First of all thank you for the normal and professional reply.
That is correct. But the point I made is that you said that you will do those things only if you have enough paid support. The thing is that it
feels like you try to use a shortcut. Guys give me money so I can hire other people. And you only have to write the story. Or even worse.
*I am not saying to do it that way just that it feels like it reading all that I mentioned before.
And reusing assets does save you time. Same with already existing pictures/renders. How can something that already exist not save you time? For example the talk with the female boss. If you have another scene like this in the future updates of course you can take those pictures again and only create new ones that you need. Same for other branches. If in the other branch the female boss replaced my a male boss you already have location, camera settings etc. you just need to replace the female boss. Yes it still requires some time but you are still faster than having to create everything from zero.
If you really don't get faster than you are not organized enough. Possibly a lot of optimizing needed.
At end end everything is up to you. But saying.. and you did say that.. create things only with enough support = money is.. yea.
1. Voice actor. I agree. A good voice acting would improve every game. But those are things (in my opinion) you should maybe add at the end. So you know what costs you have to expect, or that the voice actor doesn't quit all of the sudden and you have to redo everything again with another voice actor etc.
2. Mod or other things. You know I am creating a game too. So I know what I am talking about. And specially your example is very easy solved without paying something for a mod. I mean if that costs 20$.. sure why not. But as an developer who is not able or because it just takes to much time to create his own models(me included) you just have to think outside of the box.
- Take a screenshot of the door.
- Use something like photoshop to make the glass transparent.
- Do the sex scene as picture or animation and put it together in a picture or video editor software.
- Add a layer on top so it gets the required look. Voila done.
Time spent =10-20 Minutes (creating the animation excluded) and the more experienced you get the faster you will be.
- Bonus: Learn to post edit picture to give a nice extra touch
You see there is no need to hire anyone to do that. That is the absolute basic you should know anyways and if you don't know any basics yet, go learn it. This will help you in so many scenes being able to do simple things like this. But instead you ask for money/support to pay someone creating a mod.
That doesn't mean that you are not allowed to hire people for certain tasks. Of course you can do that. But saying you only do that with enough support just sucks.
The reason why my text might sound a bit harsh is because imagine you doing all that by yourself for not even a 10th of your current money on patreon with Daz3D where you have to render every single picture instead of just taking screenshots and then you read the post I was talking about in my previous post with all the points I made.
I know that it was not fair from my side so I apologize. I still stand on my points but how I wrote them down could have been much much better. And of course I do wish you luck with your game. I still hope that you understand some of my points.
All the best for you mate.