There’s a story that I saw last week and didn’t really care about, involving a Canadian slutty actress who has aged the fuck out, and is now trying to get herself to LA to live that LA life, only she got detained and deported for breaking the the rules.
They are making her out to be some libtard-hero for surviving the ordeal.
In 2010, she did some nude scenes in the movies, which didn’t go too viral or put her on the map, forcing her to find a different hustle.
The media in the USA is picking up the story now, because she has an IMDB page, so it makes the whole thing more sensational.
Plus, the anti-Trump propaganda machine wants to use the relatable white chick to push their messaging on how deportation is bad, or inhumane conditions, even when deserved.
It’s the Midnight Express of our generation, only far more boring. They will likely make a TV series out of this, even though it’s far more boring, but libtards like to libtard.
The basics from my IMMIGRATION LAW perspective, you see I’ve researched every USA visas available to Canadians because I’ve always wanted to get to the USA. I am pro America First and definitely not into my own socialist country.
The story is that she applied for a TN Visa, which is a pretty specific visa created for NAFTA, which you need a University Degree and a job with a company in that specific field. Designers, architects, computer programmers, people like that get them provided they have jobs and you basically pitch yourself at the border, who approve or deny you.
The TN visa has something called Business Manager or Consultant, which is for those MBA types that work for those big management consultant firms, however some people have been able to pitch a case where they are business management consultants needed for the company hiring them.
This retard, let’s call her “she looks like she may be an aged out hooker” decided to hire herself as a management consultant for a company she claims to be a founder of.
That’s not allowed because if you own the company you can’t be a hired consultant for that company.
Anyway, she is living in LA, apparently the visa she got in June, which is supposed to be a 2 year, was revoked in November, she’s technically allowed to stay in the USA for 6 months assuming she’s on that tourist visa, but instead of going back to Canada, she went to the Southern border to get her visa, which was revoked, re-instated or renewed.
What ended up happening is now fodder for her marketing of herself, maybe setting up a libtard GoFundMe page for the trauma….or just propaganda to show you how unfair America is to Foreign Nationals.
The border agents or ICE, detained her, sent her to different holding facilities, in different states, where she slept on concrete floors, had shitty bathroom conditions, and shitty food and basically experienced 10 days of hell.
The reality is that she’s a foreign national, they don’t need to put her up in the Holiday Inn or in her case, the Ritz Carlton, which she is probably used to….there are no standards when it comes to the treatment of foreign nationals and if anything it’s made into a hellish experience so you don’t go back.
She went through the same process that other people who aren’t supposed to be in the country go through and sit on concrete hell for 10 days, before being let out, which they probably didn’t even have to do, but she was probably very annoying.
Just because you’re a Canadian with tits that have been in movies, doesn’t mean you deserve any special treatment.
Just because she’s a “hot chick”, even if she looks like Alanis Morisette, also a Canadian, doesn’t mean she shouldn’t go through the same steps other people breaking the rules go through.
If she applied at the Canadian border and got rejected, they’d probably send her back home, instead she did it in Mexico and that’s what happens.
I’m not into the idea of being detained or deported but I also don’t do sketchy things at the border, if anything the USA Customs and Border Patrol have been nothing but amazing every time I’ve crossed over into your REAL COUNTRY.
If making America Great means getting rid of people trying to manipulate the system, fuck yes.
There are countless hot models on bullshit visas because they fake being “published” in their own countries, thanks to photoshop. Detain those whores too.
Why she didn’t just marry an American dude for the Green Card, like actual whores do, we don’t know….
The point is, follow the fucking rules you aren’t above the law even if you think you are…and you don’t get detained and deported.
Now, look at her nudity in the movies a decade ago when she was discovering her whoring ways.
It’s more interesting than her milking this experience for attention, like a typical white savior, when 1000s of people are detained that no one talks about, the way it should be.
Making deportation and detainment Great Again!
Marketing it for personal gain pretty gross…But the nude scenes in the movie are alright…
Posted in:Jasmine Mooney