WORST War Crimes in 17 Minutes

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
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Комментарии • 164

  • @GuruExplain24h
    @GuruExplain24h 26 дней назад +104

    Learning history isn't just about the past it's about preventing such tragedies in the future.

    • @MarioTransformer7001
      @MarioTransformer7001 26 дней назад +13

      I don’t think everybody passed history class because I’m seeing a lot more repeats and tragedies still happening.

    • @GuruExplain24h
      @GuruExplain24h 26 дней назад +3

      @@MarioTransformer7001 Yes i know that. but i wish would lessen somewhat. Hopesully

    • @josukeshairr
      @josukeshairr 25 дней назад +2

      history repeats itself

    • @Cpt.John_BUNBUN
      @Cpt.John_BUNBUN 25 дней назад +3

      To be realistic with these pessimists: Repeat or mimic as history does, better off making sure it will never happen again, by MAKING SURE, it will never really INDEED happen again. If things are about to repeat, THINK! ACT! and STOP IT ASAP! (formerly abused person here).

    • @GuruExplain24h
      @GuruExplain24h 25 дней назад

      @ I see you are hoping for that

  • @elinaiaggor
    @elinaiaggor 26 дней назад +34

    10:22 It is horiffying to think that ANYONE would let those people free in exchange for the details

    • @ShadowMoon878
      @ShadowMoon878 25 дней назад

      Thats how Project MK ULTRA came to be. The CIA merely continued where Unit 731 left off.

    • @Poglavnit_Pferdefuhrer
      @Poglavnit_Pferdefuhrer 20 дней назад

      Some of them even came over to work on military projects! Ford health centre and Fort Dietrich employed a good few of them. There's a rumour Agent Orange was one of the projects

  • @daroth7127
    @daroth7127 26 дней назад +25

    My great grandfather was murdered by the Soviets in Katyn, thank you for talking about this.

    • @V1peraintCool
      @V1peraintCool 26 дней назад +4

      May his beautiful soul Rest in Peace❤

    • @ShadowMoon878
      @ShadowMoon878 25 дней назад +1

      *katyusha intensifies*

  • @HealthierWiser
    @HealthierWiser 26 дней назад +14

    5:55 Hearing about these war crimes is chilling, but history must be remembered, no matter how dark, so that justice and awareness can prevail. 🕯

  • @courier.66
    @courier.66 26 дней назад +35

    At least you highlight the war crimes Japan did, there is this notion that people have that Japan was the only honorable nation of the Axis Powers but they certainly weren't, if I could revive my grandfather, who was a Filipino soldier fighting the Japanese in WW2, and he saw what peoole thought, he'd probably just lose hope in humanity

    • @insertgenericusernamehere809
      @insertgenericusernamehere809 25 дней назад +1

      Also he at least excluded the “Plaisitinien” “genocide” , which pepole conveniently forgot to mention is happening during a urban war. Pathetic spread of false information there.

    • @ShadowMoon878
      @ShadowMoon878 25 дней назад

      Womp womp

    • @insertgenericusernamehere809
      @insertgenericusernamehere809 25 дней назад +4

      @@ShadowMoon878 dead internet theory

    • @courier.66
      @courier.66 25 дней назад +2

      @@ShadowMoon878 excuse me?

    • @Arnold_BoczekPl
      @Arnold_BoczekPl 21 день назад +3

      ​@@ShadowMoon878 ragebait. Looking at you is just sad, so empty

  • @Caesar427
    @Caesar427 26 дней назад +16

    And a bad but tactical mustache

  • @Youtubeguy685
    @Youtubeguy685 25 дней назад +16

    thanks for mentioning the death march it's nice how different countries are getting to know the history of my country the Philippines

  • @ПетърГерасимов
    @ПетърГерасимов 25 дней назад +18

    Hello, I would like to remind you that the Ottoman empire did a war crime which was actually the start of all its future crimes against humanity, and it happened way before the Armenian Genocide - the Batak masacare of 1876. It was part of putting down the biggest Bulgarian uprising then - The April Uprising. The story behind Batak's agony is pretty gruesome and disgusting and I just want to tell you that it would have been good to add it in the video. It was a very clever video.

    • @insertgenericusernamehere809
      @insertgenericusernamehere809 25 дней назад +2

      The fact the Ottoman Empire didn’t collapse until 1918 when they had been committing crimes against humanity like that for years before is strange.

    • @moustaphaarre5434
      @moustaphaarre5434 24 дня назад

      Facist bastard

  • @its.sapphire
    @its.sapphire 26 дней назад +15

    Thank you for mentioning the Bosnian genocide🇧🇦⚜️

    • @ShadowMoon878
      @ShadowMoon878 25 дней назад +2

      Ramadan Mubarak to my my Bosniak muslim brothers and sisters

  • @adityasaxena7088
    @adityasaxena7088 13 дней назад +3

    Armenian genocide still continues even today just under Turkish forces rather than Ottoman

  • @Miopart
    @Miopart 24 дня назад +4

    As a Serb, I am ashamed of what my people did in the bosnin war.

  • @mayberina
    @mayberina 19 дней назад +3

    Nothing can make me sympathize or even feel bad for Japan after the kind of atrocities they have committed, as 6 members of my family were mass murdered as a result. My grandmother was the sole survivor, at one point she hid in a wooden crate for 2 or 3 days and survived off of drinking rain water. Every time I see the rising sun flag it makes me angry as it’s a reminder of what they have done, and how they swept it all under the rug and rebranded themselves in a way everyone knows them as now.

  • @alexhamilton7013
    @alexhamilton7013 26 дней назад +19

    RIP to my grandpa who got stuck in a concentration camp 😢

    • @Dooger-Bop-5600
      @Dooger-Bop-5600 26 дней назад +2

      that's so sad, I feel bad for you bro :'(

    • @alexhamilton7013
      @alexhamilton7013 26 дней назад +1

      @Dooger-Bop-5600 ty

    • @CliffjumperslittleSlvt
      @CliffjumperslittleSlvt 26 дней назад +2

      Oh my God I'm so sorry for you I couldn't imagine how scary that would be may he rest in peace:(🕊️

    • @Wrd2Ty
      @Wrd2Ty 26 дней назад

      My great great grandma survived the holocaust and she was not a full blooded Jew.

    • @КонрадПясецкий
      @КонрадПясецкий 26 дней назад

      ​@@Wrd2TyMy great grandmother was in concettation but she was liberated

  • @snowflake362
    @snowflake362 17 дней назад +3

    where is the al nakba

  • @pufferism
    @pufferism 25 дней назад +1

    this is a great video! im cambodian and we have been through the absolute worst period of our history, the khmer rouge regime! i was hoping you would include this haha

  • @warrenrhinerson6373
    @warrenrhinerson6373 19 дней назад +2

    I do disagree about the atomic bombing being a war crime. Yes it is horrible. What happened, but he also have to consider that the minimum estimates of just American casualties alone would’ve been over 1 million. Preference of just how great the loss of life would’ve been if the United States had not dropped the atomic bomb, the last time the United States government ordered new purple heart metals was 1945 and we still are not done giving them out. Given that the Japanese mindset was to keep fighting no matter what, dropping the atomic bomb was most likely a necessary evil.

    @JUST_SOME_SHY_GUY 13 дней назад +1

    This video gives me so much hope in humaithy.

  • @SpywareVA
    @SpywareVA 26 дней назад +4

    Katyń was one of the worst crimes in polish history, along Volhynia

  • @pinguinhoZ07
    @pinguinhoZ07 26 дней назад +5

    Armenian here wanted to mention some things cause it was kind of poorly explained the death marches were to syria mostly at Der Dzor aswell many greeks died with the gnoxide with them being thrown off ships at the black sea with that the armenians were also killed at 1880s with 300 thousand armenians dying aswell with 1915 adding it up to 1.8m with that there are 3 levels the first level was arresting every wise person such as artists politicians even millitary personall the 2nd level was calling up to arms many armenians to the millitary making them weaker leaving elderly with women and children making there near 0 resistance and the 3rd was just mass killings marches everything with that the immigration began adding up to 10m armenians worldwide as of today with 3m living in the actual country making it 13m

    • @johnjesus02
      @johnjesus02 25 дней назад +4

      I hope you know that most people don't believe a word Americans say because of how biased and shite your education system is. Hope this helps

    • @pinguinhoZ07
      @pinguinhoZ07 25 дней назад +5

      @johnjesus02 average turk after spamming 1.5 denying it afterwards on tiktok ahh

  • @samdaan7033
    @samdaan7033 25 дней назад +11

    you forgot the one currently happening in palestione. which also started in 1948

    • @IceCream7634Scratch
      @IceCream7634Scratch 25 дней назад

      I believe it’s been happening for a couple hundred years

    • @insertgenericusernamehere809
      @insertgenericusernamehere809 24 дня назад +2

      @@IceCream7634Scratchno, it never happened. Warfare is not genocide, read the dictionary.

    • @shahdoda2170
      @shahdoda2170 20 дней назад +2

      @@insertgenericusernamehere809 If you dare to call the brutal ethnic cleansing of a people from a land that has been their own for centuries, erasing women, children, and innocent civilians from existence and then shift the blame onto those desperately fighting to protect their homes, families, and very right to exist, 'warfare,' then you are woefully ignorant. Educate yourself before spreading dangerous misinformation. Remember Deir Yassin in 1948, where hundreds of Palestinians were massacred, or the Nakba, where over 700,000 people were violently displaced from their homes, their lives uprooted in a catastrophe that still bleeds today.

    • @insertgenericusernamehere809
      @insertgenericusernamehere809 20 дней назад

      @@shahdoda2170 I meant that war isn’t genocide. These people are clearly not referring to the actual atrocities committed, but rather meat riding on there untrue nonsense narrative that the war going on right now is.

    • @PastelRemix
      @PastelRemix 9 дней назад

      He did not forget, he actively choose not to mention it - which is an interesting choice.

  • @My_Lacrimosa
    @My_Lacrimosa 23 дня назад +2

    Hitler didn't have a bad haircut. All prussian soldiers had that haircut. You're insulting Germans. And bolsheviks did ruin Germany

  • @ReconnectingPH
    @ReconnectingPH 25 дней назад +4

    Filipino here, we had an another mini bataan death march happened recently, this time it includes students walking home during the night cause their field trip buses didn't return

  • @tenwaystovibe419
    @tenwaystovibe419 24 дня назад +3

    1:15 Wait, Hitler CLEARLY did not have any of these features (aside from white skin)...so does that mean...?

    • @My_Lacrimosa
      @My_Lacrimosa 23 дня назад

      Hitler did have blue eyes

    • @the_man_behind_the_mask116
      @the_man_behind_the_mask116 18 дней назад

      Technically? Yeah but since he was the one in charge no one could say anything about that

  • @desiredcamet8456
    @desiredcamet8456 26 дней назад +6

    Bad haircut+ bad temper + hate = trump 🤢

    • @SpinelessVermin
      @SpinelessVermin 25 дней назад +6

      I think you mean your mom LOL

    • @LBNBall
      @LBNBall 25 дней назад +2

      No shitty mustache tho. It’ll be the same 😢

    • @ancientacc
      @ancientacc 25 дней назад

      Kamala supporter 💔

    • @Poglavnit_Pferdefuhrer
      @Poglavnit_Pferdefuhrer 20 дней назад

      *Thank tha Emprah that KKKopmala lost!*

  • @98marcus
    @98marcus 25 дней назад

    Underrated channel

  • @somdude-i91
    @somdude-i91 16 дней назад

    Making a Nokia war hammer

  • @TheDarkJedi715
    @TheDarkJedi715 25 дней назад +1

    Sheesh I have a violent mind and even this is bad also nice vids

  • @IDEKAnymore09
    @IDEKAnymore09 25 дней назад +1

    3:28 In fairness...it wasnt a warcrime back then.

  • @Sg190th
    @Sg190th 24 дня назад +9

    The My Lai massacre is why USA should never talk about terrorism.

  • @Tormekia
    @Tormekia 22 дня назад

    I'm convinced we're the only humans left on earth because we murdered any other group we came along. We're horrible to our own species due to minor differences. Imagine how we treated people who were literally another species.
    We're kinda a horrible species.

    • @Poglavnit_Pferdefuhrer
      @Poglavnit_Pferdefuhrer 20 дней назад

      Slight differences between groups always causes greater conflict for some reason (Shia - Sunni divide, Ethiopian Red Terror, Cambodian purges, etc)
      So I figure there would be lots of xenophilia going on, actually. _Predators better watch their booty holes, because they will soon be prey!_

  • @GaripKont
    @GaripKont 26 дней назад +3

    Armenian genocide is explained very poor and falsely

    • @pinguinhoZ07
      @pinguinhoZ07 26 дней назад +2

      yeah didnt even say the 3 levels

  • @rustispanna5728
    @rustispanna5728 17 дней назад

    So where does slavery fall in this list?

  • @PeterGriffin42000
    @PeterGriffin42000 7 дней назад

    Highest 150k...😂

  • @Poglavnit_Pferdefuhrer
    @Poglavnit_Pferdefuhrer 20 дней назад

    Missing the Bengali starvation and holodomor

  • @yuske182
    @yuske182 25 дней назад +7

    the armenian genocide isnt actually proven to be real. The ottomans have always been nice to people of different religion , race etc. btw

    • @atarunakashima8365
      @atarunakashima8365 25 дней назад +11

      Sure buddy..

    • @GoldFittyCal
      @GoldFittyCal 25 дней назад

      people r still genocide denying in this day and age

    • @W.E_EDITZ
      @W.E_EDITZ 25 дней назад

      Where did they go then?

    • @Dylan-ty2ii
      @Dylan-ty2ii 24 дня назад

      Ottomans massacred Greeks, Armenians and Bulgarians in the tens of of thousands before their empire collapsed. Stop lying

    • @Poglavnit_Pferdefuhrer
      @Poglavnit_Pferdefuhrer 20 дней назад

      Young Turks fan spotted

  • @devoncaban7403
    @devoncaban7403 23 дня назад

    Even blonde hair blue eyes especially twins were in consintration camps for human experiments

  • @alnu8355
    @alnu8355 6 дней назад

    Where is the "Grape" of Berlin?

  • @mur3u204
    @mur3u204 25 дней назад +2

    Oct 7 2023

  • @archangeldo913
    @archangeldo913 24 дня назад


  • @Tyrion111
    @Tyrion111 25 дней назад +5

    Gaza war??

  • @LucyferAngel
    @LucyferAngel 26 дней назад +3

    Yall dont FW The Analyst like I do 😌

  • @Claro1993
    @Claro1993 25 дней назад +4

    3:01 Also known as Comfort Women.

  • @myspeed8707
    @myspeed8707 19 дней назад

    Your one-liner jokes are in pretty poor taste throughout this entire video.

  • @ANIKET_plays_TV
    @ANIKET_plays_TV 14 дней назад

    I think that's not anime 1:59

  • @hamoudman423
    @hamoudman423 26 дней назад +7

    You forgot about the Palestinian

    • @Timon-do2wf
      @Timon-do2wf 26 дней назад +1

      It isn't even a gnocid, it I a average Civil war. Civil wars are the worst, they cause the most Civil victims, and if you combine it wirpth the Gaza strip wich is basically a single city, wich means house fighting what makes it even worse, and the Fakt that the Hamas uses the Palestinians as living Shields, you get big Crap

    • @insertgenericusernamehere809
      @insertgenericusernamehere809 25 дней назад

      Hamas is the real culprit. Stop twisting the truth blud

    • @insertgenericusernamehere809
      @insertgenericusernamehere809 25 дней назад

      @@Timon-do2wfpeople tossing around the word genocide to push their likely anti semite beliefs. God, why are we acting like Iran by justifying crimes against humanity with nonexistent ones?

    • @digdog66
      @digdog66 7 дней назад +1

      You’re right, what they did to those poor Israelis is unforgivable

    • @insertgenericusernamehere809
      @insertgenericusernamehere809 7 дней назад

      It’s war, also they voted for them

  • @JohnMark-ek9re
    @JohnMark-ek9re 26 дней назад

    2 Video at onces, i think?

  • @Circassiangurl2002
    @Circassiangurl2002 26 дней назад

    Circassian Genocide?

  • @FactsPlanetHQ
    @FactsPlanetHQ 26 дней назад

    Nice Vids

  • @Human_nepaliii
    @Human_nepaliii 25 дней назад

    Uhh so er after that one vid why is the evaluator so uhh nmv (what's going on guy🙏)

    • @BCJDM
      @BCJDM 25 дней назад +1

      Probably working together to milk the algorithm I noticed that also

    • @Human_nepaliii
      @Human_nepaliii 25 дней назад

      @BCJDM maybe

  • @Adambenhmida0000
    @Adambenhmida0000 13 дней назад

    Free Palestine

  • @BenOConnellCarney
    @BenOConnellCarney 26 дней назад +1


  • @mikewagner2299
    @mikewagner2299 26 дней назад

    So Stalin signed around 40 years before they released it? He died in 1953

  • @erikjensen952
    @erikjensen952 24 дня назад


  • @armeniafr
    @armeniafr 25 дней назад

    I’m Armenian

  • @takoyaki_mz_sax
    @takoyaki_mz_sax 16 дней назад

    1:45 really? using that word? how insensitive

  • @thatonecupheadguy
    @thatonecupheadguy 26 дней назад

    sup bro pls reply

  • @fictoxneo1431
    @fictoxneo1431 25 дней назад +5

    the biggest one is happening currently thanks to Israel

    • @W.E_EDITZ
      @W.E_EDITZ 25 дней назад +6

      Not even close

    • @insertgenericusernamehere809
      @insertgenericusernamehere809 25 дней назад +6

      @@W.E_EDITZsomeone with more than 20 IQ i see

    • @summerghost_05
      @summerghost_05 25 дней назад +4

      @@W.E_EDITZ free palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

    • @W.E_EDITZ
      @W.E_EDITZ 25 дней назад +2

      @@summerghost_05 From planet Earth.

    • @raphael4668
      @raphael4668 25 дней назад +2

      Sir i'm afraid that some genocides have been far, far worse.

  • @aubreynarciso
    @aubreynarciso 25 дней назад +1

    uy pilipins!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🦅🦅🦅🦅

  • @KingdomofVolsiaOfficial
    @KingdomofVolsiaOfficial 26 дней назад


  • @kira955
    @kira955 24 дня назад


  • @Subtoxmcheeto
    @Subtoxmcheeto 26 дней назад

    I subscribed, pin please