Americans Try Weird British HOT CHOCOLATE for the First Time! *delicious*

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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Комментарии • 513

  • @ticketyboo2456
    @ticketyboo2456 3 месяца назад +101

    For those commenting that these should be made with hot milk... I've bought these here in the UK and they instruct you to use boiled water. For my own taste I usually add a splash of milk to stop tongue burnage and because they tend to be too watery otherwise.

    • @davidricks7128
      @davidricks7128 3 месяца назад +6

      I like tinned carnation milk in my hot chocolate makes it creamier

    • @DanBen07
      @DanBen07 3 месяца назад +5

      Yeah in the UK the packets say don't add milk but a lot of people do add a little bit.

    • @jennettesimons2415
      @jennettesimons2415 3 месяца назад +14

      I ignore and use milk

    • @Nobby76
      @Nobby76 3 месяца назад +5

      Exactly... I usually make it like it make a cup of coffee or tea, hot water and just a splash of milk to help cream it up a bit

    • @SteveODonnell
      @SteveODonnell 3 месяца назад +4

      The ones that say use water, have milk powder in them. I only by proper stuff that you add to milk. Then squirty cream on top with mini marshmallows sprinkled on on.

  • @carolsandland2933
    @carolsandland2933 3 месяца назад +66

    To make the drinks less lumpy, mix the powder with a splash of milk to make a paste then add the boiling water, stirring continuously. Also reboil the water between sachets.

    • @andyf4292
      @andyf4292 3 месяца назад +1

      if you put the liquid in first , everything mixes better

    • @mattbentley9270
      @mattbentley9270 3 месяца назад +2

      Totally agree, how they drank straight from the kettle I cant do that, cold milk 1/4 for me .... never had any of these hot choc's, maybe galax one time

    • @MyBigMouth
      @MyBigMouth 3 месяца назад

      I put the powder in first (I would normally use Cadbury Hot Chocolate, or Bourneville with some sugar or flavoured syrup, like coconut syrup), add some milk, then use my "Greek" frappe coffee mixer to mix it into a paste, then add the hot water, and then maybe top it up with a little more milk if needed to cool it down.

    • @mariacurtis9247
      @mariacurtis9247 3 месяца назад +1

      That's how I do it

    • @Ah-ed6ie
      @Ah-ed6ie 3 месяца назад

      Or if you feel old school and flush. Boil a small pan of milk and have hot chocolate per person.

  • @FoxyLad
    @FoxyLad 3 месяца назад +8

    We are used to it getting so dark by 4pm in the winter evenings in Edinburgh Scotland during those cold winter months Hot chocolate always gives you that pick me up when you need it the most 🤤

  • @daveofyorkshire301
    @daveofyorkshire301 3 месяца назад +9

    A kettle is done when it automatically turns off... You didn't let it finish, it gets a lot hotter than that.
    Try each one 50/50 with milk, or even all milk (heated).

  • @robcrossgrove7927
    @robcrossgrove7927 3 месяца назад +16

    I find those instant chocolate drinks a bit thin and watery, for obvious reasons. Try making them with milk, sugar to taste. And you can try putting some ground cinnamon in them too, (for the plainer ones).

  • @Kari_B61ex
    @Kari_B61ex 3 месяца назад +15

    You're meant to stir as you're pouring - I always dissolve the powder in a bit of milk and then stir the water in.

  • @Rocky-1957
    @Rocky-1957 3 месяца назад +29

    The kettle will turn itself off when the water is boiled

  • @Zenignome
    @Zenignome 3 месяца назад +21

    The equivalent of a UK Milky Way is a Three Musketeers in the US, whereas a Mars Bar is closer to the US Milky Way

    • @stephenlee5929
      @stephenlee5929 3 месяца назад

      Agree re UK milky way and US 3 Musketeers, didn't know about UK Mars and US Milky Way

  • @renaissanceman8687
    @renaissanceman8687 3 месяца назад +14

    If using water add a few drops of milk to the powder in the mug and mix to a paste, then add water. Makes it creamier and less chance of lumps
    But as others have said 100% hot milk is best 😋
    Also a couple of squares per person of an 85% cocoa chocolate bar in hot milk is 🔥

    • @NotesOfBoredom
      @NotesOfBoredom 3 месяца назад

      Anna said she likes a few lumps and doesn't mix it thoroughly because of this...

  • @melaniebenn6334
    @melaniebenn6334 3 месяца назад +9

    We're having bad weather here too. Storm Darragh on it's way.. also there was a tornado in Wakefield Yorkshire last night 🌪🌫💧

    • @muzz3564
      @muzz3564 3 месяца назад

      Good luck from the south coast

  • @ChuchiiChoo
    @ChuchiiChoo 3 месяца назад +5

    electric kettles dont whistle but the switch does click itself off thats usually how you know its done our kettles will boil the water to 100 degrees then the switch will go back to neutral, so you dont need to worry about it overboiling it will only underboil if you lift it off before its done, if you reboil boiled water it will boil quicker aswell i reccomend using boiling water for hot drinks though i cant imagine a luke warm hot chocolate i need it to burn me

    • @timoliver8940
      @timoliver8940 3 месяца назад +1

      I think their kettle is so slow because they use 110v - my 240v travel kettle takes forever to boil when I’m in the States. BTW, I don’t know why but you should not use bottled water in a kettle. When I used it in my travel kettle it stained the inside. I live in Scotland where we have very soft water and look strange sly at people who buy bottled water for general household use. One winter I needed water for the car’s screen washer tank and bought a hugely expensive large bottle in Waitrose in Southampton. I though the scene depicted on the label looked familiar and when I looked for where the water was from it was from the Carron Valley Reservoir - in the CampsiecFells above my house…………. Over £1 a litre in Southampton and falls out of the tap at home!

    • @Mr_Jamin007
      @Mr_Jamin007 3 месяца назад

      I had a friend who's kettle had a bell in it that would ring when it had finished.

    • @ChuchiiChoo
      @ChuchiiChoo 3 месяца назад +1

      @@timoliver8940 thats true they dont have the power level we do so it would take longer for theirs to boil, it would help if they boiled just enough water that they needed it would boil alot quicker

    • @ChuchiiChoo
      @ChuchiiChoo 3 месяца назад +1

      @Mr_Jamin007 i havnt seen one like that but i absoloutely would buy it

    • @TheWebcrafter
      @TheWebcrafter 2 месяца назад

      100%. Of course, boiling water or 'recently boiled' milk.

  • @shaniamonde7341
    @shaniamonde7341 3 месяца назад +4

    A real kettle... I am sooo proud of you guys!! (FYI it takes so long to boil because US voltage is half that of the UK 110 vs 240)
    Cant believe you missed out my favourite hot chocolate, Aero (minty) hot chocolate, but galaxy is a good creamy option.
    As others have said, pre-mixing the powder in a splash of cold milk not only ensures no dry powder but it can make it more creamy.
    Potentially also your american pallete is used to much higher sugaer content in chocolate (amongst all other things) so these are probably going to come across lacking in sweetness.

  • @rttmh
    @rttmh 3 месяца назад +11

    For these sachets, I'd recommend using absolutely boiling water (always less than they recommend) and top up with milk. If you don't have milk (eg. if you're in a hotel), then still use less water than they recommend.

  • @michaelkitson8594
    @michaelkitson8594 3 месяца назад +8

    it’s Caramel not Carmel

  • @Fox-in-the-north
    @Fox-in-the-north 3 месяца назад +3

    The darkness is real in the UK too. Sunrise is 8.11am and sunset is 15.46pm. it's light for about 8 hours.

  • @SM-xn9pp
    @SM-xn9pp 3 месяца назад +5

    The best hot chocolate I've ever had is from Hotel Chocolat. It's pretty much just chocolate chipped up really small which you add hot milk to. Lots of different flavours (my fav is the salted caramel!), they are amazing!

  • @VampireJack10
    @VampireJack10 3 месяца назад +4

    We usually add sugar and/or milk to taste with the packs.

  • @flowerface21
    @flowerface21 3 месяца назад +3

    My favourite is Cadbury dairy milk hot chocolate in a tub. I also put a drop of water in first and get a nice smooth texture and then add the water. Btw I think Beau has Siamese in him , they are very vocal too. Hope you have a great Xmas xxxx

  • @RobertWhetton
    @RobertWhetton 3 месяца назад +6

    Top tip, less water in the kettle = boils faster 😉

    • @MercuryCircuit
      @MercuryCircuit 3 месяца назад +1

      It will take longer to boil too in the US. As our power is superior 😁👍

  • @Jamienomore
    @Jamienomore 3 месяца назад +1

    Did you know if you buy a Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine, not only can you get all the usual Coffees, you can get KitKat Coffee as well.

  • @Fallopia5150
    @Fallopia5150 3 месяца назад +8

    The kettle takes longer for you because you have half the power. We're at 240 volts.

    • @elemar5
      @elemar5 3 месяца назад +1

      They should put half the water in it. You only boil what you need.

  • @BoredCanister
    @BoredCanister 3 месяца назад +2

    favorite instant hot chocolate is cadruary but id use a pan to heat the milk,mrs fav is borville with hot water as its a dark(bitter chocolate) with water which is ok once in a while for me.
    best with only water has to be horlicks but thats still just drinkable.

  • @x-Xx7xX-x
    @x-Xx7xX-x 3 месяца назад +4

    Youre spoiling us with a video every day 🎄

    @RAGING_MIRAGE 3 месяца назад +1

    Lol i always get my daughter the same assortment box off Amazon. Shes loves them.. We have weather warnings for strong wind too..

  • @KingBuster90
    @KingBuster90 3 месяца назад +1

    I sometimes use milk instead of water but if I use water I add some milk like I do with my tea or coffee & always add 2-3 spoons of sugar or sweeteners depending on the size of cup also 3-4 spoon of hot chocolate

  • @chrissyboy300989
    @chrissyboy300989 3 месяца назад +12

    JT have you proposed to Anna she’s wearing a ring on her wedding finger??! Is there something you guys need to tell us?! ❤

    • @TheWrongTime73
      @TheWrongTime73 3 месяца назад

      She was wearing it 4 days ago in the 'How is this legal' video

  • @MichaelLamming
    @MichaelLamming 3 месяца назад +1

    Cadbury's hot chocolate is the best. I make it with 90% water 10% cold milk, although it does taste terrific with 100% milk, although I find it too filling, great at bed time though.

  • @sianneish
    @sianneish 3 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for the reaction/taste test i've seen these flavours in the supermarket but wasn't sure about them. I like the galaxy frothy hot chocolate or mint aero or options mint hot chocolate. I might get a bounty one for my mum to try after your reaction.

  • @scottlaurenson3390
    @scottlaurenson3390 3 месяца назад +2

    Cadbury Bournville Coco powder in hot milk as a kid. 👍.... Not a fan off instant mixes but would still use milk to make a creamy paste then hot water ✌️❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿.

  • @vickytaylor9155
    @vickytaylor9155 3 месяца назад +5

    Milky Way is a vanilla nougat in the uk, Mars is chocolate nougat and caramel. They when mixed together they are like your midnight dark Milky Way, but with milk chocolate.

  • @billydoc71
    @billydoc71 3 месяца назад +190

    hot chocolate should be made with hot milk (do not boil in the kettle) lol

    • @JTReacts11
      @JTReacts11  3 месяца назад +43

      I usually always make hot chocolate with milk but all of the packets said to make it with water so that’s what we went with lol

    • @sac5608
      @sac5608 3 месяца назад +5

      i swear they've done this on purpose to get people commenting

    • @JTReacts11
      @JTReacts11  3 месяца назад +28

      @@sac5608the packets said to make it with water so that’s what we did lol we always make our hot chocolate with milk too!

    • @HolyFreakinDragonSlayer
      @HolyFreakinDragonSlayer 3 месяца назад +15

      If its instant like some of these and not actual cocoa powder - milk isn't actually needed asbits an added ingredient. Look at the packet, read the instructions as well as the ingredients...

    • @shaunsmith8774
      @shaunsmith8774 3 месяца назад +21

      Jt is correct the package clearly states use water.
      Definitely try with milk though its delicious!

  • @anta3612
    @anta3612 3 месяца назад +2

    I love your Christmas tree! It's very pretty.

  • @Dingo-x
    @Dingo-x 3 месяца назад +2

    I do buy cadburys hot chocolate for the kids (they like it made with milk) but i personally prefer a good mug of Horlicks.

    @NOIRRETROGRADE 3 месяца назад +1

    Love this! Milkyway in the UK though has no caramel it is purely milk chocolate and nougat very Creamy dreamy chocolate it is one of my favourite hot chocolates along with the bounty one , my all time favourite was Cadburys Wispa Gold which was very caramelly and Bubbly sadly discontinued around 2017 😭

  • @kanedaku
    @kanedaku 3 месяца назад

    Due to shrinkflation, these hot choc packets state a smaller amount of water than they used to. Some of them are even as low as 200ml. Those are large mugs, so they will seem watery if you fill to the bring.
    Also, your power supply means it will take a relatively long time (for us UK people) to boil.

  • @Vyperus69
    @Vyperus69 3 месяца назад +1

    Fun Fact, Proper Plain Chocolate (no added sugar and Milk) tatses like strong Espresso-esq black coffee

  • @sarahgreen653
    @sarahgreen653 3 месяца назад +1

    My favourite is the maltesers but I always add a teaspoon of sugar and a bit of milk.

  • @rainbowsparkle1
    @rainbowsparkle1 3 месяца назад +2

    I never have a full mug of water with those sachets because it makes them too weak. The amount of powder in the sachets is a bit mean lol. If I want a full mug, I use at least another half sachet. I think you would have got more out of the flavour if you'd used less water x

  • @markgee9590
    @markgee9590 3 месяца назад +1

    hey guys just have to say we have been watching you for more than two years now and love your videos
    have to say this years christmas is the best so fat it's so much fun watching you talk about things and taste things just about to watch you do the mars hot chocolate i'm so hopeful you are not disappointed much love mark and sue

  • @ianlavery7406
    @ianlavery7406 3 месяца назад

    Hi to you both.wishing you both all the best for Christmas and the new year .love your tree take care keep safe x

  • @jackwhitfield8709
    @jackwhitfield8709 3 месяца назад +1

    I think I speak for a good 50% of the UK and say we don't listen to the instructions on how to make those ones I would say most people use hot milk rather than water bc it makes it thicker

  • @DeanKelz
    @DeanKelz 3 месяца назад +37

    hot choc with no milk omg lol...even the cat was meowing at ya like what the hell are ya doing you got it all wrong lol

    • @mediavideos2176
      @mediavideos2176 3 месяца назад +6

      You dont need milk, there is already milk powder in them. But it does taste a lot better if you use hot milk.

    • @DeanKelz
      @DeanKelz 3 месяца назад +1

      @@mediavideos2176 exactly what i was saying then lol

    • @danic9304
      @danic9304 3 месяца назад +1

      they were using the instant type that doesnt need milk.

    • @mediavideos2176
      @mediavideos2176 3 месяца назад

      @@DeanKelz Yes, but they most likely didnt know and just followed the instructions on the packaging to just add water.

    • @c_n_b
      @c_n_b 3 месяца назад

      @mediavideos2176 It depends on the brand

  • @hiramabiff2017
    @hiramabiff2017 3 месяца назад

    The best British drink for a cold winter morning as the ice lays thick and the cold bites into your skin..... " Hot cup of Bovril " .

  • @sharonwest4983
    @sharonwest4983 3 месяца назад +2

    Best hot choclate is Cadbury’s and squrty crème ❤

  • @FuriKitten
    @FuriKitten 3 месяца назад +2

    I know these are and to be made with Boiling water, but, make some with Boiling Red Wine, or add a Splash of Rum or Brandy, and a 1/8th tsp of salt really helps

    • @muzz3564
      @muzz3564 3 месяца назад

      Huh?!? 😮

    • @FuriKitten
      @FuriKitten 3 месяца назад +1

      @@muzz3564 make a Hot chocolate using Cocoa powder, sugar, a knob of butter, a half tespoon of salt and a bottle of Red wne... mmm yum, salt really helps bring out the chocolate, if you are good and careful, you can add cream to it and get it extra yummy

  • @theagingbeginner
    @theagingbeginner 3 месяца назад +1

    very informative thanks!

  • @grendelgrendelsson5493
    @grendelgrendelsson5493 3 месяца назад +1

    I'd buy one of those sniff test t-shirts!

  • @jesseellen7471
    @jesseellen7471 3 месяца назад

    I personally put the Choco mix in a mug put a small amount of milk in mix into a smooth paste (twist the mug while mixing),add ya hot water whist stirring, add squirty cream, sprinkle crushed chocolate (any Cadbury Chocolate bar)! FYI I'm reaching for hot chocolate now haha

  • @sarahpilmore4374
    @sarahpilmore4374 3 месяца назад +4

    You need to use milk with the hot chocolate as it brings out the taste more 😅😅

    • @davidware9549
      @davidware9549 3 месяца назад

      It would ruin the taste remember what’s in there milk which makes it sour compared to ours they have the butyric acid in their milk which is found in sick and industrial products

    • @JamesLMason82
      @JamesLMason82 3 месяца назад

      ​@@davidware9549 as far as I know, that's just some of their chocolate. Hershey started adding it to milk to stabilise it for use in their product. I'm unaware of their normal, everyday milk undergoing such a process.

  • @robodad_
    @robodad_ 3 месяца назад

    Man you and anna are basically the American version of me and my girlfriend. We have also been together 8 years.
    You guys are pretty cool people and we love your content keep going ❤

  • @magicbud
    @magicbud 3 месяца назад

    I have all those hot chocolates with hot milk and run it through the hand blender to throth it up. The marshmellows and chocolate pieces sit nicely on top of the foamy milk.

  • @light2983
    @light2983 Месяц назад

    There are various different ways to brew the sachet hot chocolate.
    Hot Water, Hot Milk, Half and Half.
    Depends on taste.
    Also some people add extra sugar either one or 2 to sweeten the taste as it can taste quite bland.
    I prefer Half and Half, with 1 extra sugar.
    With hot Chocolate being Water resistant you normally get it floating on top until your stir to cause the mixture to mix.
    I put milk in first (Approx 10-15ml) and stir to part mix then add water in gradually and slowly whilst mixing to get a smooth silky taste of course with a vigorous stir at the end to make sure there isnt any persisting residue of the powder, then add sugar at end and stir in well.
    If you like sweet as i do, then id say try the method i use. Of course people will have a different opinion so each to their own.
    Thanks for sharing.

  • @releasedmike
    @releasedmike 3 месяца назад

    In the uk most will just milk instead of water we boil it in a pan wait until the milk starts to raise then add the mix so much better than water

  • @clairegriffiths7326
    @clairegriffiths7326 3 месяца назад

    You need a milk mixture to mix the hot chocolate. Technically it is called a milk frothier but we use it for the hot chocolate xxxx

  • @iainhughes8110
    @iainhughes8110 3 месяца назад +2

    British Milky Way does NOT have caramel in it!!

  • @anta3612
    @anta3612 3 месяца назад +1

    My favourite hot chocolate is Italian hot chocolate which is like a runny hot pudding in a cup. Recipes to make it are available online. 😋

  • @magicbeans6153
    @magicbeans6153 3 месяца назад

    favourite youtube couple ! < 3 have a great christmas ! x

  • @markjones127
    @markjones127 3 месяца назад +1

    Have you tried South American style hot chocolate? It's absolutely delicious and they actually make it with water, it's just grated 100% cacao chocolate melted with water and honey in a pan, it's very thick and creamy because they only add a little water and it packs a bit of a punch because it has quite high levels of Theobromine which is a bit like a more subtle version of caffeine.

  • @jamespasifull3424
    @jamespasifull3424 3 месяца назад +1

    Instant hot chocolate has a new champion!!
    Aldi 'own-brand' hot choc is easily as good as anything I ever tasted, & waaay better than most!!
    When you open the jar, it smells exactly like your favourite milk chocolate!!
    If you can find it, buy it!!
    It's also cheaper than anyone else's!! 😋😋😋

  • @wilks-
    @wilks- 3 месяца назад +1

    I normally add a tea spoon of sugar and a little bit squirty cream or milk, never just water.

  • @johnbruce2868
    @johnbruce2868 3 месяца назад +2

    Ignore what it says on the packet. You can't make decent hot chocolate with water. It tastes terrible. You should ALWAYS use hot milk. IMO, mix 50-60% Cadbury's Hot Chocolate with 50-40% pure cocoa powder in a small amount of milk, add that to the hot milk and stir. Not too sweet, full of flavour. Hot chocolate with water? Good grief! Where were you brought up?

  • @RonSeymour1
    @RonSeymour1 3 месяца назад

    When it states to use boiling water wait until there are vigorous bubbles and then pour immediately. Do not let it settle and leave as the temperature will drop considerably.

  • @sharonellis8776
    @sharonellis8776 3 месяца назад

    I will have to try some of these. Sometimes it is a good thing to add some milk to make it creamier ! xx

  • @pb-nl7oh
    @pb-nl7oh 3 месяца назад +1

    Ignore all packet instructions and make it with hot milk only. You need to do it again and when you taste you'll know why lol

  • @kristinajendesen7111
    @kristinajendesen7111 3 месяца назад

    Try the Galaxy (my favourite), 2 teaspoons with coffee (I like to have 2 teaspoons too), in a large mug. Boiling water, stir then top up with milk for a delicious mocha. Can also be served chilled, after being left to cool first of course, for a refreshing cold drink 😋

  • @UNVAXXEDt-m7x
    @UNVAXXEDt-m7x 3 месяца назад +2

    Bill Gates involved with Cadbury & Nestle so BOYCOTTED!

  • @nathanielsouthwood5761
    @nathanielsouthwood5761 3 месяца назад

    So funny how much you loved the bounty one considering it's probably the most hated chocolate bar in the uk.

  • @philipjamesarmstrong1364
    @philipjamesarmstrong1364 3 месяца назад

    Anna 'I love doing videos like this', also Anna 'I hate it', 'I hate it,' I hate it'.

  • @mariemitchell5624
    @mariemitchell5624 3 месяца назад +2

    ❤love u guys

  • @OttomanWarriorWoman
    @OttomanWarriorWoman 3 месяца назад

    You should try Options Belgian double choc hot chocolate. It comes in mint and white chocolate and orange.

  • @mikeblake1000
    @mikeblake1000 3 месяца назад +1

    4 words....milk, milk, milk and milk!!!

  • @pauloldfield8378
    @pauloldfield8378 3 месяца назад

    You should add some Baileys to hot chocolate since that generally makes it better, or some other variations like buffalo trace cream liqueur or amarula.

  • @iansimons5553
    @iansimons5553 3 месяца назад

    For an instant hot choc, they're ok, can't beat homemade made with milk ❤ reactmas well under way . Happy holidays Anna and JT , not forgetting the fur babies ❤

  • @laura_shannon_
    @laura_shannon_ 3 месяца назад

    Fun fact, coco powder is hydrophobic. If you have cold water (I’ve never tried with hot water) and get a tea spoon of coco powder and put the spoon in the water and take it back out the coco powder will be bone dry 😅

  • @sylviagreybe672
    @sylviagreybe672 3 месяца назад +1

    Kinda but not quite off topic: JT, get your hands on a Mars Bar ice cream!! TRUST ME

  • @Bluebeyond91
    @Bluebeyond91 3 месяца назад +1

    Forget what the packet says,
    Gotta Fill cup with milk and chocolate powder and add sugar and then add hot water,

  • @abbywesterman9671
    @abbywesterman9671 3 месяца назад +3

    The dairy milk hot chocolate is best😍

  • @jesseellen7471
    @jesseellen7471 3 месяца назад

    Malt-easers say it quick 😂❤

    @CHEEKYMONKEY2647 3 месяца назад

    when i get a gritty hot chocolate i like to put it in a 'Pestle And Mortar' really work those gritty bits out, tastes smoother too... especially with hot milk not water.

  • @upyursmofo
    @upyursmofo 3 месяца назад

    Even with the hot water kind. You should still turn the powder into paste with a dash of milk, its so much better

  • @BertAndSmokey
    @BertAndSmokey 3 месяца назад +1

    You guys are the best

  • @HerbaceousSW
    @HerbaceousSW 3 месяца назад +1

    @billydoc71 you remind me of my stay in cheap hotels in London... always had to make sure no one had boiled something strange in the kettle.

  • @V4victory2025
    @V4victory2025 3 месяца назад

    Caramel = Ca Ra Mel you crack me up pronouncing it Cara mall 👍🏼 😂❤

  • @phillallen01
    @phillallen01 3 месяца назад +2

    Another thing i see Americans using is a desert spoon to make drink instead of a Teaspoon if you use a teaspoon you will find it easier to stir you drinks in could never understand why they do this when the rest of the world uses Teaspoons

  • @gerardmertens781
    @gerardmertens781 3 месяца назад

    Great video guys

  • @jasontaylor9076
    @jasontaylor9076 3 месяца назад +3

    At 5pm its dark here also 👍

  • @dizzyjessd
    @dizzyjessd 3 месяца назад +11

    Hot milk all the way for a hot chocolate just boiling water is vile 😂

  • @basstrammel1322
    @basstrammel1322 3 месяца назад +1

    You can hear the orange cat energy

  • @rod370
    @rod370 3 месяца назад +1

    Hi, You two. I see you have the golden snitch on your tree looks nice.

  • @DGLUK1
    @DGLUK1 3 месяца назад +1

    Always use hot milk instead of hot water. Makes ALL of them creamier and closer to the original.

  • @demonbarber101
    @demonbarber101 3 месяца назад +3

    HOT MILK!!

  • @ginibelle1416
    @ginibelle1416 3 месяца назад

    Where can I buy the Tee Shirt? 😂😂Love you two ♥

  • @bexbugoutsurvivor
    @bexbugoutsurvivor 3 месяца назад

    A tea spoon or two of sugar added really improves the taste.

  • @grantedmonston1
    @grantedmonston1 3 месяца назад +1

    If you're having hot chocolate, you have to have Options chocolate.
    I'd recommend mint or orange flavours

  • @dragonwoodlibra1492
    @dragonwoodlibra1492 3 месяца назад

    I was just about to say in uk we always mostly use milk, doesn’t matter what kind of milk plant based Etc, I think you’ll find a big difference in the taste 👍😊 love you guys and you’re openness and chill attitude very charming couple ☮️💡❤️

  • @petersp63
    @petersp63 3 месяца назад +1

    I saw a kettle full of water and thought not again!!! you need MILK!!!!!!!!

  • @dinouk332
    @dinouk332 3 месяца назад

    Put chocolate in cup add small amount of hot water, stir till you get a paste, add hot milk (eveperated milk is better) then stir.... Enjoy

  • @Silentauditor974
    @Silentauditor974 3 месяца назад

    We have a saying over here… watched kettle never boils. 😂

  • @timoliver8940
    @timoliver8940 3 месяца назад

    From my time working in the US IIRC what you call a Milky Way in the USA we call a Mars Bar in the UK - UK Mars has the whipped bit with the soft caramel / toffee on top all dipped in chocolate. The hot chocolate I like over them all is the Galaxy Orange flavour but it seems to be getting difficult to find here in Scotland

  • @simon19981
    @simon19981 2 месяца назад

    Anna you are a very long suffering lady, and I admire you greatly!! Just a quick fyi, you could try it half hot milk and half hot water, that way it will make it taste better in my opinion