  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
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Комментарии • 7 тыс.

  • @hatehateshades4265
    @hatehateshades4265 9 месяцев назад +5290

    I love how YG honestly show us some of their mistakes during the performance, it just show how raw their vocals are well done BABYMONS7ER the best 5th generation girl group indeed

    • @icecrystalqueen9623
      @icecrystalqueen9623 9 месяцев назад +210

      Yeah and I think they included them to show that even if they made a mistake they can corrigate immediately like professionals.

    • @Diwixbwjwiw
      @Diwixbwjwiw 9 месяцев назад +47

      라이브인증 ㅎㅎㅎ

    • @oOohio
      @oOohio 9 месяцев назад +77

      And the strongest fanbase yet 🥰

    • @Jonas7x7
      @Jonas7x7 9 месяцев назад +8


    • @KandM9999
      @KandM9999 9 месяцев назад +17

      7:37 라이브를 너무 잘하니까

    @MON_MOSO_MON 9 месяцев назад +424


    • @takeru706
      @takeru706 6 месяцев назад +5


  • @kielcaf952
    @kielcaf952 9 месяцев назад +171


  • @Jenniesrubie6
    @Jenniesrubie6 9 месяцев назад +174

    Chiquita and Asa are two models with a great sense of fashion and their fashion style is amazing.

  • @LeeraLightwood
    @LeeraLightwood 9 месяцев назад +4465

    17:57 the way Rami is encouraging Chiquita saying that mom watched the performance and everything was perfect 😭🥺

    • @akashawebb4849
      @akashawebb4849 9 месяцев назад +122

      Ik! This was so so sweet!!

    • @littlejjay
      @littlejjay 9 месяцев назад +88

      So touching ❤

      @AHYEONMYBABYGIRL 9 месяцев назад +26

      @@rikakasumi2002 So true

    • @nuramamongkhon
      @nuramamongkhon 9 месяцев назад +33

      Very sweet ❤❤❤

    • @saryangke2
      @saryangke2 9 месяцев назад +77

      Rami, Ruka and Rora seem the mature ones of the group to be honest.
      The way Ruka shouting fighting while everyone was preparing or nervous in the backstage.
      Rora smiling and assuring everyone she's fine when falling.
      And Rami encouraging Chiquita.

  • @ChayMia
    @ChayMia 9 месяцев назад +456

    7:39 the way RAMI, RORA, & RUKA brightened their smile after hearing YG's compliment is so natural and relatable!😂❤ and then CHIQY with that cute smile!🤣 This is how you react when your mom or dad surprised with gift! They're the BABY of YG indeed!🤣✨

  • @Kerokuu0209
    @Kerokuu0209 7 месяцев назад +18


  • @T-rex491
    @T-rex491 9 месяцев назад +166

    로라 마지막 인사하는거 너무 귀엽다ㅋㅋ사랑스러워 아현이도 라미도 치키타 파리타 루카 아사 모두 너무 사랑 스럽다

  • @michil--
    @michil-- 9 месяцев назад +200

    나 왜 눈물나냐? 로라 안다쳐서 다행이고 치키타 너무귀여워~ 다들 너무 예쁘고 잘했어 최고~수고했다~!!

  • @Sky-bl1oc
    @Sky-bl1oc 9 месяцев назад +189


    • @riez45
      @riez45 9 месяцев назад

      ​@user-qr5xk8nl2tcause you guys are tasteless

    • @БерметТокобаева
      @БерметТокобаева 9 месяцев назад +3


    • @lf3man05
      @lf3man05 9 месяцев назад

      @user-qr5xk8nl2t 한국에서는 그녀들을 아는 사람이 없어서 표가 팔리지 않는다.

    • @Sodousin
      @Sodousin 9 месяцев назад

      ​@user-qr5xk8nl2t because you like to support untalented groups😂

  • @user-Mimoza_asmr
    @user-Mimoza_asmr 8 месяцев назад +24


  • @KaryG18
    @KaryG18 9 месяцев назад +426

    11:37 I found cute that CHIQUITA always feels completely comfortable with ASA and they’re always together. 💕💕

    • @subuXoXo
      @subuXoXo 9 месяцев назад +9

      Real besties 🫶

    • @billChatswood
      @billChatswood 9 месяцев назад +11

      ⁠@@subuXoXoOf course they always tgt Asa is her personal chef😅

    • @subuXoXo
      @subuXoXo 9 месяцев назад +9

      @@billChatswood haha a foodie n a chef oh yes they are besties😭😂

  • @LeeraLightwood
    @LeeraLightwood 9 месяцев назад +347

    11:57 the way Rami hugged Asa and Chiquita, sharing that "slay serve" energy with them🥺❤THEY'RE SISTERS, ARGUE WITH THE WALL

  • @lovebong
    @lovebong 9 месяцев назад +226

    베몬이들 리허설 라이브 너무 잘한다고 양사장이 칭찬하니 당연한거 같은데 왜 뿌듯해지지 이상허다... 라이브 실수하면 어쩌나 걱정하지 않는 팬들 편안할거 같다 ㅋ

    • @Monstiez_donghyun
      @Monstiez_donghyun 9 месяцев назад +9

      실수해도 편안해요
      오히려 그런게 더 귀엽게 느껴짐 ㅋㅋ
      워낙에 잘하는걸 수없이 인증했기때문에😊

  • @鏡ちゃん-o5o
    @鏡ちゃん-o5o 9 месяцев назад +20


  • @aviiikim0703
    @aviiikim0703 9 месяцев назад +849

    chiquita's off-key is not noticeable but the fact that it happened only means they really performed live, so proud of them!

    • @Sodousin
      @Sodousin 9 месяцев назад +54

      I like hearing and seeing mistakes like those cause it alway reminds me they're human too 😂

  • @YourPirupiku
    @YourPirupiku 9 месяцев назад +409

    17:25 omo this part i find it so cute😂❤ it just like Chiquita as daughter telling her father about something she worried about ❤😂 and Yang Hyun suk just comforting them ❤❤❤ ahahahah cute

  • @태화그룹
    @태화그룹 9 месяцев назад +126

    양현석이 애들 진짜 조카보듯 딸보듯 이뻐하는 것 같네~~애들도 양현석을 엄청 의지하고 친근하게 느끼는듯 해서 보기 좋네~~양현석한테 칭찬받으면 엄청 좋아하고~~실수한거 어리광부리듯이 편하게 말하는거 너무 보기 좋다~~

    • @gae-ja-sik
      @gae-ja-sik 9 месяцев назад +5

      진짜 사람이 한바탕 큰일을 겪은 것도 있고, 베몬도 자기 딸래미 또래이다 보니 크게 변한 게 보이는 것 같지 않나요? 😊

    • @eunlee4179
      @eunlee4179 9 месяцев назад +2

      양싸가 의외로 자상함 K팝 시즌때도 어린 참가자들 일수록 다독여 줬음

  • @chinchinjj5634
    @chinchinjj5634 9 месяцев назад +180

    น้ำตาไหลเด็กๆเก่งกันมากเลย Chiquita ประหม่าขนาดนั้นแต่พออยู่บนเวทีกับทำออกมาได้อย่างยอดเยี่ยม ถึงเสียงหลงแต่ก็ยังน่ารัก ขอบคุณหยางกับแม่น้องรามิที่ส่งกำลังใจเพิ่มความมั่นใจให้น้องชิกิต้า

    • @tawannabupha2181
      @tawannabupha2181 8 месяцев назад

      น้องชิน่ารักคับ เด็กทำไรก้อน่ารัก ขนาดมีร้องมั่ว พี่ว่ายังดูน่ารักเลยคับ ^ ^

    @TASHJIHI 8 месяцев назад +21


  • @tipron5822
    @tipron5822 9 месяцев назад +108

    Pharita & Rora are the visual of team
    Gorgeous, Elegance, Natural

  • @Chikichiki2314
    @Chikichiki2314 9 месяцев назад +283

    Pharita slowly showing her crazy side 😂❤ I am so down bad for it
    1:15 🤣 catrita
    2:30 her expressions 😭🤣
    3:04 her happy dance wink wink
    4:10 that vocal practice her and ahy 😭
    9:10 Superhero Rita
    12:18 her expressions seeing the crowd 😭😭
    16:54 her jumping to get a glimpse of her fans ❤❤
    Ritaaa is a cutiieee

    • @Lisa-rr4zc
      @Lisa-rr4zc 9 месяцев назад +5

      Thank you fir making this.. ❤❤

    • @Lisa-rr4zc
      @Lisa-rr4zc 9 месяцев назад +3

      It's very helpful 😂😂

    • @Lisa-rr4zc
      @Lisa-rr4zc 9 месяцев назад +8

      You forgot 16:54 when they are leaving the stage but she is jumping and trying her best to catch a glimpse of the audience one last time while greeting them.
      Man! She us SO adorable ❤

    • @1Nmymy
      @1Nmymy 9 месяцев назад +1

      คนไทยเป็นคนตลกใช่ไหมล่ะ 😂😂

  • @userhdbfdfjkhfdhf
    @userhdbfdfjkhfdhf 9 месяцев назад +706

    CHIQUITA's vocals are top-notch, even her missed keys still sound so beautiful and angelic to the audience's ears!

    • @billChatswood
      @billChatswood 9 месяцев назад +13

      I can't even notice that until now

    • @apichaipunnahitananda8408
      @apichaipunnahitananda8408 9 месяцев назад +19

      Chiquita key shifted from a standard note into an angelic note of that part.
      If she didn't widen her eyes, we would've believed it was an intention. 😂

    • @nueng.97
      @nueng.97 9 месяцев назад +2

      แต่ก็นะน้องอาจตื่นเต้นจากเสี้ยงแฟนๆและเป็นคอนแรกของน้องๆด้วย​แต่มันก็​แทบจะไม่ได้เห็นเลย.. รักทุกคน❤

  • @lucky-lg8rn
    @lucky-lg8rn 8 месяцев назад +62

    Asa is the perfect rapper ❤
    Pharita is very elegant❣️
    Rora great visual 🤍
    Ruka is an excellent dancer😘
    Ahyeon is very cute🥰
    Rami is very beautiful😍
    Chiquita is the perfect idol💗
    Babymonster you are so great k-pop group❤️❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋

    • @priya.v8070
      @priya.v8070 5 месяцев назад

      how old are they?

    • @lucky-lg8rn
      @lucky-lg8rn 4 месяца назад

      @@priya.v8070 15-22

    • @gurdeepkaur6316
      @gurdeepkaur6316 22 дня назад

      ​Ruka 22( the oldest )
      Pharita 19
      Asa 18
      Ahyeon and Rami 17
      Rora 16
      Chiquita 15 ( the youngest )
      Fact- only ruka got hate from netizens for being too old to debut when her age is perfect ​@@priya.v8070

  • @はな-b7w2d
    @はな-b7w2d 9 месяцев назад +245


  • @피터팬증후군-x8n
    @피터팬증후군-x8n 9 месяцев назад +133

    yg 영상 너무너무 감사하고, 베몬 너희 막강한 실력에 팬들은 자랑스럽다.팬들은 너희 실력을 믿기 땜에 공연전 거의 긴장하지 않는다. 이미 너흰 최고야👍 앞만 보고 열심히 세계로 달려가자.

  • @miimii0161
    @miimii0161 9 месяцев назад +105

    4:19 アサちゃんのピンク似合ってかわいい🤭🩷

  • @ashtoreth8412
    @ashtoreth8412 8 месяцев назад +25

    Pharita's beauty is like mix with Russian beauty a Rich girl beauty type literally

  • @icecrystalqueen9623
    @icecrystalqueen9623 9 месяцев назад +419

    It's so cute how Rami encouraged Chiquita that her mother told her that Chiquita's mistake wasn't even that noticable. Things like this happen to the ones that has been in the industry for ages, but Chiquita still felt bad about it. She truly cares about her performances and professionalism. Same for Rora, a slipping can occur for any performer, but she was dedicated to give a mistakeless performance next time (she did it).
    This fan meet must have been such a great experience for the fans. 🎉

  • @onlyhuman_lll
    @onlyhuman_lll 9 месяцев назад +102

    So love chiquita’s facial expression in every moment she feels excited

  • @63xxamg8
    @63xxamg8 9 месяцев назад +99

    진짜 전 멤버가 미모 실력 매력 개쩌네...
    거를 타선이 1도 없는게 베몬의 흠이네ㅋㅋ
    완벽한게 죄라면 베몬은 무기징역임 ㄹㅇ루 ㅋㅋ

  • @PrachiSingh26
    @PrachiSingh26 6 дней назад +2

    진짜 네팔 출신인데 한국에 유학왔고 2025 베이비몬스터 콘서트도 갔어요. 서울에 온 건 이번이 처음이에요.❤

  • @Rororo567
    @Rororo567 9 месяцев назад +431

    Ahyeon 0:27 always brings smile on my face😂
    ❤u Ahyeonnie

  • @Rororo567
    @Rororo567 9 месяцев назад +410

    Asahyeon my ultimate bias duo❤❤

  • @bae8699
    @bae8699 9 месяцев назад +1644

    Ruka’s relationship with members is so strong and cute she’s literallay unofficial leader of baemon. She’s the most attractive idol after her seniors like GD and CL imo. She’s so strong and swag while performing but in the backstage she is the most funny and entertaining one and she make everyone laugh🥺 I love her so much she’s so charming

  • @starrllily
    @starrllily 8 месяцев назад +33

    아현을 위한 특별한 메시지입니다.
    당신은 정말 놀랍고 멋진 미소를 가지고 있습니다. 당신은 독특하다는 것을 잊지 마십시오. 지금 당신이 겪고 있는 일을 많은 아이돌들도 겪었다는 사실을 잊지 마세요. 또한 과거는 과거에 머물러 있다는 사실을 기억하세요. 미래는 당신을 당신으로 만드는 것입니다, 나는 당신을 사랑합니다

  • @lalala-y5w
    @lalala-y5w 9 месяцев назад +72

    7:36 치키타 칭찬 받고 좋아하는거 너무 귀엽다ㅋㅋ
    치키타 제발 나이 천천이 먹어
    어리고 순수한 모습 더 많이 보고싶어
    절대 조용해지면 안된다❤

  • @keniablack2518
    @keniablack2518 9 месяцев назад +130

    I loved Chiquita, she's so adorable, don't worry, we all make mistakes but it was nothing, we know how excellent they all sing 😍

  • @김창훈-v2t
    @김창훈-v2t 9 месяцев назад +138

    양대표 말대로..정말 잘했어~..처음 떨리고 긴장된 상황에서 이 정도면..엄청 잘한거임^^..로라 안다치고..치키타..음이탈..너무 신경안써도 됨! 보는 팬입장에선...이렇게라도 베몬을 보는것만으로도 너무 좋단다^^ 이러면서..한걸음 한걸음..앞으로 가는거고^^..영상..잘보고갑니다! 너무 잘봤어요~흥해라..베몬❤🎉😊♡^^

  • @lunabehindclouds_
    @lunabehindclouds_ 8 месяцев назад +14

    I love how they're all kind of perfectionist. Rora-ya, it's okay if you fell. It was an accident. We were worried and glad you weren't really hurt. Chiquita, that off-key, like Rami's mom said, wasn't noticeable. I wouldn't know if she didn't get surprised. It was a really cute mistake. Just have fun, my babies. Mistakes are very forgivable. We all know you guys are amazingly talented!

  • @dkrlrhlanf7
    @dkrlrhlanf7 9 месяцев назад +253

    16:07 베몬 언니들은 자신있어서 실수한것도 숨기지 않고 당당해요 ㅎ

  • @ester5413
    @ester5413 9 месяцев назад +2345

    16:08 Chiquita let them know that we were singing live, not lip-syncing.🤣🥰

  • @Chikichiki2314
    @Chikichiki2314 9 месяцев назад +2320

    Ahyeon and Pharita's vocal practice is hilarious 🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️

  • @Minji81414
    @Minji81414 9 месяцев назад +19

    베몬❤ 독보적이다 증말..❤ 안빠질수가없는 아이돌☺️🫶🏻실력 외모 인성 뭐..빠지는게 하나없네 사기캐 넘사벽아이돌💕

  • @malumino-ou7cm
    @malumino-ou7cm 9 месяцев назад +70


  • @ChayMia
    @ChayMia 9 месяцев назад +66

    19:41 you can tell how kind and genuine RORA is! 🥺 She has a pure soul beneath her bubbly and savage personality.❤️ She's the sweetest spokesperson of the group! ✨ Definitely deserves to be the speaker of BM, MC and actress in the future!✨ Shine more princess auRORA!❤️

    • @Rorayaaah143
      @Rorayaaah143 9 месяцев назад +5

      Indeed🔥✨ such a kindhearted, talented, and gorgeous baby 🥺💜💜💜

    • @justagirl2468
      @justagirl2468 9 месяцев назад +4

      our rora❤

  • @CHDLE0916
    @CHDLE0916 9 месяцев назад +185

    연습생때도 빡셌지만 신입이 단기간에 이만큼의 무대 경험을 거치니 무대 퀄리티가 다를수밖에 없는것 같다 항상 베몬 지도자로 따라다니는 YG도 넘 감사 ㅜㅡㅜ

  • @fatmakim8560
    @fatmakim8560 6 месяцев назад +10

    4:12 The iconic memes of Pharita and Ahyeon have been captured.😂😂

  • @saguittariusfactcheck7394
    @saguittariusfactcheck7394 9 месяцев назад +870

    I love how YG included their mistakes. It shows that the ladies worked really hard too. Their talent is beyond any compliments ❤ Chiquita and Rora we're here for you ❤❤❤

    • @rdpaik
      @rdpaik 9 месяцев назад +18

      Sometimes mistakes are what endears a group to the audience. Look at GFriend. Their rise was due to falling down 10x on a wet stage.

    • @nueng.97
      @nueng.97 9 месяцев назад


    • @yougetoutfromhere
      @yougetoutfromhere 4 месяца назад +2

      ​​@@rdpaik gfriend situation was not their mistake. That was unpredictable weather. But their work hard can't be doubtful

    • @rdpaik
      @rdpaik 4 месяца назад +1

      @@yougetoutfromhere Never said it was their fault, but it was that one event and the way they persevered through it that endeared them to new fans.

  • @LeeraLightwood
    @LeeraLightwood 9 месяцев назад +139

    Rami being a chaotic mom of the group:
    11:56 comforting Asa and Chiquita
    9:02 200% energy mode is still on
    3:56 constantly checking on her own health
    17:57 comforting Chiquita after the mistake
    6:24 keeps practicing and giving advises if needed

  • @泉水-b1m
    @泉水-b1m 9 месяцев назад +80


  • @OG.blacksheep
    @OG.blacksheep 6 месяцев назад +27

    I think Ahyeon is really more of an introvert. She is kinda shy when there are alot of people around but when its just the members around she laughs more and jokes alot. I dont know why some people hates her and create issues about her against other members when she is really thoughtful of them. Her voice is amazing and pleasant in the ears especially when its acapella, I REALLY LOVE her tone. Chiquita is so beautiful and her voice is so soft in the ear, she is stunning. She has this beautiful eyes that is captivating. Pharita, OMG girl is so beautiful like a doll with royal princess vibes, I love when she does her little dances. She so cute and funny at the same time. Rora, her bare face is so pretty, she seems so calm every time and I'm loving her reserveness. Ruka, I see a leader in her. She is someone who take the lead backstage and even on stage performing especially when she's hyping the crowd, her voice and her growl, I can hear CL in her, she is also bold. Asa, literal Ace and no one can deny that, she is really lovely and surprisingly cute. Rami, the raw vocals in rehearsal is amazing her tone is really unique you can easily identify her voice. Rami is really a lovable person and genuinely down to earth. Blond hair really suits her she looking like a barbie doll, I am inlove. They are the 5th gen Queens of stage for sure.

  • @Babymon.Voyage-th1ls
    @Babymon.Voyage-th1ls 9 месяцев назад +142

    Ahyeon, ASA & Ruka our strongest Rap Lines Trio only at BABYMONSTER !!!

  • @MadinaFayzullayeva-sx4ip
    @MadinaFayzullayeva-sx4ip 9 месяцев назад +244

    Ahyeon’s vocal is not a joke ❤❤❤❤she has really strong vocals ❤

  • @Chikichiki2314
    @Chikichiki2314 9 месяцев назад +398

    The introverted shy quite Pharita is slowly opening up and showing her crazy side loving itt we want more of it pharita love youuu
    Seeing her grow feels like a personal achievement ❤

    • @naygoslay
      @naygoslay 9 месяцев назад +9

      Yesss frrr❤

    • @alvi_omi
      @alvi_omi 9 месяцев назад +5

      She is enjoying just like other 6
      Glad to see that

    • @Lisa-rr4zc
      @Lisa-rr4zc 9 месяцев назад +6


    • @bunch3008
      @bunch3008 9 месяцев назад +2

      Same my bias since day 1

  • @쿄쇼쿄
    @쿄쇼쿄 8 месяцев назад +4

    멤버 한명 한명이 실력이 미쳤네요..
    최애 한명 고르기가 힘든 그룹이고
    음원보다는 무대가 더 기대되는 아티스트에요♥️

  • @rometallud1161
    @rometallud1161 9 месяцев назад +146

    YG really is proud of his artists, mistakes are inevitable because they are humans, but, they really did well. All of them showed how talented they are and passionate on their chosen craft. These young ladies will soon become superatars of this generation.😊

  • @angie5187
    @angie5187 9 месяцев назад +383

    Chiquita.......🌹🌹🌹도도한 부잣집 고양이상 비율은 리사봤을때만큼 놀라움 너무 좋아서 얼굴은 개예쁘고 실력도 좋고 미침 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

    • @chetkamolputhikampol1121
      @chetkamolputhikampol1121 9 месяцев назад

      'Fake' Korean 😂 Why didn't you write this comment in English or your Mother language? lol 😂😂😅

    • @RosalbaRincon-b3n
      @RosalbaRincon-b3n 9 месяцев назад +2

      Lisa chiquita

  • @P-TyrosinePlus
    @P-TyrosinePlus 9 месяцев назад +66

    เป็นความทรงจำครั้งแรกของสมาชิกทั้ง7คนเลย มันสวยงามและน่าจดจำมากๆ รวมไว้ทุกอารมณ์ ทุกความรู้สึก ทั้งตื่นเต้น ทั้งดีใจ ทั้งประหม่า ทั้งมีความสุข อาจมีผิดพลาดบ้างเล็กๆน้อยๆ มันคือประสบการณ์ แต่ทุกคนเก่งมากๆเลย ทำออกมาได้ดีและมีความสุข สนุกกับสิ่งที่ทำ Chiquita เก่งมากๆ เห็นชัดว่าตื่นเต้นมากทั้งประหม่า แต่ก็ตั้งสติได้ และทำออกมาได้ดีมากๆ เป็นกำลังใจให้ทั้ง 7 คนเลย สู้ๆนะ 🥰❤️😈

  • @chuzaimahyusuf3218
    @chuzaimahyusuf3218 3 месяца назад +2

    The way Ahyeon looked so serious before they were about to to go on the lift while hugging Ruka LOVE YOU ✨Ahyeon✨( I also love the rest)
    -Haya from Indonesia ( but I live in Lhokseumawe so I couldn’t see yall😭😭😭)

  • @linedalufy9936
    @linedalufy9936 9 месяцев назад +1925

    why does no one talk about the kindness of Asa's father, he gave Ahyeon a gift❤.

  • @Sseraphim12
    @Sseraphim12 9 месяцев назад +653

    Chiquita's cute expression when her voice cracks is really hillarious, we know your vocals are amazing so don't worry, small problems like that won't make us doubt your singing talent Babymonster Chiquita 😭💖

    • @liyaninpapatyasi
      @liyaninpapatyasi 9 месяцев назад +8


    • @Sseraphim12
      @Sseraphim12 9 месяцев назад +5

      @@liyaninpapatyasi Yess me too 😊

  • @FatimeEhmedova-nd2xp
    @FatimeEhmedova-nd2xp 9 месяцев назад +216

    Ahyeon and Chiquita ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @YGSTAN06
    @YGSTAN06 8 месяцев назад +34

    YG being so involved brings me back to 2ne1 and bigbang days... i FREAKINGING love it!!
    The girls shine when complemented by someone who is hard to please. I see that the girls are getting a little perfectionists too😂❤
    Thankyou YG ❤

  • @vinisam4101
    @vinisam4101 9 месяцев назад +94

    Ahyeon and pharitas vocal practice is 😂❤❤❤

  • @OMGLYRIC123
    @OMGLYRIC123 9 месяцев назад +71

    Ruka is most chill vibe. She literally have YG DNA and "BabyMonster" reallt fit her so much! Baby in outside ,Monster on Stage🔥 No wonder she is the one give Opening/intro in every performance🔥 i love her🔥♥️♥️

  • @Smile-yf7xm
    @Smile-yf7xm 9 месяцев назад +174

    도쿄 2일차 갔다왔는데.. 진짜 대박! 애초에 멤버 모두 실력이 되니까 애드립이랑 라이브가 너무 맛있더라구요..
    일본인들이 떼창을 다하는데!! 음방이나 음원이 베몬 매력을 다 못 담음..
    곡만 좀 많이 나왔으면..

  • @漆黒の悪魔チューベローズ
    @漆黒の悪魔チューベローズ 9 месяцев назад +6


  • @liyaninpapatyasi
    @liyaninpapatyasi 9 месяцев назад +62

    17:28 chiquitaa dont worry 😭💖 it was cute, you proved sing live ❤❤❤

  • @Ecrin-sp5ne
    @Ecrin-sp5ne 9 месяцев назад +55

    Pharitaaaa I love youuuuuu

  • @user-ow6lq5pm6a
    @user-ow6lq5pm6a 9 месяцев назад +407

    얼마나 귀여우면 막내의 음이탈을 자컨에서 보여주냐?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 세상에서 제일 귀여운 음이탈🥰🥰

    • @고기오리-z5t
      @고기오리-z5t 9 месяцев назад +68

      양형이 참 똑똑해 ㅋ실수 장면 자연스럽게 보여주면서 쌩 라이브라는 걸 어필 하는 거지 거기에 신인의 귀여움+

  • @TaiGaBlush
    @TaiGaBlush 8 месяцев назад +4

    18:06 omg Chiquita her side profile beauty is no joke so ethereal and that confident voice of “pray”

  • @LeeraLightwood
    @LeeraLightwood 9 месяцев назад +152

    11:58 Rami hugging members and Ruka screaming FIGHTING 12:19 makes me laugh 😭❤they're so sweet and chaotic

  • @choochoo3949
    @choochoo3949 9 месяцев назад +185

    ฝากบอกลูกสาวไทยน้องแคนนี่ด้วยว่าจะไม่ได้สังเกตเลย ถ้าหนูไม่ได้ทำหน้าเอามีมขนาดนั้นลูก 😂 แล้วมันก็น่ารักมากจริงๆ เป็นเด็กที่ธรรมชาติมากๆ เอ็นดูลูกสาวจัง คุณแม่น้องรามิเราตามไอจีอยู่ เป็นคุณแม่ที่เปรี้ยวและดูวัยรุ่นมากๆ คุณแม่น่ารักสุดๆให้กำลังใจน้อง ไม่แปลกใจว่าทำไมน้องรามิถึงเป็นคนเก่งและน่ารักขนาดนี้ ❤ จากใจค่ะ

    • @drunkdrankdrink5429
      @drunkdrankdrink5429 9 месяцев назад +4

      ไอจีคุณแม่น้องอะไรหรอครับ ถ้าเปิดสาธารณะจะได้ติดตามด้วย

    • @Keenii3
      @Keenii3 9 месяцев назад +3


    • @choochoo3949
      @choochoo3949 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@Keenii3 เป็นมีมทั้งก่อนและหลังเดบิวต์ น้องเป็นคนแบบนี้จริงๆค่ะ อินเนอร์แบบนี้ 5555

  • @Blackberrylemonad
    @Blackberrylemonad 9 месяцев назад +516

    The way Rami always keeps the condition of her voice in check, main vocalists know no chill, wake them up at 3am and they'll start singing and taking medicine 😭❤

    • @MedhaVNair
      @MedhaVNair 9 месяцев назад +4

      no its not like that they enjoy it they thay have honey or something like that or warm water

  • @Ana_onedoor
    @Ana_onedoor 6 месяцев назад +7

    BABYMONSTER SLAY'S EVERYTHING!!!! I hope one day I can go to a babymonster concert, it's the best kpop group 🥇💯👌✨✨✨♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • @luckypark1742
    @luckypark1742 9 месяцев назад +140

    베몬 애기들 전부 개그케였네. 그래서 더 친근함과 사랑스러움이 느껴졌군. 무대밖에서는 그냥 꺄르르하는 소녀들이고 무대만서면 10년이상된 노련한 프로로 변해서 항상 놀랍다.

  • @kotsthaimee8275
    @kotsthaimee8275 9 месяцев назад +377

    Pharita’s so lovely. She tried to jump up to see all fans while the stage was going down. So cute ❤️ Love her

    • @Lisa-rr4zc
      @Lisa-rr4zc 9 месяцев назад +10

      Yes she ys SOO ADORABLE 🥹❤️❤️

  • @IraListiandini
    @IraListiandini 9 месяцев назад +832

    YG is like a real father,
    Just look how comfortable Chiquita and Rora talk with him,

    • @playamelodythateverybodyknows
      @playamelodythateverybodyknows 9 месяцев назад +15

      esp 7:38 lmao shes so cute

    • @Minty_Chu
      @Minty_Chu 9 месяцев назад +19

      He is a father tho i think his child was born around 2ne1 debut so by 2009 same year with Chiquita

    • @lIlIIIllIlIIIllIlIIIllIlIIIl
      @lIlIIIllIlIIIllIlIIIllIlIIIl 9 месяцев назад +2

      Father makes her daughters starve in music for 2 years?

    • @Wony1zone
      @Wony1zone 9 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@lIlIIIllIlIIIllIlIIIllIlIIIlI guess BP was his affair daughters 😂 (jk)

    • @nusratjahansamia7099
      @nusratjahansamia7099 8 месяцев назад +11

      ​​@@lIlIIIllIlIIIllIlIIIllIlIIIl yg wasn’t involved with bp after 2019... After 2019 the female yg ceo controled the company decision untill returning in 2023 with baemon

  • @참또
    @참또 8 месяцев назад +4

    와 이 영상에서 첨 리허설할 때... 목풀 때 라미가 진짜 너무 예쁨 저런 네츄럴한 스타일링 해주면 좋겠음 진짜 저 이미지가 대박임 제발 저렇게 해주라...

    • @오예씨-f7u
      @오예씨-f7u 7 месяцев назад

      같은 생각임요 ㅎㅎ

  • @user-cp9xf2
    @user-cp9xf2 9 месяцев назад +329

    Ahyeon and Chiquita are so pretty ❤
    Edit: Omg thank you for that much likes!! I’ve never gotten that much… ❤

  • @giselenavillera-1905
    @giselenavillera-1905 9 месяцев назад +100

    치키타 삑사리 너무 귀여워~ 라이브의 여왕들 전부 어린나이에 대단~

  • @grayrabbit2623
    @grayrabbit2623 9 месяцев назад +439

    10:43 Chiquita and Rora is so cute. I thought Chiquita wore glasses because of fashion but she was just nervous😂😂❤

    • @blik3274
      @blik3274 9 месяцев назад +6

      Same, now we know 😅❣️🤭

    • @human7491
      @human7491 9 месяцев назад +2

      I knew it 😁

    • @jopseohh1995
      @jopseohh1995 9 месяцев назад +1

      Chiquita is shy.
      Except on stage she is a Monster.

  • @Kukuyoutube9
    @Kukuyoutube9 8 месяцев назад +5

    2:31 THE TRIO VISUALS OF KPOP 5th gen.❤

  • @houreimeikamei6422
    @houreimeikamei6422 9 месяцев назад +44

    17:25 Wen papa YG came in, Baemon look like kids complaining/admitting their mistakes or embarrassment to their Dad(YG)🥹 And papa Yg assuring them that it was Gwenchana🫂Soo kawaiii🖤Super proud of them😭😭

  • @Yg_ghost
    @Yg_ghost 9 месяцев назад +66

    Rora has actress beauty ❤

  • @Lisa-rr4zc
    @Lisa-rr4zc 9 месяцев назад +334

    At 4:12 Pharita is like "NEVER LET THEM KNOW YOUR NEXT MOVE" from her personality! She is SO hilarious! 😂😂❤❤

    • @Lisa-rr4zc
      @Lisa-rr4zc 9 месяцев назад +15

      She is a hidden comedian of BM 😂😂

    • @Lisa-rr4zc
      @Lisa-rr4zc 9 месяцев назад +10

      Just love her❤❤

    • @Lisa-rr4zc
      @Lisa-rr4zc 9 месяцев назад

      @CikaAnita what?

    • @plingz754
      @plingz754 9 месяцев назад +1

      She looks like Rora with black glasses ❤

    • 9 месяцев назад

      @CikaAnita Y you're so stupid.

  • @NadhifaIzatunisa
    @NadhifaIzatunisa 7 месяцев назад +4

    Pharita cantik sekali,aku suka pharita aaa......😊❤

  • @victoriamiller9546
    @victoriamiller9546 9 месяцев назад +90

    Asa, Rora, and Rami are amazing spokespeople!!! They are so natural talking to everyone!!

  • @oo_BOREDPANDA_oo
    @oo_BOREDPANDA_oo 9 месяцев назад +995

    I swear, Pharita is sooooo Park Bom coded, I can't! The way she's just effortlessly funny and gorgeous at the same time.

    • @terrencechan1209
      @terrencechan1209 9 месяцев назад +38

      totally agree! She's just stunning!

    • @Chikichiki2314
      @Chikichiki2314 9 месяцев назад +14


    • @nonamenosurname6127
      @nonamenosurname6127 9 месяцев назад +25

      and the way she is unbothered.

    • @joycedduk
      @joycedduk 9 месяцев назад +23

      As a BLACKJACK, I agree.

    • @Jonas7x7
      @Jonas7x7 9 месяцев назад +20

      BABYMONSTER are humble Queens, they showcased their humility and accountability for their mistakes, highlighting that true artistry also involves knowing how to rise and learn from setbacks, love them so much for that

  • @bae8699
    @bae8699 9 месяцев назад +215

    Ruka is so CL coded and so charming I love her so much she’s swag and powerful on stage but so funny and so entertaining in backstage🥺 Ruyeon best performers💓

  • @TRUMKING.2025
    @TRUMKING.2025 8 месяцев назад +10

    와 어린친구들이 대단하네. 난 저런 공연장 올라가면 인사하고 도망갈듯ㅋㅋ 정말 잘되길 바랍니다!!

  • @BLACKPINK_babymonster_YG
    @BLACKPINK_babymonster_YG 9 месяцев назад +369

    The way Rami give cheers to Chiquita like her mother!! 🥺❤️

  • @sasithornsithorn3300
    @sasithornsithorn3300 9 месяцев назад +94

    Pharita is so beautiful ❤❤❤

  • @visibleforjennieseyesonly9695
    @visibleforjennieseyesonly9695 9 месяцев назад +206

    Ahyeon is so adorable and charming ❤❤❤

  • @blinkbuddy_kzblackpinkgfri3117
    @blinkbuddy_kzblackpinkgfri3117 8 месяцев назад


  • @Chiquita_naa
    @Chiquita_naa 9 месяцев назад +191

    น้องชิกีตา้ยิ่งโตยิ่งสวย น้องเก่งมากๆเลยอายุแค่นี้ การแสดงออกดีมากๆ energy มาเต็มจริงๆเด็กคนนี้ 🔥🔥🫶🏼🍒🐈‍⬛

    • @mukdap.1862
      @mukdap.1862 9 месяцев назад +8

      สวยได้แปปๆความฮาก้อมา น้องแสบมากกก เก่งมากๆ

    • @bowie7009
      @bowie7009 9 месяцев назад +3

      เก่งด้วย สวยด้วย วาสนาวายจีมัน

    • @Chalasin-dy3kt
      @Chalasin-dy3kt 9 месяцев назад +4

      คล้ายน้องลิซ่ามาก เวลาอยู่กับพี่ๆจะเป็นเด็กน้อยแสนซนจอมแก่น แต่เวลาบนเวที จะกลายเป็นตัวแม่ในการแสดงออกทางสีหน้า เก่งมากๆนี่ขนาดอายุแค่ 15 เองนะ อยาคตน้องไปอีกไกลแน่นอน

    • @NontawatNontesa
      @NontawatNontesa 3 месяца назад

      โครตแสดง ดูละน่ารำคาญมากกว่า

  • @andrianneroxi6289
    @andrianneroxi6289 9 месяцев назад +105

    Rami saw how Chiquita was worried and calmed her down on D2, so-so cute🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @Keyt-cw3oq
    @Keyt-cw3oq 8 месяцев назад +14

    My name is Elena. YG wait for me. Someday I will become your idol. Just wait and I will definitely become an idol. And believe me, you will not be disappointed in me. Wait for me YG Entertainment

    • @notKira.9
      @notKira.9 7 месяцев назад +2

      I believe in you! You can definitely do it if you put your mind into it! I'm rooting for ya! ❤️🔥

    • @stfuidgaf-p4i
      @stfuidgaf-p4i 7 месяцев назад +1

      Go and get that! I'm rooting for you 💯

  • @PowooKim
    @PowooKim 9 месяцев назад +90

    아니 다이소 5천원짜리 이어폰끼고듣는데도 소름이 쫘악~~돋는건 진짜 라이브괴물이맞다