EPIC!!! NEW ARRMA Kraton 6s EXB RTR Breakdown and Bash
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
- Here's a detailed look and first run with the all new ARRMA Kraton 6s EXB. This rig is by far the best engineered I've seen for handling extreme use straight out of the box. ARRMA saved the best for last in 2023!!! Excited to do some tuning and get back out soon. Happy New year everyone.
6 Month Update - I pre-ordered mine and received it just before Christmas 2023.
I run my Truck a lot like Rich Duperbash or RCDude81. I absolutely torture this thing at skate parks send it off absolutely gigantic jumps at full speed.
This is truly the greatest truck Arrma has ever made. To this day I haven't replaced a single part, just screwed in a couple screws that backed out during bashing, all on the steering assembly. The Turnbuckles and ackerman screws don't have any locktite from the factory, just a tiny mistake.
Even the factory stock steering servo has survived up to this point which is simply mind-boggling considering in the past I remember Arrma factory stock servos that couldn't handle a single jump before burning out or shattering the plastic casing.
However, it looks like my luck of no repairs is finally coming to an end, and it is indeed that stock servo that is finally going. There is now slack in the servo and you can turn it 5° in each direction with no resistance. The steering is so bad that the truck refuses to travel in a straight line.
So despite the fact that the factory servo is still technically going, Im going to be forced to upgrade it. Im actually looking into what servos I should consider as I type this comment. The one that has caught my eye is the AGFRC A81BMWP. At $115 its a bit pricey but offers 667 oz-in and 0.100 speed at 7.4V.
So awesome to hear your K6s EXB RTR has held up my friend!!! The Perfect Pass Monster servo comes to mind for great performance. Betu 46kg is another one that's more budget friendly. Lots of potential options. 🍻
Richhhhhhh man you’re like an artist painting, a masterpiece the way you run these rigs. This is the truck I’ll be saving up for. It’s gonna take a long while single dad life lol but it’ll be worth it. Hope you had a great Christmas and a happy new year. Hopefully Your son will be out making more videos with you, those are my favorite. Nothing better than sharing what you love with someone you love.
Thanks so very much Brother 🤗. This truck might be worth saving up for if it's in the budget. Been trying to get Andrew back out bashing, but I'm competing for his time with his friends and other interests. We've been hiking and fishing together lately 😍. Hope you had a great Christmas and awesome New Year too my friend!!!
@@richduperbash2966 rich that’s awesome! It doesn’t matter what you and Andrew are doing as long as you’re doing something together. I hope as my daughter grows up, we are able to do fun stuff together. It’s definitely been a change, having full custody of her and having to try and fill both roles. yeah it will take me a while to save up but I’m gonna try and get that truck truck for sure. When I still had all my cara and trucks My favorite truck I ever owned was my Kraton 6s with m2c goodies and a max6 combo.
Was this run on 6s ?
A youtuber that drive well, this is enlightening.
Thank you Brother 🤗
*_😅🤣🤣_**_10:40_**_ Ringin' the poll, & still didnt break it!!! WHAT!_*
10:12That back flip from pipe to pipe was fricn SIIIIIICK 🔥 Greased that sh%t like a champ 🔥
Thanks Brother and happy bashing 🍻🤙🤙
Underrated channel. You should have 4 times as many subs by now
Thanks so much Brother 🤗. Truly appreciate the support. 🍻
AWESOME new Version of the Kraton EXB! Arrma is stepping it up again, so much value for the money! Best EVER 1/8 scale truggy for sure! Merry Christmas and Happy new Year! 😍
Agree 100% Kimberly 😍. ARRMA hit a serious home run with this new EXB. Definitely saved the best for last in 2023 😱. Merry Christmas and Happy New year my friend 😘😘
Rich you nail it again super sweet smooth bash.
Thank you Brother 🤗
The King of the Skatepark Ripping the Kraton EXB!! You Always have the smoothest control Rich!! Arrma killing it Again with this platform. For 699$ the value is there for sure!! Hope your Holidays are Great!! Stay safe and Bash on from Colorado!!
Thanks so much Ervin 🤗. After a quiet first part of 2023, ARRMA dropped some big ones to close out the year 😱. Stoked to see the progression and without an insane asking price. Happy holidays to you too Brother!!! 🍻
Man! Your driving abilities are legendary and review style perfect for all R.C enthusiasts. Love your work bro.
Thanks so much for the kind words Brother 🍻😎💪👊👊
YES!!!!! Nobody DOMINATES the skatepark like you brother!! Killer Bash, and awesome, in detail breakdown on the truck!!! Thanks for posting!!!!
Thanks so much Brother Avery 🤗. ARRMA put some great engineering into this one. Grateful to slip out to the skatepark before the rain hit. It was cold and slick, but fun as always. 🚀🚀😎💪👊👊
After watching him drive at the skate park I feel this should be an Olympic sport like gymnastics with a point system guess who taking home the Gold, Rich
Always love that half pipe circle flip that you do. You driving skills amaze me. Happy New Year Brother
Thanks so much Brother and Happy New Year to you too🤗🚀🚀
You call it a shake down.... I call it a kick ass rip. Awesome as always!
Thanks so much Brother 🤗. Truly appreciate it. 😎💪👊👊
Your driving skills are off the charts...
Thank you Brother 🤗. Appreciate the kind words 🍻
This skate park run sold me on getting this rig. Thanks!
The Kraton 6s is flawless. Really love this new version
Yes indeed Brother 😱. ARRMA did a fantastic job with this version 🍻
Awesome update to an already terrific platform!
The GOAT is back at it again! It is so sick. I love watching you punish gravity.
Thanks so much Brother 😁
Awesomeness good to see out ripping “ Team ARRMA “
Thanks so much Brother 👊. ARRMA's closing out 2023 with a bang 🚀🚀🤙
Aaaaaaand Rich cost me money again (and I thank you). I was waiting for this video before hitting the go button on my cart. DONE!
Awesome video and thank you, Rich!
Thanks so very much Brother 🤗. I truly think ARRMA nailed it this time around. Appreciate the kind words my friend 😎💪👊👊
What a Beast 😈 Man I miss the sound of the Copper Heads gripping the shit out of the concrete. Nothing better. You’re getting me pumped to do a little wrenching and get some rigs out for a blast. Props Big Bro ✊🏼👍🏼
So awesome to see your comment Brother 😱🤙🤙. Love the sound of wheels on the concrete. Hope you get back out for some fun. I've been chilling out recovering from hernia surgery, but should be back to 100% soon. 🍻
Thank you for keeping it standard 👍🏻 looks like this could be a good-un
The slow-mo flip in the "pipe", nice driving my man.
Thank you Brother 😁
Great driving. You are a master with that thing.
Thanks so much Ken 🤗. Happy bashing Brother 🍻
Lol, "im getting a little out of control here guys"😂 I could tell you were in the zone 🔥💯. Wow that session was a true work of art...speed and control on point. What a beast rig. Great breakdown also brother
Thanks so much Brother 🤗. I felt mostly in the zone with this new Beast until my blood sugar dumped off at the end 🤣. Kinda forgot to eat before heading out, but it was mad fun as always. Truly appreciate the kind words my friend. 🍻🤙🤙
@richduperbash2966 Oh man ive been there😏 Be safe out there🍻
Dam that thing took all that like a champ! Sick bash sesh dude!!
Thank you Brother 🤗. This is the best EXB by far 😱
Wow Brother very impressive this now Kraton 6s exb 💪💪😱, Starting from how all the new upgrades were made, and the manufacturing is really very beautiful and tough, those new aluminum cases really drive me crazy, also the new wing support, really badass😍.
As always, truly spectacular driving and excellent video my friend, I hope this vehicle arrives here in Italy soon, Good bash my friend an a happy new year to you and your family 🤗
Thanks so very much Brother David 🤗. I noticed even more awesome upgrades and updates after closer inspection 👀. ARRMA included an alloy center diff support for the front bearing (vs the old plastic one) and replaced the rear camber link mount at the tower (old M3 nut and screw) with a flared ball mount so the link can't pop off the swivel ball. I keep finding hidden gems with this new EXB 😍. It's clear ARRMA was set on making this the toughest Kraton RTR ever. Truly appreciate the kind words my friend and have a great New Year!!! 🍻😎💪👊👊
@@richduperbash2966 woooow brother, great news about arrma, these new things you explained to me are interesting, I'm really curious to see them with my own eyes, yes you are right, as you say they really wanted to make a tank this time.
thanks to you my friend, a happy new year to you and your family too👊👊😉😉🥳🥳🥳🥳
I'm fs getting this soon jst worked the 25 yk holiday pay then working Jan 1 2024 = $700 well worth it for my first basher ever 😊
The level of control is insane! As always great bash Rich
Thank you Brother and Happy New Year 😱🚀🚀
@@richduperbash2966 Happy new year to you to!
Best wishes and many bashes to come
Your back flip in the 360 degre ramp was incredible Rich :)
Thank you Brother 😁. Stoked I could get out to the skatepark again 🍻
You are the arrma king, man! Great upload, been waiting for your first thoughts on this beast. Cant wait to see your future endeavours too. Thank you!
Thanks so much for the kind words Brother 🤗. Very impressed with this latest version. ARRMA truly stepped it up this year. 🍻
Aluminum bulk heads from Arrma 😱🤯. Cant wait to see it in person brother Rich! Hopefully we can get in a group session soon
ARRMA meant business with this one Brother 😱. Absolutely stoked to see the progression. Alloy bulkheads are like a dream come true 👀. Hope we can connect again soon John. 🍻😎💪👊👊
That truck is SICK
Damn bro nice skills in the bowl..love the new truck can't wait to get one. Cerrs happy bashing bro.
Thanks so much Michael 🤗. Still getting use to her, but she handles great overall right out of the box. Cheers my friend 🍻
Thanks for the overview Rich! I love how far the Kraton has come, I had a V1 when they first came out with the green body and looking at this think I need to get back in the game cheers 👍🏻
Thanks so much Phil 🤗. It's pretty incredible how far ARRMA has progressed. This latest EXB RTR is impressive no doubt 👀
Had some skaters interested I saw. Probably didn't know they met one of the rc greats 🙌
Happy New Year Rich!!
Amazing flow, as always in the skate park. Amazing RC from Arrma. They went all out with this EXB. Another for the list of must haves. That steerring servo has a lot of happy RC'ers rejoicing...Finally!!
Awesome video brother!!
Thanks so much Steve 🤗. ARRMA definitely put some thought and solid engineering into this one. Happy New Year Brother!!! 🍻
I've been waiting for this vid ! Finally found a replacement for my maxx. Thanks Rich ! Happy New Year !
Thanks John 😁. Happy New Year Brother 🍻
Wicked run Rich. And great job in showing everything this truck can do right out of the box. Kraton's are always the best "do it all" trucks, IMO.
I've been waiting for Eliminator RC here in Canada to get these in stock. And while watching your video, I got an email from them saying they were now in stock. I took that as a sign. 😁
Thanks so very much Jason 🤗. I honestly think the Kraton's are the best do it all rigs too. I would grab one up. Props to you for supporting your local shops 😍
This Arrma's new car is innovative. 👍👍
Very nice thrashing and Overview vid. She looks great!
Thanks so much Jay 😁. Happy New Year's Brother 🍻
Best overview on this truck yet! Watched tons of other vids.. so I subscribed! I was struggling to decide on the BLX or EXB. I don't bash as hard as many, but want the best value/durability. I think the EXB is probably the best way to go.. just for the diffs and braces alone.. an d better milled thicker aluminum. $150 extra is a no brainer.. I have an old TMAXX and 8 year old Stampede. I want a Truggy and think this is the one!
Thanks Brother 👊. The K6s EXB V2 is the best RTR basher money can buy hands down. The aluminum bulkheads alone are a monumental upgrade over the BLX. Emulsion style shocks, alloy braces, upgraded servo saver, redesigned wing mount, beefy standoffs and towers. It's a lot more than the BLX. 🍻
Say no more.. saving pennies lol@@richduperbash2966
Yoooooo, that ish is sick brother 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
You make it look too easy!! Dang!! Great rip, great rig! Happy New Year Rich!!🥳
Allways a plessure my dear friend to see the breakdown. Truck looks good as few, and hopefully it does not need to much upgr for hardcore action. ❤❤. Some si k bowl-outjumps there 😂.
Wish yiu and the family a continued merry christmas and soon a happy new year Rich all the way from sweden❤❤
Thanks so very much dear Brother Thomas 😍. The alloy bulkheads, new top brace, new rear brace design, and beefy wing mount are perfect upgrades 😱. The servo saver and beefcake composite ball cups are like icing on the cake. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and the best New years ever my friend ❤❤
love your skate park skills!
Awesome stuff man !! This is definitely a huge step up and the way forward ... Love it .... Cant wait to see you rip it at the normal spot 🤘🏻🔥
Thanks so much Brother 😁. Awesome to see ARRMA step it up like this. Hopefully the weather will dry up soon and I can get her out in the dirt. 🍻
Nice job Rich 🤩. Love the break down in the beginning and definitely agree way better value than the sledge. There’s so many hidden gems on the new KRATON EXB RTR 6S that’s a mouthful😂. Great quick session at the skate park as well. can’t wait to see a group session with her brother hopefully soon, be safe be well and happy new year my friend. 🤩🚀💪👊
Thanks so much Brother Aldo 🤗. I genuinely feel bad for anyone that chooses the Sledge over this. Traxxas completely exaggerated the durability and blew it when engineering their motor mount. Truly a recipe for disaster with those cheap powder gears. This new EXB is a WAY better value considering everything ARRMA threw at it 😱. Can't wait for better weather to get back out. Have an awesome New Year's my friend!!! 🍻😎💪👊👊
Great review sir. A ton of aluminum components. I really love it now;)
Thanks so very much my friend 🤗. ARRMA nailed it with the updates 🍻
Sweet brother!!! Great 👍🏼 vid good overall veiw. Thanks.
Thank you Brother 😁
Awesome video, wonderful driving, you seriously made me wanna get one
Awesome bash in the skatepark 🙂👍
Thank you Brother 🤗. Happy New Year 🎉
600th video like!! This video is well done. Great driving. Great info! You got a subscriber outta me!
Thanks so much Brother 🤗
@@richduperbash2966 i run a futaba 4pm radio. I really want to run that with this Kraton. I hear everybody talking about “punch”. I just want to make sure I will still have all the adjustment capabilities if I don’t use the stock radio and receiver. Im new to RCs. Thanks for your help
@@FishHardGetLuckythe Futaba should work fine. The punch is programmable via ESC settings and shouldn't be affected by the controller. Not certain how compatible the stock receiver is with Futaba though.
@@richduperbash2966 if i want to run an extra fan on the motor.. How many receiver inputs do i need?
@FishHardGetLucky you could get a 4 port receiver or run a split connection adapter for the ESC fan and plug the motor fan to it. Personally, I only care about motor fans with my over geared street bashers. My regular bashers don't need motor fans. Better to use appropriate gearing and wheel selection to keep motor temps around 150F max. That's plenty safe for brushless motors. 🍻
Wow 😲 Really nice Car And video 😊
Thanks so very much my friend 🤗
Ive got v2,v3 an v4 kraton 6s, me and my 2 boys love them. Ill prolly grab few thos exb parts to add to my v4 thats got m2c chassis and other goodies. Great session as always brotha. Great breakdown of the new rig as well. Hope u had a great Christmas and a happy new year to come. ❤
Thanks so very much Mikeil 🤗. So awesome to hear your boys love the Kraton 😍. Appreciate the kind words and have a great New Year's 🍻🚀🚀
Thank you. Very much appreciated
Whoa , new camera ? Great vid. Need this truck
Thanks Brother 😁. I'm finally using a GoPro Hero 7 black that was hidden in my office. Definitely not as shaky as my old Hero 4 😂
Now that's epic awesome videos and stay safe
Thank you Brother 🙂
That is pretty impressive right out of the box. I might have pulled the trigger on this had I not just bought my 8S Kraton. Still....might just have to think about this one in the near future.
Yeah I think they nailed it with this one. The K8s is an absolute beast. It's nice having the 6s too for all around ripping. 🍻
So How does this Kraton 6s exb v2 rtr compare to the Kraton 8s exb v2 rtr? Try to find which is best or if there both very good 😂
Both really good , the 8s is huge though so it’s naturally a better ground pounder , if you’re into stunting go 6s . IMO you don’t want to go nuts with 8s till you’re good with the 6s .
Awesome overview and great bash!! Have a Happy New Year Rich!!!
Thanks so much Chad 🤗. Happy New Year Brother 🍻
the video ive been waiting for. Aint buying it till its duperbash approved lol
Thank you Brother 🤗
That things a beast
Yes indeed Phil 😱. ARRMA stepping up once again 🚀🚀
Really awesome footage!!! Great work !
Thank you Brother 🤗
@@richduperbash2966 your welcome!!
This is some serious business decent 👌
.... AweSomeNess PerSoNiFied ....
Excellent driving. Great video.
Thanks so very much 😁
Killer🏆Bash🚀Brother🤩Rich...👍🏼 Definitely thee K6 King👑in my opinion...💯
Thanks so much Brother 🤗. This new King 6s sets a new benchmark for the 1/8 bashers 😱🚀🚀
Awesome video!!! Getting one soon!!!
Thanks so very much Brother 🤗
I am definitely getting one of those
Boom 🎉 looks epic great run
Thanks Paul 🤗
🤩awesome video bro👌🏻👊🏻
Happy new year 🥳🚀🚀🚀😎
Thanks so much Brother 🤗. Happy New Year 😱🚀🚀🍻
Merry Christmas 🎁🎄
Very cool 👍 now I want the same car😅
killer vid brother Rich your exactly right they are listening to the basher community an delivering some awesome rigs unlike some T brands lol... 2023 has been a great year for arrma cars tho it sucks it was so late in the year but ive personally picked up the O8s EXB rtr the Mojave 4s the 1/18th granite grom the O4s v2.5 an today the new Kraton 6s EXB rtr arrives to say the collection is growing lol is a understatement they been killing it....
Thanks so much Brother 🤗. Listening to and acting upon basher feedback is almost unheard of in the industry, except with ARRMA 😱. They just keep hitting home runs. Congrats on your awesome fleet my friend and have a great New Year's. 🍻
@@richduperbash2966 thanks man yeah I done a bit of shuffling some old stuff out I didn't run an ended up with twice as many lol.... love the hobby
ARRMA is the best for sure
Happy new year to you an your family my friend
Jesus that thing is sick!!
Yeah I still think this is the best all around basher ARRMA has ever produced 🍻
@richduperbash2966 i just got a v6 and so far like it a lot. I also like the videos you make Rich! You definitely gotta be the best with this Kraton for sure 🤙 Have a good one
Congrats on your V6 Brother 😱!!! Appreciate the kind words my friend 🍻
Rich........whats up buddy....👊🏼🤠
Nice overview Rich! Arrma really stepped it up with this release 🤩 I feel like I got a little hosed with the Big Rock being the same price and none of the EXB upgrades…..
Yes but you can buy the complete bulkheads now treal for 50 bucks , I wonder if arrma partnered with them for these diffs , treal still has the 100$ ones on there site , maybe little more quality, idk . I’m sure you already have a kraton so why not something new 😂
I agree though with the little upgrades but a lot of these parts like the wheels body are already mass produced so it’s easier for them to give more value , and the kraton is there bread and butter and always the first to have revisions , maybe they’ll make a exb brcc next , they should’ve charged 729.00 with a better radio or 800 with better radio and the metal bulkheads but that’s all marketing strategies, they know what they’re doing
Thanks so much Brother Aaron 🤗. The Big Rock is a great looking 1/7th, but I see way more value with this new K6s EXB 🍻😎💪👊👊
Wow they seemed to re do a lot of things. For the price you really cant beat it. The Sledge is fun but it needs so many mods to get it to hang with a Kraton. The value is there for the Arrma for sure.
Agreed 100% Brother 👊. I love my Jackhammr, but it's far from a stock Sledge now and doesn't have much Traxxas left 🤣. This new K6s EXB is leaps ahead in the value category 🚀🚀
Ya dude I can't wait for arrma to release the outcast 6s exb rtr v2.
Me too , even though I have a handful of swb builds , I prefer the swb . Ultimately my favorite rc
That kraton clearly identifies as a stunt truck 😝😝
Clearly the BEST value in RC, it’s so sick😍 I’m gonna pass only because I don’t need another (got an m2c spec kraton), but those new diff cases are definitely gonna make it onto my rig! I always wanted to try the basherqueen ones but never got em before she quit selling them😖
Happy new year!
Wow that was some fancy driving!! You are one heck of a driver! Landing that 360 Loop is insane! That's on the stock gear and not with the optional gear right?
Thanks so much Brother 🤗. I was running the 16T pinion (always do with these 2050kv motors). The truck is still fast with the stock 13T, but the electronics can handle 16T no problem and I like the extra speed and wheelspin for pulling flips. I mentioned it during the street portion, but started laughing because she wheelied up when I was talking 😂
@@richduperbash2966 Can't wait to see what else you do with this new Kraton 6S, Subbed!
I have it Narrowed down to this truck, or the Traxxas XRT.. I’m really leaning toward the Traxxas. It looks to be the better truck overall
They're both very fun with lots of potential. The XRT is more Kraton K8s in terms of size 👀. Just realize the XRT needs a fair amount of upgrades to make durable vs the K6s EXB being stout right out of the box.
you always put on a great show!! awesome driving.. should have mine tomorrow. can you suggest good lipos?
Thanks so much Brother 🤗. I'm done buying pricey lipos. Been running Ovonic AIR 5200mah 100c single 6s packs and Zeee 4000mah 100c (smaller than recommended but works). I try and grab them on sale off Amazon often in pairs for a better price. There's so many brands out there. Compact 6s packs are my preferred. I try and find lighter packs in the 600g range to not weigh the rigs down too badly.
Pretty damn impressive man. When it landed flat on that grass I thought for sure it was gonna bounce way up in the air but it just absorbed it like nothing. I wonder how those shocks would perform on my sledge. I have a super thick 7075 5mm chassis and it weighs over 16 lbs now. Just can’t seem to find the right shock setup. I haven’t tried any emulsion shocks yet either though. I’m gonna have to get a Kraton now for sure! Thanks dude. Representing Nor Cal like nobody else could 😉🤙
Thanks so much Brother 👊. The suspension feels very nice overall. Really prefer these bladderless, emulsion style set-ups. Not sure if you're running VG Racing springs, but those with M2C Racing "S series"caps and pistons with heavier oil is a great option. NorCal keeping it real. 🍻😎💪👊👊
So I put heavier springs on it but I believe they’re Traxxas brand. I used the m2c pistons and some 80wt oil front and back but at that time nobody had released any emulsion style caps so I went with the rubber bladder. They just don’t quite work how I’d like em to. I’ll definitely look into those suggestions thanks Rich!
That’s like putting a Chevy motor in a ford 😂 , rich I’m going slap outcast 6s shocks in the 4s guy today , I may have to go back to your old videos for the spacers , I just ordered from a main last night and forgot all about that truck .
Gotta get me one, ASAP...
I put Kraton 4s tires on my Kraton 6s and man it’s awesome. I used to get thermal shutdowns but I ran the car with the 4s tires and the motor was barely even warm. Try 4s tires on the Kraton 6s!
Thanks for the unboxing, Rich! Looks like arrma once again has totally won again. That looks like quite the beast at a killer price. I have yet to see one of these. All the arrma haters say it the same car with a different body. Haha, on a side note, are we going to see a duperbash beat down on the new x maxx ultimate?
Thanks so much Josh 👊. This version is way more than just new graphics on the body. The updates are absolutely huge 😱👀. Speaking about value, there's zero chance I will get an XMaxx Ultimate. 1500$ is ridiculous especially considering they didn't upgrade the gears, electronics, or drivetrain. I think Traxxas is a huge marketing machine and feel the Ultimate is just another money grab. 🍻
@richduperbash2966 that's funny. You took the words right out of my mouth. Arrma has been listening to everyone, including the little guy's. I am an rc guy till the end, not brand loyal, but I will say that for the money and performance, arrma has my money.
All i need to know is if those new aluminum bulkheads are compatible with the V4/V5 chassis'? And, awesome vid as always, man... Thank you!
Thanks so much Brother 🤗. I'm fairly certain these bulkheads are compatible across the entire 6s line. The mounting points all appear unchanged.
First review thats making me go oh
Great video Rich! Do you usually swap the wheels on the Kraton when you run it on pavement or do you stick with the off-road tires? Thanks!
Thanks so much my friend 🤗. I just run my off-road tires. The ARRMA dboots compound is fairly durable.
What a Beast ! So for $700 This rig is ready to rock ? Thanks !
Amazing driving. I am looking to buy a car and am new to the cars out these days. I have short listed to the kraton and the typhon 6s. I haven't really looked at any other brands cars. Any other recommendations?
Thank you my friend 🤗. The Kraton and Typhon 6s are both fantastic 😍. 2 completely different driving experiences. The K6s is a must have all around bashing beast. The Typhon is screaming fast with incredible handling and tough as nails. Still my all time favorite RC. She's so responsive. Honestly makes you a better driver bashing a Typhon. There's lots of other great options, but ARRMA is the best value overall in my opinion.
@@richduperbash2966 thanks, thats helpful! I'm leaning towards the Typhon. I like the look and it reminds me of the days when I had a Tamiya Fox , then the boomerang ... your handling of the Kraton opened my eyes to another level of skill.
Thanks Brother 🤗. You'll love the Typhon 6s 🚀🚀
What lipo's you running? You got me inspired. Lol
I was running Zeee 4000mah 100c compact single 6s packs I grabbed on sale off Amazon. They're smaller than recommended for the electronics (usually atleast 5000mah) but they perform well and only weigh around 600g. I gave up on pricier lipos because none of them lasted longer or performed any better. I like graphenes for their discharge ability, but they're generally too heavy for my liking.
@@richduperbash2966 appreciate the information.
where’s the receiver button for binding
It's usually the small logo on the receiver. It's actually a tab/button you can press.
Great run Rich! The truck looks sweet, not sure if I want to pull the trigger on getting this one or continue rebuilding my v5? I am currently ordering pretty much all new parts for it chassis, shock towers, braces and some other things. I was wondering do you think the new bulkheads will be compatible with the older non exb models or will I have to buy aftermarket? Hope you had a Merry Xmas and cheers to a great new year of bashing! Oh one more question I just got done modifying my Typhon 6s, my question is I don't like how much the rear end squats with the battery in it. can I put outcast or kraton springs on the rear shocks?
Thanks so very much Sean 🤗. The new alloy bulkheads should be compatible across the 6s line so far as I can tell. It looks like the mounting points are all the same as the standard plastic bulkheads. Not sure on your V5 vs the new EXB 😱. That's a personal call, or consider possibly having 2 Kraton's. I've had at least 2 running since getting my V3 awhile back. With your Typhon, I think even the Outcast front springs are too long for the Typhon rears. The Typhon normally sits around arms level depending on preload. You might try running a lighter pack 🤔. Both my Typhons are loaded with M2C goodies, but I run smaller compact 6s lipos. Happy New Year's to you too Brother 🍻🤙🤙
Tu che possiedi anche la uno....
Prestazioni differenti?
Piu veloce?
Più resistente?
Piu precisa?
Grazie sarei curioso di sapere per eventuale futuro acquisto 🤚
Hi Rich thanks for the video ...as always super good. if I buy one what do u suggest I do before running it out of the box eg diffs, shocks, and all screws. Regards Jaco
Thanks so much Brother 🤗. I like to swap in grade 12.9 socket head screws whenever stock fasteners need replacement. Usually from Monsterbolts.com online. I haven't done anything with the fluids or tuning yet. I'll probably put lighter 20-30k in the rear diff and might try 200k in the center, but the truck feels pretty good right out of the box. 🍻
Awesome, can you share the part# for the outdrives? thanks in advance!! upvoted!!
Thanks Brother 😊. Looks like ARA311187.
Was thinking about the new 8s Kraton but for overall bashing this looks like it might be more fun….what’s your thoughts Rich?
Well I absolutely love both the K8s and K6s 😍. For all around bashing the 6s is faster, can take more abuse being lighter, and can be run safely and loaded up easily just about anywhere. Both are fantastic, but the 6s is a must have in the arsenal in my opinion.🍻