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Anime in the above user's PTW list you wouldn't recommend

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Aug 20, 2011 7:55 PM

Jun 2008
@ Roxxy-Baby

Finally someone else who has a massive PTW list, lol.

You have plenty of good stuff in there, but I personally don't recommend the following ones.

Slow-paced, boring, sleep-inducing, and/or sappy: 5 CM Per Second, Aria, Bartender, Gilgamesh, Shinigami No Ballad, The Sky Crawlers, Touch.

Overrated, mediocre, or simply not enjoyable: Howl's Moving Castle, Fancy Lala, Gals, Mermaid Melody, Midori No Hibi, Summer Wars, Soul Taker, Spriggan, Urusei Yatsura, Top Wo Nerae 2, Yami No Matsuei, Usavich.

Read the manga and disliked it, plus the anime is, or seems, inferior: Ayashi No Ceres, DNAngel, Himiko Den, Le Potrait De Petite Cosette, Shugo Chara, Princess Resurrection, To Love Ru, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles.

Read the manga and liked it, but suggest to avoid the anime, because it's inferior: Card Captor Sakura, Full Moon Wo Sagashite.

If you want specific recommendations on what are the worthy anime in your PTW list, feel free to ask me.

watching, waiting, commiserating
Aug 20, 2011 9:16 PM

Apr 2011
Mediocre or worse: H2O, Hayate no Gotoku, Kiss x Sis, Minami-ke, Toaru Majutsu no Index, Rosario + Vampire.

Haven't finished The World God Only Knows, but I'm not liking that one either.
Aug 20, 2011 9:49 PM

Aug 2011
Last Exile, The first couple episodes were decent, but the later episode started to bore me, I dont remember which episode exactly but i dropped that series around 10ish

High School of the Dead, the fan-service completely ruined this show for me, and the romance just seemed weak, probably because of the in your face fan-service.
Aug 20, 2011 9:53 PM

Jun 2008
@ Adam_R

Out of those I watched, they are good anime, and I basically recommend them all.
Death Note is a must.
Requiem For The Phantom & Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei are between my favorites as well.
Last Exile, Great Teacher Onizuka, School Rumble, & Full Metal Panic (all seasons) are really nice to watch as well.
The only ones that are totally subjective are those total mindfucks that are Utena & Lain. They are peculiar anime and I gave them fairly high scores, but they are not for everyone, and their enjoyment level depends on the person's taste. I suggest to watch a couple of episodes, then decide if you like what you see, or not.

@ SilverCyrus

The only one that you need to avoid like plague is Gals. Seriously, don't waste any time on this abysmal, shallow, sparkly shit.
KON's second season? I couldn't even finish the first.
D.Gray-Man is one of the best shounen around, but the anime is incomplete, and the manga is better.
Go watch Cowboy Bebop, Baccano, & Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, they're a must.
RenaPsychoKillerAug 20, 2011 9:59 PM

watching, waiting, commiserating
Aug 20, 2011 10:11 PM

Apr 2011
Out of yours, I'd recommend Kaiji the most. I've seen it compared to Death Note a lot...really is an awesome psychological thriller. Plus there's a Season 2 now.
Aug 20, 2011 10:13 PM

Nov 2010

Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
It's overrated. While some parts are well done, the majority of the series is just weird and plain boring. The last few eps will leave you saying wtf, and the whole series is pointless except for the message in the last episode, which really isn't anything new.
Aug 20, 2011 10:33 PM

Jun 2008
@ TheResistance

I don't recommend Chaos Head at all. Very bad anime. Pathetic characters. Horrible finale. No enjoyment.
Since you're a guy, I'm pretty sure you won't like Kuroshitsuji in the slightest bit. It's a terrible series that only yaoi fangirls could enjoy.

Quiz Magic Academy is not a must watch, but it's a fairly decent example of comedy+magic.

I've read the manga of Black Cat & DNAngel. The first is a good action shounen with a nice story, but the anime seems inferior. The other is pure mediocrity, and might not be your thing at all (ibishounen everywhere), plus the anime seems even worse.

watching, waiting, commiserating
Aug 20, 2011 11:03 PM

Jun 2009
Ugh Don't watch 07 Ghost, its a waste of time. Boring plot, yaoi undertones, overall a pretty meh show.

While I DO reccomend watching Kite, don't bother with the sequel, Kite Liberator. Its no where near as good as the first one.
Aug 20, 2011 11:08 PM

Jun 2011
Original Kanon
It is really inferior to 06.
06 is the most redeemable thing from KEY so far.
The artstyle is revolting. Bigtime. Makes them look like they ride the short bus.
Aug 20, 2011 11:52 PM

Jul 2011
A lot of people liked it, but I wouldn't waste time with Higurashi. The atmosphere of the first four episodes might draw you in but after that things are just going downhill. It's perverted, with unsatisfying finales in both seasons and characters who act childish, pathetic and irrational. Not to mention the show is quite dull at times.
Aug 21, 2011 12:22 AM

Sep 2010
I have seen none of the anime in your PTW list. >.< Although I personally am going to avoid Baccano only because I'm not a fan of the mob/gangster genre.
Aug 21, 2011 12:26 AM
Apr 2008
DO NOT watch Asura Cryin', the plot (if there even was) makes no sense, the characters are bland and uninspiring and the mechs (if that's what they are) look like big blobs.

First Haruhi is great, the second Watch the first episode (of s2), skip the next eight (aka, Endless Eight) and then watch the rest.
Aug 21, 2011 12:53 AM

May 2011
Elfen Lied - I found this series to be very overrated and I dropped the series after the 6th episode. If you like lots of gore you may really enjoy it; however, I recommend RIN over Elfen Lied.
Aug 21, 2011 1:06 AM

Aug 2011
Over all (from my perspective),
your list is pretty decent imo.
i can't really comment on the mecha, as im not into that genre, and have no right to critique them.

If i had to pick something I'd go with, Angel Beats, not because its terrible, but I would not find my self recommending this to very many people if any.
I feel like this was a bunch of lost potential, this show isnt bad, but was over-hyped, and did not live up to my expectations.

also, as for Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, you really should watch "Toaru Majutsu no Index" first, as it gives you a better representation of the universe and the characters within it.
and respectively was created first.
Aug 21, 2011 1:23 AM

Aug 2009
I'd say you should drop Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (2009). I see that you thought the original first season was okay, but I don't think you'd enjoy this one that much, notably the inclusion of Endless Eight.
Aug 21, 2011 2:35 AM

Aug 2009
Since we have a pretty good compatibility, I'm hoping I can give you advice.

The second season of K-ON. If you only gave the first season a six, you will die of friggin' boredom in the second.
Higashi no Eden movies. The first one was meh, but the second one was just bad in comparison.
And a lot of people really like Genshiken. I'm trying to finish it myself, but... I don't understand all of the hype behind it. I'm not gonna say that I wouldn't recommend it, because it is entertaining at times. Just approach with caution.

(Also, I would recommend picking up Natsume Yuujinchou sometime soon. I haven't gotten that much enjoyment out of an anime in a while.)
Aug 21, 2011 2:49 AM
Apr 2008
Eureka Seven, meh i didn't like it the plot was really poorly executed (the main bad guy didn't get a real introduction until halfway into the series), the guy main character is a hyper douchebag you'll like him at first but he just stays the same for the most part and the female main character is about as exciting as watching paint dry. If you gave Geass a 3 (averaged), you're really not gonna like this though the mecha aspect is more or less thrown out for the romance between the two main characters.

Pandora Hearts definitely watch. The animation feels outdated (which turns off alot of people), the plot is kinda shaky at times but the characters are the life of this series, though the animation is very disappointing and feels like it aired in the 80's.

I hear Mushishi is very similar to Natsume Yuujinchou, i don't know that for a fact but everyone i know keeps telling me to watch Mushishi.

Umineko, if you like blood violence, gore etc and no plot - go for it. If you want a plot, don't hold your breath. If you want a plot that makes sense, turn away now.

Good for watching Natsume. The best show for me right now IMO, great for watching it with a cup of hot chocolate.
apolloisfineAug 21, 2011 2:52 AM
Aug 21, 2011 7:11 AM

Mar 2009
You've got some fine series on your ptw list, I'd recommend almost all of them...except Bakemonogatari. I think I got 5 eps in before I had to drop it. I feel like there's a difference between pointless dialogue used to develop the characters and/or setting and pointless dialogue that does absolutely nothing. Sadly, Bakemonogatari is mostly the latter, which made it incredibly boring for me to watch, so it's the only thing on your ptw that I've seen that I wouldn't rec.
Sep 4, 2011 4:36 PM

Jun 2008
@ webkid94

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is, in my opinion, one of the best comedy/parody series ever made.
I'd recommend Elfen Lied only if you can stomach gore, nudity, and depression.
I've read some of Honey And Clover, and I thought it was terrible. The pedo mood was disturbing.

@ FallnKnightFakir

I've already commented on your list, haven't I? Anyway, Karekano and Denpa Teki Na Kanojo are the only ones I've watched in your PTW list. The latter is not a must watch at all, but I'd suggest to check Karekano out.
RenaPsychoKillerSep 4, 2011 4:39 PM

watching, waiting, commiserating
Sep 4, 2011 5:17 PM

Jan 2008

07-Ghost - Don't bother with this. The pacing is pretty much nonexistent and the main plot only really gets touched on in the first episode, the last episode and around 10 minutes worth of footage throughout the rest of the story. Oh, and the characters are highly irritating. The only thing worth even mentioning in it's favour is the opening theme.

Kai Doh Maru - Don't do it. This is by far the most atrociously bad piece of crap I have ever seen. Nothing makes any sense, not much really happens, the art is horrible and washed out and there's pretty much no character development.

Koreha Zombie Desuka? - One of the only 3 things I've dropped. Most of the characters in the first episode pissed me off, but I decided to give it a second chance. Then they introduced Seraphim in the second episode. Fuck Seraphim. She's a terrible character with no depth and seems to exist entirely to annoy the hell out of me. The other characters don't have much worth taking an interest in either, plus the character designs look terrible and the humour is dull. It does have the same bonus that 07-Ghost has though, the opening theme is pretty swish.
Sep 4, 2011 8:48 PM

Aug 2009
From your list :

Asu no Yoichi!

Really, it's not either very bad or very good. It is simply a very forgettable waste of time.
Sep 4, 2011 9:23 PM

Jun 2008
@ Wilio

The Black Lagoon 2nd series & OAV are a must watch.
Gankutsuou: An absolute masterpiece, imo. Don't miss it.
Full Metal Panic: A great and enjoyable series. Don't be turned off by the average first season, Fumoffu & The Second Raid are bloody amazing.
Mnemosyne: One of my favorites. A strange, unique, and stunning anime, but I'd recommend it only to someone who can stomach the gore and yuri.
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust: A good movie overall. Check it out when you're in the mood for some gothic vampire story.
Paradise Kiss: Pure eyecandy. Good, but don't expect a deep plot.
Nadesico: A rather unimpressive mecha comedy show. Neither good nor bad. Provides some decent fun, but it's not unforgettable nor flawless.
Texhnolyze: I've watched very little of it, was really slow, weird, and full of mindfuck.
Ergo Proxy: I don't recommend it, it's long, inconclusive, and boring like hell.

watching, waiting, commiserating
Sep 4, 2011 9:23 PM

Feb 2010
Damn, Ninja'd.
Sep 4, 2011 9:26 PM

Jun 2009
@Akito_Kinomoto- On your list you have a lot of good anime that you plan to watch. I personally would not suggest Ef. I found the plot a little quirky and the characters a little annoying. Although, of course, this is nothing but my personal opinion on the material.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Sep 4, 2011 9:41 PM

Jun 2011
Don't know much on your PTW but I heard Blood-C isn't that good.
Sep 4, 2011 10:05 PM

Jun 2011
Well, for the most part, you have a really solid list there. In fact, I think you're planning to watch almost every single one of my all-time favorite anime. Still, there are a couple I'm iffy about...

Fate/Stay Night - Sloooooow. It's not a bad story, but the series is two or three times longer than it should be.

Death Note - I loved the manga, but the anime was just too over the top for me. Compared to the original it felt like an overacted movie.

One Piece - Don't get me wrong; I actually really enjoy One Piece. But for such a good show, it has a really weak opening. I originally read the manga and transitioned to the anime at around episode 60, so I didn't have a problem at first. Recently however, I went back and watched the first 10ish episodes. It felt really childish and wasn't engaging at all. I don't think I would have stuck with it if I had started on the anime.

Seriously though, you've got good taste. :P
Sep 4, 2011 10:08 PM

Sep 2008
^^ Damn ninjas..
I didn't personally like Higurashi, but you might depending... I haven't watched too much on there that I disliked though so...

As far as Sooku goes, FLCL is hit or miss with people, He is My Master wasn't very notable, Hidamari Sketch was boring, I've heard only the first season of Minami-ke is good, and Gintama has too many episodes personally x:
KuumidoriSep 4, 2011 10:11 PM
Sep 4, 2011 10:08 PM

Mar 2009
Last Exile. Sure, it was pretty, but I just didn't think it was very good as a show, there's so much similar but better stuff out there. I also don't think the show's aged too well, used to come off as far more amazing like 5-6 years ago.

ninja'd! Sadly, Blaze, I'm not familiar with anything on your list, though I heard the manga for Seikon no Qwasar is garbage
Sep 4, 2011 10:10 PM

Jun 2009
30-sai no Hoken Taiiku is the anime I would not really suggest. It is just kind of random and the censorship really hurts it. True I only watched the first few episodes however, it was just very interesting. You have more interesting things on your list then that.

I don't know many of the anime on your plan to watch list. The only one that I have seen is Denpa teki na Kanojo. While the story itself is weird with only 2 episodes it leaves you hanging for more.

Personally I would not suggest High School of the Dead. It lacks in overall story if that is what you are going for. It is more for the fan service then anything else.
Suzune-chanSep 4, 2011 10:14 PM

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Sep 5, 2011 1:16 AM

Feb 2008

Blood-C - I figure you've probably seen Blood+ and/or Blood the Last Vampire, but trust me on this one, this is probably the worst thing Production I.G produced in a while. Watch ONLY and ONLY if you're a big fan of Nana Mizuki's voice.

C - Generally, the idea isn't that bad in C, the realization is what sucks. Maybe you'll like it, who knows, just don't expect a new Higashi no Eden like I did.

MM! - Generic romcom with many cheap parody antics.

Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi - I wouldn't necessarily say this was bad, just very average. If you liked other newer J.C. Staff shows it may be your cup of tea, Some of the smaller stories were semi-interested because they were like modern interpretations of fairy tales. Think twice if you actually want to check this one out.

Supernatural the Animation - Now, this may be just me being biased, but all American derived anime adaptations fail miserably (except maybe Witchblade which I haven't checked out yet). From what I hear, Supernatural follows closely the happening that occur in the first season of the TV show. Why not just watch the actual show?

Sep 5, 2011 4:09 AM
Review Moderator

Jun 2007

Well the only thing in your ptw list that I have watched and didn't adore is Tegami Bachi. I'm coming from a manga persepective mainly since I read it first before watching and it goes in a total dif way than the manga kinda and that bummed me out . Except that , felt it had too many fillers though I guess again if you haven't read the manga , they may seem normal . Also, HE CRIES SO DAMN MUCH I COULDN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE <: So after some few filelr of him cryinggggg , I started betting with my friend if he'd cry and when x)
Sep 5, 2011 5:03 AM
Sep 2011
I wouldn't recommend TSR if you're looking for the comedy aspects of FMP- they're basically non-existent. Can anyone say Darker and Edgier?
Sep 5, 2011 5:10 AM

Mar 2011
Uhh.. well you only have 5 PTW and 2 are unaired, so by looking at the three I've watched one which is Baka test which i recommend as for the other two, im planning to watch Deadman wonderland sometime.
Sep 5, 2011 6:04 AM

Aug 2011
Amaenaide yo!- This sucks a lots of balls. Stupid idea executed stupidly.

Code Geass- I don't like this, but you'll probably end up worshiping it... pretty much like everyone else. "Borrows" a lot of stuff from LoGH and Death Note, the pacing is hyperactive, characters are shallow, and there's shitloads of them.

xxxHOLiC- I haven't seen this, but hey, it's CLAMP.
Sep 5, 2011 6:07 AM

Jun 2011
Sonic X- Don't waste your time. It was really not that good. Plus Chris sucks so bad.
Clannad- I didn't like it. It wanted you to feel bad when you shouldn't. The Kotomi arc is great and Tomoyo as a character is good though.
FLCL- Didn't enjoy the randomness.
But do get started on TTGL and K-ON!
Sep 5, 2011 6:18 AM

Aug 2011

Elfen Lied- Extremely overrated. The first 10 minutes of the first episode has about 4 plot-holes. Yeah, does it sound good?

Tiago97 said:
Code Geass- I don't like this, but you'll probably end up worshiping it... pretty much like everyone else. "Borrows" a lot of stuff from LoGH and Death Note, the pacing is hyperactive, characters are shallow, and there's shitloads of them.

That's pretty much it.

I would recommend Spirited Away.
Sep 5, 2011 6:21 AM

Aug 2011

I don't recommend Kaze no stigma. While I really enjoyed it and it is an amazing anime the author of the manga died and there will more likely be no season 2 and season 1 stopped at such a poor spot so it will just leave you wanting more of what you won't get.
Sep 5, 2011 6:24 AM

Dec 2010

There's a lot in your PTW which I would definitely recommend. :P (Aria, Clannad:After Story, GitS, S;G....)

As for stuff I wouldn't, Yuru Yuri is okay on a weekly basis because it's a time filler. I wouldn't recommend watching this after it's finished airing.

Bakemonogatari was just too much talking, and not enough plot moving anywhere, so I wouldn't recommend that. Not to mention Hitagi is a bitch.

Toaru Majutsu no Index I/II - do you like annoying protagonists who feel the need to rant at every villain (mostly female) before punching them? No, thought not. Not to mention in 52 episodes I note very little, if at all, character development or overarching plot. Started with an interesting premise, but let down.

One Piece is too long for me to get into, but props to you if you choose to. :P edit:


You've got a really short PTW, none of which is really atrocious. You'll probably love Angel Beats!, and Code Geass represents a must-try. Blood+ I've heard is average, better than Blood-C by any means.
Sep 5, 2011 6:45 AM

Feb 2010
Well, Boogiepop Phantom is just trying to be as confusing as it gets and sell it as being deep. Not really recommended, I couldn't finish it.

Deadman Wonderland was not too bad, but nothing special at all, wastes potential everywhere and is unfinished.

Ghost Hound was just plain boring most of the time, so slow and pretentious and then in the end a very rushed ending. Nah, I didn't like the show at all, not recommended.

Fractale is a great example of how Noitamina wastes potential. Starts out great, good setting and all, but then gets all cliched and rushed. Also not really recommended.

But the rest of your PTW sounds great :)
I probably regret this post by now.
Sep 5, 2011 6:49 AM

Aug 2011
@higashi_no_kaze Kimi ga nozomu eien aka rumbling hearts I am currently watching this and it is just so depressing it makes me want to cut myself seriously don't watch it. I was warned it was sad but I did not ever think it would be this hard to watch. It's literally so hard to watch I have to take breaks every so often and watch a happy video so I don't kill myself. You have been warned!!
Sep 5, 2011 6:51 AM

Dec 2008
@Matron_Laylie: I didn't like Code Geass at all, I just found it silly and couldn't take it seriously. A lot of people liked it though so maybe you will too.
Sep 5, 2011 9:05 AM

Jan 2009
@ Cowabunga


I found this show very boring. There's almost no talking and it's very slow paced. I wouldn't recommend people watch it unless you can handle how slow it is.
Sep 5, 2011 10:52 AM

Nov 2008

Gunparade March. I've heard nothing good about it, and from the reviews I've read, it sounds very generic. There ^_-
Sep 5, 2011 11:30 AM
Sep 2009

Blood-C is too slow and cryptic; the school life scenes are painfully boring to watch... I know it's not done airing, but skip it.

Dantalian no Shoka is another airing anime I cannot recommend, lackluster episodic series.

Shuffle-- Typical harem show that tries to be meaningful at the end but doesn't succeed; skip.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
Sep 5, 2011 1:00 PM

Jan 2008

- Basquash!. Interesting premise and a pretty good first quarter or so, but they switched the director around episode 9 and it all goes balls up after that. It ends up changing from a pretty cool idea about mechas playing basketball into an attempt at some kind of sci-fi/mystery thing which gets way too ridiculous for it's own good.

- Tokko. Once again, the premise is interesting but it doesn't handle it decently. The pacing gets weird, the characters don't really get much in the way of development and the ending is atrocious and leaves pretty much everything unanswered with no follow-up in existence.
Sep 5, 2011 1:11 PM

Jun 2011
@Seasonreaper - Jeez, that's a long list. But just to pick a few:

Haiyoru! Nyaruani: Remember My Love(craft-sensei) - I was expecting a pretty crappy show, but this far exceeded my expectations. There is no plot, action, romance, or anything. It's just a collection of what seem to be in-jokes for people who read the light novel.

Deadman Wonderland - I find it hard to watch a show if I don't care about the characters. Deadman has a very dislikable cast. In addition, the show's pacing gets a bit screwy in the second half.
Sep 5, 2011 1:19 PM

Sep 2010
Welcome to the NHK I've seen a lot of people recommend it and give a good rating, but for me it was a horrible watch, every episode dragged on and felt like a year worth of time. I didn't see the point of it, I didn't like the characters, the presentation was boring.
Sep 5, 2011 1:33 PM

Mar 2009
Lots if good stuff on there but a few series I rather disliked. Xam'd is what I'll go with, the first half was great, but the second half was so bad I couldn't finish it. It sure looks pretty though!
Sep 6, 2011 1:38 AM

Jun 2007
Well, even though I got unceremoniously skipped the last time I posted in this thread, I'll give it another shot...


Big O: Gets confusing/boring in the second season, lots of unanswered questions at the end. (Decent show overall, but your PTW is short enough that there weren't many options I knew of)

Kare Kano: Starts with 18 episodes of sheer brilliance in the romantic drama field... but ends with 8 episodes of budget breakdowns, endless pointless recaps, slideshow animation, shifting of focus to side characters nobody cares about, and a lousy, inconclusive "go read the manga if you want more" open ending. I actually do recommend watching it, but drop it after ep 18.

Everything that connects to MAL

Contains Ecchi, but not Tagged Ecchi: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3

Sep 6, 2011 1:43 AM
Mar 2011
gad guard people who made this show makes you think Super Ronots are cool agian [ to me there always cool ] but this show no charm end of
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There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
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