1-SHOT Crossbow Ganking?! | Solo PvP | Giveaway! | Albion Online
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- First of all: GIVEAWAY
Remember to sub + comment your IGN and tell your friends to comment as well! For every 50 likes this video gets I will give away 1 premium code for 7 days premium (for example 1000 likes = 20 codes)!
Winners will be randomly drawn 7 days from upload.
Welcome back to solo PvP in Albion Online 2022!
This video features solo ganking/solo PvP with the 1-shot crossbow.
To make the challenge a bit harder we're pairing the 8.3/6.3MP crossbow with flat 4 gear. Hopefully this will attract some more blues.
Enjoy these One-Shots!
After a long break I'm getting more into Albion again in anticipation of the new update, "Into the Fray". I hope to see you all more on RUclips and Twitch in the coming months.
Don't forget to follow me on Twitch for various PvP content like this:
/ rustyalbion (I will hopefully be live for the new content update, very soon).
Also, join the Rusty discord server / discord for new videos, build discussions, and get notified when I go live.
Stalker hood
Scholar Robe
Miner workboots
Keeper cape
Situational potions
Beef stew
Please consider liking & subscribing if you haven't!
If you want to play Albion Online and support me you can use my referral link:
2. F.O.O.L - Underground Raver Игры
Ahaha, few weeks ago i was in same scenario when i got 8.3 weapon in my bank and only few k silver for 6.0 set , was lazy to sell my items. So i thought - "hmm , would be a nice idea to make content from this" , but then i thought - nah.
But you did it , great job!
Thanks, Equart
equart the goat
Don't forget to bring baby chicken with you next time. For Glory! For Fame! Hail to Baby Chicken!
Equart, why aren't the chicks on my farm eating chicken?
Im kickstarting the giveaway with some free premium codes. All you have to do is find the missing character (letter or number) at the start or end of the code.
Also - read the description on how to enter the biggest giveaway I have ever done!
Let me know if you got one of them. If they all go fast, maybe I'll add more to the comment section.
DAGFY7EJEMH2LXQ7LVQXN7JF (missing 1 character at start or end of code)
F66QMMPQNA6U6C3LEQ4JXGLK (missing 1 character at start or end of code)
R4JYFGVVUG4M3UV9P9JY6ZCM (missing 1 character at start or end of code)
PTGM2VLX2JYJ43CA2YD6AKTW (missing 1 character at start or end of code)
GMNGEJWLZ2WKVDQU4UCMQ9EE (missing 1 character at start or end of code)
ES: ¡Encuentre la letra o el número que falta al principio o al final de los códigos a continuación para ganar el estado premium gratis en su cuenta!
PT: Encontre a letra ou o número que falta no início ou no final dos códigos abaixo para ganhar status premium grátis em sua conta!
RU: Найдите недостающую букву или цифру в начале или конце приведенных ниже кодов, чтобы выиграть бесплатный премиум-статус для своей учетной записи!
FR: Trouvez la lettre ou le chiffre manquant au début ou à la fin des codes ci-dessous pour gagner un statut premium gratuit sur votre compte !
TR: Hesabınızda ücretsiz premium statüsü kazanmak için aşağıdaki kodların başındaki veya sonundaki eksik harfi veya rakamı bulun!
when i first started playing albion and then searching for some good shit albion content, it was always you. love your videos sir.
The legend is back
Giveaway winners will be drawn tonight. Right now we're looking at about 14 winners! Last chance to get in on it. Codes will be sent to your in-game mail.
EDIT: Winners have been drawn. Check discord to see if you won :-) I will be sending the codes within a couple of days.
Love the skit at the beginning, rare to see people do that
Yooooo sick stage setting at the beginning, it's a rare sight. Instant like wherever I see stuff like that
Bro starting to gather rough logs is unbelievably funny
love the bait, kinda "just cheeling here, chopping some shitty trees with my bear" lol XD new sub
Mis respetos como baitea con la E cancela y vuelve activar para evitar el parry de espadas
I went from having 0 silver to 70M on the first death, epic
Love ur videos, thanks for back.
My hero ❤
No u
Look whos back
Scam video at 3:05 we can see 6.3 masterpiece but its still nice vid
Nice to see you back in the game man :) And love the content.
IGN : LusKereN
Thank you - good to see you here again.
Love the content sir
Cool guy in the intro who is that?
Idk som random
One question, why do you always wear winter bears on your mount?
This crazy thing I ever see
Just start playing, can this build work with cheaper gear like 4.1?
Estoy practicando con esa, gracias por los tutos
Whats your weapon for farming? Or set to farming?
Which skill should use for every equipment?
This video is a thing of beauty!
so now the kill board makes sense....
That's brokentank XD what a script 💀🤣
Anyways luv seeing u all make a content together
Which better crossbow or cursed staff?
No entiendo un carajo de ingles pero que bueno que volviste
I'm still a newbie and i only can use tier 7 crossbows. Can i do the same with a 7.1 crossbow?
Yep just try it out. Should work pretty good. Maybe not a complete one shot but still good.
what's the point in destroying an item after you kill somebody?
Well a looted body will draw less attention than a body with loot on it. I also believe it despawns quicker, but don't quote me on that. :)
Crazy damage!
Where button for 2-nd like?
Sus guildmember giving away the free gear. Jk mate great vid!
What is the name of that in the spot of the cape?
Is that broker npc or player that gave those t4 equipment?
Name of the boots? Cuz ive never seen them
el dios rusty a vuelto
Rusty, Albion legend, Love u rusty
8.3 one shot. Proceeds to use 6.3 in half of the video xD
Prob lost the 8.3 O tho him using 6.3 master is a lot cheaper and works almost the same
I lost a couple of 8.3s it wasn't sustainable. Had to go cheap mode after a while :P
What kind of boots is that?
Damn ! Welcome back legend .. good shit as always xD
Ign: LordGojira
LOL nice work Rusty!
back when the game actually good
Hi Daniel, legends never die.
3:52 why this guy is using light crossbow with a shield? XDD
brokentank: how fake u want it to be ?
rusty: yes
What can I say... My paid actors are bedrock tier
@@RustyAlbion xD
SBI Balance team: Am I a joke to you?
Wtf does 2700 damage mean?
Glad you're back king!
It means they're dead.
Thank you bud.
What ip did you have?
Nice intro story😂
Isn't mage Cowl better than stalker hood?
Probably. But this is what Brokentank gave me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I mean a flat 4 mage cowl will do less damage than the 15% damage buff on the 8.3 xbow but if running same tier yea
@@MintyPi solid point
8.3 where?
Over there.
Does this still exist current working ?
Que computador tienes?
be honest do you make money off of using ganking builds then get a kill and get out?
Make money off of ganking? Sure.
Make money off of stupid builds like this? Definitely not ^^
those ppl dismounting in front of you lols
ign: Galanine
1:54 you killed him with 2712 dmg how!
I pressed E
it seems every code has been redeemed :(((
what passive on the xbow?
Reset Q passive
Perfect video bro crazy oneshots
IGN: Snifff
Nice video Rusty! IGN: Spazzum
i miss cursed staff in archganistan
The 6.30 fight good and op escape.
is this still working as of now?
i will start use crowssbow
big freakin fan
Work now?
6.3 Crossbow dude
Yo rusty I want to make a 1 shot build with dagger pairs can you make a video on one please so I can cooy/learn
It could be fun.
@@RustyAlbion same i also want to see some one shot dagger build
You downgraded to 6.3 in the middle of the video, seems like don't actually want to riks 8.3 huh?
Man,thats was good 1 shot,i wanna try to make build like that but yeah,i play at Handphone and sometime the frame drop/screen freeze
¿Qué casco es?
Gooood xD
Why did you call me a rat?
IGN - Tabots
what crossbow is that
The normal crossbow. Name at the start of the vid :)
Thank Bro XD
Spec of xbow? 700?
About 600🙂
Hi i would like to participate in your event sir :) new subs here
Nice having you here. Let me know your in-game name in case you win, please :)
I wanna gank can you please take my brother IGN Arsalo
Damn, i really, really dont want to meet you in the open world
IGN : sasaseza
New sub can I try to participate in the giveaway? :)
Of course.
Finally back!
IGN FatBoi59
IGN: Andromeda845 thanks for video and welcome back
There will be more! Check the description.
Yes, it's funny, however, there was zero silver and 62 million guides became sharp.
I watched a Leyvi guide and made some mad cash quick
woowowowowowoowwoow, i wait this
Legends never die
IGN: DaNoobie
Miss rusty's bloodlet but also this is good too :))
ign : nnsaq
Bloodletter return?
@@RustyAlbion Definitely yes bro :))
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, Very good, this one I'll do. Only quality wood lol...
The finest wood in Albion.
essa 1BBB1 parece guilda de defunto, nego vive no chão, morto.
Very unique idea!
IGN: AndysonTheMan
Omg,that was so good)
IGN: FunnyKrepochek
IGN: Pertage
You are nuts bro
Ign: Kepilina
Thanks, king of frogs.