ASMR for when you just can’t fall asleep - guided sleep meditation - ambient music version

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • original (no music) version: • ASMR for when you just... Hiii friends, to celebrate my channels second birthday, I wanted to honour a request I have received a lot over time. Here is the recording of the 'for if you just can't fall asleep' meditation with added ambient music. I chose a volume level I hope will suit te majority of you, but of couse I can't please everyone ;). I hope this will be okay for you. Thank you so much for all the love and support on these meditations. I'll be making a lot more soon! For now, I hope you will enjoy revisiting this one.
    ❀ Support me if you'd like :) / asmrfleur
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    ❀ Insta / fleur.peters
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    thank you for stopping by this little online safe space. Please be kind to each other and keep the comment section appropriate :).
    #asmr #asmrsounds #whispering #sleep #relaxing #asmrfleur # meditation #guidedmeditation #sleepmeditation #mindfulness #bodyscan #ambient #ambientmusic #forsleep #sleepaid

Комментарии • 44

  • @ASMRfleur
    @ASMRfleur  16 дней назад +70

    ⚠in the recording I say ‘there won’t be ads at the end of this’ - this may not be true. RUclips has since recording this changed its ad policy which means I have no control over post-roll ads, though I do use the hashtags #forsleep and #sleepaid, which should help. If you do get an ad, please let me know!

    • @irismoon8435
      @irismoon8435 15 дней назад +2

      @ASMRfleur I...of course they did. Another ASMRtist I follow always puts a reminder in the description to set a sleep timer to avoid any post-roll ads. 😯 I wonder if that's something people can still do?

  • @AnDRudd
    @AnDRudd 16 дней назад +95

    Didn't get an ad at the end, sending this from my sleep.

  • @abby6053
    @abby6053 15 дней назад +16

    i feel i should share that these sleep meditations mean so much to me, i have watched each of your other ones multiple times over and they are magical, thankyou for this 🫶

  • @tay90lor
    @tay90lor 22 часа назад +1

    These videos are so helpful. I recently opened an indie bookstore and my mind has been full of ALL the to-do lists, thoughts, ideas, etc. so I appreciate these videos making my brain turn off to sleep.

  • @CozySaraASMR
    @CozySaraASMR 15 дней назад +6

    happy two years, thank you for all the hard work you put into your videos. you’re truly a breath of fresh air in this community 🌷 (im listening to this while i work, there’s nothing better)

  • @poppylingard3898
    @poppylingard3898 6 дней назад +1

    I tried several meditation videos before this one which didn’t work but this one sent me to sleep after just a few minutes! Thank you so much, and thank you for not putting an ad at the end!!

  • @Jaybird_77
    @Jaybird_77 16 дней назад +9

    Here's to 2 years 🥂💛...keep up the great work!! No one puts me to sleep like you do 🙏

  • @caritostep
    @caritostep 15 дней назад +2

    Happy two years 🥳🩷 I hope your channel grows as much as you’d like it to, and that you continue to make these amazing videos, I appreciate and love them 🩷

  • @emmar.p8208
    @emmar.p8208 15 дней назад +1

    Your sleep meditations are on another level. Top tier

  • @MmeAdmin
    @MmeAdmin 15 дней назад +1

    To a wonderful 2 years and counting! Thank you for the variety as well as sharing needed conversations.

  • @Girlcivilengineer
    @Girlcivilengineer 15 дней назад +2

    Happy two years! Thank you for creating your wonderful little corner of the internet 💜

  • @deborawbasso
    @deborawbasso 11 дней назад +1

    happy 2 years!! 👏🏻✨

  • @ruthietobar7670
    @ruthietobar7670 3 дня назад

    Usually it's hard for me to be able to meditate and listen to a guided meditation, especially because i have a habit of wanting to look at the screen, but you're videos are so amazing and your whispers are soooo 🤤🤤

  • @RenatoCoronado.0327
    @RenatoCoronado.0327 15 дней назад +2

    Happy 2 years Fleur ❤
    Been here since 2024 thank you for the good content

  • @TheCallumBellShow
    @TheCallumBellShow 16 дней назад +1

    Thank You Fleur, Happy Two Years!! 🎉

  • @breathingnecklace
    @breathingnecklace 9 дней назад +1

    My heart rate came down, so good. I used our breathing necklace to amplify the sensation. Keep up the amazing work here.

  • @Auroras_ASMR
    @Auroras_ASMR 15 дней назад +3

    Hi Fleur ❤❤❤ sorry I fell off the planet and didn’t comment in a while. But I just want to say thank you. I needed this ❤so so so much. Your videos on burn out helped me tremendously. And who knew burnout can be a cycle… I’m still trying to stop 😅 anyway just want to say how much I appreciate you

  • @MaluDauer
    @MaluDauer 2 дня назад

    Unfortunately I did get an ad after the video 😪 but it was worth it! Happy two years!!!! 💛 You deserve it

  • @meganmorrison327
    @meganmorrison327 16 дней назад +1

    So glad to be early! Love the guided meditations. ❤❤❤❤

  • @ripxdoc
    @ripxdoc 16 дней назад +2

    happy channelversary

  • @alexanderschenkels7004
    @alexanderschenkels7004 3 дня назад

    Thank you for this! Love the music and the beautiful vibes. Greetings from Utrecht 😊

  • @numoslox
    @numoslox 13 дней назад

    I just came across your channel. I really appreciate the level of the ambient music it is PERFECT! Subscribed immediately! Can't wait to watch more! Tysm ❤

  • @princessunni
    @princessunni 15 дней назад

    These types of videos are my favorites, thank you ASMR Fleur! ❤

  • @Jono.
    @Jono. 15 дней назад

    We are blessed today with another Fleur video. Now I am excited to sleep!!
    GZ on 2 years!

  • @AlinaFRFL
    @AlinaFRFL 16 дней назад +1

    Is it only 2 years? 😮 feels like Ive been following you much longer ❤ Congrats to your success!

  • @Itsaley
    @Itsaley 15 дней назад

    Happy birthday for this beautiful channel!!! ❤🎉

  • @nuwonda.tabatha
    @nuwonda.tabatha 14 дней назад

    Love ur relaxing voice. I love its in darkness and only quietly noises. I didnt find anothee videos like this. Thkns x this content. Send love from Argentina 🇦🇷

  • @asmr-taro
    @asmr-taro 16 дней назад

    i really needed this!! ty for the calming video 💜🫶

  • @memogalarza4837
    @memogalarza4837 12 дней назад

    Muchas felicidades por dos años Fleur!! Sending you a big hug!!

  • @CatherineVerrilli
    @CatherineVerrilli 15 дней назад

    Happy 2nd channel anniversary🎉

  • @StygianEmperor
    @StygianEmperor 6 дней назад

    this is great

  • @jockez3581
    @jockez3581 16 дней назад

    These are great! 👌

  • @MXV335
    @MXV335 16 дней назад

    Really loved the video :)

  • @hamnafatima4935
    @hamnafatima4935 16 дней назад

    Happy 2 years to the channel 🥹

  • @PaulBrowne-sm7ni
    @PaulBrowne-sm7ni 14 дней назад

    Per.Fect.ion. thank you Fleur xx

  • @veronicaperez592
    @veronicaperez592 День назад

    I never make it past the first five minutes of this video ❤

  • @ZackyYabes
    @ZackyYabes 15 дней назад

    Hi happy women’s month 😊

  • @fchbaby
    @fchbaby 11 дней назад +1

    Hello Friend 😊

  • @joyaversteeg539
    @joyaversteeg539 16 дней назад +1

    Hee ik vindt jou video's zoo vijn ❤ maar kun je misschien meer Nederlandse video's plaatsen dat zou ik echt fantastisch vinden doei doei ❤❤❤😊

  • @nick21b1985
    @nick21b1985 13 дней назад

    Voice sounds like it's coming from the heavens.

  • @liraliza5208
    @liraliza5208 13 дней назад

    This was amazing but can you do it without music version 😘

    • @ASMRfleur
      @ASMRfleur  13 дней назад

      ahaha yes it's the original! check for my 'most popular' videos, you'll find it!