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Why watch new anime when the CHANCES of enjoying critically acclaimed already-finished anime are much higher?

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May 23, 2018 11:05 AM
Jul 2018
jal90 said:

This is funny because during the last winter season alone I found 6 shows that are FAR more worthwhile than Death Note, and I do like that show. Time to double check on this self-absorbed premise I think.

It's not self-absorbed. The opinion I've been expressing matches the MAJORITY's. A MAJORITY think Death Note is amazing.
Because of this perspective, I assumed you guys' tastes would reflect that; turns out, I was wrong, and underestimated indivituality.

Zhengxiao said:
Why waste time rewatching the same show multiple times when you already know what happens?

If you REALLY love the show then I completely understand but if you refuse to watch new anime...

I mean, don't you want to watch something where you don't know where the story will go and feel the excitement and anticipation after every episode?

That is a more complicated question that I think another thread would answer best.

As for the second, no, I'm generally not the type of person who watches an anime for surprises; I generally watch specific anime for the style. I would loathe evergarden. But because it looks so damn beautiful, I love it.

ItsXolo said:
I can only assume that people, especially those who haven't even seen that much anime, keep up with seasonal stuff because watching anime for them is less about consuming content that they like, and more about being part of a community.

What they ultimately want to do, whether they realize it or not, is be part of the "in-crowd". They want to be part of the latest trends, participate in discussions that are still active, be in the know about the latest memes, relate to the dumb youtubers they subscribe to, etc.

People in anime communities aren't talking about anime from more than a couple seasons ago. They're talking about anime that's airing right now, and so people want to be a part of that, more than they want to make sure they're watching good shows.

Interesting answer. The part about being more of the community, than the actual content. I can't relate to that, because I'm anti-social.
removed-userMay 23, 2018 11:09 AM
May 23, 2018 11:12 AM

Oct 2010
NihilisticLoner said:
jal90 said:

This is funny because during the last winter season alone I found 6 shows that are FAR more worthwhile than Death Note, and I do like that show. Time to double check on this self-absorbed premise I think.

It's not self-absorbed. The opinion I've been expressing matches the MAJORITY's. A MAJORITY think Death Note is amazing.
Because of this perspective, I assumed you guys' tastes would reflect that; turns out, I was wrong, and underestimated indivituality.

The opinion you've been expressing matches the MAJORITY's but you are phrasing it like it's your opinion xD

Either way, that's the whole issue with your thread here I think. You are disregarding individual criteria and directing your claims towards a collective entity that only exists as a statistic trend and not as a sentient being with agency. Correct me if I'm wrong here but it seems to me that you don't have any clear person in mind with this thread, that's why we are all telling you that your line of thought doesn't apply to us.
May 23, 2018 11:14 AM

Sep 2017
I don't like watching seasonal anime often since it feels too much like a chore to me. Like I'm obligated to keep up with it. However, most people watch it I think because it's an event that people enjoy. It's about discussing the newest episodes together.

I mostly tend to pick 1-3 anime that I'll watch when the season is almost over though and then I get a bit sense of the community around the seasonal anime. It's fun! :D

NihilisticLoner said:

It's not self-absorbed. The opinion I've been expressing matches the MAJORITY's. A MAJORITY think Death Note is amazing.
Because of this perspective, I assumed you guys' tastes would reflect that; turns out, I was wrong, and underestimated indivituality.

You can't base the taste of people around one anime.
aliquaeMay 23, 2018 11:18 AM

“If you live for yourself you’ve only got yourself to blame. So I can’t really blame anyone else and I don’t have any regrets.”


May 23, 2018 11:15 AM
Jul 2018
jal90 said:

The opinion you've been expressing matches the MAJORITY's but you are phrasing it like it's your opinion.

I have no clue how. I'll check my original post.

jal90 said:
You are disregarding individual criteria and directing your claims towards a collective entity that only exists as a statistic trend and not as a sentient being with agency. Correct me if I'm wrong here but it seems to me that you don't have any clear person in mind with this thread, that's why we are all telling you that your line of thought doesn't apply to us.

I don't think I'm exactly doing that. All I've done is ask why people are fixated on anime they'll be unsure of, rather than watch anime that they've been told are amazing.
May 23, 2018 11:16 AM

May 2009
Catalano said:
Back in the day FMAB was seasonal anime. Of course I didn't watch it, I spent my time on Kiddy Grade pantsu shots. What I wanna say is if an anime is good watch it, if not at least watch it for the boobs.
I accidentally ran across Kiddy Grade back in 2009 and watched it and love it. (And not even for the pantsu shots either, amazingly! The tissues were used to wipe up tears in buckets.)

FMAB, meanwhile, got put on my PTW sometime in late 2009 or early 2010, and has sat there for nearly a decade now.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
May 23, 2018 11:16 AM

May 2018
I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with re-watching critically acclaimed anime or anything, but for me, once I watch something once, that's kind of enough for me. Like if I remember what that anime was like, and loved it, I don't feel the need to see it again because of those memories are still with me. I like to get new experiences hence why I might watch seasonal anime. That anime might be bad, but I won't really don't know if it is until I watch it. There will always be a chance that a seasonal anime could become critically acclaimed too. I think sometimes there might be enjoyment from watching bad anime. It's kind of fun to pick apart bad anime, and figure out why certain aspects don't work well for me. The bad anime might also have some positive qualities that might make it not completely unworthwhile to me. As someone who might intend on writing stories in the future, I think looking at both stories that work and stories that don't can be good experiences for me as I can understand what works and what doesn't, and apply that to my writings.
May 23, 2018 11:19 AM

Apr 2018
Hate op's logic anw nice title change its stupidity inreased now which will get more people to postt

Op is such a troller nice b8 m8
May 23, 2018 11:20 AM
Jul 2018
Akerakai said:
Hate op's logic anw nice title change its stupidity inreased now which will get more people to postt

Op is such a troller nice b8 m8

I changed the title because people were misunderstanding my intentions. All I did was make the title much more blunt.
May 23, 2018 11:20 AM
Nov 2015
KuuhakuDesu said:
NihilisticLoner said:
1) Most seasonal anime are shit and/or look exactly the same as a billion other anime

That's your opinion.

NihilisticLoner said:
2) You can spend time watching critically acclaimed classic anime instead of the just good/great anime that come out every season.

I could also spend time doing something more productive.

NihilisticLoner said:
3) A LOT of time is wasted, that could be spend on much better things, our lifespan is severely limited.

This applies not only for seasonal anime, but also for "critically acclaimed classic anime".
Your statement is not wrong, though.

NihilisticLoner said:
Is it really worth investing as much time in seasonal anime as you do?


NihilisticLoner said:
(7.20 on mal = terrible)

That's subjective.

I'm super late, but whatever. This is what happens when an art form is not taken seriously by it's audience. If I watch anime, it is because it is productive for me. What exaxtly is more productive, you're not saving the world or something.
May 23, 2018 11:23 AM

Apr 2018
^this dude know his priorities lmao
But seriously there r a shit ton of more productive stuff u can do
May 23, 2018 11:30 AM

Oct 2017
NihilisticLoner said:
I'm confused of why there are still so many people who keep up with seasonal anime, because:

1) Most NEW seasonal anime are shit and/or look exactly the same as a billion other anime
2) You can spend time watching critically acclaimed classic anime instead of the just good/great anime that come out every season.
3) A LOT of time is wasted, that could be spend on much better things, our lifespan is severely limited.

Every season 30+ anime air, and only about maybe 3 non-sequel anime at most do people love as much as classic anime.

My question to you all is:

Is it really worth investing as much time in seasonal anime as you do?

For crying out loud, there are 71 new anime airing this season, and only 19 of them have a score beyond a 7.20 (7.20 on mal = terrible).
12 sequels. 1 a remake. 6 non-sequels.

Out of 71 anime airing this season, only 6 non-sequels/remakes, do people actually give a damn about, meaning only about 8% of fresh anime, do people care about.

There're some critical flaws in your argument.

First, you DON'T need to watch all 71 anime.
I usually only pick about 10 that peak my interest, feel like it's worth watching.
Many of them end up being worth watching after-all since i'm quite picky in what I watch.

2nd being Mal's score is of no indicator of whether a show is really good or not.
There're many shows that score an 8 or above that are just mediocre at best. (AMB/ DitF/ Plastic Memory/ Overlord and many more)
There're even more fluctuation in the 7 category, because some 7s are AMAZING, or at least very good compare to some of the 8s.
Heck, there're even some 6 shows much better than 8 , like Build Driver (much better than SAO in my opinion), but got very low score cuz of target audience not being teenegers but for even younger demographic.

Usually shows that get an 8 need to be pretentiously mature, so usually love genre easily get pass 8 despite the casts/ story are pretty mediocre in many of them.
Also there's this so-called sequal effect on most of the Shonen Jump anime that get bloated score too cuz of the concentrated audience group.

All in all, the score in Mal are just for show in many cases, and is by no means a clear indicator whether an anime is good or not.
May 23, 2018 11:32 AM

Oct 2015
You know I actually kind of agree with you. People are caring too much for seasonals (whether it's because they want to discuss with people real time or they accepted mediocrity like Digibro said) that a lot of great older shows get outright ignored. Though I would word it differently.
AuronMay 23, 2018 12:05 PM
May 23, 2018 11:35 AM

Aug 2017
Remember that not every show can be great, the more there are the more likely it is for there to be a good one I guess

And besides if it keeps the viewer and general audience happy then it's probably fine
May 23, 2018 11:39 AM

Apr 2017
Title; time spent having fun is not wasted time.
I can watch new anime and old anime, why do I have to choose between the two?
May 23, 2018 11:42 AM

Oct 2017
Akerakai said:
^this dude know his priorities lmao
But seriously there r a shit ton of more productive stuff u can do

Yeah, things that're productive to your boss but pretty much a big waste of time for yourself.
This is how our society works after-all.
Spend 8~16 hrs doing repetitive stuffs that have no value/ no meaning for yourself just to survive in the society, for the benefit of your superiors.
May 23, 2018 11:48 AM

Oct 2010
NihilisticLoner said:
jal90 said:
You are disregarding individual criteria and directing your claims towards a collective entity that only exists as a statistic trend and not as a sentient being with agency. Correct me if I'm wrong here but it seems to me that you don't have any clear person in mind with this thread, that's why we are all telling you that your line of thought doesn't apply to us.

I don't think I'm exactly doing that. All I've done is ask why people are fixated on anime they'll be unsure of, rather than watch anime that they've been told are amazing.

Oh well, if that's the case, I answered it in my first post in the thread from my personal perspective.

May 23, 2018 12:04 PM

Nov 2016
NihilisticLoner said:
FMmatron said:
Op is talking about classics and his list is filled with many shows from recent years which were also just simply seasonals at one point,while he has almost seen nothing from before 2000. Way to go.

Hypocrisy does not invalidate the point being made. Also, I'm changing my ways.

FMmatron said:
Moreover, I don't see where you take the right from to judge about the watching habits of others when you're struggling yourself to find good shows,otherwise I can't really explain the drop/completed ratio. Among the dropped shows are even high rated classics such as One Piece,Ippo,Hunter x Hunter,Aria,Gintama. So fix your own problems first before you try to preach on AD.

People can think and judge whoever they want to. I have very specific tastes, and so do other people. There are many classic anime I love. The ones I dropped, just weren't among them.

Please act accordingly to your stance before you go out spreading something you don't even have a clue about,you come off as pretentious.

And sure,people can think whatever they want,but my common sense tells me that there're bounds you shouldn't cross when you go public with your thoughts. To judge others over such a TRIVIAL thing as watching habits and only taking your own perspective into account,among others.
FMmatronMay 24, 2018 4:32 AM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 23, 2018 12:07 PM

Apr 2012
Wait what?! since when is a 7.20 considered bad? Last I checked that was considered good... I'm a risk taker. So I'd rather find out if show is good, or not on my own.
May 23, 2018 12:08 PM

Aug 2012
Is it really worth investing as much time in seasonal anime as you do?

I don't and haven't been for years. I rewatch my favorites and have a good time doing so. However, it seems to not be everyone's thing to watch series they've already watched over again so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯¨

May 23, 2018 12:33 PM

Feb 2015
OP is implying that if you watch Comic Fapple Moe Moe Waifu, it's fine to not watch anymore of GCDCT because it's virtually the same

May 23, 2018 12:47 PM

Apr 2016
@NihilisticLoner I can tell that this is less of a serious question and more of a rhetorical subjective opinion, so I'll just answer the question in the title. Why? Because not all seasonals are simply good/great and not all older/iconic anime are "AMAZING". If I went by that logic, I'd be watching the same 4 shows over and over which I don't really consider "a good use of my time".

A better question to ask would be "Why limit yourself to the same old thing"? I know plenty of seasonals that people consider their favorite. Made in Abyss? Devilman Crybaby? "Why watch My Hero Academia when you can watch the classics like Dragonball Z?" Dragon Ball may be a big icon in anime, but it's not that great.

Sure, I watched Death Note, but I actually got more of a "meh" feeling from that than many other seasonals I've watched. I watched Death Note on a 6-month span since I took a break because it was so dis-interesting. There are plenty of "classics" that aren't good. With FMAB came many other anime from Spring 2009; Why aren't they classics? FMAB can't be the only good anime that came out then.

"Don't watch seasonals because they all stink" "Watch iconic anime because they're all good". That's a black-and-white way of seeing things and it's not true.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 23, 2018 2:13 PM

Apr 2010
Usually I don't watch them. Even though 2 seasons ago I put many on my plant to watch list, in the end, I hardly see anything. Why I don't watch classics? Sometimes they're too long, sometimes I don't relate to them and... it's easier sometimes to start ongoing series than new one.

May 23, 2018 3:24 PM

Sep 2017
I only watch a few anime from each season at most and just watch whatever anime interests me.
And I watched Bungou stray dogs (one of the anime in my favorites) while it was airing.

I suck at keeping up to date with ongoing anime/manga in general.
LeonhartAugustMay 23, 2018 3:37 PM
May 23, 2018 3:29 PM
Mar 2018
I think it is strange that many people waste a lot of time with seasonal anime. I'm sure there are plenty people on this site that think they're hot shit when there's several critically acclaimed shows they have never seen. All this because they want to keep up with what's new, even when most of it is probably trash. I'm still trying to get through a lot of anime that is beloved by many, because I know that there's tons of good shit.
May 23, 2018 3:30 PM

Feb 2017
I would rewatch animes if I had the same satisfaction as when I first watched it but that isn't the case most of the time cause ik what's gonna happen

May 23, 2018 4:23 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
What if I told you, I already did the "critically acclaimed shows"? I'm not really that much into rewatching so I don't find the idea of constantly going back to my favorite anime that enticing. As someone who watches a lot of seasonal anime, I can tell you that the chance to find the gems make the time spent worth it.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
May 23, 2018 5:27 PM
Jan 2018
Rewatching anime I've seen recently is tedious.

I prefer watching anime I have an interest in watching. I look at the airing anime and I see maybe two or three anime I'll check out.

I could be working out or practicing coding instead of watching anime but those are not fun for me.
May 23, 2018 5:42 PM

Jul 2013
NihilisticLoner said:
Gem said:

Seasonal anime run for roughly like what, 3 months or so? 20+ hours in the span of 3 months doesn't so so bad to me. And again, what you're talking about is completely subjective. You may not think that recently, there has been no new anime that is comparable to Cowboy Bebop, but someone else might. To make this topic easier to understand and more general, what you're essentially saying is that there is no 'new' anime that can compare to, I guess you could say, your favorite anime, correct? Well if I were to speak for myself, sure there might not be any recent airing anime that compare to what Cowboy Bebop is the equivalent to for you, for me, which would be Code Geass, but that doesn't change the fact that there are other anime that recently aired that I enjoyed just as much, but in a different way. Bottomline, it may not be true for you, but that doens't mean it also isn't true for everyone else as well.

I haven't heard from ANYBODY that any new seasonal anime they were watching was going to become the next Bepop or whatever. I've barely seen anybody have a new seasonal anime as one of their favorites.

Check my list. You will find at least two, both from 2017. Which became my favorites roughly right after I finished them. I also thought after watching both of there first episodes that they had the potential to be something great. And they were. I don't think either will become the next Bebop (popularity wise) as I think both of them will be shows that a lot of people tend to skip due to various reasons, but alas they are still on my favorites.
May 23, 2018 5:43 PM

May 2016
Yo this thread is fucking retarded.
May 23, 2018 6:15 PM

Jul 2017
Even with watching the seasonal anime I still re watch my favorite shows. Just not that often cause if I do it might get boring after a while. Plus I only re watch anime if it's with a friend or i have like loads of free time and don't wanna start another series.
May 23, 2018 6:27 PM

Dec 2012
Because the more I watch something the less AMAZING! it becomes. It's like an old hat or shirt, you eventually wear it out from too much use. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Anyway, the whole point is moot since you CAN actually do BOTH like I do which is a much better idea. Watch the classics AND keep up with the new season's entries that interest you, being cultured while not being a troglodyte.
KruszerMay 23, 2018 6:34 PM
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

May 23, 2018 6:30 PM

Jun 2017
Agreed to a degree.
I started rewatching NGE and realised why I fell in love with it.
May 23, 2018 6:32 PM

May 2016
>Don't waist your time
>Rewatch anime

Pick one.

Logically speaking, when it comes to spending time, reexperiencing something will never be more productive than experiencing that which has yet to be experienced.
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
May 23, 2018 6:59 PM
Jul 2016
A better question: Why waste time ragging on other people's tastes when you could be watching/rewatching this "amazing anime" you claim to love so much?
Important Note: I no longer - in any way, shape, or form - consider myself a moral nihilist (even in my old, convoluted definition of the term). I very much do believe there is such a thing as objective good and evil. In addition, I apologize for any of the posts I've made that are rude, aggressive, or otherwise unbecoming.

I've always striven to walk a path befitting a follower of Christ, and now recognize some of my old comments here as misguided if not outright wrong. If you happen upon them, pray do not let them darken your view of the God I serve. He is kind, even if I, at times, have not been.
May 23, 2018 7:39 PM

Jan 2016
While I share the idea that watching seasonally is kinda iffy unless you have read the source material of an anime, I don't share your line of reasoning. As someone who actively watches "old" stuff, I still have to disagree that watching the latest stuff is a waste of time. Most of my favorites, shows that actually made an impact are stuff from the past 3 years. I wouldn't have that opportunity if I did this shit.
May 23, 2018 7:39 PM

Aug 2016
I mean, why fucking do anything. Like I'm sitting here, on a computer, typing some dumb shit no one fucking cares about. Like who gives a fucking shit what other people watch? We're all going to fucking die anyway! Why even watch anime? It's a fucking pointless endeavor. What does it achieve, who does it serve? No one. We're all just fucking rotting away waiting today so it doesn't fucking matter what you watch. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People who put MAL stats in their sigs are losers lol
May 23, 2018 7:45 PM

Jun 2015
This logic can be applied to both seasonal anime and old classics. In the end, you're committing precious time towards watching something you may or may not get something out of, whether it's old or new. Critical acclaim means jack shit in this case.
May 23, 2018 8:06 PM
Jul 2018
Guys, I'm only asking you a QUESTION yet so many people on this thread are acting like I'm the one being condescending...

Sighs Is it possible to ask a question on MAL that may be a little sensitive WITHOUT getting backlashed?

AltoRoark said:
This logic can be applied to both seasonal anime and old classics. In the end, you're committing precious time towards watching something you may or may not get something out of, whether it's old or new. Critical acclaim means jack shit in this case.

A critically acclaimed anime on average, has a much higher chance of appealing to you more.
I can tell from plot synopsis's ALONE if I'll be interested in an anime. And since most new anime's plot synopsis's are more boring than bread, I don't bother with them.
May 23, 2018 8:08 PM

Mar 2015
i watching anime for hobbies, not for works....
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
May 23, 2018 8:14 PM

Jul 2015
Uhhhh... I don't know, I don't think about it that much. The way I see it I'll be watching anime for the rest of my life, so it's not like I'm ever going to miss out on anything probably.

Real question though doesn't it stress you out to think about anime in these terms? I just watch whatever I feel like whenever. Turing it into such a mechanistic practice seems exhausting.
May 23, 2018 8:23 PM
Jul 2018
tenltd said:

Stop trying to police other people's viewing habits and leave people to enjoy things.

You guys are the ones coming to me. Stop being childish by blaming others for YOUR mistakes.
May 23, 2018 8:27 PM
Nov 2017
I watch seasonal anime (8...I counted), but I get the push for people to watch older shows. I wish more people would watch older anime (watch not re-watch) because it gives perspective on the present and keeps demand for some of these series to be available. I mean look at the remakes like Legend of Galactic heroes or long awaited tie in series like Stiens;gate 0. Seeing the older series is useful for perspective. With all the focus on the many many new shows, some great older series are disappearing from any legal means of watching them. Monster is no where to be found on legal streaming and it's not alone.

I get wanting to watch the next big thing. I give you that today's seasonal could be tomorows classics, but I hope we continue to keep an eye on great out of season anime too.
hiddeninhumanMay 23, 2018 8:30 PM
May 23, 2018 8:32 PM

Sep 2017
i don't watch seasonal anime cos it wastes my time
Edward Elric > your waifu

May 23, 2018 8:32 PM
Jul 2018
Maybe this thread is bait, maybe it isn't. I've decided to answer honestly though. So if it was bait, good job! You lured me.

1) Most NEW seasonal anime are shit and/or look exactly the same as a billion other anime

In comparison to older titles, yes, a lot of new anime these days are very lackluster and sorely lack that depth from shows like Haibane and Texhnolyze, I'll admit that. But some people like casual shows like SAO: GGO, FranXX, and Steins;Gate 0. Does that mean their tastes are shit? No. Because everyone has different opinions on what is good and what is bad. Trying to convince someone to change their mind just because you think seasonal anime is bad just makes you sound like you have narcissistic traits.

2) You can spend time watching critically acclaimed classic anime instead of the just good/great anime that come out every season.

Again, not everyone enjoys critically acclaimed series. Either because A) They don't want to think too much about a show, and see anime only as a relaxing means to escape from reality, or B) Wouldn't understand the narrative of the show (Too young, not educated enough to spot complex themes, etc). Think about it this way: all those 'critically acclaimed series' you mention were once seasonal anime, and when they first came out, there were probably people like yourself saying LotGH is the best thing ever and you should be watching that instead of garbage from this year (2001 - 2008) era. See how dumb they sound now? Granted, the industry has changed, and it's more about appeasing visuals rather than complex narratives, but I'm sure there's at least ONE interesting show out there this season. To say there isn't is stretching it.

3) A LOT of time is wasted, that could be spend on much better things, our lifespan is severely limited.

I mean, when it comes to watching season anime, you take 20 minutes of your day to watch 1 episode of a show that airs once every week. So saying your lifespan in severely limited is definitely an exaggeration mate.

Is it really worth investing as much time in seasonal anime as you do?

To me, no. Because I prefer older series like yourself. But to say it's a waste of time to watch new anime and calling it shit when it probably isn't? A lot of people would disagree with you on that statement, because again, it's opinionated.

For crying out loud, there are 71 new anime airing this season, and only 19 of them have a score beyond a 7.20 (7.20 on mal = terrible).
12 sequels. 1 a remake. 6 non-sequels. 

Low score does not always equal bad anime. Just like how really high score does not equal amazing, masterpiece anime. Just take a look at Kimi no Na wa. It does NOT deserve to hold #2 in my opinion, but it does. Gintama holding all it's title in the top 20 spot? I mean, I haven't seen Gintama, but that may be too much of an exaggeration and fanboy mentality. So your opinion on (7.20 on mal = terrible) I'd have to disagree on. Texhnolyze is in the high close to middle 7's. Does it deserve that spot? For me, no. Does it automatically make it bad if it's in the 7's and not 8's? Hell no.

Out of 71 anime airing this season, only 6 non-sequels/remakes, do people actually give a damn about, meaning only about 8% of fresh anime, do people care about.
Are there any anime in that 8% that are worth seeing more than anime that have been called amazing by others?

Yeah, I'd imagine there is.

May 23, 2018 8:34 PM

Jun 2014
Who cares though.

I am an anime fan. Not a criticality acclaimed anime fan.
May 23, 2018 8:36 PM
Jul 2018
tenltd said:
NihilisticLoner said:

You guys are the ones coming to me. Stop being childish by blaming others for YOUR mistakes.

I wouldn't call watching what I want, new and old, a mistake.

You're "mistake" is that YOU are replying to a thread, you clearly don't care about. Stop straying from the point.
May 23, 2018 8:39 PM

Jun 2014
NihilisticLoner said:
tenltd said:

I wouldn't call watching what I want, new and old, a mistake.

You're "mistake" is that YOU are replying to a thread, you clearly don't care about. Stop straying from the point.
I think the issue is you are expecting anime fans to live by the standard that we shouldnt be consuming anime that are perceived as bad.
May 23, 2018 8:46 PM
Jul 2018
Arimias said:
Trying to convince someone to change their mind just because you think seasonal anime is bad just makes you sound like you have narcissistic traits.

Asking a question =/= trying to change peoples' minds. Almost nobody on this thread are able to answer such a harmless question without calling me condescending.

Arimias said:
Again, not everyone enjoys critically acclaimed series.

I never meant to imply they would enjoy ALL critically acclaimed series. Hell, I don't give a shit about Gintama, but I love FMAB. Just that their chances of enjoying them are much higher.

Arimias said:
Either because A) They don't want to think too much about a show, and see anime only as a relaxing means to escape from reality, or B) Wouldn't understand the narrative of the show (Too young, not educated enough to spot complex themes, etc).

That makes sense.

Arimias said:
Think about it this way: all those 'critically acclaimed series' you mention were once seasonal anime, and when they first came out, there were probably people like yourself saying LotGH is the best thing ever and you should be watching that instead of garbage from this year (2001 - 2008) era. See how dumb they sound now? Granted, the industry has changed, and it's more about appeasing visuals rather than complex narratives, but I'm sure there's at least ONE interesting show out there this season. To say there isn't is stretching it.

For a while since early 2017, I was giving nearly EVERY new-anime a one ep chance...almost NONE of them showed the foreshadowing signs of an anime that will be critically acclaimed, from early one.

Arimias said:
I mean, when it comes to watching season anime, you take 20 minutes of your day to watch 1 episode of a show that airs once every week. So saying your lifespan in severely limited is definitely an exaggeration mate.

Arimias said:
To me, no. Because I prefer older series like yourself. But to say it's a waste of time to watch new anime and calling it shit when it probably isn't? A lot of people would disagree with you on that statement, because again, it's opinionated.

Why do people on mal have to be literally TOLD when something is an opinion or a fact? No shit, it's my opinion. This is basic common sense you learn in SCHOOL.

Arimias said:
Low score does not always equal bad anime. Just like how really high score does not equal amazing, masterpiece anime. Just take a look at Kimi no Na wa. It does NOT deserve to hold #2 in my opinion, but it does. Gintama holding all it's title in the top 20 spot? I mean, I haven't seen Gintama, but that may be too much of an exaggeration and fanboy mentality. So your opinion on (7.20 on mal = terrible) I'd have to disagree on. Texhnolyze is in the high close to middle 7's. Does it deserve that spot? For me, no. Does it automatically make it bad if it's in the 7's and not 8's? Hell no.

That's true. But I thought you people would've picked up on, that I was speaking from the consensus's point of view. The CHANCES of enjoying an anime with a mal score of 9 is much higher than an anime with a mal score of 6.
Fuck it. I'm going to have to seriously edit the OP. People STILL don't get what I'm saying, because I'm so terrible at communicating my intentions.
May 23, 2018 8:49 PM

Aug 2016
Huh. It seems like every time you post, I end up disagreeing with you.

Why can't people watch both? The classics are great and all, in fact I'm currently partway into Princess Tutu, but classics don't just appear from thin air. They become classics because there were people around who watched it, loved it, and spread the word about it. Would we be talking about Kino's Journey to this day if people ignored it back in '03 just because it was new at the time and could've ended up bad? With regards to the three points you made in your post:

1) It's not just most new anime, 90% of all fictional works are mediocre to downright bad. The only difference is that we've long since forgotten about the bad stuff that rolled around 20 years ago. Does that invalidate the search for the remaining 10% that's worth caring about? I think not.
2) Just because something is critically acclaimed, that doesn't mean the individual will love it just as much. The classics have just as much a chance of being disliked as any modern critically acclaimed anime.
3) Of course time is wasted. You end up watching a lot more of the bad stuff simply because you don't have years worth of public opinion to filter that out. But in doing so, I personally feel that I can appreciate the golden 10% even more. Maybe that's just a me thing, but that's how I think. Not only that, but it's easier to learn from a failure than a success, and for someone who's aspiring to be a writer, that can and has resulted in valuable insight in the past.

I can't argue with the sentiment that people should pay attention to the classics. But I can't agree with the sentiment that modern works should be ignored. It's not far-fetched to maintain a balance between the two mindsets.
May 23, 2018 8:52 PM
May 2018
NihilisticLoner said:

3) A LOT of time is wasted, that could be spend on much better things, our lifespan is severely limited.

Nerd little advice . Even if u watch the greatest anime series ever made , ur time already wasted . So it doesn't matter what anime garbage u watch as long as u like it . And so stupid just watch something only based on rating .

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