn to.
Absolutely, as I writer, I could not agree more with having a plan you yourself want to implement and an idea of how to do so before starting. I absolutely NEVER go into writing with nothing planned ahead of time.
I already have the main events charted out for the next year of game time. It won't be a day by day game since all my characters are adults and boring life happens between interesting events. At least at the beginning. One thing I will need to chart out will be dating opportunities as new characters get introduced. I have a few characters in mind, but I'll have time to get them all planned with personalities.
Ah yes, posing and rendering, my favorite activity. :rolleyes: Seriously, though, I hate the tedium, but the result is worth it. I've been doing quite a bit of it in CharaStudio lately and I'm getting some pretty good results, especially with laying hair across map objects so it looks like it is laying down naturally. That can be pretty hard to do with no collision between characters and maps, you're more likely to overshoot and clip through the object.
I'll look into that--thanks!
I'll slightly disagree with this statement on the bases that it misses a needed nuance badly.

I am a developer, have been for over 15 years. As a developer, you should have solid requirements. No argument from that from me. But how do you get those solid requirements? Solid peer reviewing. Revisions happen.

Now as a "Writer" of stories, however, which feels like more of what you were getting at, yes. You need to be confident in writing what you want to write. But the best stories also get revised and criticized to help make them better. I would advise anyone writing to have a small handful of trusted critics to help you stay true to your intention, and as you imply, Smarmint, to not be dissuaded from your vision. I hinted at this originally when I suggested whom to surround yourself with.

Once you start to let the masses guide the direction, you are no longer in control of your story. It becomes more like a role play campain, and will never be the vision you thought of, and seldom works well because the format doesn't really support it. How many good stories have we seen turned into crap movies, all because someone else had influence on it.
I understand the need for an editor. I remember one person I know from a fan fiction community--she was so attached to "her babies," that the thought of an editor making changes made her feel a little sick. We've seen the tomes that popular writers started producing once they were successful enough to say no to an editor.
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Реакции: Smarmint и alex2011


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Well give us a heads up when you start your thread, I'll give it a follow
Thanks. I'm really tempted to start a thread early, before the first demo release.
The second. I didn't even mention the possibility of a LI looking at another man, because barring NTR specific games (and probably there too), fans go crazy with open hostility if that ever happens. Even if an LI mentions a past boyfriend or male relationship, apparantly it triggers a lot of people.
Don't I know it! I can imagine being worried about other men, but forbidding LIs from being with other LIs seems over the top.
My game will not be NTR centered (you can lose a love interest if you treat them badly), but it will include a lot of people "looking" (even looking very closely) at a lot of other people. I think I'll even have the ability to ask a LI's other partner (or ex-partner) for advice. IRL, I actually had one "metamour" give me advice on how to inspire his partner again, wanting us to kindle things again. ;)


Conversation Conqueror
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4 473
Thanks. I'm really tempted to start a thread early, before the first demo release.

Don't I know it! I can imagine being worried about other men, but forbidding LIs from being with other LIs seems over the top.
My game will not be NTR centered (you can lose a love interest if you treat them badly), but it will include a lot of people "looking" (even looking very closely) at a lot of other people. I think I'll even have the ability to ask a LI's other partner (or ex-partner) for advice. IRL, I actually had one "metamour" give me advice on how to inspire his partner again, wanting us to kindle things again. ;)
Indeed, do they think harem members get with their harem master exclusively and never with each other? That is a thing and, because each member is still loyal to the master of the harem even while getting with each other, it is neither cheating nor NTR. There seems to be a serious issue with lumping cheating, NTR, and sharing together, but they are not the same. Cheating and sharing both require that the LI sticks with their lover and NTR requires that they leave said lover for the person they are cheating with.

Definitely let us know when you're ready to release, I'll take a look as well if there's a legit free version.
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Реакции: Dragon59


Conversation Conqueror
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Indeed, do they think harem members get with their harem master exclusively and never with each other? That is a thing and, because each member is still loyal to the master of the harem even while getting with each other, it is neither cheating nor NTR. There seems to be a serious issue with lumping cheating, NTR, and sharing together, but they are not the same. Cheating and sharing both require that the LI sticks with their lover and NTR requires that they leave said lover for the person they are cheating with.
I've noticed a lot of vocal players seem to have a difficult time distinguishing them.
Definitely let us know when you're ready to release, I'll take a look as well if there's a legit free version.
Will do. The next few days will involve a lot of posing and rendering, then feeding it all into Ren'Py.


Conversation Conqueror
7 727
4 473
Not a game for me.
If you can't progress without using a 3rd party guide or grinding every single girl then that's just poor game design.
You actually can, the only thing the guides do is make it easier, I for one absolutely refuse to use any outside help as long as I can avoid it time wise and my play through is sudden death, even one mistake and I start over, so I can't afford to take the chances I am. Also, it isn't poor game design to have to grind every girl on a general route where ALL of them are important to the plot. When the time comes for branching beyond the full cast, that's when the grinding should be focused on the girl for the target route, not during a general, full cast route.
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Реакции: jaegerking и Lolicon Kami


Active Member
Just curious...I haven't played in a while...
But does the story finally mamake any sense?
Or is it still a melancholic confusion?

I quit cause the constant depression and confusion made me lose interest and after a while the heavier moments just weren't as impactful as before.

Especially the Happy scenes just felt meaningless.

I know people llove mystery anand such...but as someone with a short attention span I hardly ever get invested into ones that take years for any answer.

Sorry if by any chance I come of as rude.


Conversation Conqueror
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4 473
Just curious...I haven't played in a while...
But does the story finally mamake any sense?
Or is it still a melancholic confusion?

I quit cause the constant depression and confusion made me lose interest and after a while the heavier moments just weren't as impactful as before.

Especially the Happy scenes just felt meaningless.

I know people llove mystery anand such...but as someone with a short attention span I hardly ever get invested into ones that take years for any answer.

Sorry if by any chance I come of as rude.
It is WAY too early to make sense, we're still in the first of several years of development and that's without issues popping up that delay the game. If you're going to come back and don't want it to still be a bunch of things that don't make sense yet because they haven't been fleshed out and tied together to their full extent, you might want to come back in a year or two, it should be quite a bit further along and might make more sense then.


Not a game for me.
If you can't progress without using a 3rd party guide or grinding every single girl then that's just poor game design.
I think it's fine to have to progress affection with all the girls to points to progress the main story.
The one thing I'd change is the ability to decline all the girls for Lust.

I know you can for Haruka, Sara, and Ami, and you can't for Ayane. No matter what you do, to progress in the story you have to take Ayane's virginity, I haven't gotten far enough in my second save where I am trying to see just how many girls you can turn down (except for Chika obviously) but there's no option to turn Ayane down, that's a railroad and I do think you should be able to avoid that one. I do know by not filling up Ayane's lust you can skip some trauma involving Kirin for her though.


Conversation Conqueror
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4 473
I think it's fine to have to progress affection with all the girls to points to progress the main story.
The one thing I'd change is the ability to decline all the girls for Lust.

I know you can for Haruka, Sara, and Ami, and you can't for Ayane. No matter what you do, to progress in the story you have to take Ayane's virginity, I haven't gotten far enough in my second save where I am trying to see just how many girls you can turn down (except for Chika obviously) but there's no option to turn Ayane down, that's a railroad and I do think you should be able to avoid that one. I do know by not filling up Ayane's lust you can skip some trauma involving Kirin for her though.
I would agree with being able to skip girls if this wasn't a general route where they all have an imporrtant part to play, even if said role is not obvious yet, but I agree with you under the current circumstances given we ARE on a general route, all the girls are too important to the story either in their own right or through connections with another girl to allow grinding less than ALL girls.

As for the lust scenes, they mostly are skippable since they are side content with no real impact on the main line. Ayane at the point you take her virginity would be a VERY bad person to tell no about that subject. She's completely head over heels for Sensei even now and her virginity loss happens while she's still showing signs of being a yandere, the one kind of character you DO NOT want to tell no for your own safety, something that only started a slow decline once her first beach event scene happened involving Kirin. If it had been an option, it would have had to be a game over or a big reveal that she was only putting up a yandere front, which is something I don't believe for a second. Then again, I was taken by surprise when Ashley from Harem Hotel pulled the 'it was all a front' move on us.


New Member
Working my way on catching up, have finally met Molly and Tsuneyo and getting pretty close to the beach events. I know we all love the dark and emotional moments from this game but I also have to shout out this is one of the few ren'py games where the jokes get actual laughs out of me consistently. Selebus' sense of humor is just solid. Here's some of my favorites that I had to screencap.

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Also, Maya is 100% a nerd.

She's still at the bottom of my list, right next to Sensei. She is improving, though, while he seems to have moments and then almost immediately slips right back
No waaay, I mean I get why Yumi would be at the bottom of other's lists, but it was one of her early events(I See You) that actually sold me on the game as a whole. The bad-mouthed delinquent trope is sometimes annoying, but she's a good contrast to the rest of the cast early game with how she genuinely wants nothing to do with Sensei and puts up the most resistance to being swept up in his shenanigans. At worst, I'd still at least put Yumi above Ayane or Miku.
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Реакции: Antosha и Lolicon Kami


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Ok, so i ran out of other games to play and kinda stuck my fingers back into this one, but since i ragequit, i'm kinda done doing it 'properly' and just boosted stats in a save editor, learning that backfired by fingering Chika fucking up Rin a bit more than being a good Homie has lead to me restarting again, but since this is now my 3rd attempt i gotta say, i don't have it in me to do a 4th if another thing like that comes up, so, ignoring missable scenes from not having stats above 50 for girl A or B etc. what scenes exist like the Rin confession one? Purely ones where getting too far ahead with a girl backfires? I figure walking around with 50+ love/lust means i can't miss scenes that depend on a stat being so-and-so high, but i can totally miss scenes where them being so high can fuck things up, ala Rin's confession, so i just want to avoid that and get the fuck on with my life. Please help? Seriously, this game is like an earworm, i just gotta get through it, as completionistly as possible, like listening to an earwormed song on repeat for an hour to kill it. Please. Please. Help me.
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Реакции: Lolicon Kami

Lolicon Kami

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Ok, so i ran out of other games to play and kinda stuck my fingers back into this one, but since i ragequit, i'm kinda done doing it 'properly' and just boosted stats in a save editor, learning that backfired by fingering Chika fucking up Rin a bit more than being a good Homie has lead to me restarting again, but since this is now my 3rd attempt i gotta say, i don't have it in me to do a 4th if another thing like that comes up, so, ignoring missable scenes from not having stats above 50 for girl A or B etc. what scenes exist like the Rin confession one? Purely ones where getting too far ahead with a girl backfires? I figure walking around with 50+ love/lust means i can't miss scenes that depend on a stat being so-and-so high, but i can totally miss scenes where them being so high can fuck things up, ala Rin's confession, so i just want to avoid that and get the fuck on with my life. Please help? Seriously, this game is like an earworm, i just gotta get through it, as completionistly as possible, like listening to an earwormed song on repeat for an hour to kill it. Please. Please. Help me.
Only the Rin one for now :). But if you're looking to be a completionist, just remember to fuck every girl when given the chance (especially Ami, who's easy to miss).

I would also recommend just to make sure you don't lock yourself out of an event
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Реакции: Bingoogus


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Working my way on catching up, have finally met Molly and Tsuneyo and getting pretty close to the beach events. I know we all love the dark and emotional moments from this game but I also have to shout out this is one of the few ren'py games where the jokes get actual laughs out of me consistently. Selebus' sense of humor is just solid. Here's some of my favorites that I had to screencap.

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Also, Maya is 100% a nerd.

No waaay, I mean I get why Yumi would be at the bottom of other's lists, but it was one of her early events(I See You) that actually sold me on the game as a whole. The bad-mouthed delinquent trope is sometimes annoying, but she's a good contrast to the rest of the cast early game with how she genuinely wants nothing to do with Sensei and puts up the most resistance to being swept up in his shenanigans. At worst, I'd still at least put Yumi above Ayane or Miku.
Yeah, no, she's being nasty to a guy trying to help her. I get it, she grew up in a Yakuza environment, where it was basically her fending for herself and where the weak, both physically and mentally, will not survive. She had to toughen up to be among the survivors. I also get that she's still a little pissed at player Sensei for what he did and there's no way she's going to believe he wasn't in control even if it is true. However, he has been doing things that will improve her life in the long run, so she shouldn't be completely hostile like he's out for her life and would take her out the second she turns her back on him. He's not Yakuza and this isn't a Yakuza, aka survival of the fittest, environment she's living in. She has been getting better, but it is going to take time as will her place on my list improving seeing as her attitude is the only thing holding her back at the bottom. Miku is actually near the top of my list, not at the top though, and Ayane is definitely higher than Yumi by a significant margin.

Actually, my signature cycles through what used to be the exact order I placed them in, but I hit the signature limit and can't update it to include new characters who have signature pics or to move characters to their new placement on the list. The original list started with Ami and now Rin sits in the starting spot, but my signature is from when Ami had the number one spot on my list. My signature was entirely based on what traits I like in general at the time and not things specific to this game, which is why Ami got that spot in the first place, otherwise Rin would have had it from the start. I suppose I could update what is already there for placement now that I think about it, but I can't add more characters, which is really annoying.


Here is the Russian translation of Lessons in Love [v0.18.0 part 2].
This translation is "unofficial".

The link is: Here


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