That Keigo may be cute and doesn't look the part of a 30 something.11/11/2024 Today's notable releases at HUNK-Ch..
First we have a "Niiyan" video under the ADULT CITY brand with Keigo (圭悟):
He looks kinda familiar, but I'm a bit too lazy to see if he already has a GVDB page. After all this particular label deals with models over 30.
Then we have Manato (真翔) returning with Dick Interview:
He's surely playing catch-up since just recently returned to the studio after 6 years. I'm not sure if his MOTONARI & "FREEZE" succesfully delievered, but at least HUNK-Ch is using him better than most other studios he has worked with.
And we have the Straight Examination Room of Takeo (武生):
FINALLY!!! One step closer to that interview. Hopefully Hibiki (響希) & Sasuke (冴介) will soon follow, we better keep manifesting
That's all for today.
But darling Takeo is on the way

Could it be, he may have already filmed his Straight Interview @BellatrixPatricia57??