The 'Patriarchy'? If you corrupt her she not only protects slavery as an institution, she expands it.No, in charge, why on Earth would you do it? Logic not propaganda? You have the same station only now you're under a woman. An 18 year old a slave you were supposed to train into a whore. The whore offered a better prospect.
It's funny how you defend it. You would that investment. I hadn't played it yet. none of the content since last year March. It gave me a choice. One choice hasn't been thought through. There's only her choice, it is largely propaganda. Empowering a woman who dethrones the patriarchy, an 18 year old of questionable motives.
I don't play puppet, not to her.
The reason Aria is the prospective chancellor and not yourself is because she is the one who is the head of a rebel organisation that has been attempting to put her in power for a while, even particularly ambitious and dedicated players are not likely to have an army even a fraction as large as what the rebels field at game start, let alone when they have enough troops to pull off their assault on Ikaanos and the Mastersphere, which means the rebels support is kind of crucial to the plot succeeding.
Aria never 'dethrones the Patriarchy' except in the sense that you kill a man and put a woman in charge, which the setting has never hinted as being particularly impossible anyway, female warriors, mercenaries and nobility have been a thing in the game for ages, and while society in Ikaanos has a moderate male bias it has never been so overwhelming such that a female chancellor is an impossibility. And even then, a lot of focus in the questline is on how people distrust your motives in supporting Aria, making clear ground for the fact that even in setting people suspect your character of trying to use Aria as a proxy and puppet.
She never makes some giant speech about women's rights when she takes power, an uncorrupt Aria seeks to end the institution of slavery and promote liberty, which effects men as well in this setting as slavery is not sex selective in Ikaanos, as shown by the fact that you can staff your mines and lumberyards with dozens of men who you have clapped in irons and forced to work as slaves, let alone all the people you impress into service to work as your private army.
For a corrupt Aria, she literally expands slavery as a institution, opening slave schools and institutes that educate women in sexual service, legalising prostitution on the streets and decadent festivals and celebrations and so on. It is about as far from whatever feminist power fantasy you are imagining as possible.
Like I get you have got some weird idea of what this plot is and means and so on, but all this weird critique just makes you sound like a games journalist rambling about content that you can't be arsed to play because you have already decided you dislike it based on preconceptions and arguments you have built up in your head which has no reflection on reality.