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Reviews for "Bunny Invasion 2"


i love this game the guy you buy wepons off is a total dick


ive beten this game 5 times but its still super fun.

Oh my god! Oh my god! OH MY GOD, NO!!!

Ahah, this is so cool shooter. But after40 waves there so mush robo-rubbits :<

im such a baby

love the game. im stuck on wave 54. its soooooooooooooooooooooo annoying. amazing game though. but the game may have beaten me (N)

A fun shooter

This is a great game.
The voice acting,sound effects and story are great.
The aiming is also easier than in part one wich was annoying...

Also a quik question, did you got the name for the pub, the Lamb and Flag, from the BBC serie Bottom? I just love that show.