Rich Piana Interview: Rich Talks Hate, Addiction, And Attention | Iron Cinema

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Rich Piana has been in the news a lot lately because of a very tragic medical emergency that has left him in a medically induced coma. And while Rich was a very polarizing figure (especially of late) - we all wish him a speedy and healthy recovery. We plan our Iron Cinema releases in advance - and as such I was planing on releasing more of our extended Generation Iron 2 interview with Rich Piana before his recent emergency... but I think there's no better time to reflect on the kind of man Rich is as he slowly recovers.
    In this interview Rich talks with me about subjectivity of physiques and how judges views don't necessarily match what we might want for ourselves. As Rich puts it - to be a successful pro bodybuilder you need to be addicted to competing. It's less about what they want and more about what they need. That's why Rich strayed away from pro competing and kept to his own idea of what his body should look like. We also talk about trolls & haters on the internet and how the attention actually helps him become more successful.
    As many fans, friends, and family send their prayers to Rich Piana - perhaps this new interview footage can help lift the spirits of those wishing for his speedy recovery. You can watch it in the video above.
    Vlad Yudin
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Комментарии • 2,1 тыс.

  • @dricklorenz9340
    @dricklorenz9340 7 лет назад +758

    he definitely was a character and enjoyable to listen to

    • @AHMAD-2324
      @AHMAD-2324 5 лет назад +23

      @PerrySport Yea man we know he took Steroids you don't have to continue to beat that lame ass redundant drum.

    • @silentrevolver4600
      @silentrevolver4600 4 года назад +12

      You have love Rich for the man that he is, honest yet ostentatious, exceptional yet delusional, larger than life who was too big for life. He is a walking contradiction and you know what, that makes him unique.

    • @noelthomas7254
      @noelthomas7254 4 года назад +2

      He definitely was the best

    • @dogoven.
      @dogoven. 4 года назад +3

      His vain character is what drove him to an early death...

    • @818deadboys
      @818deadboys 4 года назад

      @@AHMAD-2324 I use the saying “I’m very small doses”
      I agree, he’s only good to listen to in small, bitesized moments

  • @patrykbabiarski9672
    @patrykbabiarski9672 7 лет назад +962

    Sheds a tear to think that this guy is gone ...

    • @ultimatejoecolton
      @ultimatejoecolton 5 лет назад +6

      What did you think would happen to him

    • @mudbone7401
      @mudbone7401 5 лет назад +1

      @@ultimatejoecolton right lol?

    • @BigRockyD
      @BigRockyD 5 лет назад +35

      Jay D you’re a complete loser talking shit about a dead man.

    • @peterelios7568
      @peterelios7568 5 лет назад +2

      Patryk Babiarski Sad that any good person dies, but in this case not surprised.

    • @damienholland8103
      @damienholland8103 5 лет назад +2

      @I’m a fat piece of shit I don't think he was a loser, either. I think the point is he was putting too much crap into his system and it eventually caught up with him. People need to leave that shit alone. He's charismatic and it's sad he died young.

  • @gigachad7205
    @gigachad7205 2 года назад +173

    I still shed a tear when I remember his passing. Rich brought so much motivation, humour, wisdom and love to people. RIP big guy.

    • @johnrobinson1762
      @johnrobinson1762 2 года назад +4

      Rich is deep.

    • @ozzy7728
      @ozzy7728 Год назад

      The guy was a scumbag drug addict, get a life man

    • @cal4207
      @cal4207 Год назад

      Motivation the guy was a drug addict😂 who could barely wipe his own ass

    • @mithrandirthegrey7644
      @mithrandirthegrey7644 Год назад +2

      RIP to real one. He lived life on his own terms.

  • @Karanmehra19
    @Karanmehra19 5 лет назад +279

    Gem of a person. Absolutely straight forward and transparent. I wish I had followed him while he was alive. His videos are the best pre workout meal.

    • @agonlushi2812
      @agonlushi2812 4 года назад +6

      I followed him 2 months before dying man o man i really liked him good fucking morning its time to get big 😔😔

    • @patrciaclemons8183
      @patrciaclemons8183 3 года назад +2

      Erryone transparent to you

    • @kevinmalone9314
      @kevinmalone9314 2 года назад

      You can still follow him lol

  • @sappermade6012
    @sappermade6012 3 года назад +179

    I worked for Rich for a short period of time he actually over paid me believe it or not by accident I told him I’d give him the money back and he said don’t worry about it bro standup guy

    • @steve4633
      @steve4633 3 года назад +15

      He seems like he was one heck of a top guy

    • @John_doe204
      @John_doe204 2 года назад +5


    • @sappermade6012
      @sappermade6012 2 года назад +21

      @@John_doe204 ? I did why would l make that up it was years ago for his supplement company. I was over paid $103 and he said no worries.

    • @1dayuwill_295
      @1dayuwill_295 2 года назад

      R. Wobp(blackjack R

    • @blankblank9117
      @blankblank9117 2 года назад +9

      And? Addiction doesn't discriminate. Anyone can get addicted to a wide variety of substances. That doesn't make him a bad person.

  • @elloco7481
    @elloco7481 7 лет назад +1337

    No You motivated me to give up My drug Addiction and go back to the Gym again. Never Forget big brother 👆

    • @elloco7481
      @elloco7481 7 лет назад +4


    • @Ouopa.
      @Ouopa. 6 лет назад +23

      michael frank hope you are still okay bro

    • @MarighnamaniMr
      @MarighnamaniMr 6 лет назад +16

      Very Impressive brother! Hope you are keep up with the workout bro

    • @micowoods9534
      @micowoods9534 6 лет назад +9

      Omg me too bro respect GODDAMIT

    • @cornbeer6940
      @cornbeer6940 6 лет назад +17

      I think rich had a problem with opiates but I know what you mean bro, getting back in there myself after my own addiction to the pills. One day at a time!

  • @klote82
    @klote82 5 лет назад +166

    I miss Rich, hearing "Good F'ing Morning" just made my day! RIP buddy 🥰

  • @Rascal696
    @Rascal696 7 лет назад +646

    I don't hate you man, I never did and I never will. I learned some much from you. RIP man

  • @Shrey-G
    @Shrey-G 5 лет назад +71

    Started hitting the gym after watching one of Rich Piana’s motivational video when I was 16. A real and honest human being is what I call him. Rest In Peace to our brother!

    • @robertojose6348
      @robertojose6348 4 года назад

      Anyone know the song on the video? Please

  • @trendkill3333
    @trendkill3333 4 года назад +204

    Still miss the big man, Rest easy Rich.

  • @George-hz3qq
    @George-hz3qq 7 лет назад +642

    Whatever It Takes written on his shirt...not realizing that what it took in the end was his life... Rest in Peace, Rich Piana.

    • @alexscott730
      @alexscott730 7 лет назад +53

      Robert Stark He meant it at least.

    • @ProdigalSonAD70
      @ProdigalSonAD70 7 лет назад +20

      Robert Stark we all have to die eventually so it's not how you go but you do have to go eventually. We just have to live in the moment and cherish every moment cause never know it'll be your last. RIP Rich! Finally left humanity behind.

    • @bem1942
      @bem1942 7 лет назад +27

      EVERYTHING CAN KILL YOU he died massively successful, financially and physically and mentally happy and thats what matters most.

    • @Shadowboxe
      @Shadowboxe 7 лет назад +11

      b em He was a physical wreck, addicted to opiates and with years of organ damage due to steroids and party drugs. That's why he had the heart attack and died. Shake your head man.

    • @eileenwright1742
      @eileenwright1742 6 лет назад +6

      b em I suppose it depends on how you define "massively successful". By whose terms? You list the world's definition of success but what's missing is spiritually and emotionally (fit). He seemed to be a great guy. Honest, caring, driven. Yet, he readily admitted he was raised to believe that "the outer shell" was of primary importance. He realized this was not good. But it was ingrained and he couldn't escape this mindset. I felt for him. It seemed his self-worth was driven by his appearance and what others perceived of his looks. So much so, he was willing to take way too many drugs to keep up an image well into his 40s, a time where one usually sees that being true to oneself is what matters. There's a part of this in many of us; me included. May his soul rest in eternal peace. A good man.

  • @MADMAN-bg3zj
    @MADMAN-bg3zj 11 месяцев назад +6

    Whenever I feel pressured and confused because of all the new information and modern studies regarding fitness and bodybuilding,
    Then suddenly I stumbled again in one of Rich’s vids.
    It’s like Rich is saying to me:
    “You’re not lost my friend, you already know how it is. There is no secret. You just got to do it.”

  • @grrrio
    @grrrio 7 лет назад +267

    Rich is a great guy and no hater can take that away from him.
    Don't be that jealous guy behind there computer hating on stuff you don't get off you ass to work towards (includes everything)

    • @nomudnolotus4410
      @nomudnolotus4410 7 лет назад +2

      Racist that assaults mentally disabled people, yeah great guy.

    • @Lo2smoove
      @Lo2smoove 7 лет назад

      Grrrio he's racist

    • @juanbeltran8672
      @juanbeltran8672 7 лет назад

      The Truth cause he didn't know who the fuck you were. Duh

    • @looloolama
      @looloolama 7 лет назад +2


    • @AHMAD-2324
      @AHMAD-2324 7 лет назад

      Don John Is that true that he actually hates black people?...

  • @paulbaker1505
    @paulbaker1505 5 лет назад +77

    This guy. No matter what anybody thought always spoke with a sense of knowledge and truth. Which is rare in the bodybuilding community. Should still be here. Started watching him few months before he passed. Seemed a genuinely lovely guy

  • @semperer
    @semperer 2 года назад +45

    Rich will be missed... He was only one who was real about everything. He just told you the way it is! Rest In Peace Man!

  • @Joebummy
    @Joebummy 7 лет назад +178

    Rest easy rich. In all honestly you have motivated me at least one time to get my lazy depressed ass out of bed to go to the gym. You lived a rockstar lifestyle

  • @bobdole716
    @bobdole716 7 лет назад +455

    Muscles are nothing more than a bunch of scar tissue. Rich was a big warrior fighting an enemy living in his own head. The size of the fight was obvious, but that thing inside always wins because it never really existed.

    • @alexgureyev2084
      @alexgureyev2084 7 лет назад +49

      Holy shit now that's deep...

    • @thomas0086
      @thomas0086 6 лет назад +45

      Well said, perception is reality and his killed him.

    • @danielhenderson762
      @danielhenderson762 5 лет назад +19

      Muscles are scar tissue? Wtf

    • @bimankashyap3942
      @bimankashyap3942 5 лет назад +1

      Bob Dole yep you are right.. kinda like religion..

    • @H.K.5
      @H.K.5 5 лет назад +20

      Only a fat person or a stick man would say something like that.

  • @sp1x3r
    @sp1x3r 7 лет назад +891

    Rest In Piece Rich,
    You are the motivation and the inspiration,......
    For Everyone

    • @sp1x3r
      @sp1x3r 7 лет назад +4

      Is there anything wrong in my comment?

    • @sp1x3r
      @sp1x3r 7 лет назад +11

      I Dont know who cares if he used steroids or not but iam going to reply anyways.
      Well, Other people said bad and negative things about him or maybe he wasn't the greatest person in the past but you know what? We've all made mistakes, We've all said or done things we are not proud of, It takes a real man to stop and realize his mistake and appologize,He did that even when he didn't have to but he did that because he was a real man
      Atleast he wasn't a fake natty claiming that he just worked his ass off and ate to get in his shape,he admitted his steroids abuse and spoke about drugs like no one else did, he warned everyone to not use steroids and to stay natural as long as they possibly can, Also the most inspirational thing about him was his mentality and how positive and mentally strong he was, Back in the days when he used to compete and doing literally What Ever It Takes To Win And Reach His Goals! and this is the real champion's mindset
      No matter what you say, Rich changed alot of people's lifes positively and he'll stay a legend despite anything.
      Finally and as Rich Said :
      "Keep hating and keep commenting, Its making me money"

    • @Ryan.Harris
      @Ryan.Harris 7 лет назад +2

      David Laid rip rich

    • @damoncherry174
      @damoncherry174 7 лет назад +1

      Mr Zeus I use him as motivation too love my body the way god gave it to me

    • @Ryan.Harris
      @Ryan.Harris 7 лет назад

      David Laid lol I like your name

  • @killigrewjackX
    @killigrewjackX 3 года назад +7

    Rich Piana was the reason I stepped foot in a gym and started eating well and living well and doing all I could to benefit myself, with my dreams and goals and doing whatever it takes and not taking no for an answer. Rich’a videos helped me kick my drug habit and am now 5 years clean from drugs. Thank you Rich.
    I miss this man so much, I cried when I found out he passed away. I miss his positivity and how much he motivated me to do more for myself before anyone else and to make myself happy.
    Thank you for helping me Rich! The world misses you! ❤️

  • @stylerboy1032
    @stylerboy1032 3 года назад +32

    Still in 2021 when I am in the gym and feel like giving up, I think of Rich N his motivational videos it helps me keep going on. I miss u BIG BRO!! Gone but not Forgotten. :(

  • @ElEternoPoetaLuis
    @ElEternoPoetaLuis 7 лет назад +255

    I love how Rich recognizes that his trolls made him famous.

    • @danielprytz
      @danielprytz 6 лет назад

      You are a legend thank you for improving the rich piano vids

    • @omega0195
      @omega0195 5 лет назад

      Nah, people just are real and call this idiot a moron for using steroids

    • @Tyrosine0910
      @Tyrosine0910 5 лет назад +4

      @@omega0195 He was a natural vegan athlete, you ignorant twat

    • @fattdamon1980
      @fattdamon1980 4 года назад

      @PerrySport yeah and he lived his life helping others and making more money than most of us will with an extra 30 years. You're talking shit about a person who has been dead for 2 years. And I'm talking shit to you.

    • @noonehere4332
      @noonehere4332 4 года назад

      The memes made his comment sections

  • @jamesgand828
    @jamesgand828 4 года назад +98

    Rich, I have not met a single girl who would find your body attractive. Legit would show them your video and they would feel disgusted. It was us guys who admired your physique because we know how much hard work goes into making that much muscle.

    • @enigma2495
      @enigma2495 3 года назад +6

      James Grand : And you don't know what you're talking about. Rich had his fair share of attractive women. Hot women loved him. The females you hang around are all probably ugly or average looking.

    • @ludiqtitan
      @ludiqtitan 3 года назад +10

      @@enigma2495 Different people different tastes bro plenty of attractive women out there that prefer a man thats in a good shape and not a hulk looking monster who has difficulties wiping his own ass. No hatin - I am a fan of this dude, but you dont have to be ugly or average looking to feel like this big is just not attractive.

    • @charliewain6852
      @charliewain6852 3 года назад +10

      @@ludiqtitan we don't do it to appease women, we do it to make ourselves happy, and for competing, any women that like the way you look is a bonus, "fuck sex, this shits more important" - Rich piana

    • @Parnissios
      @Parnissios Год назад

      ​@@charliewain6852your life your choice

    • @AlexLister-v5r
      @AlexLister-v5r 12 дней назад +1

      Bro look at the women rich has been with, Sarah and Chanel ladies clearly love it😂

  • @catalinconstantinsocea4207
    @catalinconstantinsocea4207 4 года назад +27

    This man really helped me with his advice.I'm not a bodybuilder, never gonna be one, but his HONESTY and he is so open like dude, he could make a drug dealer go sober just by talking to him.R.I.P Rich, you will hold a place in my heart allways 😔

  • @CosmicCoconut92
    @CosmicCoconut92 5 лет назад +10

    I’ve been following Rich for a few years, still do, it’s nice to watch him talk now and then even though he’s no longer here.
    I think despite everything he had quite a gentle soul, and just wanted to be loved and for people to feel proud of him.
    Rest in peace.

  • @TheVatonaught
    @TheVatonaught 5 лет назад +25

    I miss Rich's little talks...for all his errors he had a ton of wisdom that really makes good sense... young guys...please give him a listen and think.

  • @LOOK4ae
    @LOOK4ae 7 лет назад +10

    The true essence of Rich Piana.
    His strength is not his body, it's himself.
    Thank you

  • @Lezeronero
    @Lezeronero 7 лет назад +384

    So sad! truly a legend that changed my life and opened my mind to a whole new level! I can't explain how grateful I am for his work! REST IN PEACE RICH!

    • @alphaomega231
      @alphaomega231 6 лет назад +1

      Connery Le will forever watch his videos

    • @KobeBryantt237
      @KobeBryantt237 6 лет назад +1

      Yes now I'm inspired to take steroids! Thx Rich!

    • @BigRockyD
      @BigRockyD 5 лет назад

      Major Red Ball good one

    • @nothankyou5524
      @nothankyou5524 5 лет назад

      Boy, I would assume, or at least hope, that by now, you realize you are an idiot....

    • @andrewgarcia7199
      @andrewgarcia7199 3 года назад +1

      Having people take the time to post negative comments, says a lot more about the person posting, than the person they are hating on.

  • @rankyeller
    @rankyeller 7 лет назад +49

    RIP It's nice to see the human side if Rich for once. He's obviously a smart dude. I won't lie. I used to watch every single video this guy put out when I first started my body building journey 3 years ago. Kinda stopped watching most of these guys for awhile though because I was fed up with all the drama and fake ass people in this industry. Rich always kept it real though.

  • @Airrover
    @Airrover 5 лет назад +14

    I'm new to his videos and was living in LA when he was alive. All of my employees were in to fitness, some were body builders or nutritionists, some martial artists, but most just trained very hard for the job. They were committed to excellence through serving at a maximum level in their own capacity. If only I had taken my own fitness more seriously at that time, and began following this humble genuine inspirational man, maybe I would have made better health choices over the years. After 22 years on the job I now have returned to my roots of lifting weights regularly, and I owe it to Rich who has inspired me from the grave. There's a long way to go but if I struggle I pull up a video and there is the inspiration... RIP Rich.

  • @youremybiggestfan
    @youremybiggestfan 6 лет назад +10

    I hate to be one of those that "start loving someone after they are dead" . I kinda judged him on his looks like he must be some real deschebag.
    But after he died i've watched alot of his videos and interviews. And to me he really seems like a smart and nice guy.
    He did what he wanted, and what he loved, and he died for it. At the same time i think he really had some issues but that doesn't deserve to be hated upon but instead have some sympathy and love.. He was one savage dude and he got my respect. Its sad he had to go so early tho.
    Rest in Peace Rich. You were and will remain one of the biggest in the history of bodybuilding.

  • @kalelwilson8337
    @kalelwilson8337 7 лет назад +8

    I genuinely liked Rich sad, gone way too soon. One of the most honest people in peace Rich...

  • @ASH-mo4qg
    @ASH-mo4qg 6 лет назад +7

    I just recently discovered Rich’s videos, and wish I had found him sooner. Such a positive guy. RIP.

  • @josephpuchel6497
    @josephpuchel6497 7 лет назад +18

    Im not judging anyone. This is a free America. As long as you don't physically hurt other innocent people. Rich was aware of the risks and lived his life the way he wanted. He had a goal to himself. Maybe others speaking bad of him should think over their thoughts before speaking. RIP RICH

  • @kunalsharma737
    @kunalsharma737 8 месяцев назад +2

    year 2016. i was so depressed...all i wanted to is end my life....and by chance i found a video of RICH.....that video alone changed my thinking....that video changed m thanking u RICH....for helping me,and millions of people worldwide.... thnk u in peace RICH

    • @harryhasbeard8666
      @harryhasbeard8666 7 месяцев назад

      Take steroids and take meth. You can be just like him .

    • @theplayerofus319
      @theplayerofus319 7 месяцев назад

      @@harryhasbeard8666 Rich had a true soul and gave good advice, no need for you to hate on a dead man...

  • @hulksmashentertaining9994
    @hulksmashentertaining9994 6 месяцев назад

    i miss him so much but thank god these videos last forever

  • @stevenmccann7935
    @stevenmccann7935 3 года назад +3

    We want more content of rich piana. He is such a joy to listen to. Great guy left us way to soon. Rip rich, we love u and will never forget u.

  • @EricJh21690
    @EricJh21690 7 лет назад +172

    RIP Rich..never have even been into bodybuilding, but subscribed and watched his channel after stumbling across it. Simply because he always seemed extremely genuine/honest, was entertaining, and was really intelligent about a lot of things. He knew and openly discussed the possible effects and risks of using different steroids/hormones/drugs etc., and was just dedicated to living on his own terms doing what he loved and made him can anyone not respect that. Seemed like a super hard worker, down to earth, and really enjoyed entertaining/making his fans happy. Really fucking sad that things had to end this way at only 46 years old..shocking regardless of his steroid/drug use. RIP Rich, you sure left behind a huge legacy and your personality will be missed..god damnit lol ✌

    • @myviewsonly8980
      @myviewsonly8980 7 лет назад +5

      EricJh21690 he took time for every single person. Great man. RIP

    • @stevenfinch7086
      @stevenfinch7086 6 лет назад

      EricJh21690 good comment mt

    • @remokelm1838
      @remokelm1838 6 лет назад +3

      RubyRed Same with me brother. Was never big with bodybuilding. But Rich was so inspirational. You don't even have to be involved in bodybuilding to acknowledge his honesty and be inspired by what he did and said.

    • @MaxxerG
      @MaxxerG 5 лет назад

      He made his life an experiment. Sad it cost him 40 years of lifespan.

    • @timeisup9400
      @timeisup9400 4 года назад

      Same here

  • @ryanorzech8293
    @ryanorzech8293 7 лет назад +6

    Love him or hate him, he's one of the most down to earth people in the industry

  • @danikarupe3106
    @danikarupe3106 6 лет назад +2

    Rich always made sense. He was a shrewd business man and training guru. He knew how to market himself.
    He is missed. My husband and I love his videos and still can't believe he's gone.. R. I. P. Rich

  • @LargeEnsemble
    @LargeEnsemble 5 лет назад +2

    I find it very touching, to see a bodybuilder, a man, a human being being that honest, straightforward, use his own language to talk about himself.

  • @AcidGlow
    @AcidGlow 7 лет назад +44

    *For you guys complaining about "this video shouldn't be uploaded because of his current condition".. You do realize it was going to be uploaded eventually.. either last week, next month or so on... Some of you are looking at this video in the wrong manner. Maybe this video was uploaded as way to take the attention away from Rich's current situation and to look at the good side of him. This is RUclips.. and everyone is going to talk about other people for views.. Some of you are so quick to jump on the bandwagon and blame GI without looking at the content of the video and its meaning... ✅ 🙂*

    • @SovereignStatesman
      @SovereignStatesman 4 года назад +1

      His current condition was self-inflicted.

    • @bryansalerno6078
      @bryansalerno6078 3 года назад +1

      @@SovereignStatesman After reading the autopsy one can easily make the case that this could have happened to anyone. His cause of death was atrial fibrillation, people stroke out and die from it all the time. After reading his autopsy it was actually very surprising that he didn't have more wrong with him than he did.

    • @ivo3598
      @ivo3598 3 года назад +1

      @@bryansalerno6078 true he was golden went too soon now he would be 50 followed him since 2012 on RUclips sad how he end up
      Just stop and imagine how he would make great content while pandemic workouts morivation everything … i miss him even after all this time now over 4 years cant believe that much… he was only person from these high popular stars that responded to me on Facebook and we actually chatted in 2013 up to 2016 what a great man he was for me second arnold

    • @bryansalerno6078
      @bryansalerno6078 3 года назад

      @@ivo3598 I was bummed for Chanell, She not only lost him but got shafted in not getting anything monetarily speaking, you know he would have wanted her to get most of his shit....

  • @metalfuture1982
    @metalfuture1982 3 года назад +3

    The upfront honesty Rich from the start, he gained so much respect plus the fact he is so humble yet confident.

  • @Doober420
    @Doober420 3 года назад +5

    He had fans because he was genuinely a great and honest human. RIP

  • @mohamadrezaie3276
    @mohamadrezaie3276 3 года назад +1

    i was following this man on social media's years ago i don't know why but i loved this man meybe cause he was real

  • @AmapianoOasis
    @AmapianoOasis 2 года назад +3

    You are a legend Rich. You are the realest, most relatable, truthful and amazing bodybuilder that i ever came across me and others like me. Thank you for everything you said and did in your life. I will always miss you brother, may you Rest in Peace, but to me, you are still alive and just as inspirational and motivational. Thank you for your life and everything. I hope you realized how much you affected people before your death! You are one in a million! Love you brother!

  • @justjayy24k
    @justjayy24k 6 лет назад +4

    Man I miss you Rich you have taught me so much and you've carried on teaching me long after you have gone.. Legends never die

  • @brett9771
    @brett9771 3 года назад +5

    This man was a real one RIP

  • @joycejeff38
    @joycejeff38 4 года назад +7

    I miss watching Rich Pianna every morning. “Good morning God Damn it!!”

  • @TommyGunTCB
    @TommyGunTCB 7 месяцев назад +1

    Love him or hate him, he was a man with a soul.

  • @scotthugins7672
    @scotthugins7672 2 года назад

    The psychology of all this is fascinating.

  • @kristofmartinelli7762
    @kristofmartinelli7762 7 лет назад +26

    Someone must be cutting onions... Rest in Peace Rich. Thank you for everything!:(

  • @simoabid07
    @simoabid07 3 года назад +3

    I don’t care about the reason of his death but i do really miss him i always enjoyed watching his videos he was honest and sincere until now i come back from time to time to watch em again even though I already did ... RIP rich may God bless your soul

    @NINJATURTLECSO 7 лет назад +153

    5:56 - 6:05 is why i liked him

    • @C924B
      @C924B 6 лет назад +21

      Apostolos Petkoglou dick to ball ratio god dammit

    • @robergarcia11
      @robergarcia11 5 лет назад +9

      He was delusional, very few women like that type of physique

    • @bimankashyap3942
      @bimankashyap3942 5 лет назад +14

      @@robergarcia11 actually the scientific study shows that muscles after a certain level is just added accessories.. its like it dsnt matter anymore.. but only a very small percentage of women thinks that muscles of that size is gross.. gross due to being too intimidating (feminist specifically)

    • @schroederluck7984
      @schroederluck7984 5 лет назад +5

      @@robergarcia11 Most really big bodybuilders know that. Fouad and Luke had a podcast recently discussing that. Rich was saying that the hypothetical dude in the mall is getting insecure by comparison, not that the girl actually wants him because he's a mass monster.

    • @bigguyjamal3533
      @bigguyjamal3533 5 лет назад +2

      @@robergarcia11 ​What a disrespectful thing to do. How can you insult a good dead man like Rich Piana?

  • @2455-x7f
    @2455-x7f 4 года назад +2

    gone but not forgotten .........right babe

  • @bekahviolet
    @bekahviolet Месяц назад

    The fact that this uploaded days before he died is so eerie. RIP Rich. No matter what he did to himself, he was still a good guy.

  • @willbriganceify
    @willbriganceify 4 года назад +17

    just learned about this guy and he’s a true legend, a lot of people miss you rich

    • @Sweaty__Sheep
      @Sweaty__Sheep 3 года назад +1

      From first discovery to genuine love, it's he'll of a journey with Rich. Welcome. Indeed he really was unique.

  • @KwongZilla01
    @KwongZilla01 7 лет назад +39

    FYI: this was filmed months ago

  • @thehomefront1905
    @thehomefront1905 3 года назад +65

    Rich was a real clever guy, but even he had he's demons, Rich was battling many different issues which eventually killed him, everyone needs a little help at times in life, don't suffer in silence, talk to people.

    • @TURTWIG094
      @TURTWIG094 2 года назад +5

      He had no real brothers .. a shame because he was the realest dude

    • @thaistomp
      @thaistomp Год назад +1

      @@TURTWIG094 The realest people are usually the loneliest.

  • @xspindrift8737
    @xspindrift8737 Год назад +1

    Talks addiction....the man was the definition of a full-time addict.

  • @Rockw61
    @Rockw61 3 года назад

    Dude was more concerned by how he looked than what kind of person he was like a lot of bodybuilders

  • @robthedon5926
    @robthedon5926 7 лет назад +14

    Get well soon Rich

  • @corbynolivas3626
    @corbynolivas3626 7 лет назад +285

    RIP rich

  • @dannyeccles1894
    @dannyeccles1894 7 лет назад +53

    Watching this video just hit harder than I'd realised it would.
    RIP big guy. 😢

  • @huzzyhuzz7249
    @huzzyhuzz7249 5 лет назад +2

    Rich was so down to earth and so honestly and open very truthful guy I was gutted when he passed still am when I watch his videos but I know he's helped me mentally and he's helped loads of other people with his honesty and advice he's a absolute legend

  • @mattharriss3835
    @mattharriss3835 5 лет назад

    in a few days Rich will have been gone for 2 years.... I still hear his words every time I hit the gym, every time I don't feel good, every time I just want to quit. I didn't know Rich... I met him briefly only few months before his death. As big of a guy he was outside... he was a bigger guy inside. RIP Rich... you are missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @anthonyjohnson4949
    @anthonyjohnson4949 7 лет назад +35

    I fuckin hate that this shit has happened. He was such a cool and motivational guy.

  • @bs2455
    @bs2455 7 лет назад +5

    One of the most entertaining and open people. Definitely gave a real perspective on steroids. Very sad he lost his life.

    • @terencetay6617
      @terencetay6617 7 лет назад

      bs2455 to steroids.

    • @BigRockyD
      @BigRockyD 5 лет назад

      Terence Tay good one you fucking cynical loser

  • @mr.mark0738
    @mr.mark0738 7 лет назад +5

    Big man with big heart...R.I.P rich.

  • @crackog8079
    @crackog8079 2 года назад +1

    One of the reasons I started working out when I was 14 and changed my life & mindset. Rest in paradise brother. Do whatever the fuck it takes.

  • @BurnerTurner
    @BurnerTurner Год назад

    This man will always be a good example to be as transparent and honest as you can. A lot of people wont agree with you or like it but goddamnit they gotta respect the honesty. Rich was an open book and i for one like many others respect the hell out of that. RIP BEHEMOTH

  • @alicadito3354
    @alicadito3354 4 года назад +6

    6:02 LMAO my ass off 😂🤣😂🤣

  • @insanity8026
    @insanity8026 4 года назад +4

    Goddamn I miss this guy, I learned so much and he helped me so much. Thank you Rich! You're a legend!!

  • @mrnpc2323
    @mrnpc2323 7 лет назад +42

    I'll miss you big guy. RIP

  • @MrTimjm009
    @MrTimjm009 4 года назад +1

    What Rich talks about here is what women in the modeling industry go through as well also celebrities in acting and music indusrty go through a similar process throughout their careers ( if they want to be successfull ) In his competition photos he looks great . But I bet there were those telling him he had to change or do something because they were telling him he had to be better .

  • @stephenp6411
    @stephenp6411 4 года назад +1

    I'm not even into bodybuilding and I love this guy. Wish he were still here.

  • @dyfrigshandy
    @dyfrigshandy 7 лет назад +23


  • @turboman9471
    @turboman9471 5 лет назад +63

    This man had a lot more to give, wasn’t his time

    • @Sweaty__Sheep
      @Sweaty__Sheep 3 года назад +2

      So much more 😢

    • @psychostasia2732
      @psychostasia2732 3 года назад +2

      it was his time and the ultimate lesson that he taught was to be real, tell the truth, and learn to live a balanced life because if you end up on the extreme side like him you will die young

    • @thomass789
      @thomass789 3 года назад

      @@psychostasia2732 Perfectly stated. So many of his fanboys miss that point.

    • @GetToDaChoppa-k5r
      @GetToDaChoppa-k5r 3 года назад +1

      Who are you to decide it wasn't his time? Are you god or something. Man lived over 40 years. That's a fairly long life.

    • @turboman9471
      @turboman9471 3 года назад

      @@GetToDaChoppa-k5r 40 years ain’t long

  • @chuck0110
    @chuck0110 7 лет назад +9

    R.I.P Rich 😢

  • @myles.motion
    @myles.motion 3 года назад +1

    almost 2022 I loved watching rich but was never motivated enough to get into the weight room because I thought I could never become big. You changed my life rich I miss you dawg

  • @browncmp
    @browncmp 3 года назад +1

    Met him at his last Arnold Classic in Ohio. Super great with fans. Drugs cut him down too soon.

  • @CenkerinGünlügü
    @CenkerinGünlügü 4 года назад +6

    He was the most honest, masculine, awesome, bright, real lover guy.R.I.P.

  • @nis5e
    @nis5e 4 года назад +12

    Why is the advertisement twice as loud as Rich's voice

  • @onerandomguy.2794
    @onerandomguy.2794 5 лет назад +4

    That intro scared the shit out of me , R.I.P rich 💔

    @LIFESTYLION Год назад +1

    Rest in Peace ❤

  • @jameyhilton6672
    @jameyhilton6672 4 года назад +1

    Just seeing this 3 years late,,RIP big Rich. You will always be missed big man,,I miss your honesty and wisdom...

  • @davidharden7575
    @davidharden7575 7 лет назад +18

    Sad! His motto "whatever it takes" took EVERYTHING.

  • @tomd5180
    @tomd5180 6 лет назад +53

    Boy whispering to girl:
    " lets cheat and get a soft pretzel today"
    Rich Piana from 80 yards away:

    • @mendozarodriguez4195
      @mendozarodriguez4195 5 лет назад

      Lol! That's my personality all day 😂😁😁

    • @bimankashyap3942
      @bimankashyap3942 5 лет назад +5

      @@skullduggery3377 a skinny guy wearing clothes would be an insecurity for you? But than again a big guy not wearinh any would also be an insecurity.. but than again a big guy showing off his muscles to look intimidating would also show that he is insecure.. but than again a common guy may be wearinh the right amount of clothes and still be insecure inside.. so the point is its more related to your own perspective.. you may say that he is insecure, maybe he is, but maybe he isnt.. he may like to look intimidating.. maybe not showing skin would be an insecurity for him.. or maybe it is.. 😂😂😂

    • @erickfuentes7276
      @erickfuentes7276 5 лет назад +3

      Rock Diesel all of these keyboards warriors wouldn’t have the balls to say something to this man if he was alive, now that he’s dead you got all the small dogs barking like little bitches they are 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @rammrod9974
      @rammrod9974 5 лет назад +2

      @@BigRockyD he thought he was more of a man than a regular guy in the mall just cuz he has chemically enhanced muscles along with his fake ass contact lenses to make his eyes blue. Vanity at its best right there, btw... where did his fake ass beach muscles get him? An early grave at 46, but you dumb ass meatheads idolized him, it's freaking pathetic

    • @BigRockyD
      @BigRockyD 5 лет назад

      Rammrod997 you would never say that to his face cause you’re a bitch of a man shit talking a dead guy in RUclips comments

  • @JayAre1010
    @JayAre1010 6 лет назад +4

    The guy died doing what he loved. I could only hope to fulfill my life with the happiness Rich achieved in his life.

  • @dman5703
    @dman5703 5 лет назад +1

    Miss this man alot and it hurts bad!!! He was a really influential man and the the fact he touch so many lives. It was incredible. his purpose was fulfilled and he was called home miss ya big guy!

  • @Eagles.Will.Win.Super.Bowl.59
    @Eagles.Will.Win.Super.Bowl.59 Год назад +1

    Rich had a good heart. ❤

  • @capcadoi
    @capcadoi 3 года назад +3

    the more I listen to him the more I feel sorry for him. Not talking down here, I mean genuinely sorry for the guy. He seems like a nice person who's fighting a losing game with his insecurities.

  • @insertname2636
    @insertname2636 6 лет назад +7

    A whole genaration got inspired by this legend

  • @nabatron21
    @nabatron21 7 лет назад +7

    RIP Rich!

  • @eksquisite
    @eksquisite 2 года назад

    crazy how such great personalities just leave this world so early, it seems as if the brighter the candle the faster it melts

  • @silentrevolver4600
    @silentrevolver4600 4 года назад +1

    Rich is living embodiment of American exceptionalism. Larger than life, straight up, unabashed, determined, singled minded and deeply flawed. A tragic antihero if there ever was one.

  • @UncleSam19730
    @UncleSam19730 7 лет назад +43

    Ur a good dude rich. Fuck these jealous people that hate on you. Really sends a clear message of those wishing they had your size and fame. But they don't! So fuck em all, get out of that coma and let's get back to the gym! 5 %er for life

    • @ksenobite
      @ksenobite 7 лет назад +3

      Exactly, I can´t cope with all this hate towards him. It seems that all worthless pieces of shit hated Rich. And all because he was an achiever, something that those losers never be. All hate comments really indicate how great personality he really was

    • @johndavies7185
      @johndavies7185 7 лет назад +2

      ksenobite gets yi down seeing horrible comments about rich a didint know him personally but a loved watching his videos one a the good guys RIP rich piana gone but never forgotten

  • @Peelie9
    @Peelie9 7 лет назад +10

    Rip rich

  • @martinfletcher6383
    @martinfletcher6383 7 лет назад +9

    Legend. Even the haters loved him.

  • @gerryvanderzeypen1214
    @gerryvanderzeypen1214 4 года назад

    I LIKED THIS GUY and I am SO SORRY that he passed away. Watch ALL of his videos and realise that he was out spoken about "things" BUT, never the less enjoyed every minute of what I saw including his workout routines...AT 75 years old now and STILL exercising every day with one thing or another, I appreciated Rich Piana and his straight forward talk....REST IN PEACE big should still be here......

  • @albertliu7103
    @albertliu7103 6 лет назад

    This is what i love about Rich. He's honest, always looks at the bright side of things and he does what it ever it takes to get what he wants. Mad respect, RIP...anyone in 2019?