Rescuing PREGNANT Doberman From JUNK YARD!

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Today I helped rescue a poor pregnant doberman from a junk yard in the middle of california. The heat was so intense and im so glad we got her out of there. SUPPORT ETN MOVIE:
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    Ahh good day everyone! My name is Joey Graceffa and welcome to my official daily vlog RUclips channel where I like to film my daily life with my puppies. You can find videos on my life with puppies, puppy first times, cute puppy moments, and SO much more! Join the family and make sure you are subscribed! I love you, until next time, good damn bye!

Комментарии • 729

  • @AlexP-dz7ew
    @AlexP-dz7ew Год назад +909

    Given the circumstances, this pup looks like it has a decent demeanor and temperament. With some training she will make someone a very loving pet. Hoping delivery goes well with her being so young

    • @hopeless7362
      @hopeless7362 Год назад +63

      And unfortunately
      ...people in poor situations...may look like they live in 'junk yards' to many...but as you stated, she was in good health (presumably), and good temperament...the family just seemed not able to cope...we don't know their situation...but they reached out for help, which was a decent thing to do...

    • @mysticfox9718
      @mysticfox9718 Год назад +18

      ⁠@@hopeless7362that true! They did do the right thing. We also shouldn’t judge because like you said we don’t know their situation

    • @mysticfox9718
      @mysticfox9718 Год назад +7

      Yeah! It seems it won’t take to long to train her since she was well behaved during her bath. The jumping will need a bit of work

    • @swiggswoot4481
      @swiggswoot4481 Год назад +9

      unfortunate he's forcing that puppy to have puppies, and its a shame my old favorite youtuber turned into a puppy mill. he could have had the vet give her a pill to abort the babies before they even formed.

    • @visrare4058
      @visrare4058 Год назад

      why would he want to abort the puppies? and how is he forcing an already pregnant dog to have puppies? the dong was given to him pregnant. Hes not going to abort anything. hes doing a good deed not a puppy mill.@@swiggswoot4481

  • @fayemcarthur4609
    @fayemcarthur4609 10 месяцев назад +15

    That poor dog was so glad to be away from that house. Thank you Joey .

  • @Eggjunkee
    @Eggjunkee Год назад +161

    As a Dobie owner I’m so glad to see a rescue with pups on the way go to a nice home for her process! Dobies are sooo high strung and strong lol, they need a strong leader but are so loyal 🖤 hopefully you get to foster a momma and pups soon!

  • @alonzomckinnzye
    @alonzomckinnzye Год назад +683

    I missed these rescue videos. So glad to see another mama being helped out!!!❤❤❤❤

    • @cherryplayzz4894
      @cherryplayzz4894 Год назад +5

      Me too ❤

    • @mysticfox9718
      @mysticfox9718 Год назад +3

      Me too! I love watching them

    • @zoew_
      @zoew_ Год назад +3


    • @johnlongbottom3322
      @johnlongbottom3322 Год назад +2

      I agree there was rescue ones but the babies were already born (so Joey has to get his hands dirty again😈)

  • @bkm2797
    @bkm2797 Год назад +182

    I was excited, but I'm so happy you were able to pick her up, give her a bath and some loving support. Now she is with a family with lots of space and good times ahead. Thanks for taking us along Joey, have a safe trip.

  • @mspears_bobobuddytheseniorcat
    @mspears_bobobuddytheseniorcat Год назад +225

    I instantly fell in love with her when she poked her head to you guys in the car! She is such a drastic joy and miss her already and cried tears of sadness which turned into joy! I hope the barn house is a "foster fail!"🤞🐶❤️

    • @normarosencrans3418
      @normarosencrans3418 Год назад +5

      I wish there were more people like you Joey. The love you have for animals is so wonderful❤

  • @chelseaa2576
    @chelseaa2576 Год назад +150

    Just wanted to mention (especially with young girls) after they have just gone through a heat cycle their nipples can be quite large due to hormones, so may not be pregnant! Love everything you do for these fur babies🫶🏻 you’re an angel

    • @rhazelanadis3452
      @rhazelanadis3452 Год назад +7

      Yeah my bet is that she is not pregnant

    • @mariahfox2616
      @mariahfox2616 Год назад +11

      Joey said the vet said she’s pregnant though? So why do you think she’s not?

    • @chelseaa2576
      @chelseaa2576 Год назад +11

      @@mariahfox2616 I personally am mentioning it for future cases (since they largely based their suspicions on nipple size), I saw that the vet confirmed pregnancy in the video☺️

    • @lwallis62
      @lwallis62 Год назад +3

      Yes, our first dobie had a false pregnancy. Dakota was a love, just like this one. 🐶

    • @Shelbsalexis
      @Shelbsalexis Год назад +2

      Yup. After my dog went through her first heat she looked just like this and it stayed like that for the rest of her life. Her boobies never went back to normal lol

  • @mataharik8
    @mataharik8 8 месяцев назад +4

    Thank you so much for helping this sweet girl!!
    4 years ago, I adopted a 5 year old Dobie girl (she’s now 9 but in great health, looks 4 or 5, which is special for a Doberman) Before she was turned into the rescue, she had recently given birth
    She’s the love of my life, one of the best & easiest dogs I’ve ever had in my big history with many dogs (I adopt large senior dogs, usually 8 year olds, so I may not have had a lot of time with them but it’s quality over quantity! That being said, 3 of them lived to 15!)
    I was told she was raised by a homeless man, then when she was about 4, his friend took her in, but because he too was about to become homeless, he asked BarkNBitches rescue in Los Angeles for help :)
    Bless them both, they must’ve treated her wonderfully, no abuse or neglect, she was well trained and super loving & snuggly. Her protection skills were dialed up understandably, but with time & training I dialed that down, now she is all round friendly, yet still a great watchdog!

  • @TahSam100
    @TahSam100 Год назад +92

    The place wasn't nice and she definitely would have had a harsh life with her puppies (and all the next pregnancies) but she obviously was well fed, well taken care of and loved by her first owner. Kudos to them for giving her away while the situation was still manageable. I hope this family is a foster fail... ❤

    • @hanjiizone
      @hanjiizone 7 месяцев назад

      @Christina-mv6vw"foster fail" just means that the foster will decide to adopt the animal they are fostering:)

  • @lhmcd5538
    @lhmcd5538 Год назад +58

    It looks as if she had happy tail where a dog hurts its tail from wagging it and hitting it on things so the skin breaks and then heals again. I am actually pleased to see a Doberman with her tail and ears. She’s a good girl. I’m pleased for her, great job Joey. Dobermans need a job so I’m hoping too that she’s a foster fail. Thank you. May you please take care and stay safe. Louisa. 👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️🤩🤩🤩

  • @TCat13
    @TCat13 Год назад +148

    Aww, what a good, sweet little lady 😍 Puppehs having Puppehs! Whether it's with Joey or someone else, I'm just glad she is now in a safe, comfortable, loving environment. Thank you for helping her, Joey! 💜 🐾

  • @lucinaramsey4705
    @lucinaramsey4705 Год назад +151

    Pregnant at 9 months? That’s insane for a Doberman … thank you for saving her.

    • @MichaelBrooksmsb400
      @MichaelBrooksmsb400 Год назад +14

      I believe Dogs can get pregnant at 6 months, as they're like teenagers.

    • @Glo-m5y
      @Glo-m5y Год назад

      yeah and male dogs will go crazy over females no wonder shes already pregnant she was probably chased down by some junkyard dog

    • @Burtsbeesapplepie
      @Burtsbeesapplepie Год назад +3

      I think in dog years 6 months is like, 3.5 dog years? And following the same pattern, 9 months would be 4.75 human years.

    • @Animallover-idk
      @Animallover-idk 8 месяцев назад


    • @sybilleklinkmann5587
      @sybilleklinkmann5587 Месяц назад

      It's like a teenage pregnancy

  • @sophiahohol
    @sophiahohol Год назад +14

    These are the things that restore my faith in humanity. I had a Doberman for most of my life and she passed away last year from a flipped stomach (happens in large chested dogs). I love everything about Dobermans and seeing something like this makes me so happy. Thank you Joey for doing this!

  • @mallorym.
    @mallorym. Год назад +15

    The ending was honestly so wholesome 🥹 I'm happy for that pup! She seems so loved already by her foster family

  • @rachelhall2813
    @rachelhall2813 6 месяцев назад +7

    for anyone wondering, here is joey's animal list (in chronological order):
    - Wolf (male husky, rescued from craigslist (?) as puppy)
    - Storm (male husky, white, adopted from a rescue as puppy, lives w Daniel)
    - Lark (female husky/german shepherd mix, adopted from a rescue as puppy (?), lives w Daniel's mom)
    - Lark had babies, seven of them (Red, Teal, Lavender, Pink, Yellow, Green, Blue)
    - Moon (male husky, kept one of lark's babies-Teal)
    - Shadow (male husky, J&D tried to keep Lark's baby Red, but Moon & Shadow struggled with littermate syndrome so Shadow was rehomed like the others)
    - Sakura (black female pregnant rescue cat) (kept her)
    - Sakura's kittens, the zodiac litter (Gemini, Taurus, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
    - Azula (female foster cat, was pregnant but lost the litter)
    - Hen (foster mama from junkyard)
    - junkyard pups (Duck, Goose, Shark, Otter, Bear, Moose)
    - foster mama dog Roo
    - Roo's litter (Hare, Tiger, Bison, Panda, Raccoon, Monkey)
    - Daenerys (white foster mama kitty)
    - D's kitties, the Greek Goddess litter (Athena, Persephone, Aphrodite, Nemesis, Rhea)
    - took care (for a couple of days) of a mama duck and her 9 babies that wandered into his backyard and got stuck
    - May (foster mama husky)
    - May's babies, the Months litter (January, February, March, April, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)
    - Coco (husky foster mama pt2, false pregnancy, surrogate to Disney pups)
    - husky babies abandoned in box (Disney litter--Copper, Pluto, Bolt, Scar, Bruno, Darla)
    - Daisy (husky foster mama pt3)
    - Daisy's babies (flower/tree litter; Goldie, Lilly, and Daphne didn't make it; Ash, Cyprus, Oren)
    - Lacey/Onyx (black & white foster kitty mama)
    - Lacey/Onyx's kittens, gem litter (Opal, Pearl, Peridot, Flint, Mica, Jasper)
    - 4 blind Frenchies (Mike Wazowski, Baby Jack-Jack, Linguini, Lea Michele)
    - Monty had puppies, sounds like backyard breeding (12, white/Snowball-stillborn, red/Griz, yellow/Woods, orange/Buck, aqua/Huckleberry, blue/Timber, green/Bow, light pink/Winter, lime/Fern, black/Aspen, dark pink/Yarrow, purple/Twig)
    - Hunter (female golden retriever, kept one of Monty's babies-Yarrow)
    - pregnant mama pug & 7 puppies (2 stillborn); helped her through birth before transferring their care to another foster more experienced with bottle feeding bc it was a difficult litter
    - 5 pups from puppy mill (Skeletron, Miss Mama, Milky, Pan, Pipsqueak)
    - chihuahuas from hoarding situation; 3 pups (runt passed, Toaster, Strudel), mama, extra adult male (Auntie)
    - golden retrievers from shutdown breeder; mama (Milk) and two puppies (Oat/Oatie and Coconut/Coco)
    - picked up a pregnant doberman from a junkyard but couldn't foster her due to timing of pregnancy and vacation
    *Montana/Monty (female golden retriever) is often in videos; she is Daniel's (Joey's ex) dog, but often comes to Joey doggy daycare
    *the babies are usually adopted by other people (other than Moon) and then renamed! some of them have instagrams and have shared their new names/stories, but I'm not including those here
    *I first created this list a long time ago and add to it every time Joey takes in a new animal...because I have it saved I just copy/paste it onto every (I try, but it's more like "most") animal-related video he posts, so no, it actually doesn't take a lot of my time or effort. I just like lists. Thank you to everyone who is giving thanks about the amount of effort though haha!

  • @ccontreras.16
    @ccontreras.16 Год назад +97

    This video hits home for me. I have my own Doberman who was in the shelter and had very traumatic experiences with humans, im so glad youre rescuing a breed of animal which everyone seems to judge. Thank you joey

    • @bkm2797
      @bkm2797 Год назад +5

      They are a lot less intimidating with there ears not being cut short and to a point!

    • @KristineS73
      @KristineS73 Год назад +6

      Me too! Unfortunately my sweet dobie passed last November but he was a rescue and was also abused. I have a love for Dobermans they are really wonderful dogs!!

    • @ccontreras.16
      @ccontreras.16 Год назад +5

      @@KristineS73 im so sorry :( but dobermans deserve lots and lots love and hugs

    • @mysticfox9718
      @mysticfox9718 Год назад +4

      I always feel bad for Dobermans, Rottweilers and Pitbulls because they have a bad rap because there are people out there. That use them in dog fights and make them look intimidating.

  • @nikkikatsis2115
    @nikkikatsis2115 Год назад +8

    Omg she reminds me so much of my dog max. Dobermans are usually very skittish and anxious around strangers. I'm suprised she is so friendly. I am so glad you have this poor baby girl in your care now so she can find the much deserved loving owners.

  • @stinkyroach4592
    @stinkyroach4592 Год назад +25

    It makes me so happy that people like you help pets in need, when one of the newborns you saved a while ago died, it broke my heart

  • @nicolewongyr
    @nicolewongyr Год назад +9

    you are literally the OG youtuber that im still watching and god bless your soul for continuously bringing dogs and cats in need!! thank u joey!

  • @katjababcock
    @katjababcock Год назад +23

    Aww I wish we could have seen the little Doberman pups but I’m glad she will be well cared for ❤

  • @sarah_twilight
    @sarah_twilight Год назад +6

    Doberman’s are no joke. I have two I who are eight and one who’s almost 2 and trust me they stay puppies still the very end. They are loving and energetic dogs who are very loyal. Whoever is glowing to have her is going to have a handful but I can guarantee that she is going to be so loved. Thank you for doing what you do Joey!

  • @rachelferguson34
    @rachelferguson34 Год назад +65

    hope the pupper is ok!! and a safe and healthy delivery 🫶🏻

  • @aussie.system8576
    @aussie.system8576 Год назад +6

    Great Dane owner here! I just wanna say something ❤
    - My Great Dane had a litter back in March! (Accidental, my brothers let her out as she was in heat and we didn’t notice until we heard screaming) We sold the puppies we couldn’t keep them.
    - A few months later we got one of the pups back, due to irresponsible owners, They wanted one of the pups at 6 weeks, and at 6 months old we got her back, They didn’t want her cause she was “too big” and the wife, children and husband didn’t want anything to do with her and locked her in a cage, poor girl had no muscle, when we got her back I was so surprised, she looked identical to her mother! But with her fathers colouring ❤ and as I was watching this, this Doberman reminded me of the pup cause of her energetic personality at the start ❤.
    - We gave her away for free to some family friends and they love her! They’re giving her the best treats and she’s going on the most amazing walks❤❤ - You guys did a good thing ❤ keep it up! ❤❤

    • @k.e.M_
      @k.e.M_ 3 месяца назад +2

      You sold the puppies at 6 weeks old?! OMG that’s so young to be separated from mother!

    • @aussie.system8576
      @aussie.system8576 3 месяца назад

      @ hey so you’ve got it wrong! My grandfather gave ONE away at 6 weeks! Because he thought she wouldn’t sell since she had a crooked tail! Alll the other puppies went to other homes at 12 weeks old. Please actually read my comment!

    • @k.e.M_
      @k.e.M_ 3 месяца назад +2

      @@aussie.system8576 I did read it! A puppy should’ve never been allowed to leave the mother at 6 weeks old! The puppy didn’t sell itself. Y’all did.

    • @aussie.system8576
      @aussie.system8576 3 месяца назад +1

      @ don’t come at me for this, you don’t know the entire story, I didn’t sell them, a 14 year old cannot sell puppies? Like I said, my GRANDFATHER sold them.

  • @Geofroglet
    @Geofroglet Год назад +23

    Oh, she's so beautiful, it's sad she really hasn't had the best start at life, we're trusting you to take the best care of you and her puppies ❤

  • @charlieb7620
    @charlieb7620 Год назад +24

    That clip you got of her is precious! I have a feeling she’s gonna be a foster “fail”. That home is pretty perfect for all her energy and playfulness with the farm and the little boy! I hope they end up keeping her!

    • @bkm2797
      @bkm2797 Год назад +1

      Almost thought you were saying something else,Lol, I'm really hoping this new Foster will be the perfect home for her too.

  • @FreeSpirit47
    @FreeSpirit47 Год назад +2

    Dobermans are very smart, retain their playfulness throughout their lives. I have had three Dobermans in my adult life, I just brought a Doberman puppy home on March 8th, 2024.
    He was whelped on December 17, 2023. So, he's still just a baby, so playful. We're going to have a good life together.

  • @slar6586
    @slar6586 Год назад +19

    OH MY GOD SHES BEAUTIFUL! Literally crying while holding my own rescued Doberman. 😭😭😭 They’re such beautiful loyal souls beaming with energy. Often misunderstood bc they may look intimidating, but they just want to give love and be loved. ❤

  • @ddarivan9864
    @ddarivan9864 Год назад +3

    As you said it Joey : at least you were here to save her from that horrible place ! I hope she will find after her pregnancy the good owners to love her and spoil her as she deserves it.

  • @JoiieeJo
    @JoiieeJo Год назад +22

    Aw sad we cannot see the process of her birth but glad she’s in good hands now. Hope we can see more rescue and fostering of puppies!❤

  • @Marcylynn86
    @Marcylynn86 Год назад +14

    I cried in the first two minutes just seen the yard. You’re such a wonderful person. Thank you so much for sharing your love with everybody, Joey.❤

  • @Helmiemilia
    @Helmiemilia Год назад +74

    We need more people like you into this world!

  • @amycall6687
    @amycall6687 Год назад +5

    I would take her in a Heartbeat. I lost my dog a year ago. I miss having a best friend. Thank you for being you and helping

  • @emberleetorres7663
    @emberleetorres7663 Год назад +2

    She’s gorgeous! Dobermans have such a unique kind of love, they’re the sweetest dogs ever!

  • @lynetteminor6739
    @lynetteminor6739 Год назад +24

    Wagmore is so lucky to have you , can’t wait to see your next delivery service ❤️

  • @tiarnemcmaster8162
    @tiarnemcmaster8162 Год назад +16

    I just lost my family dog last night, so seeing you helping a dog in need really helped to cheer me up❤

  • @Slackbot
    @Slackbot Год назад +4

    I'm sorry we won't be seeing more of this dog, but you did the right thing by her. I hope her fosters become her new family for keeps, and they find good homes for her puppies! Love you!

  • @JenniferDefoor
    @JenniferDefoor Год назад +1

    Joey did so GOOD getting that dog outta there! Even though we couldnt watch her have puppies, seeing her in her new home with kids is what she needs! Lots of love and attention. She probably feels like shes dreaming.

  • @cindyhimes
    @cindyhimes Год назад +4

    I'm so happy that you were able to rescue her from that dreadful environment. She is the sweetest dog I know that you make sure of any foster before you take them there. Now she has a loving foster mom and the room she needs to flourish. You're the best Joey much love from Canada 🇨🇦 ❤️

  • @mayajustwantstoparty
    @mayajustwantstoparty Год назад +3

    Wow that kid was so in love with her and playing with her so well! So cute! I hope they keep her!!!🫶

  • @fisharefwends
    @fisharefwends Год назад +3

    Not her with the kid making me cry. Hopefully they keep her!

  • @cspat1
    @cspat1 Год назад +14

    It’s okay we are just happy she got rescued. Thank you for bringing her into foster care ❤

  • @MushroomTheKitty
    @MushroomTheKitty Год назад +10

    She's such a joy! So friendly and happy. I'd name her Sunny ☀️🌻. You are a blessing to take in animals like this and I'm sorry it didn't work out there.

  • @emilysullivan7914
    @emilysullivan7914 Год назад +55

    The compassion and love you have for these animals is admirable! 💜💜

  • @Miss2ndEdition
    @Miss2ndEdition Год назад +38

    So nice to see a Doberman without their ears cropped ❤

  • @esmagurl785
    @esmagurl785 Год назад +2

    10:47 lol "wrong button!!!" 🤣🤣😂😂

  • @Nonexistent_croissant
    @Nonexistent_croissant 6 месяцев назад +2

    Thought it was so cute when she went under the crate to see you in the car when you picked her up!

  • @hannahirene184
    @hannahirene184 Год назад +5

    Hearing that kid laugh and seeing her wag her tail at the end just warms my heart🥹❤️

  • @haileyvanderwal5682
    @haileyvanderwal5682 Год назад +6

    Joey you are amazing for taking care of all these animals for years now. 💖

  • @AinsleeDawn
    @AinsleeDawn Год назад +4

    She’s so sweet!!! I grew up with a Doberman/Golden retriever mix. And she was THE BEST.

  • @texadina
    @texadina Год назад +3

    I remember watching your videos.. I still do and they always get better

  • @crivera6839
    @crivera6839 5 месяцев назад +2

    GOD BLESS YOU YOU ARE SO NICE because you rescue pregnant Dogs and help them you know some people don’t care about animals even if they are pregnant or hurt so GOD BLESS YOU YOU ARE SO

  • @juliej5917
    @juliej5917 Год назад +6

    Shiny coat, good weight, sweet disposition. I wish all rescues came like this. 🎉🎉🎉

  • @karlalaine6728
    @karlalaine6728 Год назад +4

    Awee. I was a little sad because it's a short journey with you. But I'm happy she found a new family to love her❤.

  • @Dianerose203
    @Dianerose203 6 месяцев назад +2

    God bless you you are one perfect human being that rescues the ones that need to be rescued are furry lip or furry babies. I did rescue two in my time with cats a lot of rescues God bless you for what you do.

  • @CarolineDawes-x7h
    @CarolineDawes-x7h 11 месяцев назад +2 I love the way he always saves animals lives it's so nice

  • @JanElliott-q4k
    @JanElliott-q4k 11 месяцев назад +2

    I swear to god you are a little angel sent down from haven to dog in need and I love your videos I hope you have a good year of saving dogs😊😊😊😊❤❤❤

  • @patriciaconti2693
    @patriciaconti2693 14 дней назад +1

    Just wanted to say, I love Dobermans. I bought one her name was Brandy and 4 yrs. later we adopted Max who was starved and beaten 6 mo. old they were both

  • @helenlee5960
    @helenlee5960 7 месяцев назад +2

    With a kind & loving heart to wait for her, get scolding ultimately. Very sad till cant sleep 😢

  • @naynay3710
    @naynay3710 Год назад +4

    She really does seem like a wonderful dog and with training she'll be even better.

  • @MaddyMarie-rh2nm
    @MaddyMarie-rh2nm Год назад +5

    you’re an angel joey, love watching these videos

  • @debbieking3575
    @debbieking3575 Месяц назад

    Thank you for all you do for these fur babies.

  • @Laura-dg1zq
    @Laura-dg1zq Год назад +4

    I’ve been watching you since 2013 and it’s so amazing how you have always been a kind person! You are so inspiring to me that you are so genuine and generous with the community you’ve built! This is so heartwarming 💗💗

  • @johnviewpoint7813
    @johnviewpoint7813 Год назад +3

    Joey, one of your heart warming taking care of a pregnant rescue dog series is a perfect Christmas gift. Thank you🎄🎄🎄

  • @alifeintransition9782
    @alifeintransition9782 Год назад

    Such a lovely dog. I am glad you were able to take her away from the dismal situation she was in and now she has wonderful people who are giving her tons of love! She has a child to play with and to match her energy so everyone wins!!

  • @Toca_4lifeD
    @Toca_4lifeD 9 месяцев назад +1

    At 0:58 joey-"I mean I'm not gonna bring a wild animal into my house"
    Meanwhile -brings a feisty Chihuahua in his home

  • @kimm.8800
    @kimm.8800 Год назад +1

    A-aow, you are right, I was looking forward to a new foster journey, it is so soothing, and goddess do I need it now, but you are right - what matters is doggo, and you did right by her! Look forward to seeing you later, and good luck with what is going on!

  • @hildahernandez6055
    @hildahernandez6055 Год назад

    Thank you so much to continue to foster this poor animals god bless 4ever

  • @lyricallylyrics6637
    @lyricallylyrics6637 4 месяца назад +2

    this is the only dog that youve rescued that i KNOW if it was me i wouldnt be able to give up by the end

  • @rhiannondixon4281
    @rhiannondixon4281 Год назад +3

    Best of luck with the movie and beautiful work saving another beautiful pup!! ❤

  • @FreeSpirit47
    @FreeSpirit47 Год назад +4

    To keep a dog from jumping up on you, when they jump up, say "No" firmly & turn away from the dog. Dobermans are smart, they learn quickly. I hope this suggestion helps.

  • @kerryteale6141
    @kerryteale6141 Год назад +5

    Glad she is happy, your help is so sweet

  • @helenlee5960
    @helenlee5960 7 месяцев назад +2

    You are good have guts to a strange unfamiliar Dobermam👍👍👍

  • @ijlayugan4149
    @ijlayugan4149 Год назад +4

    We took in a stray dog we didnt know was pregnant the whole time until 3 SWEET surprises on my brothers bed. We had no idea cause her belly looked normal pre-birth. After the pups popped out, her belly got WAY skinnier! I understand Joey thinking she wasnt pregnant. You can never be too sure lol

  • @denasiacurry2921
    @denasiacurry2921 Год назад +2

    I love thats shes not scared shes such a sweetheart!

  • @laurenschenck5355
    @laurenschenck5355 Год назад +5

    I missed these rescue videos so much so glad to see the momma getting
    help ❤

  • @rubberducky1433
    @rubberducky1433 Год назад +1

    i just got out of the hospital today from a kidney infection and cdiff and honestly this is what i needed. thank you so much joey for being so beyond kind and caring to continue to help save these animals🥺❤️

  • @abygailglock2747
    @abygailglock2747 Год назад +1

    I support you so much this just makes me so happy what you do this is what I call a real kind person because You save every animal In need💯

  • @ratskullz_x
    @ratskullz_x Год назад +1

    I hope they adopt her she looks so happy, sweet babbbby

  • @DeitatemI
    @DeitatemI Год назад +1

    I just visited the site, and you're already there Joey! You just need a little more!!!❤❤

  • @zsofiakoszegi4425
    @zsofiakoszegi4425 Год назад +1

    She is sooooooo sweet!!!!!!

  • @thembakazijama6310
    @thembakazijama6310 Год назад +7

    FINALLY WHO else has been waiting for these videos ❤❤ LOVE U JOEY ❤❤😂

  • @vondra1272
    @vondra1272 Год назад +3

    Looks like Joey got a bath too. 🐾🐾

  • @vivianamartinez3892
    @vivianamartinez3892 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @britanyh99611
    @britanyh99611 Год назад

    I pray this pup finds an awesome forever home.

  • @damnxdamon6173
    @damnxdamon6173 Год назад +3

    YAY a new foster dog 💕 Love u joey your heart is so pure ✨

  • @Peytonscomet
    @Peytonscomet Год назад

    Bless your heart Joey, you're the last chance these pups have and it makes me so thankful for you for doing what you do. 💛

  • @macglitter26
    @macglitter26 Год назад +1

    I don’t know how old this video is, but at 9 months and not knowing anything and her not being hugely pregnant a spay abort is the most humane thing todo.

  • @helenlee5960
    @helenlee5960 6 месяцев назад +2

    Doberman dogs are active, mischievios, playful n energetic -- naughty im short.
    I had one many yrs ago.

  • @BCthing
    @BCthing Год назад +3

    Awww! I'm sorry we don't get to see all of her journey, but I'm very happy her first pit stop was with you!

  • @mariadagka3939
    @mariadagka3939 Год назад +1

    It's such a pleasure to watch your dog-rescue videos again,my dear Joey..Many wishes for Merry Christmas from Greece!!!

  • @alexnieto6634
    @alexnieto6634 Год назад

    My dog is pregnant just seeing this makes my heart melt joey is an angel

  • @Tristana.Keauna
    @Tristana.Keauna Год назад +6

    I hope you update us about her - she's such a good girl!

  • @Surya-ug5nk
    @Surya-ug5nk 7 месяцев назад +1

    Omg i love doperman dogs

  • @louisasmiles
    @louisasmiles Год назад

    Awww shes so happy. Shes lovely. I loved her poking her head up in the car. I love her.

  • @dustychoate7479
    @dustychoate7479 Год назад +1

    I love Joey so much he rescues dogs and animals like Me. Keep it up Joey the world needs u.❤

  • @marlenelopez4130
    @marlenelopez4130 Год назад

    Awww! The video of her at her new foster made me so happy! She seems like such a sweet, playful dog! I hope they keep her ❤

  • @helenlee5960
    @helenlee5960 7 месяцев назад +1

    I am feeling heartache to see Joey so stressed running here and there, bath for her, gave her food. You better have a good rest Joey. Take nutritious food, a lot of veges fruits, smoothies to heighten your immunity. Thank God you are still young😂❤

  • @wolfroarxx6055
    @wolfroarxx6055 Год назад +1

    Shes the cutest mama ever! Look how sweet she is :' )

  • @SP-LW.55.11.5
    @SP-LW.55.11.5 Год назад

    I'm so grateful she found a great forever home and that you were part of that process

  • @OliveSnake
    @OliveSnake Год назад

    i luv your videos soo much and i luv that you help and rescue these pregnant dogs in need