The Truth About Love: How to Find It, Keep It, and Let It Go With Jay Shetty | Mel Robbins Podcast

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 543

  • @melrobbins
    @melrobbins  Год назад +47

    Jay Shetty @JayShettyPodcast dropped some incredible insights on LOVE! If you want to hear more from guests like Jay on The Mel Robbins Podcast, give this video a like!

    • @Daughter_of_God_2386
      @Daughter_of_God_2386 3 месяца назадвидео.htmlsi=uU0aGI2oR1kU-Exj

  • @fitbytracy
    @fitbytracy Год назад +43

    “If you want something from someone else, first give it to yourself”. Love this. Nobody takes care of #1, like #1!

  • @JLTravels
    @JLTravels Год назад +35

    LIFE CHANGING interview…self development is a long marathon not a sprint…at 70 yrs strong, this era is the most enlightening with podcasts like this.

  • @sophiashekinah9872
    @sophiashekinah9872 2 года назад +214

    I think it's really cool what he's saying about Respecting your partner's values, and focusing on their goals. I like that he's not saying that your goals and values have to align with theirs, but that respecting and supporting are enough.

    • @sunnywr4237
      @sunnywr4237 Год назад


    • @meghanegger2376
      @meghanegger2376 Год назад

      I think he/Jay does (at the beginning of when he actually defines what he defines love to b... like them respect them n "align w their values"... think deeply and realistically that if u don't align in (at least your most important values) values as a couple then u are bound to have frequent issues that are not "compromise" points (do u compromise on your basic n most closely held values?) for either but "give up" points which will build deep resentment. .. maybe I don't see "values" as u define them?

    • @meghanegger2376
      @meghanegger2376 Год назад +2

      "share" their list important values... is how Jay clarifies about values (a mutual respect n sharing of values that garners respect n support in the values y'all share ... it's complex to b clear.
      but this is a great /better definition of adult love than I can recall. ever.

    • @CloyceCrawford
      @CloyceCrawford Год назад


    • @sindhuyuvaraja2781
      @sindhuyuvaraja2781 Год назад


  • @adiconstantin4598
    @adiconstantin4598 2 года назад +223

    10:44 - Love is when I:
    1. like someone's personality
    2. respect their values
    3. am committed to help them with their goals

  • @janeaustentv9226
    @janeaustentv9226 2 года назад +165

    Meeting my 13 year old self reduced me to tears. Her wisdom was trust yourself. I may revisit her soon. ❤

    • @adb2490
      @adb2490 2 года назад +9

      The wisdom my 13 year old self gave me was to be true to myself above anything else. I plan on revisting him as often as needed.

    • @janeaustentv9226
      @janeaustentv9226 2 года назад +2

      @@adb2490 great we can tap into ourselves

    • @nazanink.8906
      @nazanink.8906 2 года назад +5

      At first I saw her, and gave her a hug...I felt like a mother figure. And soon the roles completely changed and her pure heart and faith and the way she hugged me feel like I was in the arms of a sage mother... her wisedom came simply from being herself

    • @newenglandtrucker6049
      @newenglandtrucker6049 Год назад +2

      Wow I cried too. 😢

    • @AbiThere4You
      @AbiThere4You Год назад +5

      Same! The moment my 13yr old self and I hugged, I just burst out crying. I told her that she's so loved and what she said back to me was "I believe in you" and that made me cry more.

  • @edminaliutke1110
    @edminaliutke1110 2 года назад +66

    52 minutes in and I have to say this is THE best conversation on love (in all forms) I’ve ever listened to. My hat off to Mel stopping and asking to dissect certain topics and being so specific and detailed. It allowed Jay to truly share his wisdom in ways I’ve haven’t heard before.

    • @Daughter_of_God_2386
      @Daughter_of_God_2386 3 месяца назадвидео.htmlsi=uU0aGI2oR1kU-Exj

  • @jomarchlittle12
    @jomarchlittle12 2 года назад +40

    There is no episode that doesn’t make me cry. I am such a damaged person but gahd Mel’s podcast is like an instrumental from the heavens 😭😭😭 i love you Mel, thank you for being who you are, you are amazing

  • @AmaniRoberts
    @AmaniRoberts 2 года назад +78

    Favorite moments:
    27:52 - Being scared of being alone and walking into a relationship.
    58:45 - Ownership vs. a relationship.
    1:03:08 - Getting them to the next step in their journey vs. getting them to the next step in YOUR journey.
    1:08:30 - Loving someone so much that they learn to love themselves.
    Amazing interview!

  • @pragyatripathi7275
    @pragyatripathi7275 Год назад +9

    This man is making me review my entire self.... you're a true mentor Jay, wise beyond your age.

  • @EmsLionheart
    @EmsLionheart Год назад +21

    When we find our person, they should make us feel like superheroes, which will then drive us to scale mountains & wrangle stars, and share that abundance of love w everyone we meet
    Love truly makes the world go round 💞
    Plz, don’t settle… 🤗 🥰

  • @angelas1726
    @angelas1726 2 года назад +78

    Omg Mel! I did the meditation and am sobbing at the lack of love I realized I had for my 13 year old self. How lonely I was then? I wrapped my arms around her in a motherly way to hold myself like I do to all my children I adopted during my years. It felt amazing. I knew today's episode was going to be special when I heard Jay Shetty. I had no idea how impactful it would be. Thank you for all you do. We all love you too.

    • @CheRob96
      @CheRob96 2 года назад +2


    • @infinite_fit_
      @infinite_fit_ 2 года назад +1

      The same thing happened to me as well!!😢❤🥰😁🤯

    • @Daughter_of_God_2386
      @Daughter_of_God_2386 3 месяца назадвидео.htmlsi=uU0aGI2oR1kU-Exj

    • @lotuspod68
      @lotuspod68 Месяц назад

      I cried for 10 minutes as I hugged myself

  • @circesercy2190
    @circesercy2190 Год назад +5

    When he started talking about the two words for loneliness but only one is mentioned in the English language. I knew he was talking about Solitude because I live in a life of solitude and it was only in the last few years that I really started to embrace that and it's a wonderful feeling I'm not lonely at all. I have been asked and I have also been told I'm broken or if I think I'm broken have I given up or why did I give up there's somebody out there for me and honestly I'm happy. I'm okay in my solitude it's peaceful and I indulge in it. So many people say that human beings are not meant to live their lives alone. Not all human beings are meant for communal living not all that are alone are lonely or sad or missing an aspect of their life

  • @jaylynbell
    @jaylynbell 2 года назад +76

    this episode is simply unbelievable. jay describes life & love in an absolutely profound way. wow wow wow wow wow i’m blown away

  • @maryh6953
    @maryh6953 Год назад +5

    I just ended a 8 month relationship with someone I thought was sent from above and when I was at my lowest this week having been incredibly hurt from someone, I thought was my friend. He toppled more rejection on top of it and when I told him my needs in my wants he totally turned around and gaslighted me, I was his soulmate. I was the best thing that ever happened to him. He was never gonna find another one like me. I was the best lover, the best kisser I was an incredible mom he loved my sensitivity but I ended it today because I spent time working on myself in the last five years, he hasn’t he’s gone from relationship to relationship and he apparently doesn’t think he needs to work on himself that he should just be accepted for who he is and this week he showed me how incredibly immature and mean he could be iced me out for 24 hours and then still doesn’t see he did anything wrong

  • @tigre7739
    @tigre7739 2 года назад +114

    AMAZING!! I'm in my 50s, and have been out of a long-term relationship, and from the dating scene, for quite some time, by choice (or so it's become that story I've been telling myself), I had been on that journey, or quest, at times, going through all the points mentioned with all the highs and lows and pitfalls, which of course is a natural learning experience of life and love, but at some point decided it was much safer and healthier emotionally to adjust shift my focus away from that. I was doing okay with solitude, although loneliness is always lurking. The last few years (thanks to You Tube) I have been immersing myself more into inner self growth and discovery. This podcast has been such an eyeopener!! It has given me the clarity of what I thought I knew and have learned to this point, but more importantly, has enlightened me to the things I didn't. I feel much more secure about allowing myself to open up to the experience again , when that time comes. Much love and thanks to you both! 💖

    • @northofyou33
      @northofyou33 2 года назад +5

      Same here, @tigre7739. I'm even older. Good luck to you on that journey! It's both rough and wonderful...

    • @rosieg2833
      @rosieg2833 2 года назад +4

      Thank you for sharing your comment I connect with your experience I am also in my 50s, and have exploring and enjoying my solitude and peace. I am making changes with work ( work from home) to enjoy more freedom. I am also moving to be closer to aging parents. And like you a agreed wholeheartedly this podcast is eye-opening in many ways. Great post , I am confident you will have in your life what you desire.

    • @CoachLesley
      @CoachLesley 2 года назад +2

      Same here. Your comment is encouraging. I felt something was wrong with me.

    • @albertsax8238
      @albertsax8238 2 года назад +4

      Yeah love is in the air waiting for you ! The beautiful thing you will have a balance!
      Yeah go for it! The divine working for you!

    • @albertsax8238
      @albertsax8238 2 года назад +5

      @@CoachLesley nothing wrong with you! You are complete & blessed!

  • @tenaleboeuf7622
    @tenaleboeuf7622 2 года назад +41

    Couldn't be more profound! He has such a comfortable way about him, it's so easy to understand what he means. Great connection between you two. Thank you for having him!

    • @amirbodakh2213
      @amirbodakh2213 2 года назад

      Most con artists and narcissists are very talented at “calming” their victims….видео.html

    • @amirbodakh2213
      @amirbodakh2213 2 года назадвидео.html

  • @joantaveras4721
    @joantaveras4721 2 года назад +55

    This has to be the best podcast episode I have ever listened to/watched. I shared it with all my loved ones. Amazing!

    • @taneeshashaw7347
      @taneeshashaw7347 2 года назад +1

      I'm excited to listen today, thanks for the WARM COMMENT!!!

    • @joantaveras4721
      @joantaveras4721 2 года назад

      @@taneeshashaw7347 Hope it serves you 🙏

  • @victoriaburgess700
    @victoriaburgess700 Год назад +8

    Bravo! I’m a novice Taoist so I hear him loud and clear. I’ve changed so much with all relationships because of its teachings. I’m now in a loving relationship with someone who was my friend first for 3 years before moving to the next step. We are still friends first with some extras 😜. Love this podcast!

  • @Ponzuu28
    @Ponzuu28 2 года назад +12

    He is so humble and simply an amazing Human! Very nice to have someone so sweet!

  • @edieshort8731
    @edieshort8731 Год назад +4

    I seen a quote a few years back and it was so powerful, I believe this is what he is saying!
    “Don’t commit to me, commit to evolving, and I will meet you there”

    • @Mushroom321-
      @Mushroom321- 9 месяцев назад

      WOAH!, DEEP !! ❤😮😮👏🏼👏🏼

  • @nicole-os2vv
    @nicole-os2vv 2 года назад +35

    What a great meditation. I love Jay Shetty. He is so genuine and speaks the truth in such an unassuming way. Inspiring

  • @luisaa.7906
    @luisaa.7906 2 года назад +19

    Come on, like, this is gold! ✨ Even though he has given a lot of interviews, each one has its magic. And Mel does a great job! Amazing 🤩

    • @Obl1queproductions
      @Obl1queproductions Год назад +1

      Jay and my husband are both from India. They both have the same beautiful brown eyes, black hair, body heighth, weight, personailty, good heart...etc. When i see Jay on a pod cast it always makes me think of my precious beloved husband. so God has blessed me 100% very much. And I know that i am a very blessed lucky lady to live on this earth at this moment in time...❤❤🎉🎉

  • @Zephyr5702
    @Zephyr5702 2 года назад +10

    Mel, you have helped me activate my own self acceptance. I get a lot out of tuning in. Thanks.

  • @ktizzle232
    @ktizzle232 Год назад +4

    When he dives on respecting values, it was AMAZING and such an eye opener... its nothing about not wanting to take part in their value, but respecting thei passion as it comes and how they feel about it.... just... wow

  • @Infiniteeverything8
    @Infiniteeverything8 Год назад +5

    I absolutely love how honest Mel is.

  • @RachaelSutherland
    @RachaelSutherland 2 года назад +9

    WOW!! The bombs that Jay dropped in this episode is AMAZING. Mind blown and will be re-watching to get it all. Thank you so much.

  • @freethepeace4117
    @freethepeace4117 2 года назад +23

    I just knew this interview would be GAME CHANGER
    Love it ! THANK YOU Mel & Jay ✨

  • @samilnas
    @samilnas 2 года назад +9

    My two greatest hero’s, voices of reason and my inspiration! THANK YOU both!

  • @Ttingey01
    @Ttingey01 4 месяца назад +2

    Yes!!! My two favorite people together today!!! Great show!!! ❤❤❤

  • @atee6331
    @atee6331 2 года назад +2

    Only at 9mins in and that is the BEST understanding of “Love,” and the journey of the feeling of “Love” and how it matures. Thank you!

  • @psychplanet4905
    @psychplanet4905 2 года назад +28

    Mind blowing episode 🔥should be listened by everyone 💓

  • @louiseparker1915
    @louiseparker1915 Год назад +7

    Respect, respect, respect 🙏🏽
    Number 1 essential factor in determining the success of any relationship in my opinion!

  • @Woofsaidflaherty2
    @Woofsaidflaherty2 2 года назад +2

    He has the most amazing eyes. Thats just an observation people!!

  • @ashleekyan5147
    @ashleekyan5147 Год назад +5

    I cried so much! Happy relieving tears! I loved this so much! I listen to jay all the time i always get something of quality from him! I look forward to my healing journey!

  • @user-fb1ys2lj9c
    @user-fb1ys2lj9c 2 года назад +6

    Yes I resonate with what Mel shared. This reminded me of myself I can admit and share my vulnerability when I feel insecure I would admit my fears to my ex girlfriend but she didn't understand my sincerity and my vulnerability

  • @Razaka-b1t
    @Razaka-b1t Год назад +4

    I keep replaying the meditation part of the podcast, am going thru my hardest breakup I have ever experienced at 32, Jay is right the more detail in the visualization the better you can love that younger self and the younger self has so much to say

  • @MylaOndra
    @MylaOndra 2 года назад +6

    Wow what a great episode! Brought tears to my eyes during the meditation part.

  • @donnamason6339
    @donnamason6339 Год назад +4

    This is the best thing I have ever heard and as the mother of 4 daughters, it is everything I want my daughters to know as they move forward in their life and relationships.

  • @figure15skater
    @figure15skater Год назад

    @53:49 ..."you have plenty of time...the speed will make it break" -- that's GOOD!

  • @defever22
    @defever22 Год назад +1

    Smart lady miss Mel Robbins no words ma'am

  • @dani-marie-art
    @dani-marie-art 2 года назад +7

    I learned so much through this interview! I could watch it again and again. That you both for sharing yourselves ❤

  • @starmaze3250
    @starmaze3250 2 года назад +4

    This was fantastic. Please bring Jay back. Mel, you are the best. ❤❤❤

  • @Jungkooks_chest_enthousiast
    @Jungkooks_chest_enthousiast 21 день назад

    Cried a lot during the meditation cause wow was I alone at that age yet not unhappy, parents divorced, only one real friend. Now at 37 and recently dumped after 17 years I feel very alone and lonely. After this podcast I realized that we were stuck at stage 3

  • @barbaravaters4989
    @barbaravaters4989 2 года назад +9

    Two of my favorite life guides at the same time. I didn’t search for either of you. I arrived on accident. So thankful I did. Amazing 🤩
    Thank you so much ❤

    • @amirbodakh2213
      @amirbodakh2213 2 года назад +1

      Here is another accident…видео.html

  • @elskar1
    @elskar1 2 года назад +19

    Jay’s final words brought tears to my eyes

  • @leahesterzerbib1794
    @leahesterzerbib1794 2 года назад +2

    I have been married for almost 39 years. We have been working on it. You speak so clearly. Thank you Jay. You are so authentic. I love you and . Thank you Mel.

  • @tinabrinley2380
    @tinabrinley2380 Месяц назад

    Oh my God that meditation was powerful thank you so much she told me that I had the whole world ahead of me and just so you know I'm 65 years old

  • @anneflanagan9242
    @anneflanagan9242 2 года назад +22

    An Excellent Podcast and interview! I walk away with the quote I once heard! I am NO LONGER .. Hussling for Love!!! It is toxic and unhealthy! Thanks for being such a bright light in our every day and week Mel! 🎉❤😊

  • @barbarawlcek
    @barbarawlcek Год назад +3

    It's so funny they've talked about that. I had a lot of first dates when I felt like interviewing my date or coach them. I never felt comfortable with it and I was totally aware of this was the first and last date. I felt kinda used even when I decided to take the train and play along. This is absolutely not a good start. This interview is soo amazing 🔥 Thank you for everything 🔥

  • @Subhasreesjourney
    @Subhasreesjourney Год назад +3

    I can’t thank you enough for bringing this episode with Jay! This blew my mind so many times especially the last bit … I am in a pool of tears..

  • @kittysklog986
    @kittysklog986 2 года назад +2

    Total lightbulb moment for Mel at 14 minutes. She will now be enlightened to an unbelievable relationship with her hubster 😻

  • @user-fb1ys2lj9c
    @user-fb1ys2lj9c 2 года назад +3

    I love this profound insight. I am 56 and I am so open to continue on my quest of inner work and all I need to learn I am so open to educating myself to what makes more sense this is incredible information for me and everyone watching and listening I love it ❤ I thank Mel and her beautiful guest he is a true teacher of life and love I am intrigue by his research on love

  • @barbarahamboulla9004
    @barbarahamboulla9004 2 года назад +8


  • @applesjourney
    @applesjourney Год назад +2

    Woah! The meditation was great! I never knew I had so much pain from childhood, cried while doing that. I’ll definitely visit her again to give her more love and comfort. Thank you so much Mel and Jay for doing what you do.

  • @Lil-Be
    @Lil-Be 2 года назад +2

    Mel & Jay - my favorite people on RUclips ❤️❤️

  • @miabarragan3917
    @miabarragan3917 Год назад +3

    Just wow...I love your wisdom. Thank you for sharing. Mind blown...speechless

  • @mashapinsky6608
    @mashapinsky6608 Год назад +2

    You guys blow my mind every single time! Thank you so much for coming together on this podcast interview !!

  • @leannaschilling
    @leannaschilling 2 года назад +4

    You're the best.... and Jay is the best.
    What an outstanding episode.
    You two both are a gift.... to see you together like this having this discussion
    Is Awwwwwweeeeesome.
    Thanks so much. 🎉🎉❤

  • @virginiasanmiguel9930
    @virginiasanmiguel9930 2 года назад +3

    I’m blown away by this excellent teaching. Thank u! Thank u! Thank u! Jay n Mel❤❤

  • @laurenoutdoorsy5418
    @laurenoutdoorsy5418 2 года назад +2

    Awww cried too at the meditation.. thanks both for your L💚ve..

  • @phippsphitness3251
    @phippsphitness3251 2 года назад +4

    OMG Jay THANK YOU for this incredible discussion about LOVE. Really powerful with such awareness.

  • @sophiashekinah9872
    @sophiashekinah9872 2 года назад +1

    Not even 20 mins into this, and I'm stunned at how much I didn't know I didn't know! This is so enlightening. Thank You.

  • @SevinchIsroilova-zo9it
    @SevinchIsroilova-zo9it Месяц назад

    Mel Jay I love you both ❤️ thanks for sharing such great advices with us.
    Just wanted to remind Mel that while asking questions or pointing out key moments in between topics or mid sentences, please let Jay continue his conversation. F.ex: in minute 53:40 he was talking and saying because… then you cut him saying hold on and after rephrasing the sentence you gave him another question. He didn’t get to finish his sentence. And it happens many times during your podcasts , it just doesn’t seem professional and as an audience we want to listen the information fully from speaker when they are explaining something. It would be great if you take it into consideration. Thanks.

  • @ExpressEntertainment81
    @ExpressEntertainment81 2 года назад +2

    Just here to say - love you dear Mel . You have been a sister . Your five minutes rule has helped , and your genuine intention to help . Long live Mel , and lots of good health , happiness, and lots of energy to you , to energize many more lives 🎉❤

  • @naarilugo2833
    @naarilugo2833 2 года назад +3

    So much love and gratitude for Jay Shetty and the wisdom he shares 🙏🏼💞

  • @Narrowpath0325
    @Narrowpath0325 2 года назад +5

    Love love loved this interview it was so profound in depth of thought provoking moments and prolifically electrifying !!

  • @EmsLionheart
    @EmsLionheart Год назад +1

    My 2 faves 🥰
    Excellent dynamic 🕊️
    I hope every heart finds healing & the one that will forever make your heart smile & feel protected, finds you. Wishing us all, a lifetime of love & laughter filled tomorrows 🫶

  • @kimberleyformacio865
    @kimberleyformacio865 2 года назад +6

    Thank you Mel and Jay! This podcast was truly eye opening! I saw myself in so much of what you said about love and relationships ❤️ I realized just how much my childhood has affected the way I show up in my marriage and the over analyzing of my husband 🥹 Love is truly individual and we all experience, share and show love in different ways. I realized that my husband has the qualities that my parents didn’t give me as a child (security, support, comfort) and that’s what made me fall in love 😍

  • @eunjichoi8406
    @eunjichoi8406 2 года назад +1

    45:13 omg that’s so true

  • @ST_RISE
    @ST_RISE Год назад

    The meditation was powerful. 13 was the age I got my first boyfriend and was the first in a line of toxic relationships with those that were broken and I worked to “fix” them but my 13 year old self told me work on you then you attract the best for you. Over the last 5 years I’ve been working on me and through therapy and poetry I found my voice and my life… I found the healed me while still healing. I’m now falling in love with someone but having a totally different experience and feels amazing.

  • @melanieklarofficial
    @melanieklarofficial 2 года назад

    "That is so humbling..." WOW. He is so humble. Many would have had a big head from that introduction! That is so inspiring and gives me hope in humanity!

  • @JGallis
    @JGallis 9 месяцев назад +2

    That last part of the video made me tear up🙈 great video, I have so much growing to do when it comes to being with another person but I have to learn about myself first before I do that.

  • @cremarie8757
    @cremarie8757 Год назад +2

    Found this wisdom during separation 😭😭😭 thank you so much 🙏🏻 we need more of this clarity

  • @reginatabb4068
    @reginatabb4068 2 года назад +1

    I have been out of relationship since I lost my life fiance to Covid 19 in 2020. I so needed to hear this podcast.. I follow Jay Shetty he is amazing as are you you both are POWER HOUSE in your own right and during my journey alone now I have learned things I should have been taught as a young person. However I want to find love again but afraid and not sure if I want to know anyone else. What can I do to change that mindset?

  • @LandofPhoenix
    @LandofPhoenix 2 года назад +5

    Mel I love you!!! thank you for the amazing work that you do for uplifting my spirits when I need it the most❤

  • @mariacaceres365
    @mariacaceres365 2 года назад +4

    Thank you both for the beautiful words of wisdom!

  • @nancyh.570
    @nancyh.570 2 года назад +5

    Love this what a great combo Mel and Jay! Thank you!

  • @karenfreyer3852
    @karenfreyer3852 Год назад

    Love your podcasts Mel. I love how you open your podcasts with, "hey it is your friend Mel" I love being your friend too!

  • @paulinanakabugo1271
    @paulinanakabugo1271 2 года назад +1

    👏👏👏 The love u give someone must motivate him or her to love himself more, beautiful

  • @motivationcornersa4270
    @motivationcornersa4270 Год назад +1

    This is my favorite episode

  • @roslyndowning8808
    @roslyndowning8808 Год назад +1

    Oh, Jay and Mel, I can tell THIS was an AMAZING podcast!

  • @Stoochyy
    @Stoochyy 7 месяцев назад

    I’m 24 and I feel like I just saved the rest of my life by watching this. Especially after the love vs ownership topic. Thank you guys❤

  • @anon4286
    @anon4286 2 года назад +2

    This episode is one of the most beautiful topic I've found on the RUclips ❤️

  • @juliemidgley5287
    @juliemidgley5287 2 года назад +4

    Absolutely brilliant. Wonderful to see you both always, Jay Shetty your words come straight from the heart. I truly don't beleive that anyone can share such beautiful wisdom in the way that you do. You are a gift, can't wait to buy the book. I have read THINK LIKE MONK three times and have offered it to many friends and clients. Mel, awesome as always. Thank you both

    • @amirbodakh2213
      @amirbodakh2213 2 года назад

      What? Straight from other people’s mouth you idiot …видео.html

  • @cayad2591
    @cayad2591 2 года назад +1

    i just watched his conversation with Drew Barrymore. what a beautiful open conversation that was as well!

  • @karmenhribar7427
    @karmenhribar7427 2 года назад +1

    Mel you seriously are the best!! I am sooo happy you have your own podcast!!

  • @roelewis7683
    @roelewis7683 2 года назад +1

    I am reading the book but I'm glad I watched this too because ot brought a different level of learning these concepts to me. Thank you both!!

  • @petraschwabwertecoaching
    @petraschwabwertecoaching 2 года назад +2

    Thankyou so much for this Podcast. It's the most amazing I've ever listened to.

  • @rollosdemujeres
    @rollosdemujeres Год назад

    I’m cooking breakfast fir my son and listening to this episode. I’m in tears while doing the meditation exercise 😢 thank you for this! 🙏🏼✨

  • @simsm9983
    @simsm9983 2 года назад +2

    Thank you Mel and Jay! ❤️ I'm at loss for words after this deep talk. The entire talk was like a meditation. Love you both!

  • @karennelson6272
    @karennelson6272 2 года назад +3

    Mel thank you for bringing Jay on and doing this awesome podcast! He is wonderful and you also said that during the podcast but omg you are wonderful too and I love you both!

  • @Hehehe0686
    @Hehehe0686 2 года назад +4

    Thank you both for all you do ❤️

  • @karenscott3755
    @karenscott3755 6 месяцев назад

    Everything is so simple, and to some degree obvious, yet incredibly profound! This was beautiful! And I just had to add, Jay has amazing eyes!

  • @StrangeMinee
    @StrangeMinee 2 года назад +1

    Oh my goodness I was crying in that meditation with my younger self 🥺🥺🥺

  • @rachelcoloradomy3kidz778
    @rachelcoloradomy3kidz778 2 года назад +1

    I'm so excited to have came across This! Sorry Jay I hadn't ever heard of You And I believe You have Been sent From Heaven ❤️ I so so Needed This Tfs 💕 XOXO 😘 🌹

  • @dianewellness2778
    @dianewellness2778 2 года назад +1

    Such a great interview! Love how you stop and highlight the gold nuggets Mel

  • @jolantajermolowicz4170
    @jolantajermolowicz4170 2 года назад +2

    What an amazing podcast !!! ❤❤❤ and that mediation end up with tears , tears of happiness ❤ Thank U!

  • @Oakfey
    @Oakfey 2 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for this episode. I need to rewatch/listen and take notes.

  • @lucylulu9940
    @lucylulu9940 Год назад

    That’s why we love you Mel. Youre real - shining a light on your feelings and sharing them with us, wow. Good job.