We Did Our First P.O. Box Opening
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- We all finally opened all the gifts you guys sent to us to our PO Box. We got a lot of really cool, thoughtful gifts and some really funny stuff. So thanks to everyone who sent something. Let me know if you wanna see more like this. Enjoy :)
Full VOD: • 4 Idiots Do A P.O. Box...
VOD Channel: @PezzyVods
Twitch: / pezzzy
Twitter: / pezzy__
Instagram: / pezzyyx
Friends in the video:
Music and sounds:
www.epidemicso... Игры
YO. Sorry the audio wasn't the best in this, we gotta invest in a better mic for these kinda videos lol but hopefully you still enjoy. Thanks for everything that was sent, it was a really fun thing to do and we're definitely gonna do more stuff like this in the future. Appreciate yall
All in all it’s a good video
I am a humongous fan of Power Rangers too pezzy!!!
Pezzy the bts album you got was the cheapest version of it, the next verision of it which is bigger and comes with more is almost 70$ then next is like over 200$. this is just an example of how much the cost depending on what theyre doing for that album release. this is just a pointer of how expensive kpop things are/ can get lol.
Hey I loved the reaction to the gift I sent love you guys so much 20:44 to 21:10
I thought the audio was fine, but it would be nice to get a hand cam so that we can see the smaller art/novelty gifts.
Grizzy enjoying the kalimba for the next minute was like a child discovering a new toy
that's what it was 😂 adults are just grown children plus kalimbas are dope asf
@@koreiel ik I owned a kalimba it's so satisfying to play it
I want one now
Honestly for the whole rest of the stream, basically lol
You also gotta remember these are heavily edited, so he was probably messing with it for like 30 minutes🤣
grizzy was so shocked how fast pezzy grabbed that game 5:20
I didn’t even notice it the first time 💀
Twisted his hand so many Times 🤣
Mans was questioning his whole reality for a few seconds 😂
"The man was too stunned to speak"
Hey! I’m the artist at 17:21 !
That’s my work! I’m really glad you guys liked it, it was not a great year for my art and I almost gave up on pursuing it further as my career but seeing you guys so excited almost made me cry. Thank you 💙
Damn, you did good with those!
@@EndergeistYT thank you so much 💙💙 good feelings knowing other like my prints and originals
Ayyy yo. Fucking dope tho
that dope man keep up the good work and dont stop
Youshouldstart uploading your art to youtube
glad grizzy enjoyed the kalimba i got him... had all yall geeking out lmao
That's a dope ass gift. I have one too, it's such an underrated intstrument
Where’d u get it from? I wanna get one
I saw that chat said "God forbid! I can smell the colors!" at around 11:57 and that's the one small thing I missed and I'm absolutely losing it now 😂
20:49 this whole interaction had me crying 😂😂
2:27 I love how every time Puffer tries to show the camera it doesn't focus so we just hear hyped screaming followed by a picture of Bigfoot
This is an incredible comment
W comment
I was so anxious to catch this stream when it was happening that I tuned in periodically on my phone during my last hour at work. I even had it playing in my car on the drive home lmao. Even then, I almost missed my present being opened! The timing was perfect though, I opened the stream again to Grizzy reading out my name from the back of the paintings.
I'm glad y'all liked the paintings, and hopefully I can make more things for you guys this year
those paintings were super cool! i really liked the idea of being able to combine them all for a bigger picture
@@synissent thank you so much! I figured it'd be cool to have something they could keep individually but still be connected to each other :)
For people wanting a time stamp: 12:24
I found someone else in the comments also claiming that they made the same one I'm not calling you a liar I'm simply saying that one of you may not be telling the truth
@@geezy8689 well the other person is claiming my work as their own. I'm a regular in the community (i say this bc that's how i know pezzy & the guys know its me, i've met them in person and pezzy has an incredible memory for regular viewers) and I have process photos that I sent to my friends when I planned this. All of my social media accounts are under this name, but I can't exactly prove I'm not an imposter. But thanks for letting me know someone else is taking credit for my work
EDIT: I just scrolled through all the comments and I don't see anyone claiming to have made the paintings at 12:24. I see other artists claiming their work from other timestamps, but not from the timestamp of my paintings or even alluding to those paintings without a specific timestamp as their own so idk where you got this information to imply that i or some other apparently nonexistent person are liars
8:39 Aye to whoever gifted Droid a Kpop photocard, thank you for confusing the fuck out of all 4 of these lads lmao
Edit to add: I listen to Kpop, but one of y’all is a hardcore stan to do something like that lmao!
I think it was TWICE dahyun 🤭
@@nancyg864 bro said “Kim Dun” 😭😭
LMAOO as soon as they turned it around I started cracking upppppp
The way they said her name wrong 😭😭😭
The Pure realization on Droid is hilarious.
Grizzys laugh at 18:09 is incredible
Gri/zzy laugh (jjk reference)
18:07 Grizzy squeezing the rubber duck and laughing will always make me laugh💀
Fr that was a real cheeky ass giggle 😭😭
11:12 seeing Grizzy get this got me pulling my Kalimba out of my closet
14:04 everyone's heart stopped for a second XD
No fr. Bro, I was like, WAIT A MINUTE
16:16 rate the blanket's coziness, bc it looks FIRE
It looks so soft 😩
I swear I would wrap myself like a burrito in that blanket, just sleeping in a cold place with a fire place nearby with hot chocolate while I chill and watch their videos
Seeing Pezzy get so excited over seeing his childhood show, Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue at 5:20 was so funny to me. 😂😂😂
I can relate. I think Power Rangers was a part of ALL of our childhoods.
@@EndergeistYT yup, shit was so fucking cool back in the day
@@EndergeistYT bro did anyone watch power rangers but with dinosaurs? cause that shit was fire.
@@synergy8879 power rangers dino thunder was fucking cool
Should we tell pezzy about super sentai and kamen rider Orr keep that away for him lol
13:31 Grizzy is me tryna lift my homies spirits after he gets rejected for the 435th time.
19:14 grizzy snap his neck to look pezzy like "wtf?" 🤣🤣🤣
Grizzy freaking out about aespa 😂😂19:30
21:57 laugh all you want puffer. As soon as you hit 1 million 😏
we need to get on that. Then maybe Puffer and Pezzy will wear them together 😉
@@SilviaNight99 a Collab!!!! Hell yeah
wasn't that a time goal to hit by 2022, don't think we made the deadline in time my guy.
@@deaffox6960 yeah it’s not happening anymore 🧍♂️
Never have i ever clicked so fast in my life.. Pezzy I just wanted to say thank you because of you in my dark times I watch your videos and they help make me get thru it.. thank you my guy you are AMAZING
so real
Pezzys reaction to smelling the candle at 11:32 I can't 😭
Omg you right 😂
2:25 my proudest moment fr fr, the fact that I got Puffer to flip out like that lmaoooo
Also I'm sorry for all the spread out Pokemon cards, they sent weird. I figured out they were mine by looking at my Amazon and realizing y'all received 2 packages of 3 packs and 3 individual packs in 3 separate packages.
The buying and sending process was a mess but I'm glad there was a good pull!!
I was just about to comment this idk why when I buy booster packs they all send separately… kinda a waste of packaging
There used to be an option to ship it all in one box but ig they got rid of that?.. at least they never ask that lately when checking out
@@Young_Robot The more packages there are the more they can charge for shipping, kinda scummy on their end.
What was the hyped card tho? It was blurred to hell lol
@@Young_Robot I think maybe because I bought from 3 separate manufacturers it did that. But the 3 individual packs were from the same place so idk wtf happened there 😅
@@cloudyplacebo7456 I don't know much about Pokemon but if you're talking about the card he said was 300 then yeah. I believe I also gave him another pull that was pretty good.
It was nice to see this stream and I would love to see you guys do this again.
5:22 Pezzy snatched that game fast
I'm so glad that y'all enjoyed the gift I sent! This was such a good stream to watch, and now i'm glad to see it in video for! Keep up the amazing videos Pezzy!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
11:03 grizzy got hyped up like a kid
🤨 to 😯
4:21 “they’re all spicy”
Droidd: *Yeah welcome to Mexico*
19:53 good to know my posters caused droid to forget he saw the demon slayer movie with puffer lol
12:03 Pezzy got factory reset LMAO
Someone gifting a photocard was kinda wholesome XD
Right? And it was even sleeved lol
@16:02 the dad vibes from Gizzy. Both hands XD!
Ahhh ahh both hands
Gizzy is my favorite
9:05 I use goat milk soap. It's amazing for your skin.
Milkbaths have been a revitalizing medicinal practice for thousands of years.
Goat milk soap is also like 3x the price of any other soap.
we have......
Puffer:- the geeky nerd
Droid:- that one guy who is OBSESSED with "da booba"
Grizzy:- the chill guy who is able to rile all of them up SUPER quickly & easy
Pezzy:- hes that one guy who just wants to chillax with you
...all in all, 4 very random & fun guys to chill with :) xxx
This was a dope stream. I actually just finished the stream in the last hour lol. Enjoyed the video my man
Not the feel special twice dahyun photo card 😂😂😂😂 08:53
19:44 "that's GOTTA be racist" 💀💀💀
Puffer's like every dad on Christmas morning @ 5:56 "Show it to the camera" 🤣🤣
17:59 they know what their doing, starting the james veich ducks bit lol
21:18 the fact I know where that specific soda cat is from makes me laugh
Cuz that who I’m thinking
@@Luv-you-bbq-squirrel ye
6:10 im so glad droid like the book I sent him 😌 hope he reads it every night
Lol good choice
4:35 that’s is THE MOST Mexican laugh lmao. Feel like I’m watching my tio on Christmas
11:10 Seeing them get excited over a kalimba made my day.
(Tip: Longer thumbnails are better for playing the instrument)
Droid getting confused by the dahyun photcard is the funniest thing to me 😂
5:22 Pezzy’s and Grizzy’s interaction to the Power Rangers game is PRICELESS 🔥🤣
not them getting a pc of Kim Dahyun of TWICE at 8:47 lmao
My gift is in Puffer's hands at 12:34 I made it in the video, let's go!
Just realized that Pezzy, Droid and Grizzy all use the same sound effects in their funny moments. I love consistency and I love these guys ❤️
Puffer hitting Droid with the dad jokes book sent me😂😂😭😭
The fact Droid didn't even flinch was so funny to me.
I love the sheer amount of joy everyone gets when they play the kalimba
3:02 to see Grizzy sending cards 🤣
How does he even throw then like that?
@@abigailphoenix47Takes skill bro!
I like 3:10
@@DrBankshot20 i love how the editor took notice and had his own bit of fun with the whooshing sound.
Idk why my ADHD ass was dead-focused on that.
But i digress.
@@davecrupel2817 yes i loves the woosh sound while grizzy did that
When Pezzy said Craig, I legit thought of Mini Ladd and had a huge sigh of relief when they said it was a mod 😂
Everywhere I go I can't help but see he's mentioned literally fucking everywhere
15:28 has me fucking dead omg
20:53 Droid’s moment of realisation 😂
1:24 why does droid look like a 3 year old laughing its so funny
🤣grizzy giggling like a kid while squeezing the ducks is adorable and funny
Whoever sent the shirt to droid, as a fur myself I salute you, that was fantastic
14:15 the mod said it wasn’t used in the bottom left lmaooo
You gotta love how Driod heard the chain he got was Furry style it clicked so fast in his head that it was a tail XD 8:16
Was it just me or at 18:11 when Grizzy laughs he sounds exactly like the Gang Beasts laugh 😂💀
15:20 puffer was so pissed
7:35 that's the chainmaille I made! glad it made it into the highlights video :D
5:37 poor Grizzy didn’t even get to see it 😂😂😂😂
20:51 droid changed gears so fucking abruptly lmao
That almost/literally sounded like the Lego Mario connection sound
Grizzy throwing the cards is everything to me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
The four of them freaking out over the tiny kalimba is so freakin adorable
Grizzy thirsting over the Aespa album and Pezzy looking at the BTS one all perplexed made my whole week lmfao
11:05 help they look like five years when their grandma gives them ten bucks 😂
Hell yeah the video's out, the stream was phenomenal
this stream was so much fun! I love when you guys are together just chilling and acting goofy
19:14 I love BTS and I was so shocked you guys received an album 😂❤
Lmao was not expecting someone to gift droid a photocard of dahyun from the official feel special album
edit: damn that person spent more than $100 on the kpop albums
grizzy going "gawd dayum" over the aespa album is such a mood
Fr if they don’t want it don’t throw it away I’ll buy it 😭
Thank you I was wondering what album the photocard was from lmao
I was eating my insta noodles in a cup and I almost choke 9:50 😭
Pezzy absolutely freaked out and died and came back to life 5:21
8:51 - I'm pretty sure they sent him a photocard of Kim Dahyun, from the Kpop group Twice.
I agree
Pezzy: *moans*
Me laughing my ass off after becoming a car horn-
Bro 18:10, Grizzy's laugh got me. Relatable. Love the vids
13:37 Finna blow up on the amber alerts 🤣🤣
Pezzy’s laugh reminds me of home. I love it
22:32 Pezzy pog
18:05 the way that Grizzy laughed made his sound so happy beause of the ducks :)
Bro I’m crying that was so funny, I heard photocard and thought no freaking way someone sent a K-pop photo card 😂
@@JunHaoChanSoon exactly and whenever the albums came out I was like ain’t no way 💀💀
@@why_not127 what album was grizzy holding?
@@meixiuhua aespa album called girls
Grizzy squeezing the ducks made my dog go wild lmao
Puffer really know how to fake be appreciated I needed that skill
Can we get a count of how many times puffer glanced at the camera while doing a funny moment I can't be the only one who notices lol
I love the fact they having so much fun, especially pezzy at 5:20
Grizzy being so confused is Hilarious 😂
@XScarlyX "yo, homeboy is bout to morph" sent me to the atmosphere 🤣
15:10 bro I have that same dad joke book 😭😭😭😭
Puffer was just snapping at people not saying directly to give it to him he just snapped
19:10 Droid's laugh got me!🤣
18:11 grizzys goffy ahh laugh 😂😂
0:26 The “Huh” got my dying and cryin fr
Pezzy’s devious laughter after throwing the liquid ass bottle😂
17:14 me n the boys after planning to drink blood
this was hilarious moment after moment. not really sure I stopped laughing. Would love to see more of these types of videos
Grizzy: ♪
Everyone: NO WAY
Grizzy’s face at 2:21 is hilarious