Davy muscle

Pics please!
Enough with the gay social justice warriors.
Go make your own thread to attack Davy.
Hey Clueless Wonder, this thread was started 2 years ago and when it was started one of the very first posts were about hypocrisy and the first person to post pics in this thread was me. So, if you have an issue then the Davy Bandwagon of Closeted Self Hating Clueless Wonders can jump off and pound rounds. This has never been an appreciation thread turned into a bashing thread. It's always been about Davy being a dick.
No one cares. Just here for the pics...

Hey Clueless Wonder, this thread was started 2 years ago and when it was started one of the very first posts were about hypocrisy and the first person to post pics in this thread was me. So, if you have an issue then the Davy Bandwagon of Closeted Self Hating Clueless Wonders can jump off and pound rounds. This has never been an appreciation thread turned into a bashing thread. It's always been about Davy being a dick.
Hey Clueless Wonder, this thread was started 2 years ago and when it was started one of the very first posts were about hypocrisy and the first person to post pics in this thread was me. So, if you have an issue then the Davy Bandwagon of Closeted Self Hating Clueless Wonders can jump off and pound rounds. This has never been an appreciation thread turned into a bashing thread. It's always been about Davy being a dick.
Go to his Instagram where you can look at all the pics you desire. We will continue to talk our shit. Bye Snowflake...
You guys are rude assholes. Calling people Clueless Wonders and Snowflakes. If anything the Gay Social Justice Snowflakes are you guys. Mentally damaged from the hurt you got from straight guys back in high school. As you can see nobody cares for your shit, just want the pics and your rudeness is turning people off. You got not sympathy here.
You guys are rude assholes. Calling people Clueless Wonders and Snowflakes. If anything the Gay Social Justice Snowflakes are you guys. Mentally damaged from the hurt you got from straight guys back in high school. As you can see nobody cares for your shit, just want the pics and your rudeness is turning people off. You got not sympathy here.
Are you serious? You started this whole thing with stuff like

"Jo Nathan makes a valid point that the gay community is only inclusive IF YOU THINK THE SAME WAY THEY DO. If you have a different opinion, then they are more virulent and intolerant than the most homophobic out there." And "You are like a terrorist. There is a difference between someone killing gay people in cold blood and someone who believes their religion says homosexuality is a sin. DO YOU GET IT? They are entitled to their beliefs just as you are, even if both are different. Just because you don't agree with his ideas doesn't make him wrong.

Secondly, he isn't here to defend himself because I'm sure he's unaware of his thread.

Third, just because a group of gay social justice warriors all use groupthink to gang up together and bully anyone who thinks differently than they do, doesn't mean they are right. It means you're all part of a cult mentality.

Lastly, I'm entitled to my opinions as much as you are so piss off. And you still are beating around the bush about the basic issue that you don't find Davy attractive and you find him despicable, so why are you wasting your time on a thread like this and ruining it for everyone else?? Are you that negative?"

And you call us the rude ones and you call us snowflakes? I'm starting to realize you're not a very good troll. And like I said go to his Instagram if you want pictures. His entire feed is thirst traps.
You guys are rude assholes. Calling people Clueless Wonders and Snowflakes. If anything the Gay Social Justice Snowflakes are you guys. Mentally damaged from the hurt you got from straight guys back in high school. As you can see nobody cares for your shit, just want the pics and your rudeness is turning people off. You got not sympathy here.
I will say it again. This thread was created to call out Davy and his basic hypocritical bullshit and how he uses the LGBT community. No matter how many of the minority have tried to change it and push the original posters(Like Myself) out, we're still here and staying true to the message of this thread. Davy is a sad little closeted neophyte who does real damage to the LGBT community with the hate he spews and he shourding it in his religious beliefs. people like him do real damage and it doesn't matter if you 80%-20% closet cases defend him and only want to get off. Start Your Own Worship Thread. This thread is about the truth about Davy and his punk ass behavior.
Davy is a sad little closeted neophyte who does real damage to the LGBT community with the hate he spews and he shourding it in his religious beliefs.

You don't even comprehend how ridiculous you sound right now.
"Some random person whom I've never met and never talk to is damaging my liberal hivemind collective because he adhere's to a Christianity I despise and so I'll talk shit about him on a penis forum while he continues to live his life without worry!"
Utterly fucking pathetic and blown the fuck out. Good job.
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You don't even comprehend how ridiculous you sound right now.
"Some random person whom I've never met and never talk to is damaging my liberal hivemind collective because he adhere's to a Christianity I despise and so I'll talk shit about him on a penis forum while he continues to live his life without worry!"
Utterly fucking pathetic and blown the fuck out. Good job.
Sir, you're out here defending him and he'll never know you. Sooo...you're no better than the next guy.
You don't even comprehend how ridiculous you sound right now.
"Some random person whom I've never met and never talk to is damaging my liberal hivemind collective because he adhere's to a Christianity I despise and so I'll talk shit about him on a penis forum while he continues to live his life without worry!"
Utterly fucking pathetic and blown the fuck out. Good job.
You don't seem to comprehend that he has a large base and having that base whether we like it or not influences people who then in turn continues to sprout anti gay and hate bias against the LGBT community. So in this space i"m going to use it to educate the people who don't know what he's about and if they still choose to get a nut that's their business, but when you simpleton's attack us for doing it then dont cry when we respond in kind.
but when you simpleton's attack us for doing it then dont cry when we respond in kind.
Calling people "simpletons" (btw there's no apostrophe so you must be the simpleton here) DOES NOT win people over to your argument.
Insulting people and attacking them DOES NOT gain you or your point of view sympathy.
You think people are stupid so you have to "educate" us but let me tell you, most of us are just as smart (and probably smarter) as you. We can think for ourselves. We can make judgements based on the whole situation.
What turns people off of the LGBT community is not Davy...it's your attitude.
I hope you take a moment to read this well and start understanding it deeply.
Fuck it took me a while to realise who you guys are talking about. So there's this site idk if anyone uses it but it called "easygaychat" just a fun place to talk with guys, anyway this prick "Davy" is on there, I've spoken with him! Only his name on there is "Adam Spinozzi" or some shit! He said some pretty kinky stuff to me when we gruveo video call. He's just a textbook narcissistic!
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Fuck it took me a while to realise who you guys are talking about. So there's this site idk if anyone uses it but it called "easygaychat" just a fun place to talk with guys, anyway this prick "Davy" is on there, I've spoken with him! Only his name on there is "Adam Spinozzi" or some shit! He said some pretty kinky stuff to me when we gruveo video call. He's just a textbook narcissistic!
Are you definitely sure or is just, most probably major 'catfishing'?.