
Oct 24, 2017
No, in charge, why on Earth would you do it? Logic not propaganda? You have the same station only now you're under a woman. An 18 year old a slave you were supposed to train into a whore. The whore offered a better prospect.

It's funny how you defend it. You would that investment. I hadn't played it yet. none of the content since last year March. It gave me a choice. One choice hasn't been thought through. There's only her choice, it is largely propaganda. Empowering a woman who dethrones the patriarchy, an 18 year old of questionable motives.

I don't play puppet, not to her.
The 'Patriarchy'? If you corrupt her she not only protects slavery as an institution, she expands it.

The reason Aria is the prospective chancellor and not yourself is because she is the one who is the head of a rebel organisation that has been attempting to put her in power for a while, even particularly ambitious and dedicated players are not likely to have an army even a fraction as large as what the rebels field at game start, let alone when they have enough troops to pull off their assault on Ikaanos and the Mastersphere, which means the rebels support is kind of crucial to the plot succeeding.

Aria never 'dethrones the Patriarchy' except in the sense that you kill a man and put a woman in charge, which the setting has never hinted as being particularly impossible anyway, female warriors, mercenaries and nobility have been a thing in the game for ages, and while society in Ikaanos has a moderate male bias it has never been so overwhelming such that a female chancellor is an impossibility. And even then, a lot of focus in the questline is on how people distrust your motives in supporting Aria, making clear ground for the fact that even in setting people suspect your character of trying to use Aria as a proxy and puppet.

She never makes some giant speech about women's rights when she takes power, an uncorrupt Aria seeks to end the institution of slavery and promote liberty, which effects men as well in this setting as slavery is not sex selective in Ikaanos, as shown by the fact that you can staff your mines and lumberyards with dozens of men who you have clapped in irons and forced to work as slaves, let alone all the people you impress into service to work as your private army.

For a corrupt Aria, she literally expands slavery as a institution, opening slave schools and institutes that educate women in sexual service, legalising prostitution on the streets and decadent festivals and celebrations and so on. It is about as far from whatever feminist power fantasy you are imagining as possible.

Like I get you have got some weird idea of what this plot is and means and so on, but all this weird critique just makes you sound like a games journalist rambling about content that you can't be arsed to play because you have already decided you dislike it based on preconceptions and arguments you have built up in your head which has no reflection on reality.


Jan 17, 2025
The 'Patriarchy'? If you corrupt her she not only protects slavery as an institution, she expands it.

The reason Aria is the prospective chancellor and not yourself is because she is the one who is the head of a rebel organisation that has been attempting to put her in power for a while, even particularly ambitious and dedicated players are not likely to have an army even a fraction as large as what the rebels field at game start, let alone when they have enough troops to pull off their assault on Ikaanos and the Mastersphere, which means the rebels support is kind of crucial to the plot succeeding.

Aria never 'dethrones the Patriarchy' except in the sense that you kill a man and put a woman in charge, which the setting has never hinted as being particularly impossible anyway, female warriors, mercenaries and nobility have been a thing in the game for ages, and while society in Ikaanos has a moderate male bias it has never been so overwhelming such that a female chancellor is an impossibility. And even then, a lot of focus in the questline is on how people distrust your motives in supporting Aria, making clear ground for the fact that even in setting people suspect your character of trying to use Aria as a proxy and puppet.

She never makes some giant speech about women's rights when she takes power, an uncorrupt Aria seeks to end the institution of slavery and promote liberty, which effects men as well in this setting as slavery is not sex selective in Ikaanos, as shown by the fact that you can staff your mines and lumberyards with dozens of men who you have clapped in irons and forced to work as slaves, let alone all the people you impress into service to work as your private army.

For a corrupt Aria, she literally expands slavery as a institution, opening slave schools and institutes that educate women in sexual service, legalising prostitution on the streets and decadent festivals and celebrations and so on. It is about as far from whatever feminist power fantasy you are imagining as possible.

Like I get you have got some weird idea of what this plot is and means and so on, but all this weird critique just makes you sound like a games journalist rambling about content that you can't be arsed to play because you have already decided you dislike it based on preconceptions and arguments you have built up in your head which has no reflection on reality.
You're missing the point. All of that is a redundant. All of it. You had a mission from somebody who gave you position to train a slave into a whore. All of a sudden the whore is a better option? Where she wants to be queen of Raana? You simply play along like a good dog.

You empowered an 18 year old. One you were tasked with and have done the opposite, why, pussy whipped. At what logical point have you done it? Because the game made a mission. Yes you still have the feminism ending. Despite a variance of a corrupted Aria.

Again you're in the same position you were, except you empowered a woman. You didn't take it yourself. You didn't rise through the ranks either. You put a woman in charge, and a feminist for the most part.

Not propaganda I wish to indulge


Mar 13, 2019
You're missing the point. All of that is a redundant. All of it. You had a mission from somebody who gave you position to train a slave into a whore. All of a sudden the whore is a better option? Where she wants to be queen of Raana? You simply play along like a good dog.

You empowered an 18 year old. One you were tasked with and have done the opposite, why, pussy whipped. At what logical point have you done it? Because the game made a mission. Yes you still have the feminism ending. Despite a variance of a corrupted Aria.

Again you're in the same position you were, except you empowered a woman. You didn't take it yourself. You didn't rise through the ranks either. You put a woman in charge, and a feminist for the most part.

Not propaganda I wish to indulge
Sounds to me like you're the one who fell for the Kymanto propaganda. I'd rather have a puppet chancellor in my pocket than be a dog for some low-grade slaver organization


Oct 24, 2017
You're missing the point. All of that is a redundant. All of it. You had a mission from somebody who gave you position to train a slave into a whore. All of a sudden the whore is a better option? Where she wants to be queen of Raana? You simply play along like a good dog.

You empowered an 18 year old. One you were tasked with and have done the opposite, why, pussy whipped. At what logical point have you done it? Because the game made a mission. Yes you still have the feminism ending. Despite a variance of a corrupted Aria.

Again you're in the same position you were, except you empowered a woman. You didn't take it yourself. You didn't rise through the ranks either. You put a woman in charge, and a feminist for the most part.

Not propaganda I wish to indulge
You keep using the word propaganda, like what, you actually think the dev made that plotline as some kind of girl power statement?

The plotline where if Aria is put in charge without much training or guidance from you then she ends up fucking up pretty often as it turns out the skill set for running a covert rebellion doesn't carry over to administering a large state.
The plotline where you take a young woman with great prospects and personal power and can break her down into your personal puppet and rule through her.
The plotline where you can elevate yourself from being just a prominent landowner to a highly respected and titled member of the new government, honoured with statues, acclaim and privilege in excess of what you could normally imagine

And in the interest of engaging in good faith, as to 'at what point your character would consider listening to her and following the missions?' the same point most player characters follow any mission from the characters? A lot of characters have missions attached to them, most people end up doing them, either because it is there, because they are roleplaying someone who cares about their subordinates, because they see something to be gained from helping the subordinate out.

As for what a character might see in helping Aria in particular:
A more equitable future for Ikaanos (if doing a low corruption playthrough)
A powerful position of influence over a prospective new government
Riches and plunder in great excess from raiding not only the palace district but the mastersphere
Opportunities to capture rare and powerful people and enslave them
The ability to leverage your unique position of influence over Aria to shape the new leader and her policy to be favourable to yourself
An opportunity to usurp and oust Mordecai if your character views them as too incompetent and corrupt.

As for why people would take it over just doing the 'normal' quest, corrupting her and handing her over
Because corrupting is almost always the exact same boring outcome
Becuase even in an ideal scenario, you would still functionally just be a particularly notable slave master, your star still tied to Kymanto rather than shining bright alone as a pillar of the revolution
Even when the corrupt Aria option is complete, it is likely to be far less interesting than taking part in a history defining revolution.

Like you might see more people take the corrupt Aria route once it is a bit more fleshed out, but I doubt people are going to take it, even on corrupt playthroughs, because it is just a lot less boring than couping a whole government.
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Apr 10, 2018
bob is certainly out of touch, but i'd def prefer a route where the player character takes over factions from the inside, eventually subordinating them to him as vassals before seizing power in a less bloody, more political coup. where the only difference between regimes in the man in charge.

there are already a few checks in the game where the mc can get a positive outcome with enough power value. why not let the player keep aria with enough power value and standing with kymanto? if the rebellion comes after aria trying to free her, let the player dismantle and enslave it. let the mc work their way toward becoming the most influential slavemaster in the mastersphere. mordecai eventually starts to feel threatened and starts pushing back, at which point players can engage in a war of intrigue with mordecai to cripple his standing with the skyguard and masterphere until they eventually prefer the mc over mordecai himself. something along those lines. there are interesting ways grim could implement a mastersphere route.

my own mc mostly likes raana the way it is, he just knows he could do better than mordecai as chancellor. i'm waiting to see what grim does with the other route instead of doing aria's, which is not really what i want. but given how many options there are to take the aria route in, i have high hopes! ^ ^


Jan 17, 2025
You keep using the word propaganda, like what, you actually think the dev made that plotline as some kind of girl power statement?

The plotline where if Aria is put in charge without much training or guidance from you then she ends up fucking up pretty often as it turns out the skill set for running a covert rebellion doesn't carry over to administering a large state.
The plotline where you take a young woman with great prospects and personal power and can break her down into your personal puppet and rule through her.
The plotline where you can elevate yourself from being just a prominent landowner to a highly respected and titled member of the new government, honoured with statues, acclaim and privilege in excess of what you could normally imagine

And in the interest of engaging in good faith, as to 'at what point your character would consider listening to her and following the missions?' the same point most player characters follow any mission from the characters? A lot of characters have missions attached to them, most people end up doing them, either because it is there, because they are roleplaying someone who cares about their subordinates, because they see something to be gained from helping the subordinate out.

As for what a character might see in helping Aria in particular:
A more equitable future for Ikaanos (if doing a low corruption playthrough)
A powerful position of influence over a prospective new government
Riches and plunder in great excess from raiding not only the palace district but the mastersphere
Opportunities to capture rare and powerful people and enslave them
The ability to leverage your unique position of influence over Aria to shape the new leader and her policy to be favourable to yourself
An opportunity to usurp and oust Mordecai if your character views them as too incompetent and corrupt.

As for why people would take it over just doing the 'normal' quest, corrupting her and handing her over
Because corrupting is almost always the exact same boring outcome
Becuase even in an ideal scenario, you would still functionally just be a particularly notable slave master, your star still tied to Kymanto rather than shining bright alone as a pillar of the revolution
Even when the corrupt Aria option is complete, it is likely to be far less interesting than taking part in a history defining revolution.

Like you might see more people take the corrupt Aria route once it is a bit more fleshed out, but I doubt people are going to take it, even on corrupt playthroughs, because it is just a lot less boring than couping a whole government.
They all come out to play. DON'T SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT IT. Yes it's propaganda. It's a bdsm heavy, slave, and fetish game. Suddenly it divulges into? Explain this ending and its recent male stripping and prostituting insertions? Explain it. I could easily.


Hang on one second what went wrong. Master's of Raana isn't putting an 18 year old whore on the throne.


Oct 24, 2017
bob is certainly out of touch, but i'd def prefer a route where the player character takes over factions from the inside, eventually subordinating them to him as vassals before seizing power in a less bloody, more political coup. where the only difference between regimes in the man in charge.

there are already a few checks in the game where the mc can get a positive outcome with enough power value. why not let the player keep aria with enough power value and standing with kymanto? if the rebellion comes after aria trying to free her, let the player dismantle and enslave it. let the mc work their way toward becoming the most influential slavemaster in the mastersphere. mordecai eventually starts to feel threatened and starts pushing back, at which point players can engage in a war of intrigue with mordecai to cripple his standing with the skyguard and masterphere until they eventually prefer the mc over mordecai himself. something along those lines. there are interesting ways grim could implement a mastersphere route.

my own mc mostly likes raana the way it is, he just knows he could do better than mordecai as chancellor. i'm waiting to see what grim does with the other route instead of doing aria's, which is not really what i want. but given how many options there are to take the aria route in, i have high hopes! ^ ^
Yeah, I certainly wouldn't mind such a route, I would be a bit leery about how its implemented given the game isn't really good at modelling that level of intrigue with the player in charge right now, but the notion of slowly eroding the loyalty of the republics institutions to take control from within could be interesting, especially if in the late game it becomes a more active power struggle between the player and Mordecai as you envision.
The problem, would of course be actually implementing that in a compelling and fun way, especially. It might need some expanding of content surrounding vassalizing factions and maybe something to do with managing them, if we want to actually make that gameplay fun rather than just using workshops to make money, by your way into being in charge of faction, rinse repeat.
Especially if, as you envision, this proves a much less bloody and more subtle path to power, which means the game would have to be leaning a lot less on combat as a form of content.

Then there's the question of if the devs have any intention of doing something that ambitious given it would likely mean building wholly new questlines and systems, which I am a lot less certain of. But in an ideal world this can be a fun way of implementing it.

They all come out to play. DON'T SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT IT. Yes it's propaganda. It's a bdsm heavy, slave, and fetish game. Suddenly it divulges into? Explain this ending and its recent male stripping and prostituting insertions? Explain it. I could easily.


Hang on one second what went wrong. Master's of Raana isn't putting an 18 year old whore on the throne.
Okay, I am not even sure what weird point you are trying to push anymore insisting the niche porn game is some form of feminist propaganda it seems? And that somehow allowing corrupt male slaves to do sex work offscreen is also somehow feminist, despite presumably involving no women at all.

And since you appear to have not noticed, no one is saying you can't say anything bad about the game, they are disagreeing with you, this happens when people have opinions which differ from your own. Not everything in life is some kind of conspiracy against you.


Apr 10, 2018
Yeah, I certainly wouldn't mind such a route, I would be a bit leery about how its implemented given the game isn't really good at modelling that level of intrigue with the player in charge right now, but the notion of slowly eroding the loyalty of the republics institutions to take control from within could be interesting, especially if in the late game it becomes a more active power struggle between the player and Mordecai as you envision.
The problem, would of course be actually implementing that in a compelling and fun way, especially. It might need some expanding of content surrounding vassalizing factions and maybe something to do with managing them, if we want to actually make that gameplay fun rather than just using workshops to make money, by your way into being in charge of faction, rinse repeat.
Especially if, as you envision, this proves a much less bloody and more subtle path to power, which means the game would have to be leaning a lot less on combat as a form of content.

Then there's the question of if the devs have any intention of doing something that ambitious given it would likely mean building wholly new questlines and systems, which I am a lot less certain of. But in an ideal world this can be a fun way of implementing it.
i'm just throwing out ideas that seem like fun ways the other route could go, i haven't thought too hard about the logistics of it all. looking at the kymanto vs. cyker quests, there is definitely still room for bloodshed in intrigue! i liked those, they were pretty interesting, and it would be nice to see more similar gameplay. it's a far cry storywise from going to war against the skyguard and the mastersphere and violently overthrowing the regime, but i imagine grim can find a way to use many of systems he built for for other stuff for whatever he has in mind!


Oct 24, 2017
i'm just throwing out ideas that seem like fun ways the other route could go, i haven't thought too hard about the logistics of it all. looking at the kymanto vs. cyker quests, there is definitely still room for bloodshed in intrigue! i liked those, they were pretty interesting, and it would be nice to see more similar gameplay. it's a far cry storywise from going to war against the skyguard and the mastersphere and violently overthrowing the regime, but i imagine grim can find a way to use many of systems he built for for other stuff for whatever he has in mind!
Oh yeah, it certainly is really interesting and potentially fun and it would be really cool to see this, or something like it come to life. I just always feel the urge to temper expectations when I see particularly ambitious ideas being pitched, especially when Grim hasn't given much info indicating they were looking to expand out that way before.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2017
I "advertise" this game in other threads as "gay friendly"
Pretty clear to me where this game is heading with a homosexuality stat, stripping jobs for men, etc...
Meh, whatever...


Oct 24, 2017
I "advertise" this game in other threads as "gay friendly"
Pretty clear to me where this game is heading with a homosexuality stat, stripping jobs for men, etc...
Meh, whatever...
I mean, the most you can really say is that gay people exist in setting and that offscreen gay sex can happen, you have a bit more stuff with lesbian content in particular when you have a all female party and use floor crawlers during events iirc, but otherwise yeah.

Content seems rather threadbare for the game to be considered anywhere near gay friendly, the game is more so just sort of apathetic to gay people existing, throwing in bits and pieces where it makes sense or facilitates a playstyle, especially since Grim hasn't given any indication that they intend to include male homosexuality on screen in any way last I checked?

If Grim had intentions of including a wealth of gay content like people seem to be insinuating, you'd figure we'd have seen some of it by now.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
This game let's you play however you want to. If he has hangups, he does not need to play contents he does not like. I certainly do not.

I have not touched prostitution outside of testing.

My dungeon is practically unused.

My girls have low to middling corruption. Like ~30-45, some even at 9. And decent to high willpower (45 or higher, with a few at 100+).

I have access to the threesome mechanic in alpha for over a week now and I used it only once to test it. (Might use it a bit more in the future though.)

I have ignored all the Full House and Project Erebos missions.

I ignored Incantations and have not learned a single one because I am at a high enough willpower that I cannot get it back using repeatable actions.

Steel and Gunpowder, my friends. Magic is heresy.


The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
I "advertise" this game in other threads as "gay friendly"
Pretty clear to me where this game is heading with a homosexuality stat, stripping jobs for men, etc...
Meh, whatever...

Okay Guys. I must admit these last pages were quite a hilarious read.

Being able to affect both sexes in certain frameworks, such as the P. ring and stripping command is not "propaganda", it's just the nature of MoR's open-world setting. I believe that a game feels more alive, for the use of a better word, if the player has a broader set of choices when building his empire and interacting with his followers. But it's of course completely up to the player to utilize these options. Adding partially nude renders for Rifle Savant and his friends is in no way GD-studios trying to persuade players that he would be a better choice than say, Lovisa.

I would've understood these "complaints" if you were forced to have sex with Bud Walton to progress the main story line but if you play the game for longer than two hours, you'll soon realize that there are no hints or actions that would merit a homosexuality tag, not between male NPCs in your household and certainly not between the MC and his male followers.

Regarding the Aria>Kymanto route. That quest line is still a Work in Progress, but I can guarantee you it won't be a disappointment for those who want to play the evil(normal) path. Mordecai's depravity continues and the MC will be able to thoroughly explore Aria's fate as she ascends to The Mastersphere.

We can get back to discussing if the game really has a propaganda or not once all planned quests and NPCs have been added, somewhere around 0.9.5+. Atm, we're far from having each possible route laid out; there's a ton of content left before MoR's polishing phase begins. ;)
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Sexual Soda

Aug 5, 2019
Is there any unique morning blowjob scenes for certain girls? I could have sworn there was at least one in a past update?


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Is there any unique morning blowjob scenes for certain girls? I could have sworn there was at least one in a past update?
You would have to go through the pics folder looking for the morning bj pics to see which girls have one. I know for sure that Aria, Caitlyn, Clea, and Dakota all have one. I believe Lovisa does as well and I assume there are others. I have those first 4 all assigned to morning BJ duty so they rotate randomly.


May 18, 2018
Small suggestion to the dev: add a chance to increase the Beauty of a slave who takes the Gymnastics and Performance course at the Academy.
It makes sense to me that a girl training for these skills would improve her physique. There are a few girls who meet the Charisma and Dancing/Performance requirements to work at the Golden Dragon, but might be a few points short at Beauty.
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