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Nov 21, 2021 5:48 AM

Jul 2019
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Interview #233 - @Crow_Black ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Utimate Edgelord

"By ourselves, we're no one. It's when other people look at us and see someone, that's the moment we each start to exist." - Joshua, Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Interview conducted by: @NextUniverse
Reviewed by: @AlexPaulLEWZ

Could you tell us more about yourself?

Crow: Wassup? My name's Anthony but you can call me Crow. I've been into anime and video games for like since I was a kid. I'm a 24-year-old edgy boi from Canada where it's always freezing no matter what season it is. I'm your typical antisocial introverted homebody who loves their private time as well as the peacefulness and quietness of the environment. People often describe me as friendly and kind, but I can be really talkative whenever it comes to something I really like. maybe too much of a talkative person lol

How did you choose your username?

Crow: I chose my username Crow_Black because first, The Crow by James O'Barr is my favorite graphic novel and movie. Second, I really like its edgy gothic stylization, and third, because black is my favorite color.

Could you give us your brief history of your time on MAL? Maybe how you found the site as well?

Crow: I can't remember much, but I believe when I was around college, I discovered MAL like a random JRPG encounter. While browsing through anime to watch online, I happened to find this site, and then I decided to create an account to help keep track of the amount of anime I watch.

NextUniverse: What about the history of your time? Did it happen to be uneventful as some AD (Anime Discussion) threads happen to be?

Crow: Most of the time, I used to only update my list and well, I got active on MAL's community out of boredom from the pandemic. At first, it was just uneventful like you said, as most of the questions I found on the forums turned out to be generic and putting up a response is not really something to put much effort in.

What led you to become a fan of anime and manga?

Crow: I watched a lot of Saturday morning cartoons on YTV growing up, and at the time, I had no idea what anime was. I just really found myself engaged watching stuff like BeyBlade, One Piece, Sonic or Idaten Jump (a lot of the stuff showing on YTV btw were 4kids dub, yuck!). After that, I usually I spent a lot of hours late at night after I have done my homework watching anime late at night on Bionix, YTV's own version of Toonami, which showed the edgier cool stuff like Dragon Ball or Gundam SEED for grown-ups at night.

NextUniverse: Yeah, 4kids was pretty bad. Just a side question since I love this show, did you watch Yu☆Gi☆Oh! at the time?

Crow: Yeah. I did watch quite a bit of Yu☆Gi☆Oh! growing up and a lot of my classmates were into the show as well.

Now, the controvesial question. Any users you like/dislike? A reason as to why would be amazing.

Crow: I have lots of users I like.

I've been partners with @Fario-P in the reaper's game since I started being active here and she knows a lot of really great anime, manga, and games. She has also gotten me into a lot of great shoujo stuff like the manga "LIFE" (yes, that's the actual name). Objectively speaking, she is the best thread maker we got on this site.

AlexPaulLEWZ: LIFE is the best manga that's ever existed. Thank you for reading such a masterpiece!

@Simone_Eatsdirt is such as sweetheart and is also one of the first people I met on the site when I got active. Every conversation we had has always been really incredibly fun.

@Minsssk and I both met on FG (Forum Games) a while back. We both share a lot of tastes in shoujo and josei anime, as well as in metal music like the bands Korn or Slipknot.

@Araberu is one of my main inspirations into getting into GFX. She's a hell of a lot fun interacting with and is quite a supportive friend :)

The threads that @Adimus_Prime makes are honestly a lot of fun to take part in and I love his no-BS approach in dealing with retards on the forums.

@Bunille is a light of common sense in this dark world. Be it online in MAL forums or offline in real life, she calls BS out when she sees it.

@Saber_Princess is one of my good friends from AD and she's nothing but kind and caring to me. I'm very grateful for that <3

Now for users I dislike.

@SemillaMinoria or Akko is way too fucking horny for his own good and the cheating threads are just beyond insufferable to go through and read.

I love fanservice and ecchi stuff as much as the other weeb. However, @Ipreferecchi is thirsty and down bad for his own good.

One more is @Hrybami, a guy who is an insufferable manchild brat. If you don't agree with him, get ready to be gaslighted as toxic.

@345EdwardElric is a shounen elitist that just keeps on talking shit about me liking video games and the anime adaptations of video games.

@_henri is a Monogatari elitist who hates you if you like Elfen Lied, yet is ironically friends with people like it.

Finally, @TheMariqua (now @DropOfLove) is a narcissistic pseudo-intellectual who always really gets on my nerves.

Do you happen to have any hobbies outside of anime/manga and MAL?

Crow: Video games, especially JRPGs and visual novels. My favorites are stuff like The World Ends With You, Trace Memory, Time Hollow, Hotel Dusk Room 215, Parasite Eve, Final Fantasy 7, Xenogears, as well as Chrono Trigger. I also like graphic design and drawing. Aside from that, I love listening to video game, anime, and metal music.

How do you feel about how the site is run? Especially in regards to the moderators and admins.

Crow: Terrible. They should keep Rule 6 because I do not want to see the forums overrun with horny sex threads. But I want to get rid of the 30-character limit you literally don't need all of that words in some threads. I also don't like the fact that people can exploit it to get people they don't like banned.

I also think the moderation is just bad, from banning people they don't like to banning people as a favor for a friend as well as the selective enforcement of rules. Like, I got away with violating the 30-character limit a few times, but one time, one mod deleted a post of mine because I violated it. Also, the threads are so boring af and uninteresting to me. Like, every day, more or less the same types of threads are being created. I prefer unique (or at least somewhat unique) threads that encourage active engagement and discussion but lately, MAL forums just discourage discussion and well-thought-out threads in preference for incel sex threads.

Honestly, I'm glad CE (Current Events) is completely gone for good and I don't miss that place at all one bit as I really don't like or care for politics. Also, FG. Ah yes, that place is super toxic af, and there is a lot of narcissist people looking to pick fights and start shit with innocent people as well as gossip about others behind their backs. The amount of drama in that place has ungodly levels of toxicity. The mods should really be cracking down hard on that place especially when a lot of pedos lurk there. Also, the site is so glitchy af, like damn, it's only a matter of time before the next MALpocalypse happens. The MAL forums should not be a dumping ground for issues that should be talked with a therapist.

Proofreader's note: The MALpocalypse refers to the time when MAL was down for months back in 2018.

NextUniverse: Very interesting take on your thoughts on the forums and how they are run. I'd like to ask, however, do you think that the 30-character limit is still able to push users to have a proper discussion, or it is a rule that has backfired on MAL? If I am not wrong, I believe one of its purposes is to stop people from replying with simple "I agree" replies.

Crow: It backfired from preventing spam answers to, well, being be exploited to ban people that another user doesn't like on the site, especially in a time where people are addicted to revenge and not forgiveness and character development from one's own personal downfalls.

NextUniverse: I see what you mean, must suck to be an enemy of the mods on this site, I suppose. Just a last touch on that question, do you report toxic and highly questionable FG users? I have been there a lot and I've heard some allegedly come back by circumventing bans. What do you have to say about that?

Crow: Yeah. I often report toxic users, strange forum games, as well as toxic threads. People on the forum games are super petty as well, like they'll throw you under the bus if they don't like you. Given how very cliquey they are, they clearly have not outgrown the terrible second stage of toddlerhood and still carry a petty high schooler mentality. They think that they are cool, laidback, and chill people, but are really just nasty snakes in the grass.

I remember starting a conversation with you because you had a blog I wanted to speak of. How is that going for you these days?

Crow: Yeah, it's going well. But these days, I hardly add new pages due to procrastination and my addiction to MAL forums :( But I hope to regularly update it soon again.

You've shown your interest in yaoi (boys love) in the past. How did you get into it and what do you like about it so much?

Crow: Ohohohoho now this is a fun one. Well, as a teenager, I watched Black Butler, which was one of the anime that introduced me into different types of anime. I really liked the gothic storytelling and setting. After that, I wanted something like Black Butler, so one day, I stumbled on Godchild by Kaori Yuki and I just got so intrigued by it that I wanted to read more stories by her. Later on, I just kept finding myself more and more into the boys/girls love rabbit hole and I started to really like sexy bishie bois a lot with my current fav, being Chuuya Nakahara from Bungo Stray Dogs and oml, he's the first anime figurine I bought as well because of how sexy he is. Since then, I just love yaoi/yuri quite a bit and I have no shame about me being a filthy fudanashi. I just hope no one I know irl finds out about it :x

NextUniverse: I would have never guessed but that is certainly a story to tell lol. By the way, I have a friend (doesn't use MAL) who is really into Bungo Stray Dogs. She says that Chuuya x Dazai ships are just wrong because they hate each other. What do you have to say about that?

Crow: Well, everyone has their own poisons. If you don't like a ship, whatevz, but please don't attack people for liking a certain ship or disliking it.

NextUniverse: Very respectable of you to say that :)

You are probably MAL's #1 edgelord. Do you agree or is there some other contender out there that surpasses you?

Crow: I am "MAL's #1 edgelord" and lol, I think @Iva- and @Fario-P would make great contenders because we just really like edgy media as well as having a sarcastic sense of humor when it comes to stupidity. And of course, a sadistic enjoyment for shitposting as well too lol.

Have you got any edgy quotes for us to share?

Crow: The earth is short on many things but human stupidity is always in infinite supply.

Thoughts on the human race, and their current activities? A real edgy answer would suffice.

Crow: We're all cancer cells one way or another. It doesn't matter what political side you are on. You're all the same sacks of shit no matter what flag you even wave. No amount of chemotherapy can ever cure you from being a bunch of cancertards.

From what I have seen, I know you are quite the fan of TWEWY (Subarashiki Kono Sekai). What did you think about the recent anime adaptation?

Crow: It's zetta terrible, like really zetta terrible, the animation was just bad, especially the CGI. The story was rushed and a lot of the humor was cut out hence why the story just feels so serious and lifeless. It took away the original charm of the game. Unfortunately, most of the Noise in the game did not appear in the anime and the action was just, well, nothing great either. It's such a shame it ended up this way as I really hoped it could have broken the stigma of video game to anime adaptations but sadly, it didn't. It is as what Shou Minamimoto would say as "Garbage!!!"

AlexPaulLEWZ: I thought it was zetta cool.

Your MAL recommendations had made me aware of the existence of manga adaptations of popular games like Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Xenogears. Do you like these adaptations, or do you think that they are they just aimless cash grabs?

Crow: I personally enjoyed the Kingdom Hearts manga the most since it closely followed the story of the original games, as well as having a lot of funny scenes in the manga. The Xenogears 4-koma manga is a must-read for any Xenogears fan like the perfect works. The Final Fantasy ones are interesting to read since they also add in more lore into the games, like Final Fantasy 7, for example.

NextUniverse: Would you recommend these manga to anyone new/knows little of these series?

Crow: Hm... good question, now for the Persona 4 anime, I'd personally recommend it to any non-Persona fan as you can watch the anime without really having to play the game since it follows the original story quite closely without having to take much detours. I'd also rec the Devil Survivor 1 manga to those who haven't played the original game since it follows it fairly closely as well. So, it's really 50-50 depending on how well they are adapted.

How come you are in and out in FG? You've expressed your dislike to it but I see you around there are times, any particular reason?

Crow: Sometimes, I only go there for whenever a friend of mine wants me to post on something and sometimes, I go there just to troll the hell out of elitists of the harshly judge threads by making them look like what they really are: clowns with no social life outside of an anime forum with their only personality being an elitist prick. But other than that, I prefer sticking to video game discussions, anime discussions, or casual discussion and tbh, I'd rather keep clear of that place at all times now especially with the amount of dark stuff I hear from the shitposters den to the discord servers of FG cliques gangs warring each other like crazy. I'd rather keep clear of that drama at all times.

From some of your threads I've been on, your MAL relationships with some people seem to be all over the place, with clingy individuals to backstabbers you encounter at times. How do you evaluate the people you interact with and how close you would let them be?

Crow: I've had a lot of really messy and mixed relationships on MAL. For one, I've stopped adding people just because they happen to be from the same province as I am because I often don't see much Canadians on the forums. I also don't talk about my personal life at all especially on the comments section as people could be reading through that stuff. I have also removed basically just about everyone I was "friends" with during my time on FG as I've seen the kind of toxic af shit they have been gossiping about me and my friends' backs. I just removed them without hesitation because I just felt pretty backstabbed by that.

I also left my comments section to friends only now because I want it to be people I know and interact with from time to time. Out of the hundred or something, I'd say only a few are my close friends. Well, another way I make sure they are people I know I will like and get along with is that I make sure they are fellow introverts. I also make sure they have to have similar tastes of games I do. As gatekeeping as it sounds, it's actually quite effective as I don't want friend collectors adding me then later delete me out of boredom and just have me as a doll in their collection. Those are just some of the reasons why I disabled my friend requests button.

As for the people I was so called "friends" with, well, they aren't in my life anymore and I rather keep them out of my sight and mind. I want to just go about my day online in peace without dealing with any drama, narcissism, or toxicity of any and all kinds. I also look at the comments I've had very carefully and I can easily read tones quite well on how genuine they are with their words. If I spot any holes in their statements, I ask them until I get a proper full answer and decide for myself if I want to remove them.

NextUniverse: Damn, looking for real ones only. That is something everyone needs in their lives, I hope the real ones always stay close to you.

Crow: Yeah, thanks for your wishes. Well, I'd honestly stopped from making failed backstabbing friend threads now, and now, I rather create threads based on stuff that I find interesting like video games or anime concepts I really like. I want to make those threads unique or at least somewhat unique to encourage active engaging discussion instead of wasting time on threads I don't think are interesting to me. I wish these kinds of threads like ones @Fario-P and @Adimus_Prime make are encouraged and created more often instead of the incel threads you keep seeing every day. Hopefully there will be more creative intellectual users in the future to make threads like these to combat and change the toxic af environment both the moderation team and the incel/cliquey toxic af narcs of FG community have created.

What is Fario-P's best thread?

Crow: Isekai critics and haters, how would YOU make an isekai show?
I'd say that is my personal favorite of hers and interestingly enough, it also inspired me to create my own webnovel for the Honeyfeed contest, "My New Life in a Death Game From Another World.". You can read that this was heavily based off my personal gripes with the genre being generic and stories being more or less the same.

NextUniverse: Nice novel drop, I might read it, but I've said that about someone else and never got time to it lmao.

Crow: LOL you should read it, this story is heavily based on 90s JRPGs btw, as well as modern ones like Golden Sun.

NextUniverse: Sounds based, will read. Soon.

Any favourite Yu☆Gi☆Oh! card(s)?

Crow: My favorite Pokémon is Darkrai if that counts lmao.

But other than that I'd say Black Tyranno is my favorite one since T-rexes are cool.

Do you see yourself leaving MAL in the near future?

Crow: Nope, I'll be here until the site closes down for good or if all my close friends move to Anilist.

Is there anything you wish MAL had?

Crow: The ability to stop crashing every few secs as a start, and bans should be on social sections instead of the entire site itself. I would also want apolitical mods instead of political type mods because political mods' bias will be even more prevalent when all should be treated equally as should be. Also, for MAL, to update and upgrade their tags to be more in line with what anime-planet would have, I guess.

Is there something unasked that you would like to talk about?

Crow: Not that I could think of.

Any feedback on the interview format?

Crow: Nope, I had no issues with it.

Can you recommend three members who we can choose from to interview next, and briefly explain why you would like to read their interviews?

@Adimus_Prime, because he makes really good threads as well as for the fact that he's always had made some pretty insightful and hilarious posts.

@Iva- she's very wise when it comes to yaoi/yuri and it'd be interesting hearing her thoughts on the community of MAL, as well as hearing her thoughts on what she likes and dislikes about the yaoi medium.

@Araberu, she's really great at GFX layouts and forum sets. It'd be nice to hear her thoughts as well on being a GFXdesigner on MAL as well as the community itself.

That's the end of the interview. Thank you for your attention :)
SkittlesDec 7, 2021 12:40 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Nov 21, 2021 5:57 AM

Dec 2019
that was an interesting interview to read ^^ great job by verse too!
if i remember correctly, that edgy quote you shared used to be in your signature around a year ago haha. also, i'm gonna surpass your edginess one day 😎

ps. am i not among your liked users :') jkjk thank youu for the recommendation :)
Nov 21, 2021 6:51 AM
Dec 2017
iva- said:
that was an interesting interview to read ^^ great job by verse too!
if i remember correctly, that edgy quote you shared used to be in your signature around a year ago haha. also, i'm gonna surpass your edginess one day 😎

ps. am i not among your liked users :') jkjk thank youu for the recommendation :)

This was way before i mastered the nightmare that was known as bbcoding lol.

And ohohohohohohohohohoho even if you do surpass the edge, i'll still drag you all the way down to yaoi hell with me because thats what fudanashi/fujoshi friends do we spot a series we like, compliment the hot boyz or hot girlz (all depends on the mood we're in) and hurt ourselves with the pain they go through. ;)

Also the interview was conducted on discord so fuck the character limit and nitro as i would have made this interview alot more longer than it already is.
Disapeared_GhostNov 21, 2021 7:19 AM

Nov 21, 2021 7:28 AM
Captain Eyepatch

Dec 2015
Dayum, you had a lot to talk about in that interview. I for one didn't know you were "MAL's #1 edgelord". You didn't seem all that edgy in my eye. It was just not the fibe I obtained from you.

Anyways, cool interview.
Nov 21, 2021 8:27 AM
Dec 2017
Dinoe said:
Dayum, you had a lot to talk about in that interview. I for one didn't know you were "MAL's #1 edgelord". You didn't seem all that edgy in my eye. It was just not the fibe I obtained from you.

Anyways, cool interview.

Oh the character development one can go through in a site like this.

Nov 21, 2021 8:53 AM
Dec 2017
This interview was a lot of fun and i've been glowing since this morning seeing it being posted and thanks alot for the opportunity. I really dropped the freaking moon and not an apple for this review.

And also play THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU and ya'll pc masterrace elitists can go touch grass and get over yourselves if you think thats the best console of all time.
Disapeared_GhostNov 21, 2021 9:48 AM

Nov 22, 2021 1:05 AM

Oct 2010
edgiest interview I read, good job
Nov 22, 2021 9:27 AM

Jun 2014
I'm actually surprised that I'm not on your list of "users that you dislike." I know that you don't like me, but I guess that there must be worse people out there than me, lol.

Nov 22, 2021 12:43 PM

May 2013
Seiya said:
I'm actually surprised that I'm not on your list of "users that you dislike." I know that you don't like me, but I guess that there must be worse people out there than me, lol.

I was surprised for another reason, by not being on his users that he liked lol. I aint sweating it though, he has alot of friends so it must have been hard to pick a few.

OT: Still I almost cut myself on all that edge - 11/10 worthwhile read.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Nov 22, 2021 2:04 PM
Skill issue

Apr 2020
It was really interesting to read this crow already knew some stuff but still happy to know more about you and your experience here, but one thing ill 100% agree is that you truly are the mal edgelord xD at least on forums

Forum set by SS <3

Nov 22, 2021 3:44 PM

Mar 2021
After reading this interview, you're still the enigma I've always viewed you as.
"Molly Ringwald" out right now - check my Linktree!

Nov 22, 2021 6:07 PM

Jun 2017
Such a great interview! Congrats to crow and verse (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚
I've learnt a little bit more about you with some of the questions so I'm glad you participated :D I was not impressed with some of the answers, you are MAL's #1 edgelord for sure hehe

btw you made me discover this interviews and they are pretty dope so thanks for it!!

and thanks for mentioning me on your liked users ☆
Nov 23, 2021 12:44 PM

Oct 2015
I expected this to be edgier but oh well. I guess I got left disappointed by Crow_Black.

Sorry bud but you just didn't deserve that MAL #1 edgelord title imo.
Nov 23, 2021 10:22 PM
Dec 2017
There is alot more people i could mention, but fucking discord character limits. :/

Nov 24, 2021 12:25 PM
Dec 2017
Desolated said:
I expected this to be edgier but oh well. I guess I got left disappointed by Crow_Black.

Sorry bud but you just didn't deserve that MAL #1 edgelord title imo.
Seiya said:
I'm actually surprised that I'm not on your list of "users that you dislike." I know that you don't like me, but I guess that there must be worse people out there than me, lol.

I'll gladly share my thoughts on what i really think of both of you guys, but the powers that be prevents me from doing so. And as i always say, i completetly hate everyone and their mother since everyone here except the people on my friendslist are total cancer.
Disapeared_GhostNov 24, 2021 12:54 PM

Nov 24, 2021 12:28 PM

Oct 2015
Crow_Black said:
Desolated said:
I expected this to be edgier but oh well. I guess I got left disappointed by Crow_Black.

Sorry bud but you just didn't deserve that MAL #1 edgelord title imo.
Seiya said:
I'm actually surprised that I'm not on your list of "users that you dislike." I know that you don't like me, but I guess that there must be worse people out there than me, lol.

I'll gladly decimate both of thy mortals, but thoust powers of this realm prevent me from doing so.
lmao that's sounds pretty chuunibyou.

Very well, that's more like it.
Nov 24, 2021 12:50 PM
Dec 2017
I only like people on my friendslist otherwise i completely hate just about everyone and their mother on this cancerous site i should have put that in.

Nov 24, 2021 2:59 PM

Jun 2014
Crow_Black said:

I'll gladly share my thoughts on what i really think of both of you guys, but the powers that be prevents me from doing so. And as i always say, i completetly hate everyone and their mother since everyone here except the people on my friendslist are total cancer.

I'll admit that my opinion of you isn't exactly "positive," but disliking that many people isn't exactly healthy. :P

Nov 24, 2021 3:03 PM
Dec 2017
Seiya said:
Crow_Black said:

I'll gladly share my thoughts on what i really think of both of you guys, but the powers that be prevents me from doing so. And as i always say, i completetly hate everyone and their mother since everyone here except the people on my friendslist are total cancer.

I'll admit that my opinion of you isn't exactly "positive," but disliking that many people isn't exactly healthy. :P

LOL, i couldn't care less at all what anyone thinks about me.

Nov 24, 2021 3:06 PM

Jun 2014
Crow_Black said:
Seiya said:

I'll admit that my opinion of you isn't exactly "positive," but disliking that many people isn't exactly healthy. :P

LOL, i couldn't care less at all what anyone thinks about me.

If you didn't care, you wouldn't have bothered to quote me. :P

Nov 24, 2021 3:07 PM
Dec 2017
Seiya said:
Crow_Black said:

LOL, i couldn't care less at all what anyone thinks about me.

If you didn't care, you wouldn't have bothered to quote me. :P

If you didn't care you wouldn't have responded to said quotation huh? lol.

Nov 24, 2021 3:09 PM

Jun 2014
Crow_Black said:
Seiya said:

If you didn't care, you wouldn't have bothered to quote me. :P

If you didn't care you wouldn't have responded to said quotation huh? lol.

Well, that's because I do care. In fact, I unblocked you several months ago.

At this point, I don't have anything against you anymore, but if you want to continue hating me, that's your choice. I can't force you to like me.

Nov 24, 2021 4:06 PM

Aug 2014
Crow_Black said:
There is alot more people i could mention, but fucking discord character limits. :/

FWIW, the character limit can be bypassed if you simply split your message up into multiple parts (I did so a couple times for my interview if my answer was too long).

If I understand the the terms correctly, I take you as more emo than edgy, with your preference for more moderation and to be left alone than wanting attention for controversy. Well, now I know a bit more about a familiar face in the forums.
Nov 25, 2021 1:25 PM

May 2013
interesting read. not edgy enough tho 😔 jk

Nov 25, 2021 2:55 PM
Dec 2017
Shinah said:
interesting read. not edgy enough tho 😔 jk

"sighs" Some days you are the dog some days you are the fire hydrant. :pensive:

Nov 26, 2021 12:55 PM

May 2021
Even though I was already aware of a lot of stuff presented here, at least to a certain extent, it was still an interesting read with new curious info here and there :)
Nov 28, 2021 4:12 PM

Oct 2018
It was definitely great to learn about MAL's favorite edgelord. Also I would be very down for an interview since this whole concept is really cool.
Nov 28, 2021 8:12 PM
No.1 Rias Lover

Feb 2021
This was a great read and Crow that was an amazing interview.... I definitely recognize you as EdgeLord#1 now XD
Nov 29, 2021 12:43 PM
Dec 2017
Coolest1234D said:
This was a great read and Crow that was an amazing interview.... I definitely recognize you as EdgeLord#1 now XD
Adimus_prime said:
It was definitely great to learn about MAL's favorite edgelord. Also I would be very down for an interview since this whole concept is really cool.

Glad to see you guys enjoyed the interview! ^^

Dec 1, 2021 9:08 AM

Jul 2017
@Crow_Black's the biggest edgelord now.

Nice interview, I've gotta say.

(Kinda wished my format was better but heck care yeah...)
Dec 2, 2021 1:08 PM
Dec 2017
KANLen09 said:
@Crow_Black's the biggest edgelord now.

Nice interview, I've gotta say.

(Kinda wished my format was better but heck care yeah...)


Dec 3, 2021 3:43 AM

Jul 2019
KANLen09 said:
(Kinda wished my format was better but heck care yeah...)

Dec 7, 2021 10:29 AM
Jul 2018
I almost forgot about the club until I received a message myself haha
So I go and read all of your guys' interviews and I enjoyed reading yours for sure.

How do you feel about how the site is run? Especially in regards to the moderators and admins.

Crow: Terrible. They should keep Rule 6 because I do not want to see the forums overrun with horny sex threads. But I want to get rid of the 30-character limit you literally don't need all of that words in some threads. I also don't like the fact that people can exploit it to get people they don't like banned.

You are so right. I don't mind talking about sex and all, but some people are just horny 24/7 and feel the need to talk about it nonstop on an anime forum for whatever reason.
Dec 8, 2021 4:10 AM

Jul 2021
very interesting thread but ye, not edgy enough :(
Dec 8, 2021 5:23 PM
Dec 2017
_Maneki-Neko_ said:
I almost forgot about the club until I received a message myself haha
So I go and read all of your guys' interviews and I enjoyed reading yours for sure.

How do you feel about how the site is run? Especially in regards to the moderators and admins.

Crow: Terrible. They should keep Rule 6 because I do not want to see the forums overrun with horny sex threads. But I want to get rid of the 30-character limit you literally don't need all of that words in some threads. I also don't like the fact that people can exploit it to get people they don't like banned.

You are so right. I don't mind talking about sex and all, but some people are just horny 24/7 and feel the need to talk about it nonstop on an anime forum for whatever reason.

Glad to hear you enjoyed my interview dude!! ^^

Also your interview was really fun to read as well.

Jan 10, 2022 5:48 AM

Jun 2019
We were lied on the merchandise, there is no edge anywhere.

Surprised seeing so much hatred by the way. I hope that you are doing better on hiatus, Crow.
Feb 21, 2022 7:22 PM

Dec 2018
yo sorry @Crow_Black, I saw this back when you first told me but I'm only posting now cuz I just joined the club!
very flattered to have been mentioned at least 3 times >//<
Feb 21, 2022 8:50 PM
Dec 2017
Fario-P said:
yo sorry @Crow_Black, I saw this back when you first told me but I'm only posting now cuz I just joined the club!
very flattered to have been mentioned at least 3 times >//<

And thank you for taking the time to reading this thread as well as for making really great threads as well too and i'll continue to do my best in making kickass threads as well too! ^^

Feb 21, 2022 8:58 PM
Dec 2017
Meusnier said:
We were lied on the merchandise, there is no edge anywhere.

Surprised seeing so much hatred by the way. I hope that you are doing better on hiatus, Crow.

Way better than i could ever be on this hellhole.

Hence why i only am on here if i'm bored

Feb 21, 2022 10:48 PM

Mar 2021
Real good interview 👌
And sorry for not being as wild in discord as I should be. Then ig I would make it to the egdy person list.
Feb 21, 2022 10:50 PM

Mar 2021
And yeah you are the edgelord totally agreed.
Feb 22, 2022 8:52 AM
Dec 2017
-Voila- said:
And yeah you are the edgelord totally agreed.

Indeed i am

Feb 26, 2022 4:15 PM
Dec 2017
-Voila- said:
Real good interview 👌
And sorry for not being as wild in discord as I should be. Then ig I would make it to the egdy person list.

You should have been here pre-rule 7 it was a wild west

Feb 26, 2022 7:55 PM

Mar 2021
Crow_Black said:
-Voila- said:
Real good interview 👌
And sorry for not being as wild in discord as I should be. Then ig I would make it to the egdy person list.

You should have been here pre-rule 7 it was a wild west

Kindly elaborate. What is pre-rule7
Feb 26, 2022 8:52 PM
Dec 2017
-Voila- said:
Crow_Black said:

You should have been here pre-rule 7 it was a wild west

Kindly elaborate. What is pre-rule7

as in no controversial topics rule as here on mal anything can be a controversial topic and back then mal threads were full of really crazy shit that was so hilarious you had to see to believe it lol

Mar 1, 2023 6:31 PM

Mar 2021
Frankly, I was a bit surprised to see my name not on the list of users I dislike.

Jan 14, 10:26 AM

Aug 2012
Disapeared_Ghost said:
Disapeared_Ghost: Nope, I'll be here until the site closes down for good or if all my close friends move to Anilist.

That aged like milk. Seriously blocked everyone and being mad because E- girl broke up with is insane.
"Savage Pirate We Love You"
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