This Loophole Means You Can BUY A Car For £25!

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 2,1 тыс.

  • @AutoalexCars
    @AutoalexCars  2 года назад +512

    Big thanks to Taylor for sharing the AMAZING story of his £25 BMW 635 CSI - go give him a follow and show him your love:

    • @robertparry9280
      @robertparry9280 2 года назад +9

      @Chalky Scriber 😂 was just about to say the same ! V5 even has a statement printed on it that states that it's not proof of ownership...... I'd take this video down before actually owner see's it and stakes claim to it now all refurbished 😂

    • @NickyLong89
      @NickyLong89 2 года назад +4

      @@robertparry9280 possession is 9/10th’s of the law 😆

    • @2012driftking
      @2012driftking 2 года назад

      That's a amazing story love the new channel and content keep doing things like this it's class hold out you hand 🤝

    • @maverick9767
      @maverick9767 2 года назад +4

      Lol the guy who owned it before is probably dead anyway

    • @rich_edwards79
      @rich_edwards79 2 года назад +2

      The council could have technically seized and auctioned it in lieu of the unpaid rent on the lock-up garage, but probably didn't want the hassle given the condition of it. Wasn't too long ago that 6-series were just seen as thirsty, rusty old bangers and not the collector cars with 5-figure price tags that they are now.

  • @WhaattUpp
    @WhaattUpp 2 года назад +2287

    Taylor needs to be a co-presenter. I could listen to him story tell and speak about cars for hours. What a Chap.

    • @ricardomarcelino8388
      @ricardomarcelino8388 2 года назад +19

      Completely agree!!!

    • @thehoov6672
      @thehoov6672 2 года назад +57

      Not hearing some brain dead pleb say "like" 400 times in a story, was a breath of fresh air and gives hope that some people are still educated in English. Top lad 👌

    • @murdomac22
      @murdomac22 2 года назад +70

      This aged well :)

    • @The1Aroma
      @The1Aroma 2 года назад +1

      @@murdomac22 lol

    • @MrLOZZA6451
      @MrLOZZA6451 2 года назад +6

      ‘old out ya ’and 😂👍

  • @Mgn-1
    @Mgn-1 2 года назад +1928

    This guy, I liked how engaging the story was, wanted a beer since thought I was listening to a friend. But that car... It looks incredible! The color, stance, everything looks so good and properly done, great machine and great content.

    • @Wimbell93
      @Wimbell93 2 года назад +44

      He's a genuinely great storyteller.
      Knows how to add little details without dragging things out too much.
      Keeps you interested.
      Also props to whoever edited the video. They let him tell the story uninterrupted.

    • @BigJimmyLifts
      @BigJimmyLifts 2 года назад +9

      Exactly what I thought. Felt like I lived the moment with him. Quite emotional. Brilliant

    • @dannyboywhaa3146
      @dannyboywhaa3146 2 года назад +6

      Was thinking the exact same thing mate - and what a gem! Why do these things never happen to me?

    • @nazgo9061
      @nazgo9061 2 года назад +4

      I think him, Alex and I will gonna be good Friends. Best of Friends actually 🤣🤣 Credit to the Videographer/editor your my Best Pal 🤣🤣
      Now I have to find a Deal and Story to make like that in my misserable life 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @danielschoeren6916
      @danielschoeren6916 2 года назад +4

      I actually went to the fridge and took a beer during this video

  • @jamesonslow
    @jamesonslow Год назад +187

    One year on, this is a great re-watch! Great to see how far Alex and Taylor have gone in that time. Keep it up, boys, and see you at ShedFest 2023.

  • @drcolabottle6385
    @drcolabottle6385 2 года назад +282

    I love stories like this. Taylor is clearly someone who doesn't do it for the money. It's purely out of passion for cars. The way he talked about it, it was like a love story. The build is beautifully tasteful. The stance, colour, everything, is just right.
    Great stuff guys! Keep up the great content

  • @TheKentaurion
    @TheKentaurion 2 года назад +615

    Taylor is such a good storyteller! I usually skip those talks and go straight to the driving part, but I was cought in his nice way of telling his story. Thanks!👍👍👍

    • @sirchristopher2000
      @sirchristopher2000 2 года назад +4

      Top lad for sure

    • @alecman95
      @alecman95 2 года назад +2

      Right, loved listening to him!

    • @olasteer2197
      @olasteer2197 2 года назад

      both of them combined make an awesome listening experience

    • @helplmchoking
      @helplmchoking 2 года назад +1

      Yes same here! I actually started skipping to find out about the £25 thing but got way too absorbed, he spins a fantastic yarn

  • @NickyLong89
    @NickyLong89 2 года назад +306

    What a brilliant story. He went above and beyond to find the original owner for a young guy. Fair play, shows what a nice guy he is. He deserves that car!

    • @Noukz37
      @Noukz37 2 года назад +13

      That's good karma baby!

    • @JoeAButler
      @JoeAButler 2 года назад +5

      Seems like an honest guy, The moment he put the stereo in the car it was his!

  • @stepollard5791
    @stepollard5791 2 года назад +639

    My old man has a manual 635csi, had it since we were kids. Been in storage for 10 years, no longer runs and talk of him selling it. This video has got me determined to get it road worthy again and convince him to keep it ( and lend it to me!) Nice one Alex and Taylor

    • @AllTorque
      @AllTorque 2 года назад +5

      I'd be a buyer for that for my channel haha

    • @i8yourDog
      @i8yourDog 2 года назад +14

      Can you give us some updates in the future?

      @BEEF-EATING-BEAR 2 года назад +54

      What's the reg ill apply for a log book

    • @DashDrones
      @DashDrones 2 года назад +1


    • @leenevin8451
      @leenevin8451 2 года назад +6

      The longer it sits the worse it gets

  • @ashley_neal
    @ashley_neal 2 года назад +727

    Really enjoyed this Alex/Taylor as this is one of my all time favourite motors. Great story behind it 👍

    • @matthewavery850
      @matthewavery850 2 года назад +19

      Whatever car channel I go on lately I always run into you 🤣 and it is a beautiful car

    • @ashley_neal
      @ashley_neal 2 года назад +29

      @@matthewavery850 I'm a car nut also!

    • @gerarddoran123
      @gerarddoran123 2 года назад +41

      You should give Alex a driving test Ashley. That'd be good fun. 😂

    • @RyanPridgeon
      @RyanPridgeon 2 года назад +4

      @@gerarddoran123 I'd definitely watch that

    • @seanglossop4777
      @seanglossop4777 2 года назад +3

      @@matthewavery850 BlackBeltBarrister and now AutoAlex hahah

  • @freeboski
    @freeboski Год назад +22

    Come from the latest podcast video, great to see Taylor still on the channel, match made in heaven.

  • @oghuztelorman7057
    @oghuztelorman7057 2 года назад +104

    Incredible story mate, so touching honestly - because it's (i believe) one of the dream machines of every BMW enthusiast - and to know that it's now on the hands of a man that really deserves it... 😊I'm definitely following this duo from now on. You two have quite a good chemistry guys. Please keep it up!😇

  • @124Brad
    @124Brad 2 года назад +151

    Taylor’s a good mate of mine, so glad to see his 6er get some love on the channel!
    The story behind it still baffles me🙌🏼

  • @razarashid7221
    @razarashid7221 2 года назад +272

    Love ur content mate.Keep putting a huge smile on our faces..

  • @Hopgop1
    @Hopgop1 2 года назад +73

    My immediate reaction when he said that he applied for the log book alarm bells were ringing, but what a great story and clearly genuine as he's putting it all out there now. I do feel bad for the guy who's it was originally, I can't imagine many people bought 6 series BMW's to let them rot in a council garage, clearly an untold bit of history there, especially if he wanted nothing to do with the car.
    Great car and it goes without saying I'm very jealous!

    • @philtrysstrongman
      @philtrysstrongman 2 года назад +1

      If it was reported stolen it would have flagged with dvla when applying for a logbook

  • @ninelaivz4334
    @ninelaivz4334 2 года назад +30

    He kept finding the right people to set this car up exactly as he wanted. The universe delivered his lifelong wish starting with the garage doors being ajar to the disinterest of the original owner. Amazing story!

  • @BennettIsAmazing
    @BennettIsAmazing Год назад +4

    I've revisited this video a number of times. Partly - mostly - because I'm INSANELY jealous and love this car - but also because Taylor seems to be such a lovely chap and I'm so happy he has this. I think he's right. It was meant to happen for him, and knowing that it has makes me happy too.

  • @Bnm-fk9fi
    @Bnm-fk9fi 2 года назад +248

    What a great partnership Alex and Taylor bring to the channel. Keep these videos coming. Loved it!

  • @sparky4878
    @sparky4878 2 года назад +26

    I'm not really a BMW fan, generally they do nothing for me, but these old shark nose 6 series are just beautiful. Can't believe somebody abandoned it like that, glad it found a deserving home.

    • @MrOvershoot
      @MrOvershoot 2 года назад +2

      Exactly my thoughts, most BMW's leave me cold but this era seem to just get it right.

    • @wayland7150
      @wayland7150 2 года назад

      Easy to imagine if the man's finances are not going well and he is struggling with other things in life. The car would have been a dream he did not want to abandon yet could not face either.

    • @wayland7150
      @wayland7150 2 года назад

      @@bigduphusaj162 Sorry to read that. I've driven a couple of BMWs and enjoyed how they drive.

    • @wayland7150
      @wayland7150 2 года назад

      @@bigduphusaj162 Supra Turbo MKIII Manual was the best car to drive that I've owned.

  • @neildaniel8232
    @neildaniel8232 2 года назад +100

    Taylor has to be VERY careful with that BMW. Even though he has a valid logbook for the car the previous owner (or his descendants) can turn up one day and, as long as they have proof of ownership, can claim the car back in it's current condition without having to recompense Taylor for the work he has done. It's happened before with classics that have been found in garages, fields etc. It's all down to the logbook being a record of the Registered Keeper, not the Legal Owner. Having done some attempt to contact the original owner is in his favour though so just enjoy and look after it. Very unlikely to happen but keep it in mind.
    Oh and you should try a Mini, love mine even though it's a bit rough round the edges (but a clean MOT!). I'm the same height as you and it fits me perfectly, maybe you'd like to try it for size?

    • @popuptoaster
      @popuptoaster 2 года назад +38

      Yep, agreed, I have seen it happen myself with a Farina we pulled out of a council garage due for demolition, most definitely would NOT have let Alex film it and put it up online.

    • @petestanley2906
      @petestanley2906 2 года назад +11

      more likely now its been shown for the whole wold to see.....

    • @PedalExperiments
      @PedalExperiments 2 года назад +17

      I'm guessing that's less likely to happen with that private number plate on there. Makes it harder to identify.

    • @taylorhetherington2982
      @taylorhetherington2982 2 года назад +70

      Hi Neil! It’s a very good point you’ve made here, a V5 clearly states that it isn’t proof of ownership, if you do enough research you’ll find that a proof of ownership is a financial interest in a vehicle, For example a receipt of sale, service history, receipts for parts etc. when I first got the 6 series I had none of that, it wasn’t mentioned In the video but when I went back to the lady of the husband who used to own the car she managed to find the original set of keys and gave them to me. Since I’ve now owned the car for such a long period and invested so much into it, I’ve kept every reciept for every part I’ve ever bought for it, as a result that in itself Is a proof of ownership as I’ve now invested so much money into it.

    • @neildaniel8232
      @neildaniel8232 2 года назад +12

      @@taylorhetherington2982 like I said, good that you've done a decent amount of work already to locate the original owner and pay them. But there are cases where people have put thousands into cars that were basically scrap but once the new value was known to the original owner they have come along with one receipt and their logbook and taken the car back. It's about the timeline not how much money and effort you have put into the car. It's great that you are aware of the issue, which was my aim, and have taken steps to mitigate it. It really does look like the car has found it's 'forever' home with you and I genuinely hope you don't run into issues in the future. Keep enjoying driving it and counting the smiles!

  • @bilal00276
    @bilal00276 2 года назад +13

    One of the best looking beemers ever. And the story is amazing. The fact he wanted to give it back to the owner just makes it all even better

  • @davocc2405
    @davocc2405 Год назад +4

    Easily the best looking Bimmer of the era - looks so bright and airy in the cabin too, all while looking like it's about to pounce on something. Stellar job saving it from the wreckers too, he deserves the car indeed.

  • @Lburt07
    @Lburt07 2 года назад +118

    Can we get a Car collection tour? That would be amazing!

    • @charlottemonroe7360
      @charlottemonroe7360 2 года назад +1

      Hey dear what sup ,Did you care to chat and know each other much better than this

    • @Lburt07
      @Lburt07 2 года назад +1

      @@charlottemonroe7360 ummm. No thank you bot bot.

  • @lazar2175
    @lazar2175 2 года назад +36

    Honestly I'd love more videos with Taylor. He's really, really good for first time in front of the camera. And he seems like a down to earth guy.

    • @ItsMeBliz
      @ItsMeBliz 2 года назад

      He is mate he's a sound guy and knows how to have a laugh, sometimes it's put on for the cameras with people but not with Taylor he's always like this.

  • @Project-Air
    @Project-Air 2 года назад +194

    I'm familiar with the quick release feature of the classic Mini wipers. My Mini jettisoned its blades the other day moments after switching them on, ffs. :D

    • @iHelpSolveIt
      @iHelpSolveIt 2 года назад +3

      Easy fix. Get the arms machined to accept a bolt on setup. You're going to have to change the wiper motor spindle. Not hard to do.

    • @Tomazack
      @Tomazack 2 года назад +3

      hydrofilm on the windshield and always drive fast, to the degree of which these cars can do.

    • @olatron
      @olatron 2 года назад +6

      I went through a monkey enclosure at a safari park once and mine were gone in literally 60 seconds

    • @Matt_from_Florida
      @Matt_from_Florida 2 года назад +4

      The Mini isn't the only car with that setup; far from it.

    • @RAKITHA9
      @RAKITHA9 2 года назад +1

      You can classify them as Le Mans wipers - built for pit stop swaps..

  • @medwynroberts
    @medwynroberts 2 года назад +104

    Taylor's a natural story teller for sure. Good content thanks.

    • @kaywonderer
      @kaywonderer 2 года назад

      clickbait how is this good content?

    • @andrewbird6267
      @andrewbird6267 2 года назад +1

      @@kaywonderer you must be out of your mind

    • @kaywonderer
      @kaywonderer 2 года назад +1

      @@andrewbird6267 It's not loophole if only 1 person could do it. So it's clickbait.

    • @andrewbird6267
      @andrewbird6267 2 года назад +1

      @@kaywonderer oh I see! Yeah true, but it is good content

  • @danmarsden5403
    @danmarsden5403 2 года назад +13

    What a wonderful story & Taylor was such an engaging, knowledgeable bloke... Hats off to you Alex, this was such a joy to watch..👍🏼

  • @TheSpectre223
    @TheSpectre223 2 года назад +112

    Great video Alex, and Taylor seems like a good dude. That Beemer is stunning too. This Mini situation though, we can't just quietly let that go. At the very least you need to drive one, they're a British icon and you can't just shit on them without the experience. I know it would be a bit weird for you to be in a car that's scaled right for you, but maybe a cheeky Mini project series could be piped in down the line? Buy one, get it on the road, try it out, then sell it for a profit?

    • @WTBLNT
      @WTBLNT 2 года назад


  • @anonymous_bot_bot
    @anonymous_bot_bot 2 года назад +24

    The E23 is lovely, imagine having a 745i as a daily family car- Edit, Dad took me with him to pick up a new company car 635csi in 1982 from Park Lane London to South Wales, wonderful car, probably the best experience ever, still have the 'Six By Six' photopack proudly on the wall of my Garden bar. Best days of my life getting picked up from school in such an amazing car. Please look after and cherish it.

  • @hartpa
    @hartpa 11 месяцев назад +1

    What you describe about getting in a car and it always making you smile even if you're miserable is my Mitsubishi Evo IX. I genuinely had tears in my eyes driving it home when I purchased it and it wasn't even actually mine then... just a wonderful, wonderful driving experience. We're lucky to have this passion eh. Love the Bimmer.

  • @gaurasrspublishing
    @gaurasrspublishing Год назад +2

    It's amazing that on RUclips you can find better produced, and presented, and more interesting content than you can on any of the "commercial" channels. Top job all round!

  • @gavey100
    @gavey100 2 года назад +158

    You should have him on the channel more he’s great guy

  • @Ch3mG33k
    @Ch3mG33k 2 года назад +72

    Alex, this video is SO good. More stories like this please.

    • @tanagobg
      @tanagobg 2 года назад

      such stories are rarer than cooking a steak for Gordon Ramsay and he allegedly has heard some steaks moo

  • @lestwitchen9970
    @lestwitchen9970 2 года назад +51

    Best episode yet! Loved this, genuine car guys, doing what we all do, laughing and talking about cars👍

  • @tobym5
    @tobym5 2 года назад +12

    I owned a 635 CSi as a 21 year old and now 30 years on I have to say it's the one car out of around 50 I've had since that I enjoyed the most and was so proud to own, they were and still are so rare. Lovely things to drive, they were so well built, quick in their day with 211bhp going up to 220bhp for the later ones. They still look so right, when BMW set their mind to it they really can draw a lovely car.

  • @trevorburton8844
    @trevorburton8844 2 года назад +1

    I remember seeing Taylor’s 635 at Vanity BMW at Beaulieu. It was my favourite car there. I went home thinking I’d seen it before, opened my Classic Car magazine and sure enough it was Taylor’s. Was gobsmacked when I saw it. Instantly contacted him on Facebook and he’s the most nicest bloke to speak to. Would love to see more of him on the channel!

  • @sclark1701
    @sclark1701 2 года назад +19

    Another great video Alex! Let’s see more of Taylor as well! He seems like a great guy, filled with auto passion, and a knack at telling a story on top of it.

    • @AutoalexCars
      @AutoalexCars  2 года назад +11

      That's definitely the plan!

    • @nurel-sobky2505
      @nurel-sobky2505 2 года назад

      How can I contact you Alex. I have a very interesting Alfa GT

  • @tonybhogal8112
    @tonybhogal8112 2 года назад +26

    Without doubt one of the best BMWs ever made. What an amazing story, and the guy seems like a proper nice fella. Awesome story, awesome car!!

  • @simonhughes7382
    @simonhughes7382 2 года назад +40

    Taylor's awesome! You guys need to team up on more stuff- that car story is the stuff of legend. I used to walk past a similar golf gti mk 1 and never did anything about it- sure everyone got one they wish they'd done this to! Congrats that man.

    • @nuttycommuter3718
      @nuttycommuter3718 2 года назад

      Yes! I do! There’s a Saab 9000 Carlsson down the road from me just being used as a dumping ground for the owners rubbish. It would cost a bit to get roadworthy and then quite a bit more to get pristine, but it’s a Carlsson!

  • @zovilakmontoya
    @zovilakmontoya 2 года назад +6

    Taylor should have his own channel. What an extremely nice guy and what great storytelling! Probably great to have a beer with as well.

  • @owenjones8
    @owenjones8 2 года назад +38

    Only true car guys would go out of their way to try and reconnect the original owner with their car, no matter how hard it would be to hand it over! Fair play and could listen to Taylor for hours ;) Great content.

  • @StorMacce
    @StorMacce 2 года назад +7

    this man deserves every bit of that car. Its so beautiful to see the determination off a guy like this

    • @AutoalexCars
      @AutoalexCars  2 года назад +4

      they were meant for each other, that's for sure

  • @ThaFedejp
    @ThaFedejp 2 года назад +20

    That intro convinced me that Tyler would be great fun in the video 😂

  • @kosmonautik639
    @kosmonautik639 2 года назад +30

    The 635 is hands down the most beautiful bmw ever made. Hands down

  • @liamdobson6624
    @liamdobson6624 2 года назад +14

    One of my favourite cars of all time. Stunning car, backed up in this case, with a pretty incredible story. Loved this vid Alex 👌🏽👏🏽

  • @oliabid-price4517
    @oliabid-price4517 2 года назад +12

    Taylor is a class (of his own) act, and should definitely be on the channel more.

  • @glebkaranz9320
    @glebkaranz9320 2 года назад +12

    Honestly, this is one of the coolest stories about a car I've ever heard.. But this guy is the definition of good luck: gets a car for free essentially, then manages to get insurance for a bag of peanuts, the mother of all discounts on every single mod done, I am in shock

    • @TomTom-gs7wy
      @TomTom-gs7wy 2 года назад +3

      Sounds like he made a lot of his own luck though

    • @benrae9044
      @benrae9044 2 года назад +1

      Luck comes to those willing to identify & take the opportunities available

  • @Car_and_classic_lover
    @Car_and_classic_lover 2 года назад +19

    Such an amazing car collection! Incredible storys as always with classic cars but especially with that BMW 6 series! I'm so glad it wasn't scrapped and could be saved!
    Also you definitely need to drive a Mini, even if you don't like them, you can't beat how fun they are to drive (although i may be bias haha!)
    Awesome video as always👍👍

    • @CONCORDE444
      @CONCORDE444 Год назад +1

      This 100% ( bias fellow owner) 😅

  • @Pinyoo81
    @Pinyoo81 2 года назад +9

    Gotta love this guy! Smart, great story teller. Would like to see more of him.

  • @rx-heaven8934
    @rx-heaven8934 Год назад +3

    What a brilliant story. It's incredible how some things just drop in your lap. Never cared for BMWs, but I ended up with one and I've fallen in love. I can't imagine living without it, much like Taylor.

  • @priteshchampaneri5101
    @priteshchampaneri5101 2 года назад +4

    I can listen to Taylor all day long, was interesting in learning on how he got that car! Would love to hear more of his stories

  • @BulletSnail
    @BulletSnail 2 года назад +52

    More videos with Taylor in! He’s so funny

  • @martin72345
    @martin72345 2 года назад +6

    Seriously badass car (And thanks for keeping it OEM with the mods you have mentioned) and what an awesome story to how you got to where you are now

  • @LiamPTowers
    @LiamPTowers 2 года назад +6

    Such a great story and it just makes you want to create the same story with a car, touches that nerve that's at the heart of car ownership. Amazing story telling, great editing. Seriously good content Alex, thanks.

  • @willlowbridge350
    @willlowbridge350 2 года назад +1

    In 1986 I was 15 and a good friend of my dad took me a fast spin in his brand new “C” reg. BMW 635csi it was dark blue metallic with full fat cream leather interior. With the auto switchable “S” gearbox. All the windows down and Dire Striates Money for Nothing on full blast. Amazing memories and a very cool guy. Rip 552 KR, best part he let me drive it a short way back to home about 4mins of two feet driving an automatic. I’d never driven any car before. I went to school the next day I swear I was taller I felt bullet proof. 😎.

  • @alltj
    @alltj Год назад

    The first car ever drove after licence… was to go on a 200mile road trip in a 635i…. Missed a tree on the way back, coz I hadn’t sleep all weekend just to maximin my drive time behind the wheel of this amazingly smooth, soft growling machine… used all my pay on fuel… 2 months later bought an E30 for the love of wanting to come close to that 635i experience . This video bring some special memories… thank you…

  • @17med72
    @17med72 2 года назад +6

    E24 Literally is one of my favorite cars ever! The shark grills are so good and I would really like to see a modernized version in the newer models, it would be a cool idea.

  • @NicholasMavrikBrandt
    @NicholasMavrikBrandt 2 года назад +26

    top tip, take any signs with phone numbers down or cover them up, like half the video the for sale sign is visible, hes about to have some fans calling lol

  • @scottt5314
    @scottt5314 2 года назад +5

    Taylor is a legend !! Alex mate, you did the right thing having your own channel. Without that little bit of freedom we would never have met such interesting people.... respect, I'm 6ft 1 too

    • @charlottemonroe7360
      @charlottemonroe7360 2 года назад

      Hey Scott what sup ,Did you care to chat and know each other much better than this

  • @Fiatagri60170
    @Fiatagri60170 2 года назад +1

    This story is mind-blowing, I was literally hooked by his words. Congrats for this rescue

  • @WhalesOfWallStreet
    @WhalesOfWallStreet Год назад

    This story is awesome and I love the passion towards the cars. I’m not a mega car person but when I hear things like this I love it. I love projects and always wanted to find some random classic sports car and fix it to brand new standard. This video has inspired me to find one now

  • @daniel635biturbo
    @daniel635biturbo 2 года назад +15

    Nice story, and I tell you, finding the sport seats is almost as unbelievable as the car itself.
    I searched for several years, but eventually modified the car to M3 e36 "vader" seats instead.

  • @leebrown6623
    @leebrown6623 2 года назад +4

    I have to say that is by far the nicest bmw I’ve ever seen. Love the story behind it and how Taylor has kept it all original..well do to you sir 🙌 listening to him he’s a very interesting guy. Awesome awesome content

    • @gordonyoul9515
      @gordonyoul9515 2 года назад

      By far the nicest BMW owner I’ve ever seen…

  • @tailsfromthejunkyard1023
    @tailsfromthejunkyard1023 2 года назад +12

    What a steal! Always loved the look of the 635 CSi, very cool car and even better price! Well done!

  • @papps44
    @papps44 2 года назад

    Always remember as a youngster in Ireland in the 80s seeing the odd 635 driving around Dublin. I adored them then and moreso now. They are my fave classic car but alas they so so expensive now. This one is a beautiful example and saved by a real classic car lover.

  • @davidmellish3295
    @davidmellish3295 2 года назад

    Top bloke,you can hear the passion in his voice when he talks about his car,you know that was a labour of love restoring it

  • @David-xc4us
    @David-xc4us 2 года назад +14

    I’m amazed that’s the first time Taylor has been on telly as he seems to be a pro at it

    • @charlottemonroe7360
      @charlottemonroe7360 2 года назад

      Hey dear what sup ,Did you care to chat and know each other much better than this

  • @AndrewSmart32
    @AndrewSmart32 2 года назад +4

    Loved this story, Alex keep finding these car stories, awesome stuff

    • @charlottemonroe7360
      @charlottemonroe7360 2 года назад

      Hey dear what sup ,Did you care to chat and know each other much better than this

  • @RoflOnMyWaffle.
    @RoflOnMyWaffle. 2 года назад +12

    Back when I started driving in roughly 2012, I thought I was a genius. Everyone went for shitboxes as a first car, I figured why not go for something better that people don't usually bin as a first car.
    Puntos, corsas etc all around £2000 a year for insurance, and lets face it, nobody wants that crap.
    E46 318i - £1600 a year.
    Not cheap, but was worth it.
    Sometimes it pays to have a nicer car to save money long term!
    (Ignore man maths, as I paid £3k for the car instead of like £1500, to save £400 a year 🤣)

    • @drone_tours
      @drone_tours 2 года назад +3

      I did something similar I research every car so I could get the biggest engine with most power on the cheap ended up with A KIA pro ceed sport 2.0 diesel with 140hp not a 1.1 60 hp Peugeot 206

    • @Thanos.m
      @Thanos.m 2 года назад +2

      I did a similar thing when I started driving I initially started looking for Jags released couldn't insure one so I started looking for shitboxes ended with a Rover 45 diesel with a black box within 6 months I driven my mileage allowance so one day I was like let's get a quote for a Rover 75 V6 ended being cheaper than most shitboxes and back then people couldn't give away Rover 75s so at 19 I was driving around in my pensioners v6 bargemobile paying less insurance than some of my mates did for their 1.2 fiestas (obviously in my man math I didn't include maintenance costs and the fact it was getting 20mpg around town 🤣)

    • @SkinweedCorp
      @SkinweedCorp 2 года назад

      still saving on insurnace which is the money down the drain. but with the car you only pay once and hopefully in would retain its value

    • @lordbungle6235
      @lordbungle6235 2 года назад +1

      I was 25, I had a Rover 820 si and was paying £600 fully comp (I had a few years no claims etc) I picked up a 1967 Mercury Cougar with a tuned 289ci V8 in it, It would light up its tyres every time I went to pull away at the lights. Road Tax was 0 as at the time anything over 25 years old was tax free. and it cost me £270 to insure fully comp. The 10 miles to the gallon is what killed me. Fast forward a good many years 4 years ago I was given (free) a very low millage 1996 Vauxhall Tigra 1.4 Auto fsh and 57k on the clock, insurance wanted £120 MORE than I was paying for my 1994 Mercedes C220 saloon.
      currently I have a collection of beaten up vehicles, nothing that can be called mint. the Cheapest to insure in mu 1979 Ford Transit Camper (the one in my photo) next cheapest is my 2003 Renault Val Satis 3.0 tdi and most expensive is my 2007 Ford Mondeo 1.8 tdci Tit X estate. Apparently more common cars get pinched or crashed than rare stuff (Renault only builrtaround 1300 Vel Satis in RHD).
      My top tip to young drivers is to go online and get quotes on luxurious cars and slightly leftfield cars because you many be shocked to find you can save money and not be driving a corsa or a c1 etc. (young driver anyone under the age of 100 years old )

    • @Thanos.m
      @Thanos.m 2 года назад +1

      @@lordbungle6235 I absolutely agree I myself have found that the more obscure the car is and less likely driven by young people the more likely your insurance will be cheaper

  • @flyme195
    @flyme195 2 года назад +1

    Wow. Love stories like these, especially when someone truly appreciates a special, now rare car. So few of these on the road along with so many others, like the Mercedes SEL of the same vintage

  • @coolcashclips
    @coolcashclips 2 года назад

    What a stunner... I remember as a kid getting a passenger ride in a brand new m635csi , will never forget the noise it made and the acceleration was on another level to the cars of the day

  • @JD2KL
    @JD2KL 2 года назад +8

    He has done an epic job with this. It's absolutely beautiful.

  • @lukehilton6919
    @lukehilton6919 2 года назад +11

    What a absolute gent, top guy and another wicked video Alex!

    • @charlottemonroe7360
      @charlottemonroe7360 2 года назад

      Hey dear what sup ,Did you care to chat and know each other much better than this

    @ARTSPRAYUK 3 месяца назад +4

    Stealing by finding is still stealing and the original owner or descendants can get the car back. I lost a 1966 Rolls Royce that was taken out of a council garage that I then purchased with a V5 . If the family gets wind of this then he would lose the car. It's not a loophole as the V5 states clearly it is NOT proof of ownership

  • @apocalypticweasel9078
    @apocalypticweasel9078 2 года назад

    Nice loved them as a teen growing up and always wanted one, just sent this link to my son as he has barn full of E36 and E46 some rare ones too and i would bet that you both know each other too as he has been breaking them for years for spares and repairs, he has been keeping an eye out for one for me but like he says they are like rocking horse poop.

  • @feron450
    @feron450 2 года назад +2

    I love watching your videos alex, you show a genuine passion for cars, and as a side effect for me I get to see all these European cars I’ve never even heard about before, being American.

  • @DashDrones
    @DashDrones 2 года назад +6

    Love the 635csi, absolute dream car. What a story! I thought you were gonna say the guy died. He definitely doesn't deserve it if he left it to rot for 13 years. Looks perfect..
    Fun fact, they're used a lot in the future scenes of Back to the Future..

  • @queenslander954
    @queenslander954 2 года назад +15

    I’ll give you £26 for it

  • @ariescustom
    @ariescustom 2 года назад +6

    The 635CSi is THE prettiest BMW of all time. No contest.

    • @fizankhalid9922
      @fizankhalid9922 2 года назад

      Surprised how BMW's were and how they are now with G80. They evolved but just in opposite direction.

  • @zahimiibrahim3602
    @zahimiibrahim3602 2 года назад

    What a beauty. Way back in the early 90s my boss used to have a 635 CSi and I used to ride around with him to meetings. He was a quite a car guy, owned a 735i and a Porsche 911 Turbo too.

  • @MatNewtonTrio
    @MatNewtonTrio 2 года назад +2

    😮 Nobody can say they don’t like or care for minis till you drive one. I hope you’ve remedied this Taylor. CSI is absolutely stunning, one of my absolute dream cars. I would see the same CSI every week when I drove past the garage on the way to work and instantly fell in love. it’s a piece of art ❤️ Lovely work chaps 👌

  • @sirrobinofloxley7156
    @sirrobinofloxley7156 2 года назад +4

    The first one of these I ever saw was a gold one, in 1984, I had to check that it was a human who was driving it, because it looed so space age. Maybe apart from the Jensen Interceptor and a few other concept prototypes, this would definitely be in my top ten all time cars. Well done Taylor, nice wheels lad!

  • @Kalandaari
    @Kalandaari 2 года назад +4

    I'm not a BMW fan at all, but this one, in this configuration, looks so gorgeous !
    This OEM+ vibe is what I wanna do with my 406 coupé V6.

  • @adrianbennett8264
    @adrianbennett8264 2 года назад +4

    I found one of those years ago in bits in that back of someone's yard, I asked how much he said £75....sadly that was my entire 2 week giro so I passed, gutted now

  • @jamessohl733
    @jamessohl733 Год назад

    I recognise this car from about 15-20 years ago. I used to run the BMW Car Club coupe section and organise events for the big six having owned my manual 635csi since I was 19. This car and number plate came to my events. I must have some photos of it. Pretty sure it came down to the event I ran at Brooklands where 41 owners came out for a photo on the banking. Great cars the 635csi and under appreciated.

  • @carouser
    @carouser 2 года назад +1

    “80s BMW - flat dash…” Love it! Superb video and fantastic story. Definitely a keeper.

  • @MaNNeRz91
    @MaNNeRz91 2 года назад +8

    Weren't 20-valves notorious for burning oil through the valve stems?

    • @cornishcat11
      @cornishcat11 2 года назад +1

      how is this a 20 valve? 6 cylinder 20 valve?wtf?

    • @MaNNeRz91
      @MaNNeRz91 2 года назад

      @@cornishcat11 I'm on about the 20valve.... Not the bimma....

  • @infinitephotons6346
    @infinitephotons6346 2 года назад +6

    That car is gorgeous and what an amazing story, it's as if he was destined to own it.

  • @LFC77737
    @LFC77737 2 года назад +4

    If you buy any used Fiat they are also £25.

  • @malkkov
    @malkkov Год назад +1

    taylor was such a natural haha just on camera like he's been doing it for years

  • @mauricestanley5763
    @mauricestanley5763 Год назад

    You’ve done an excellent job and it looks great, I fell for one of these in the early 90s, I bought (I had to have it) a red one 12months old and it looked great. I’ve never been so disappointed with a motor to be clear it never let me down I just grew to hate it.

  • @COL1NW3BB
    @COL1NW3BB 2 года назад +6

    So his spent a fortune on a car. If by chance the owner or someone that knows him sees this, despite his attempt to make contact, they could report this car stolen and take it back... Remember registered keeper is not automaticly the legal owner. This video does not seem a good idea to me.

    • @thegourdkingpumpkin6666
      @thegourdkingpumpkin6666 2 года назад

      They probably died and the car and garage was just forgotten about

    • @joshuabodgers9238
      @joshuabodgers9238 2 года назад +6

      The car was untaxed, un MOT’d, uninsured and in a garage that wasn’t being paid for. The owner ignored multiple attempts of contact including a letter from the DVLA in regards to the V62. In court he wouldn’t stand a chance, he’s probably dead now too.

    • @jacobporter4623
      @jacobporter4623 2 года назад

      @@joshuabodgers9238 previous owner is a bellend and an idiot no arguments there but I agree this video is a bad idea as I don't think the car is legally his

    • @jacobporter4623
      @jacobporter4623 2 года назад +2

      @@joshuabodgers9238 to be clear there is an abandoned vehicle process to follow in 2022 at least, and the process described here was not it. By 2022 standards despite with the best intentions and with good results i think by legal definitions this amounts to theft. And while he's saved a classic I am uncomfortable with what he's done as I don't agree it's his car. Would need legal advice to see if after x years and y amount of money spent if you could say "this is now my car" but I certainly wouldn't be putting it on RUclips if I'd not got that confirmation
      All that said, he clearly loves the car and has done a great job on it

    • @jacobporter4623
      @jacobporter4623 2 года назад +2

      I have better things to do with my life than report it, but many on the Internet don't

  • @Aleks_Mechanics
    @Aleks_Mechanics 2 года назад +4

    notification squad!🔥🔥🔥

  • @henryoscar9510
    @henryoscar9510 2 года назад +17

    Nice video!! Very engaging from beginning to end. Nevertheless, businesses and investment are the easiest way to make money. When it comes to the world of investing,most people don't know where to start.fortunately,great investors of the past and present can provide us with guidance

    • @victoriatexas9786
      @victoriatexas9786 2 года назад

      How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by Investing in savings account? I rest my case.

    • @emelayla123
      @emelayla123 2 года назад

      Investing for today is priceless because tomorrow isn't promised, trading Bitcoins,gold,silver and Crypto secure a better Tomorrow •...

    • @117_32
      @117_32 2 года назад

      he is a registered broker, new investors are likely to earn huge. My friend Michael started with $7500 last week and he made $16000 yesterday

    • @jessemacron6059
      @jessemacron6059 2 года назад +2

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    • @obeldavis7254
      @obeldavis7254 2 года назад +1

      I was being skeptical about the whole process but later gave it a try and it was of no regrets Coz I invested in a big way

  • @teampipe
    @teampipe 2 года назад

    I used to do the same trick with insurance when I was younger, go for older executive cars as they are cheaper to insure than the moder tiny sporty hatchbacks my mates were buying

  • @EtonieE25
    @EtonieE25 2 года назад +2

    …….”I was polishing the wheel bits in my bedroom” As you do 😆😆😆😆

  • @derekstocker6661
    @derekstocker6661 2 года назад

    So very well done Taylor, fantastic car and thanks to Alex for the video, I had a 628 CSi (silver) many years ago and let it go as my mechanic said it is rusting and going to cost you, I sold it and bought an E36 325i SE which I still run.
    I later found out that the 628 was only made in limited numbers in RHD after I let it go, so as it was a manual as well and I really hankered after an auto box I bought the E36, and absolutely adore it!
    Thanks for this guys and look after that 635, still one of BMWs best.

  • @ricardo1e93
    @ricardo1e93 2 года назад

    I really wish I could have the exact same Punto with that exact same front genuine Abarth bumper, which only that part in the Portuguese used market costs as much as the entire 1.2 8v Punto, don't get me wrong, that good old 8v engine is bullet proof! My father has still the same 5 door blue Punto since ever, the body is already started to rust away yet the engine still well kept running like a boss.

  • @ashleytrills2022
    @ashleytrills2022 2 года назад +1

    What a story ..19 years old with a beautiful BMW 😍 thats a dream come true 👍

  • @judosteffer
    @judosteffer Год назад +1

    I'm not even that into cars but i could watch this guy tell stories all day long!

  • @AnthonyHitmanFiore
    @AnthonyHitmanFiore 2 года назад +2

    Lovely motor, seemed like a proper genuinely nice fella too. Hats off to him.