picking up our 8-Week-old giant schnauzer puppy 🐾 | nighttime routine + 1-month puppy update

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • In this video we're driving to pickup our new 8 week old puppy🥹 We got a new Giant Schnauzer puppy and he's the sweetest thing EVERRR. We've had him for 2 months now and he's already sooo big! I filmed a bit of my nighttime routine with our new puppy and a 1 month update🐾❤️
    If you’re a new puppy owner or thinking about getting a Giant Schnauzer, this video is for you!! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more puppy updates and tips. ❤️
    Instagram: @callmecarm
    TikTok: @callmecarm_

Комментарии • 17

  • @emilybridwell7952
    @emilybridwell7952 20 дней назад +2

    I follow you on tiktok, love following yalls journey. I have a 10 month old giant Salt n Pepper. Would love to see more of your Igp/psa bitework journey ❤

    • @carmanychambers
      @carmanychambers  19 дней назад

      aw, thank you so much for following. I really appreciate you 🥹 I will definitely share more! Our club isn't meeting for a couple of weeks, so I'll have some updates once we go back!

  • @TheDoggoPongo
    @TheDoggoPongo 2 месяца назад +1

    Woof woof wuv to see Draco growing up 😻

    • @carmanychambers
      @carmanychambers  2 месяца назад +1

      @TheDoggoPongo aw thank you friend☺️

  • @gosutomarin1775
    @gosutomarin1775 27 дней назад +2

    You think he is big now. Just wait until he gets to 10 months old. My 10 month old Giant Pup is 85 lbs. He is a goofball. I see he does the same whine that my Giant Does. Try and switch him to Raw totally if you haven't already. I know this Video is old. It would be better on his stomach. Good looking Pup. That headshake is what my Giant is doing now. I am still posting his ears still have to post one. Just keep exposing him to everything. Giants are a sneaky breed that everyone thinks looks so nice but don't realize that they will protect the family without any training.

  • @feitanet
    @feitanet Месяц назад +1

    Want a giant schnauzer so bad 😫

  • @anyiaallen01
    @anyiaallen01 2 месяца назад +1

    New Sub (Baltimore RUclipsr)🩵🌟📸
    Congrats on your new furbaby✨

  • @TheAeasy19
    @TheAeasy19 3 дня назад

    How long do you have to post the ears?

  • @rachaelschneider20
    @rachaelschneider20 2 месяца назад +1

    Draco is growing up 🥹🥹🥹

  • @daniellomax229
    @daniellomax229 2 месяца назад +2

    Getting GS pup in about a month, funny thing is we already have a Frenchie named “Draco” lol

    • @carmanychambers
      @carmanychambers  2 месяца назад

      @@daniellomax229 great name!😂

    • @daniellomax229
      @daniellomax229 2 месяца назад

      @@carmanychambersI just hope my GS is 100 times smarter than the Frenchie (oops did I say that out loud) lol

  • @emmanueltomlinson5776
    @emmanueltomlinson5776 2 месяца назад

    What breeder did you go with??

  • @cPaLma.z
    @cPaLma.z 2 месяца назад

    What breeder did you pick him up from?

  • @alexpugh8769
    @alexpugh8769 Месяц назад

    What breeder did you purchase from?