Unity Fap Nights at Frenni's Night Club [v0.2.7xx] [FATAL FIRE Studios]

3.70 star(s) 84 Votes


Apr 1, 2019
A Guide to unlock all scenes + Guides & Tips for Special nights:
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--> Guide is updated for Version 0.2.7 (I'm still working on the Story section though. Lets hope night 3 gets released soon.)

--> Attention: The Official Sections of the Story portion of this guide will be updated once the seperated story mode update is released. They still might change their UI/Layout here and there, so it's better i'll wait until then.
Dev announced that there is a gallery for the story mode in the working. With that, i'll expand my guide accordingly.
Screenshot 2023-12-11 162655.png
Information about this guide:
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CHANGELOG for this Guide (not the main game):
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Links to my other helpful posts:
In Addition to this Guide, i wrote a List to explain every Shop Item and how to use it, as well as some other helpful stuff:
-> You want some news about the upcoming updates? --> Here
-> Find the Shop/Item list --> Here
-> Wanna know how to disable/enable Futa OR how to get/cheat Money? Look --> Here
You want to get all the Bonus Goodies from Patreon? Then look --> Here
Quick Overview for the latest Update:
NOTE: This section has only 2 purposes.
1. To let you know which and how many new scenes are new in the latest known update.
2. To make it easier for you to find the new scenes instead of going through the whole scene guide/list below everytime.
New scenes as of Version 0.2.7 are:
4 New Scenes:
> Chiku footjob <
1. --> Buy her ice cream Skin if you haven't already and equip her with it.
2. --> Just get caught by Chiku.

> Goldie Titjob <
1. --> Buy and equip goldie with her nude Skin.
2. --> Buy the golden Dildo in the shop also activate Xmas decoration and guard with his normal outfit.
3. --> Start the night and use the peephole in the Mens Toilets at 3pm to peep at goldie.
4. --> Take the screwdriver (staffroom) and enter the vent (4pm in electricity room) to the Womans Toilets.
5. --> Use the golden Dildo on the chair to trigger the scene.

> Marie Thigh Job <
1. --> Buy her Cupid Skin if you haven't already and equip her with it.
2. --> Then follow the same steps as in the "Marie boob sucking + handjob 1" Scene:
--> Get find Lefty, get Cucumber (staffroom) and milk (kitchen fridge) serve at her window.

> Fexa from behind <
1. --> Buy her original Skin if you haven't already and equip her with it.
2. --> Just get caught by Fexa.

~~~ Arcade Mode Gallery Scenes - All Scene Guide ~~~
Question: How many scenes are in the game since the last update?
Answer: Right now, there are 25 scenes total in the game.

--> Note: To prevent futher confusion i already took out the scenes which are from the Story Mode and therefore not in the arcade anymore, in case you're wondering why we now only have 19 scenes that's the answer.
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~~~Story Mode Gallery Scenes - All Scene Guide ~~~
- Placeholder - Work in progress -
Why? Because the devs will add a gallery for it when they release the new seperated Story mode.
Until this update comes to us, this section will stay as WIP since they might still make some changes to the UI and Layout of the Menus.

NOTE: I know we haven't got the seperated Story Mode yet, but to keep things less confusing in here, i'll take the scenes which aren't in the new Arcade Mode anymore out of the list and put them in here for the future. might be for the best right now.
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~~~ Story Mode Walkthrough - For all nights ~~~
- Placeholder - Work in progress -
"A walkthrough? Why?" you might ask.
Because why not.
2. Because with night 2 they added some more "puzzle" elements and some "find a code stuff" which gave a few people trouble. If they ramp up like this with every night from now on then a walkthrough might help some poeple.
~~~ Xmas Special Part 1 --> Guide, Tips, known bugs, and more. ~~~
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~~~ Xmas Special Part 2 --> Guide, Tips, known bugs, and more. ~~~
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~~~ Achievement Guide: ~~~
I know, basically the Achievements do speak for themself but since there is at least 1 Achievement now (as of Version 0.2.4) that doesn't, I'll go take them into this guide.
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~~~ Easter Egg locations: ~~~
1 - Difficulty doesn't matter.
2 - You need to buy and equip Bonfie with the "Bunnpa Loompa" skin for the Eggs to appear.
3 - Only 1 egg spawns per night.
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Special Conditions and/or Explanations:
NOTE: In some parts of this guide you will find spots marked with those --> *** <-- "Stars".
These will refer to a special requirement, condition or information that you will need to know.
Just look at how many "
*" i wrote and look up in the list below what you need to know.

(*) - If you start the game the first time, Bonfie needs to be unlocked by going into her locked Arcade Room through the vents once. After that, she will stay unlocked for future nights.
Tip: If you didn't unlock Bonfie already and don't want to babysit another animatronic you could avoid entering her arcade which will leave you with only Fexa, Frenni and Chiku to keep an eye on. But keep in mind you won't get the Bonfie scenes that way.

(**) - To get acess to the vent system you need to buy the "Screwdriver" in the Shop of the Arcade Mode.
After being bought, you can find it on the Table inside the Staff Room in every round.
(***) - In this case buy the "Champagne" in the Shop of the Arcade Mode.
After being bought, you can find it on the Table inside the Staff Room in every round.
(****) - In this case buy the "Cucumber" in the Shop of the Arcade Mode.
After being bought, you can find it on the Table inside the Staff Room in every round.
(*****) - In this case buy the "Mistletoe" and the "Candy" in the Shop of the Arcade Mode.
After being bought, you can find it on the Table inside the Staff Room in every round.
I'll leave helpful posts from other members here too:
0xanEverage : He's providing great help with his stuff too, like his FAQ, Scene Unlocker, Money Edit/cheat and reg.files.
--> His Post - Here you'll find all the things i mentioned, take alook if you need anything.
Last edited:

Ronie Jackson

Apr 27, 2022
All I can say, it's actually in the game, but not quite more than that. (Will try to check the files more)
Eventually the stuff I've found might be somehow interesting in the meantime?

And I also felt like adding it to the game, a footage can be viewed here. It seems like Frenni interacts with the head of the corpse by ?dancing? it away?
I think she just eats it.


Feb 19, 2020
Wow Aziboh... This was your first post here? I'll give you some slack for it but... really man, to lose your F95Zone Post virginity like this is like losing your real life virginity to some stranger while drunk after a party and waking up alone in an alley the morning after.

You and Bloodbirthe seem to be part of this community for about 2 years or more and should know better by now. I really don't have the intend to to be offensive towards you both and i'm no mod but i still want to give you a stern look.
0xanEverage is holding his nose to the grindstone to keep this thread up to date with just every info you can wish for in his (FAQ) post which is even in the OP, the page where you guys even clicked on the download button.

Okay enough of my talk, as i said i mean no harm, so it's time to be helpful aswell:
A Guide to unlock all scenes: ...(with every details you could ever need, i guess)...
--> Updated for Version 0.1.4
This guide is for those who want to get the scenes the normal, intented way and will not take any .reg files or other helping programs into account

~~~ Frenni Scenes ~~~
> Handjob 1 <
Get caught by Frenni after her timer has run out.

~~~ Chiku Scenes ~~~
> Rubbing 1 <
Get caught by Chiku after her timer has run out.

~~~ Bonfie Scenes ~~~ (*) (**)
> Titfuck 1 <
Get caught by Bonfie after her timer has run out.

~~~ Fexa Scenes ~~~
> Footjob 1 <
Get caught by Fexa after her timer has run out.

> Missionary 1 <
1. --> Buy (***) the item/s needed for triggering the scene in the shop!
2. --> Grab the Champagne from the Table in the Staff Room.
3. --> Fexa needs to roam around, let her timer run out and wait for her to leave her room.
4. --> Go into her room and place the Champagne into the highlighted cooler on a sideboard.
5. --> Activate the lightswitch on the wall right from the sideboard, yes it's highlighted too.

~~~ Marie Onette Scenes ~~~
> Marie boob sucking + handjob 1 <
1. --> Buy (****) the item/s needed for triggering the scene in the shop!
2. --> Find and collect Lefty the black Teddybear.
--> Either check -->THIS<-- Overview map...OR if you are incapable of clicking on -->THIS<-- then:
--> His spwans are:
- In the male WC on a sink.
- On one of the tables in front of the stage.
- In the Kitchen
3. --> Go to the Staff Room and take the Cucumber from the table.
4. --> Grab the Milk from the fridge in the Kitchen
5. --> Go to her Location (left from your office in the hallway)
6. --> Place Lefty on his highlighted position.
7. --> Place the cucumber on the highlighted position on the plate.
8. --> Pour the milk over the cucumber you placed earlier.

~~~ Golden Frenni Scenes ~~~
> Masturbation 1 <
1. --> Peep at 3 AM through the hole in the Male WCs last stall.
Special Tip 1 --> In case you didn't know for whatever reason:
In your office near the right door is a clock
Special Tip 2 --> If you walk out of the office at 2:50AM you reach the hole at the perfect timing! ... i guess...

~~~ Group Scenes ~~~
> Threesome: Frenni X Bonfie X You <
1. --> Do the sliding Puzzle hanging on the wall in the room with the stage... And now realtalk time...

NOTE: Let me get a few things straight, just so that we are all on the same page here:
--> It is RANDOMIZED every round!
--> There is NO ultimate solution to this puzzle like "click here, then this, etc", sorry for sounding mean
but either you use this biological mass inside your head aka "Brain" to solve the puzzle while you
keep the timer of the the girls ticking which requires a little bit of multitasking or routine if you want
to call it that way, OR accept that you won't see this hot threesome action. And you really don't want
to miss out on that one i can assure you of that, oooohhh boy! maybe that gets you a bit more
motivated to solve the puzzle.

--> But if you still want some little "Tips":
~ Even if you are bad at those. Just try to solve it every round sooner or later you will get it.
~ Someone already said something similar somewhere in here (credits below):
Clear the row on top first, then the row to the left downwards.
Then you only have 4 pieces left, try rotatiing them, if they don't fit try to switch one of the left
pieces In/out and try to figure out how to arrange the pieces in a way that the 4 remaining pieces
fit with one rotation.
~ And last but not least, as someone mentioned do it on easy mode of course. This gives the girls a
longer timer which means more time for you to work on the puzzle.

(*) - If you start the game the first time, Bonfie needs to be unlocked by going into her locked Arcade Room through the vents once.
(**) - To get acess to the vent system you need to buy the "Screwdriver" in the Shop of the Arcade Mode.
After being bought, you can find it on the Table inside the Staff Room in every round.
(***) - In this case buy the "Champagne" in the Shop of the Arcade Mode.
After being bought, you can find it on the Table inside the Staff Room in every round.
(****) - In this case buy the "Cucumber" in the Shop of the Arcade Mode.
After being bought, you can find it on the Table inside the Staff Room in every round.

Credits go to:
0xanEverage : Well, a lot i'd say. Great work! #425
spotmark8 :
(Puzzle) For the tip on how to solve such puzzles. #663
wahhaw :
(Puzzle) For mentioning to play on easy and another way to solve it. #682
Thank you for the credits love, will link this to FAQs post collection.
Jan 29, 2022
How to unlock the new H-Scenes in Version 0.1.4

For Fexa Missionary, you need to buy champaign from the store, wait until she leaves her room, and then place the Champaign in the bucket and flip on the lights next to it. Easiest way is to play on hard, wind up frenni, grab the champaign in the storage room and book it to the pole area where you fill the condoms. Hide behind the curtains and wait until Fexa leaves.

Frenni Bonfie duo is unlocked by doing the puzzle on the wall next to the two hallways in the main room. Just mess with it a bit and you'll solve the puzzle.

Golden Frenni, between 3-4 am go to the mens bathroom, the last stall near the wall will have a small hole, peak and it unlocks in the videos.

Good Luck Gamers
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Feb 11, 2022
Trying to figure out how to unlock the new lewd stuff, its not as easy as it was before. If anyone knows let me know.
In the version 0.1.4, you can get caught by 3 Main animatronics to get first set of three scenes, then there is secret Marie scene and To unlock Marie's scene you need to buy cucumber from shop for 3,5k, After that pick it up in the employee room, go to kitchen, pick up Milk from the fridge then find lefty plushy and put All of the Items in shop/prize corner window, then there is unlockable bonfie that requires you to buy screwdriver from the shop and then pick it up in employee room then use it to open vent and go through them to the arcade room After that open the Doors from inside and she will spawn from next night onward, getting caught by her gives you fifth scene. The remaining 3 scenes are, golden frennie, you have to look through peephole in the last stall in vathroom at 3 AM to unlock it, fexa scene that requires you to buy champagne from shop and then pick it up in employee room then wait till fexa leaves her room and put it in the bucket then press the Button next to it and the last scene is threesome that requires you to solve puzzle in the dining area
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Jan 4, 2022
The easiest way to solve the puzzle is to pause scum.
Step 1: take a screenshot of the puzzle
Step 2: go into a drawing software and number the pieces in their correct order 0-8
Step 3: input your order into this solver ( ) like 567801234
Step 4: follow the steps until complete
3.70 star(s) 84 Votes