“Takafumi was preparing breakfast when his wife, Makoto, who was already eating, glanced at the clock and ran out to go to work. Lately, she had been busy assisting her superior, Professor Yasuno.
That same afternoon, Takafumi was called into the principal’s office. Takafumi’s dream had always been to open his own business, and a few days ago, thanks to Yasuno’s mediation, he found a location. Additionally, the academy’s principal, Kanako, decided to invest in the project. In the principal’s office, he was informed that he needed to start preparing for the store’s opening starting that weekend.
The weekend morning arrived. As Takafumi got ready to leave, he told Makoto that he would be away for two or three days. Makoto, who would be staying late at the academy helping Yasuno, felt uneasy. However, Takafumi reassured her, saying she didn’t have to worry because Yasuno was a trustworthy person.
That night, while Makoto continued working in the teachers’ lounge, she received a message on LINE from Takafumi:
“We’re almost done here. The feedback from the other side has been very positive. I’ll tell you everything in detail when I return tomorrow.”
While she was replying to the message, Yasuno appeared with a coffee. Makoto accepted the cup he offered, but shortly after drinking, she collapsed on the floor. Yasuno, with a lewd smile on his face, watched as Makoto lay unconscious on the ground…”
Wth is happening lmao. Awful translation, tho the animation was pretty good it keeps getting ruined by the by flickering and slideshow like transition
I think monkey dick is better than her husband.
Don’t trust women
Final horrível e mulher desgraçada
Wth this has better animation than a normal anime!?
Woman r piece of trash
These creators asking for war
Ngl I wanna murder the assholes who create this shit, if I find them I will definetely rape their wife or sister to show them how it feels, who knows being related to these degenerates they might come to enjoy just like the bitches in the hentais they make. Ducking scums
I bet, the creator from this shit is a ugly fat bastard
Wait , did some one put this through Ai to make it 60 frames? Now it’s all fucked up HAHA
nah but why do we get good animation in some cringe NTR dogshit
The Sex scenes are too fast everything seems rushed
Still was good
Even for someone like me who can usually look past ntr, this was too much. I wished halfway through that the mc just blows everyones head off including his own. God help the people who are actually into this psycho terror shit.
No fap, this was just straight up sad
Yea this one is straight ass you have to be a quick shot like this cuck to get off to these short ass sex scenes. The sad part is they were awesome scenes and positions just so short…
NTR: top worst genres ever.
Imagine investing into good stuff and not into something which feels like dog sht.
Holy shit, this is the first ntr that i can’t stand and that’s pretty impressive considering i watch a lot of ntr if the animation is good
NTR hentai is great involving Ugly Bastards as long as the MC doesn’t find out. But yes this was definitely a bit too much. The sex scenes are hot though especially the scene when she is pregnant.
it soo sad to see the mc fap on his cheating slut wife in the end scene:(
This hentai is fckin annoying…. Why tf are these creator’s obsessed with ntr… The story kinda pissed me offf
Lets gas everyone who liked this
you retards all complaining bout NTR really need to learn to differentiate between a fictional hentai and real life, stop self inserting yourself, go touch some grass.
this is fucked up worst women daammmnnn
This looks like AI
they change yasuno into a fat ugly bastard lol, in the game he’s a manipulative chad.
I hate AI subtiles but truth but hurt small pp like that dont married for sure..
You know it is ntr but, I gave it a chance because I was hoping the Mc would just beat up the bastard and then have a good happy ending but, instead the bastard took and married has girl while impergate her In the process. I know you can make an ntr story kinda good depending but, this ain’t it.
Godly animation. Would be nice if it has less yapping tho.
Yknow NTR is a GOOD SHIT i mean literally look at the newest ones, they literally had NTR on the title, which means the Majority of the world supports NTR genre than you Cucks ever hope for a VanillaFag MC
MC had a perfect opportunity to end the dude and kill him.
This is garbage as usual but japanese people like sticking their toungs in sewage pipes and eating the shit that comes out apparently.
I will never understand their obsession with bloated old men or NTR.
Disgusting waste of good animation
This rivals fucking Otomi Dori in terms of being a fucked up hentai for real.
This was the mostawful thing I’ve ever seen. That poor guy…
Is dick size really matter fck
okay thats exactly what happens irl, girls are attracted to ungrateful bastards and the good guys gets screwed over
Pencil Dick ain’t finna get you a girl unless it’s Sausage Sized
Pencil dick ain’t finna get you a hoe unless you got the Sausage sized
Luckily I didn’t fap to this shit.This shitty NTR can’t even make a proper story nor have a fuckin good ntr ending like other NTR hentai.
I would rate this 0/10 trash.
Who ever made this bullshit will die
100 percent trush
I hope the creator of this will die tomorrow
Yawa ka bati
Omg wtf is this animation such a waste on this fucking ntr
NTR Hentai video should never make it, it should be banned.. fuck those NTR and womens
This hentai was really a waste of potential might be the most hated hentai ever made even NTR people hate this shit!!!!
The first 2 Tsuma Netori in the series were great with good animation, nice character designs and story pacing, then it felt like ZIZ cuts the budget, and the last 3 videos like this one are just weak…
Felt like everything was rushed
Wasted Potential
This is so well animated and of course its fucking ntr
you know the animation is good but wtf is this slideshow presentation looks like the story was rushed
Laughing at all the cucks in the comments here crying about NTR. Awww did the scary big dick man ruin your 2d harems? QQ
Vanilla fags complaining and self inserting themselves is funny AF. The name of the video has “Netori” you watched knowing this, nobody forced you.
who’s the mc takafumi or yasuno?
Yo if you want N1 certified Japanese translations, hit me up. I can translate for you guys. It helps me practice and I can help my fav website have higher quality translations.
i like NTR as much as i like to fuck your girlfriends and your mom as well, nutted all over their face Damn thatd be hot as fuck
I think the author is fat too. He just making he’s own happiness HAHAHA
I will fuck your grandma
best part of NTR is the raging comments, peak content.
Couldn’t even get hard to this.
I wanna FUCKING kill the creator who made this shit
This has some better animation than Blue Lock season 2 lmao
I love happy endings
I Wanna KISS the Creator who made this
Those who like NTR like this should rot in hell
Spoil translation lol
I guess all the S tier hentai animators are ugly bastards who specifically have NTR fetish. Such a shame
Stupid people
Why best sex scne only in flash back.. bad choic
The fk. The vn for this is netori like its name not ntr… Wtf why did they do it from the husbands perspective on this -.- Also what is it with some studios totally skiping the corruption stages of these corruption episodes?
I’m sad for the man
ya know what is funny is they are time when a a NTR come’s along that is so good you say that it was a good one but i think it was not upto to par with the end of it but you know it cud of been done a better for the end now take natsu ga owaru made good art the animation was spot on the story was good for that one i give a 8 out of 10 Now this Tsuma Netori Rei wtf can i say that can make this a good one mmmm i can’t it is so fk up even i can’t fap to this shit it’s that bad if any thing and this is just me so i don’t know about you lot it’s done that bad it even make’s the one’s that are bad look so fking good so to put in a eazy way it’s that bad it give’s NTR a bad rap in a lot of ways
nah, its actually good, the bad part mostly that it has lacking NTR scene it feels like the jumped the scene too far and not focusing the sex scene during it, she went too fast to the got NTRed phase but didnt show her how she got NTR which is the most important scene, i hope they will shownit on eps 2, its almost perfect, but the ntr sex scene feels lacking
This need an update
I consume a lot of NTR but damn. This was actually sad.
Finally some good fucking shit
What is the code??
What is the code of this hentai?