Requests - Qimmah Russo | Page 7 | Social Media Girls

Requests Qimmah Russo

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sexster98 commented
does anyone have this on gofile or bunkr? i can never open pixeldrain
BiggZero commented
Damn, this retarded bih really turned herself into a blowup doll.
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I hate share videos with dogs/cats in it, but man these boobs are a masterpiece
Nokpone commented
bizare blonde
badass610 commented
She's looking like a Dick In A Box character. What the hell happened to this chick
smttylife2 commented
❄️ is one hell of a drug
marloG commented
If hopsin had titties

Candid vid for those interested
Narfling commented
While I do like qimmah, someone let us know when she gets serious. She's got so many hotties who don't treat their bodies like weapons to cheat people of their money. It'll take a hell of alot at this point for me to care. Example: ninadoesitall and ninas420life. The very sexy and free Jamaican goddess who even though is tons sexier, is not a stuckup booty hiding cocktease. That's streuth. Grow up qimmah. You're getting old.
machoking commented
Please let us know what she replies with. What a dork.
Narfling commented
Meh. I doubt she even cares. She's on her own journey to insanity. We'll all be lucky to see some butt along the way
Sorry for making a post without content, but I think this is interesting enough.

As you all know, all these bitches barely use their accounts, it's just agencies and the endless cycle of spam.
A couple of days ago something interesting happened, both her VIP and free accounts sent this out (my bad for c/p text instead of a screenshot):

we are chatt3r from an agency named Luxelab who's handling this account they says the model don't wanna pay our boss name Eric saiwak his IG acc is outsourc.e I have alotta of proof that we're handling this account I might not get access to there account after I said this you can message me on my *** account for more info +63 951 498 7416 and profs!

Only for that message to be deleted and replaced with generic "sorry I got hacked" shit yesterday and not a single message for more than 24h now. Compared to like a dozen spam PPVs being sent every day. This bitch didn't even have the decency to pay those poor sweatshop Fillipinos (+63 is their country code) their money for running her shit.

The guy named in that message actually runs a OF management agency (imagine the shit people are making money off, smh) and I haven't bothered to check that number. Just wanted for people to see what they're dealing with at OF and stop falling for those scam messages.
FutureLegend_69 commented
Ask if they got any of her raunchy vids, tell him it would be a justified act for not being payed, so release the KRAKEN lol 😂, but in all seriousness I wouldn’t do that at all, sounds like a good scam set up by Qimmah. Just imagine all the poor saps who fell for this, and Qimmah wouldn’t even have to send the vids cuz she said she was mysteriously “hacked” lol 😂 so she just earned a cool 400$ from prob countless individuals without doing a damn thing.
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Johndane223 commented
That was posted on her OF I might be confused I never saw anything posted on her stuff but if someone pays that and it’s got actual good stuff their legendary frfr
Narfling commented
So basically q turned into a guy. Well. At least she or he can post a vid of eating one of its fans out.
Narfling commented

Hahaha okay. This last vid is barely acceptable. That's cool. But here I'm seeing on her Instagram that she suddenly jumped from about 500k followers to 5 million hahaha. Okiiii, qimmah.
Helder244 commented
I think she has changed agencies and they appear to be having a rebrand of her account. Maybe a freebie to get eyes back or mistake from them.....
Mrbogan710 commented
What app pr downloader do you guys use to get around DRM
Geezup commented

Mia does porn, still gets flown out and has hundreds of thousands of followers on IG. That's all the shit that Qimmah finds important. She told her that she has to show more to really get the bag and I think she's starting to listen. She has already shown her titties a few times. I'll be shocked if she shows that 😺 tho. Especially up close
Lordofdarkness94 commented
Let there be more soon. And this time in fully nude!
Who is the other girl

Cru_Butter commented
Good post, thanks, but reading the comments I thought she had her cunt out or something, but no...its just titties. She needs to show her cunt.
tyler_durden commented
we’ve seen her cunt before by accident but give it some time and we’ll see a better view of it. Please don’t ask where if you haven’t seen it before because it’s not worth.
pc2007 commented
ABOUT DAMN TIME. Thank you so much!

Credit to original poster.
Narfling commented
Send her out to Spain with Neiva Mara and Fany Shark for a year and watch her come back a whole new woman. Of course, she couldn't bullshit her way through the experience since they'd single her out as a phony immediately 😉😆👯
FutureLegend_69 commented
I wish it was one video as well. Not sure why she releases the vids in that manner.
Narfling commented
Narfling commented

Because that's what con artists do. 😆✋

Go look at the content in simpcity. You'll see some short clips of her sitting on her ass that could've been done in 10 seconds but instead she broke it down in three segments so she can con people into wasting more of their money. Hahaha sigh, qimmah. You poor fool.
Narfling commented

The links are still there.
I3astard commented
Yes, i know they/re still there... on gofile. Go file is shit and doesn't load.
FloridaMane commented
Alternate pixeldrain link
booboo369 commented
Man those tits are a piece of art

Not mine OP pmarchand1060
FloridaMane commented
QImmah's live. She's starting to get really slutty now :monkaS:
Gantz commented
Who is her momma? What's her @?
Shyguy100 commented
did you record the whole life? Also somebody should make a tele group of her.
Narfling commented

We give her a hard time and she's dealt with it well.
Omega032992 commented
the videos was posted by me on the other forum. The person who posted it here just edited it all together. And no I didn’t record the whole live; the first 15 mins of the live was her just cooking food and talking .
Here's whole live, credit to uploader:

Armandito69sp commented
Vai ficar mostrando as tetas por um bom tempo agr vai levar séculos pra mostrar buceta infelizmente
badass610 commented
English: "She'll be showing her tits for a long time, it'll take ages to show her pussy unfortunately."

I hope you're wrong and this sudden change just means she desperate for more cash.
Boneyhill commented
FutureLegend_69 commented
She is fine af, I just do not understand why she wears the different colored contacts, she looks better imo without them.