Kissing until hypoxia, Zhang Ruonan was too shy to look directly at William Chan!
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- 点击看全集【click for all works】 • 🍧陈伟霆章若楠甜蜜日常大放送 William...
#照亮你 #adatewiththefuture #陈伟霆 #章若楠 #任豪 #williamchan #zhang ruonan #renhao
欢迎光临C-drama Clips😊,订阅我们观看更多意想不到的中国电视剧!
#你给我的喜欢#TheLoveYouGiveMe#王子奇#wangziqi#王玉雯#wangyuwen #陈鑫海 #中国电视剧#ChineseDrama#霸道总裁#灰姑娘#只是结婚的关系#oncewegetmarried #三分野 #HereWeMeetAgain #吴倩 #张彬彬 #肖战
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They are such an adorable couple- hope their relationship continues❤️
William Chan being flirty 5.11...he's really handsome and he knows it lol
偉霆 真的很帥很有魅力👍他不單只是外表賞心悅目、他更是內外兼具的完美男人👍Willian 你是最棒的👍Fighting⋯⋯
好幸福!可以不停親吻章若楠! 好sweet 的一双璧人!
Date with the future is great film. Main actors are very professional.
They have a good chemistry together 💕💕💕 Thank you🥰 watching from Toronto ❤️🇨🇦
Lovely couple ❤❤❤great chemistry of the main couple and all cast did well👏👏👏
Love their bts. He is always so playful bts but so serious on screen. She is a pro at playing haha
Отличная драма. Актёрская пара - супер!!! Всей пожарной команде - браво! Уильям-ты лучший❤
He doesn't mess around, of course he likes to tease the girls. He knew she was shy, just trying to get her to be comfortable.
Hahaha the camera people going in circles around them 😂😂😂
Смотрю сейчас эту дораму, какие они оба милые. Уильям просто прелесть да и девушка такая крутая, какой поцелуй❤❤❤
The chemistry is really good
Muito obg ,estou assistindo do Brasil São Paulo capital obrigado casal lindo vcs tem química e não parece protagonistas vcs parecem casal de verdade desejo tudo de bom 👍 👍 ❤❤❤
I love it so much nice story
Cute cute. I hope William Partner up with Bai lu next im Pretty sure they'll be a good match so sure 👍 😉
Lindinho dimais sô. Esse sorriso . Me apaixonei. Os dois maravilhosos. Todos da equipe. O namorado da médica. Fofo
Bellos me encantan ❤😊
Pasangan favorit nih... Klik banget
That was the best kiss!!🥰
Que mentira que se apenen, parece que en la realidad son pareja, por eso se besan tanto! ❤
Un serial super 🥰♥️!!!!!!
Felicitări întregii echipe 🥰♥️🍀
Mulțumesc pentru acest serial sunteți extraordinari !!!!!!🥰♥️🇷🇴🍀
It's funny how the camera crew gotta go merry go round
Best drama ❤❤❤
Amei de mais do início ao fim ❤
Me encantó el drama, la pareja es hermosa , me hizo reír mucho y bella historia y romance ..que envidia .❤🎉
Как называется дорама, не подскажите?!)
4:32 what the name of the music.. Somebody please help, I like that song 😊
Какой он весёлый за кадром, в фильме серьёзный.
William has such a charming personality that any female would be shy to him..❤❤
Os beijos desse drama sao como duas portas se fechando 😂😂
Il biliardino balilla 👏🏼Made in italy😉
Je les adore !❤
me encanta esta pareja ❤❤❤ son tiernos enamoran
I love the drama and I love the chemistry ❤❤❤ hoping in real life please 😢..I love you both
There is a song played in this serial, what is the name of it, a lady sings it
Se ve todo tan real.😅.
Perutku mulas melihat petugas kamera berputar-putar 😂😂😂😂
Siempre los ví como amor verdadero❤
What is the drama name?
A date with future
@@anjuanilkumar288 …thanks!
@@iLOveYourSmiL3 😊
Tên pim ạ