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11 years ago

I really don't see what's so "highly enjoyable" about a dirty little slut that acts all cute. :D

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  RobertDJ

She doesn't act. She's 100% spontaneous, only being herself.

11 years ago

"only being herself" …so baisicly a slut with less morals than a dead cow?

11 years ago
Reply to  Dis077

Robert and Dis, it really helps when you aren't angry little virgins. Once you stop hating women, then you can enjoy a series like this and life in general.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  Anon

ouch, the burn

11 years ago

Yeah….. i second the motion.

11 years ago

The fact that you're agreeing with that asshole really dissapoints me Oliver.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  Burpus

I was appreciating a good troll reply, made according the proper rules of merciless bashful internet law :D

11 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Thanks for proving my point with your angry downvotes ;)

11 years ago
Reply to  Anon

I have no hate for women, what I have is a hate for worthless sluts with nothing better to do than get fucked by random dudes…and shes supposed to be this dude's GF…for fuck sake even the most open minded person would get really pissed off if he found out his SEEMINGLY inocent GF is a hardcore slut with no worth other than being a spermbank.;)
P.S. I have never downvoted anyone in my time on HR, I feel every1 has a right to their opinion and it is not my place to cast a "vote" on weither or not it is valid.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  Dis077


My opinion is that
– I don't agree with you on Ai Sugimoto, but
– Your entire right is to think she's a dirty slut, and your opinion is 100% as valid and worthy as mine
– You SHOULD downvote stuff if you really feel this is bad contents. Or else it's like being in a soviet or southern-eastern pretend "democracy" in which only votes in favour of the state power were allowed to be expressed ;)

11 years ago

I thank you for your understanding an thoughtfullness.;) But whats not to agree about? Put yourself in her BF's shoes, what would you think? and yes I have read this manga since the day YOU first posted it, and she is NEVER raped, at best she puts up no resistance agianst the gropes of other guys.
P.S. my comment about never downvoting was to the ugly troll not you sir oliver.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  Dis077

From the very beginning, the BF knows she can't even resist her own brother, and he gladly makes it a threesome with DP. Seriously ? Outside couple + Incest + DP on the very first opportunity ? Who can expect the BF to feel shocked anymore after this ? ;)

11 years ago

considering the shear AMOUNT of cock that has graced her nasty caverns? yes…yes he would. I dnt know maybe its just not a turn on for me when the female in qustion is a moron…some people find stupidity cute…I am not one of those people.;)

11 years ago

And I thought Phantom wasn't doing this anymore. Which made me worry because he doe or did a lot of the black god releases. I was on his website to see what he had been up to and it seemed like he hadn't released anything in a while. That's why I'm all the more glad he is still around. Not so much because of this release. TGE girl just doesn't have half a brain. Never appealed to me when I skipped through one of the earliest chapters. Hooray for phantom, nonetheless.

11 years ago

Yes… I've heard both sides of the 'Ai' arguments… still, it occurs to me that she isn't GF (and God forbid, wife) material… and I don't understand how her erstwhile BF puts up with it. I guess having a nympho for a GF (or sister) has it's appeal… but I think it has to eventually run out… like say the 5th time you trip over her in the hallway banging the mailman… or the next door neighbor… or her brother… or all of them at once… Thanks for sharing Oliver… but that's the point with this series, too much sharing…

11 years ago

The point is that the girl is actually enjoying herself. THAT is the turn on. I suggest those of you who can't handle that just stick to your rape and mindbreak doujins so you can channel that hatred you have.

11 years ago

I still long to see "Lion Heart" from "Setsunateki Mousou Shoujo" translated. It looks to be by far the most NTRish of Ai's escapades yet.

11 years ago

Not a slut.

Not a ditz.

I think Ai just has a very severe case of aspergers.

11 years ago
Reply to  hugh

Way to use the aspergers internet meme there.

11 years ago


Hey Thanks! Appreciate the encouragement!

11 years ago

She’s not a slut, she just enjoy her sexuality. “Las putas cobran”

Jen H
Jen H
10 years ago

Wow – seriously?
Let me help you boys out with a little impromptue English definition course:
If a girl (particularly a High School girl) gets down on her knees and sucks off every guy who asks for a blowjob, she is a 'Slut', if she does not, she is a Frigid, Stuck-Up, Lesbian Bitch!
The distinction between 'Bitch' & 'Slut' is: If she is fucking everybody in the school, she is a 'Slut'! If she is fucking everybody in the school except for YOU, she is a 'Bitch'!
Besides, remember your own turbulent youths – are you honestly trying to tell me that if a girl approached 16 year old you & huskily whispered; 'I need your stiff cock inside me!' that your hormone-addled brain would even notice that she is 10kg overweight, has braces & acne?
We all have our triggers – mine is arrogant misogynists who treat women like cum-dumpsters!
(I just love the way they squeal & struggle against the restraints as the bone-dry strap-on slides into…)
Ahem – yes, well – the point is; hentai is not intended for the hopeless romantics or pure of heart.
Besides, you want the really sick, twisted sex stuff – it's the Bible or nuthin' – that shit is f@%ked up!
Now go forth, be fruity and copulate, my children – here endeth the lesson.